Captain Capitalism nails it once in a while, as in paragraphs like these, aimed at the Lesser Evil Party:
You couldn’t protect the constitution if your wife’s loyalty depended upon it.
No matter what you say, no matter what politician you throw forth, you have lost 100% of the GENUINE, REAL republican American constituency, and we are now voting for anybody (and I mean ANYBODY) who isn’t a career politician and actually might make a change.
The key thing to understand (and I know that’s hard for you lazy, fat establishment types, not to mention baby boomers who are stuck in the Nixon era) is that no matter how much you HATE and LOATHE Trump, the American republicans HATE AND LOATHE you even more. They’re sick of your non-performance, they’re sick of your corruption, and they’re sick of you impotence and incompetence. They are so sick of you they’d rather vote for what is clearly an opportunist over your “best” candidate you present forward because he is at least “different.”
What he (and most Americans) miss is that the pattern of GOP betrayal is not due to well-intentioned buffoonery. It’s not because “Republican leadership” is incompetent. It’s not because they’re cowards (though they are). It’s not because they’re corrupt in a general sense (though they are). It’s because they are owned/controlled by the same foreign and domestic enemies who own/control the Democrats.
You are under the assumption that we the people are the boss, and our public servants are beholden to us (who pay their exorbitant salaries) who they allegedly represent. But they changed sides while you were napping. Their real job now is to sell us down the river, bleed us dry, all while pretending to be our hapless advocates who are just too consistently incompetent to ever win a significant victory or stop our leftward slide over the cliff.
It is also their job to sabotage and assassinate the character of any Republican who is not compromised like they are. This is why they fight harder against the Tea Party than against the Democrats. It’s also why some of them go on record admitting they will vote for Hillary if Trump wins the nomination. (Or, in some cases, if Cruz wins the nomination. )
Trump may prove to be just as corrupt (in a general sense) as they are. He may institute/accept/perpetuate disastrous, suicidal, anti-American policies just like they do. But the puppeteers can not allow somebody they don’t own/control to attain a position of such importance. Period.
You need to realize the problem is not with Trump, but that it is with you. YOU are the problem. YOU are the ones who failed. You are so corrupt, but more so, inept and cowardly that the real Americans would rather vote for a potty-mouthed, straight shooter, than any of the “Slop v. 3.0” you’re going to serve up this round.
This reminds me of how I once broke up with a girlfriend. She was absolutely convinced that it was because I must have found someone else. My response to her assumption was approximately this: “Don’t flatter yourself. The only woman to blame for me leaving you is you.”
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