Ignorance abounds across the fruited plain. Pundit after pundit has remarked about the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, claiming he is the “first socialist” to do this, achieve that, blah, blah, blah.
Stop right there.
Sanders is not the first socialist to do or win anything. He’s merely the first one to be honest about his socialism. He differs from Hillary only by degrees (and few of those), not principles. The same applies if you compare him to John McCain, Mitt Romney or any of the Bushes.
Socialism has been gradually strangling the American republic since the 1930s, and the tools to start the snowball (or frog sauna) were put in place before that.
Here are some principles straight from Karl Marx:
Abolition of private property.
Confiscation of property.
Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
A central bank.
A progressive income tax.
Government control of communications and transportation.
Government ownership of factories and agriculture.*
Government control of labor.
Corporate farms, regional planning.
Government-controlled compulsory education.
*Under communism, government owns the resources outright. Under national socialism or fascism, private ownership is allowed but the government controls it.
For the intelligent person paying attention, it’s quite obvious that nearly half of this has been fully accomplished in the USA. The rest of it is in partial stages of completion–getting closer to absolute all the time.
The actual left-right paradigm is quite different from what you were probably taught.
Just so you know: public servants in the USA don’t swear to uphold and defend the Communist Manifesto during their oath of office (though they behave as if they did). They swear to uphold and defend something that is antethetical to this.
Captain Capitalism is confident the latest gyno-reboot (titled Ghostbusters) will flop:
For those of us who aren’t in the echo chamber of Hollywood and the media, we see this movie for what it is – a truly inferior, slipshod affirmative action piece that is so blatant in its pandering towards “team woman” it’s pretty much insulting everybody. It’s so bad even avid consumers of “Round House Kicking Chick Cop Shows” aren’t swallowing it, as evidenced by its trailer receiving more downvotes than a Hitler speech in a synagogue.
Not only does Hollywood lack the imagination to produce anything that hasn’t already been done, but they are compelled to feminize or sodomize it in the process. I wonder if Cappy’s right about its rightful failure, though. The Force Awakens is nothing but a remake of A New Hope, feminized and with updated special effects; yet sheeple poured into theaters by the millions to further their feminist indoctrination. Same with the so-called Mad Max movie, wasn’t it?
Yes, your average American is an idiot. And yes, your average American woman can be sold a bill of goods if you merely slap the label of “rah rah female” on it. But what Sony did was take a hallmark of American culture, a genuine apolitical cinematic classic that young and old hold dear to their hearts, and shit all over it with politics.
Here I slightly disagree: the original Ghostbusters movie, if you analyze it carefully, celebrates the free market with a strong capitalist message: A team of hardworking entrepreneurs recognize an unmet need in the market; launch a business tailored to meet that need; perservere through a dry period, at first, getting the business off the ground; find their big break via a client desperate enough to try something new and radical to solve his problem; their business explodes into insane profits…then some self-important government bureacrat strangles the industry with regulation and the entire city is plunged into violent chaos as a result.
There is no way Hollywood could leave a message like that intact, even when most people fail to recognize it.
Politics today are so full of hypocrisy, it makes politicians of yesteryear seem like straight-shooters, by comparison.
The rampant hypocrisy in feminism, for example, is pushing men into red pill lifestyles by the droves (now that men finally have that option).
When it comes to race, there have always been bigots (and some people will harbor bigotry or racism no matter what) but the blatant hypocrisy in Western culture has contributed to the rise of White Nationalism more than any other factor. White male heterosexuals in the post-baby boomer generations have been insulted, belittled, and unfairly treated all their lives, while simultaneously being told they are privileged and everyone but them are victims.
This systemic prejudice has many parallels with feminism. Most people today, for instance, don’t think of themselves as feminists. Yet they’ve been inundated with feminist ideas for so long, they’ve adopted them for their own. Yet they assume their worldview to be balanced.
In polite company, you can talk all day about the inherent flaws of men, and/or the inherent strengths of women, and you’ll get affirmations and accolades. Switch it around, however: talk about the inherent strengths of men and the inherent flaws of women, and “sexist pig” will be the nicest name you get called. Depending on how publicized your observations are, you’ll get death threats on Twitter and other venues.
