I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are following a different gospel—not that there really is another gospel, but there are some who are disturbing you and wanting to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell! As we have said before, and now I say again, if any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let him be condemned to hell!
-Galatians 1:6-9
Previously, I contrasted the Biblical worldview with some political affiliations: the Left Wing (“liberals” for those who insist on using Newspeak); the NeoCons/RINOs/cucks; and the “Alt Right.” Of course there are more out there, but those seem to be the three most significant camps right now.
Identifying churchianity and determining how it stacks up against the Biblical worldview is more important than any of the other comparisons by far, for a few reasons. It is a perversion of Christianity itself, for starters.
Churchianity can be found in all political affiliations and demographics. But churchians don’t identify themselves by this term and would take offense to be called “churchian.” They identify themselves as (and most believe they are) Christians.
What is a Christian? Most would agree that a Christian is a follower or disciple of Christ. So lets remember just a sample of proclamations that Christ made:
- Christ is the only way to God the Father–there is no way except through Him. (John 14:6)
- Only those who do the will of God the Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 7:21)
- Christ’s disciples continually follow His teachings. (John 8:31)
- Christ and the Father are one. (John 10:30)
- Christ’s words will never pass away. (Luke 21:33)
The Church, as Jesus defined it, is made up of His followers. The Church transcends time, geography and ethnicity. The WASP down the street from you, the African convert in the 19th Century, and the very first disciples–Jews who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago–are all part of the Church. But because human beings are careless in their terminology, “church” has come to mean a specific congregation, a worship service, and/or the building where that worship service takes place. Rarely is “church” used the way Jesus used it. To avoid confusion, I’m typing a capital “C” when using the Biblical definition.
“Churchian,” then, identifies a person or people who “go to church,” but who do not follow Biblical teaching. Their belief system isn’t Christian (though it appears so to the world, and to many who have only a superficial Biblical understanding), but is formed more by church traditions, by humanistic philosophies, popular opinion, and emotion.
Politically speaking, it is easy to conflate churchianity with cuckservatism, because most white “evangelicals” and “fundamentalists” are cucks. However, multiple political stripes run through mainstream churchianity. The enemy will use whatever flavor of deception is needed to steer people away from the truth, on a case-by-case basis.
The common denominator among all churchians is that, to one degree or another, they reject or ignore Biblical teaching, in favor of what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

Nearly every churchian has been taught, believes, and regurgitates a feminized gospel.
- Many parts of the Bible will never be taught because they seem “sexist” or “misogynistic” by our lofty 21st Century standards.
- If those parts are ever read aloud, it is only to explain them away as not meaning what they obviously mean.
- This is most blatant when it comes to the Biblical instructions given to wives and husbands.
- Females are considered innately pure. They do not have a fallen nature like males do. Usually the only sin they are capable of is not having a big enough ego.
- Single mothers are heroic role models. Any time a woman appears to be sinful (and the sin can’t be denied or rationalized away) it is presumed to ultimately be the fault of a man or men.
- “Submission” doesn’t really mean what it means. Except in Ephesians 5:21. But not in the very next verse.
- Ephesians 5:21 means husbands should submit to their wives. 5:22 (which was clearly conceived by some sexist scribe, not by God, because equality) if it means anything at all, means the wife can pay her husband a compliment now and then, if he has faithfully catered to her every whim.
- Unlike women, men are untrustworthy brutes who will become abusive monsters if the the Bible is not revised, reinterpreted, and/or selectively taught. Because (insert anecdotal example of an abusive husband, real or fictional).
- God approves of female leadership in church, despite everything in His written word. He only allowed those mean, sexist things (1 Cor. 14:34-35; 1 Tim. 2:12) in the Bible because the chauvenistic simpletons of the past might have taken offense if He had addressed them at the level of our 21st Century sophistication. And you know God is afraid of offending anyone, evident by how His Messiah (Christ) routinely addressed the religious authorities of His day. (Luke 3:7; 12:56; 13:15; Matt. 12:34; 15:7; 23:13, 29, 33; etc.)
- Masculinity is feared. But rather than admit this, churchians redefine masculinity out of existence: a “real man” is a supplicating, effeminate white knight who lives to serve the female imperative.
Churchians elevate Romans 13 as possibly more important than any/every other part of the Bible. Specific to America, they ignore that the people are the lawful authority and the politicians are our public servants. They also don’t bother to research the word translated “authority” or study the matter out.
So, according to the churchian gospel, the Bolsheviks were wrong to oppose the Czar; but once they were in power, it was wrong for Lenin to usurp them; yet once Lenin and the Soviets were in power, it was wrong for the Russian people to resist the Soviets, because they were appointed by God to rule righteously and carry out God’s justice.
The French Revolution was wrong, see, until it obtained power. Then it was wrong for Napoleon to overthrow the revolutionary oligarchy. But once he did, it was wrong to oppose Napoleon because he was established by God and didn’t bear the sword in vain.
