There’s a lot of stuff happening to America, to the freedoms of those who live here, and the opportunity quotient of those who will continue to live here. None of it is really a laughing matter, yet the perpetrators are just begging to be mocked.
I resisted for as long as I could, but finally just had to weigh in.

But goose-stepping Obammunists aren’t the only ones facing the business end of my rapier wit. The creative (and not-so-creative) forces behind much of the mainstream superhero and action/adventure bupkus gets a literary barb or two in my just-released e-book, The Greater Good.
Anybody who knows anything about Hank Brown knows I love me some action/adventure…and superhero stories, too. That doesn’t mean I can’t smack down the hackneyed plot contrivances and ridiculous cliche`s so en vogue these days, though. In fact, my affinity for the genres qualify me to kick them around a bit.
After many missed opportunities and an overall bad experience with KDP Select (the year it debuted), I withdrew all my published books from the program.
I enrolled this book in KDP select (and, having learned the facts rather late, will nonetheless no longer choose DRM for anything I publish, either) because I intend to participate in discounts, promotions and so forth with this kindle-only satirical superhero spoof. As a matter of fact, the first discount is right now and you can get it absolutely free for a limited time.
I must warn you, though, that you have to be bilingual to truly understand this book. That’s right–you must be fluent in Sarcasm.