In the same way, you can make broad-brush remarks all day long like:
white men can’t jump
white folks got no rhythm
white men are wimps
whites are punks
blacks are superior athletes
blacks are superior musicians
blacks are great entertainers
Latinos are great lovers
Hispanics take care of their families
Hispanics are hard workers
Asians are gifted academics
Asians are great with technology
…And so on. These are all socially acceptable generalizations.
But switch it around if you’re feeling entrepid–talk about what caucasians are good at, and/or what minorities are not so good at…and the pointing/shrieking will split your eardrums. Remember the Bell Curve? If you took it seriously, you’re obviously a bigot worthy of character assassination.
Consider the relative population sizes of the demographics and the disparity is about 25X worse than stated.
If one is on the political right, he’s been accused of racism all his politically-aware life. If the Marxists/SJWs truly were the “liberals” they pretend to be, they should be horrified to find their accusations are largely proving to be self-fulfilling prophecies.
For decades now blacks had gotten away with (in fact, were pretty much encouraged to harbor) a blatantly ethnocentric worldview. They looked at everything through a racial lens, and got a pass for their racist attitudes toward whites and others. They enjoyed Sacrosanct Victim Status by virtue of simply being born. And because they were Sacrosanct Victims, their own racism and bigotry was never recognized as racism and bigotry.
It wasn’t just blacks, of course. Women and other minorities also got awarded Sacrosanct Victim Status at birth. There were scholarships, institutionalized hiring practices, de facto public relations programs in Hollywood and the press, and armies of activists waiting to rush to the defense of anybody who suffered an inconvenience. Anybody except a white male heterosexual, who was forever barred entry into the Sacrosanct Victim Club.
…For decades, white men (those without the correct political affiliation, anyway) walked on eggshells for fear of offending somebody, and dared not make too big an issue when they were victimized because it ran counter to the overall Sacrosanct Victim Narrative.
But now that was changing. White men were growing openly contemptuous of everyone who habitually played the victim card…and those who maybe were innocent but still shared the genetic traits of the “social justice warriors” who did play the victim. …More and more white men were speaking and behaving like the bigots they’d been accused of being all along.
Some outspoken whites are no longer walking on eggshells. And they’re no longer on the “right” either, as they’re being seduced by collectivist ideals and cult-of-personality in their obsession with WASP identity, “western civilization” and the Trumpening.
Whether or not you can sympathize, you should at least recognize that this was inevitable. For decades the right-leaning white male heterosexual suffered, while evils were sufferable, and didn’t stoop to the level of his antagonists. But as he wakes up to the fact that his country has been hijacked by those who hate him, it’s only natural that he would abandon the magnanimous high road and begin adapting the same in-group/out-group mindset of those hell-bent on being his enemy.
Hardly anybody knows history anymore, and less still are capable of learning from it; otherwise his enemies would have been reluctant to back the white male heterosexual into the tribalist corner.
The nature of Trump’s response to the endorsement from David Duke is different depending on what source reports it. In the “mainstream” (left-wing) media echo chamber, of course, it means Trump is the next Hitler who is best buds with Duke and likes to attend lynching parties dressed in white sheets. To organizations less-rabid, it was a curious blunder.
What might this mean?
1. There is some truth to what the left-wing propagandists are pushing this time, and Trump may, in fact, have sympathy for white nationalist groups and figureheads.
2. Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate right now; believes that a significant portion of his voter base harbor some sort of white identity consciousness; and doesn’t want to alienate them by pointing and shrieking, “Rayciss!!” as he was expected to. After all, he technically is a politician ever since announcing his intention to run.
3. Trump was caught off-guard and didn’t have a thoughtful, polished response ready. On three occasions. And perhaps he didn’t anticipate the frenzied blowback his nebulous reaction would inspire. (If that part is true, then he is more than a little naive.)
4. The puppetmasters absolutely will not allow the Executive Branch to escape their control. There are a few tricks available to them to ensure it doesn’t. If Trump is not, himself, bought-and-paid for, one possibility is that he will be persuaded to self-sabotage his campaign so a “made man” (or woman) can be installed.
But can this actually drain his support? With the rise of tribalism among whites, I can’t assume that it will.
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