I am wrong to oppose the criminal traitors in Washington; but if I stage a coup tomorrow and overthrow them, then announce myself dictator for life, then I am the righteous authority appointed by God and you are obligated to submit to my rule. See how it works?
In other words, God approves of everything happening on Planet Earth. It is all His will. Might equals Right and whoever comes to power, by whatever means, automatically has His blessing. Some observers note that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. According to churchian dogma, power purifies, and simply attaining power, all by itself, makes a ruler automatically righteous, legitimate, and a co-regent with God. Every God-hating authority from the King of Sodom to the coming world dictator (the “beast” of Revelation) is a legitimate ruler in god’s sight. God acted against His own doctrine by having Moses oppose Pharaoh, if you follow this logic out.
The popular understanding of Romans 13 is thoroughly NeoCon–another reason it’s easy to conflate cuckservatism with churchianity. For obvious reasons, Romans 13 is also the favorite cherry-picking of the God-haters who are “fundamentally transforming” our country into a third-world police state. “Render unto Caesar” is another misused favorite.
Churchianity runs the gamut from those who deny the supernatural, to those so desperate to witness the supernatural that they will try to fake spiritual gifts.
Popular opinion is more important to the leadership of churchianity than anything God says. One reason they have adopted a different gospel is because they fear offending the world with the real one.
In one of Jesus’ sheep-herding analogies, He teaches that the good shepherd will leave the flock unattended to go find one sheep that has gone astray, and bring it back under his protection. (Matthew 18:12) In the typical church of today, the shepherd would rather lose the one soul who is earnestly seeking the kingdom of God, than offend the 99 churchians who are there out of tradition, to make a withdrawal from the Spiritual ATM, and to hear the feel-good message their ears are itching for.
Church attendance (and, not coincidentally, tithe revenue) is supreme in the “seeker friendly” churches. The Great Commission? (Mark 16:15) Not so much. The Gospel must be modified or watered down, lest attendance suffer because too many people were convicted by the full counsel of God.

The Feminized Gospel is universal. Then, for the materialistic Mamon worshipers (Luke 16:13), there is the Prosperity Gospel. For the minority tribalist/victim class churchians there is the Social Justice Gospel. For white nationalists, I’m sure there’s a Caucasian Supremacy Gospel. Whatever your itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3), churchianity has a “gospel” to appeal to you.
Because popular opinion is more important than God’s will, homosexuality is rarely condemned. In fact, ever more frequently, it is embraced. Lifestyle sodomites are being welcomed into the clergy and even ordained. It’s just a trickle now, but the flood is surely coming. Preachers and priests still boldly rail against divorce at every opportunity, because divorcees haven’t formed powerful lobbyist groups that have co-opted the courts into persecuting those who criticize divorce. To speak the truth about sodomy might actually cost you something, these days.
Some churchians have adopted a “Many Paths to God” Gospel, which is the New Age idea that Jesus is just one way of many to salvation. For instance, I’m sure you’ve heard the churchian declarations that Allah is just the Arabic name for the Hebrew/Christian God, and Muslims serve the same entity that Christians do.
This is related to the above segment. Propriety is an idol in the Temple of Churchianity.
The Bible is Rated “R” by churchian standards. It documents sex and violence that is simply too risque` to ever be read aloud in churchian company, much less inside a church building. Imagine (gasp!) if children were to hear/read such sordid accounts! Better to let the world teach them about sex and other aspects of human reality.
Which it will.
Conversely, churchians will watch movies and TV shows that glorify adultery, sodomy, etc; that blaspheme, or try to convince the audience God doesn’t even exist; that whitewashes witchcraft and manufactures obsession about demons, ghosts, vampires or werewolves; which deceive the audience about what is in the Bible and bear false witness about God Himself…and yet they cringe only when the dialog includes cuss words.
To many churchians, anything goes. Except if you utter a synonym for excrement which begins with an “S” instead of a “P”. Then you have broken the Ultimate Commandment. You can misuse the Lord’s name and many churchians won’t bat an eye; but let an F-bomb slip out in conversation and they will question your salvation.
The culture at large is completely deceived about what love is, and churchians are no different. We have been hoodwinked by all the pop songs, movies and books focused on romance. We assume that love is an emotion.
When you speak the truth and it makes somebody feel bad, the churchian is quick to denounce you for not speaking “in love.”
Most of Jesus’ ministry was spent telling people what they didn’t want to hear. Yet all of His life here in mortal flesh, from the manger to the cross, was a testimony of love.
Furthermore, although God has perfect love, don’t fool yourself: He also has perfect judgment and perfect wrath. He is not Santa Clause.
Thankfully for all of us, God is longsuffering. But there is coming a day when it will be too late to accept His mercy.
Your refusal to believe in something does not revoke its existence, despite what some philosophers may teach. Hell is real, and you are going there if you reject salvation.
We were warned that there would come a great apostasy (“rebellion” or “falling away” in some translations) of the Church toward the conclusion of history. (1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Thess. 2:3; Matt. 24:12)
It is happening now.