We live in an age of deception. Several observers have their own opinion on what “the biggest lie” is, or at least “the biggest reason” the constitutional republic we inherited in America is sliding into oblivion.
Simply listing the lies believed in our culture would be an exhausting endeavor that would take perhaps a lifetime. But there are two lies that are widespread and have helped prevent the necessary course correction (for those who actually cherish their freedom and would prefer to keep it) to avert disaster. Those lies are, in essence, the following:
To win elections, the Republicans must move even further to the left.
A third party is a disastrous proposition. Our only hope for peaceful repair of our republic, our economy, and the American Dream is the G.O.P.
The first lie prevents us from ever having a true choice in elections. It also discourages much of the Republican base from voting at all; and even when the lesser evil does manage to win, there is little change in anything but rhetoric.
The second lie perpetuates the good cop/bad cop political theater of our “two party system”and placates enough ovine individuals in the electorate to ensure our domestic enemies are never exposed, and their political lackeys will never be held accountable for their inevitable treachery.

It’s too little, too late, but those lies are finally being exposed for what they are to a significant portion of our dumbed-down population.
Even coincidence theorists like Rush Limbaugh and Establishment Judas Goats like National Review are beginning to admit that the Republican Party is in partnership with the Democrats in serving interests that are not the people of the USA, our inalienable rights, or our posterity.

To paraphrase the Who:
Say hello to the new Ryan; he’s the same as the old Boehner.
How many times are “we” going to fall for the same old lies? We elect these “conservative” (whatever that means) candidates to push back against our national suicide, and it invariably turns out they are just tag-teaming with the Democrats. Then armies of apologists come out of the woodwork armed with selective stats, straw man arguments and character assassinations aimed at anyone who truly represents the concerns of the grass roots, to hoodwink us into doing the same thing again, expecting a different result (the definition of insanity).
The normalcy-biased coincidence theorists would have you believe the historical pattern of betrayals is a result of nothing more than well-intentioned buffoonery, that just happens to always result in more power for the state, more damage to our economy, and more infringements on our rights.
More people seem to be waking up to the truth–at least some of the truth. It is too obvious anymore that the Democrats and “Republicans” are both advancing the same agenda, which serves the interests of UN-American elites rather than the law they swear to uphold or the people who foot the bill for their pampered, parasitic lifestyles.
Our would-be masters have counted on our overlapping ignorance and apathy to push us this far, but our ignorance is breaking down. The question is, now that well over 10% of the population is aware that the game is rigged and our government has been hijacked by domestic enemies, is any sort of corrective action going to be taken by the lawful rulers of this country (the people)?
Any way you shake it, options like apathy, complacency and leisure are coming to an end. You’re going to lose your property, your lifestyle and the future you hoped for no matter what. The only question is, will you lay it down voluntarily in sacrifice to something bigger than yourself (as the founders did); or will it be taken from you?
I know what Jefferson’s generation would have done. I know what my grandfather’s generation would have done, faced with the ugly reality of what is exposed before us. The question is, what are you going to do?
Good article. Limit the spectrum and only allow a dabate within that spectrum. People will forget that the choices are manipulated and don’t think about what else could be possible.