Ben Wheeler’s debut novel is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Superversive has really gone retro-cool with this concept:
Haroun Rashid has found his true love, Zira Al-Zuwar and she has been taken from him by the powers that rule Mars on their wedding night. Gathering allies from the most unlikely places, he storms the palace of the Sheik of Mars, searching for Zira. No one can stand against him, but the price he will pay in suffering and death may be too much even for his resolve. The greatest beauties hide the worst snakes as A Princess of Mars blends with the Arabian Nights to create a tale like no other.
Arkhaven Comics’ Alt★Hero #1: Crackdown is out. Being a backer, I received an electronic copy before it went live on Amazon.
The haters have generated a few different narratives about Arkhaven. One narrative was intended to convince us that the (record-breaking) crowdfunding revenue to launch Arkhaven had been imbezzled by Vox Day, because it’s all a big scam, and no comic would ever be produced. A more popular knee-jerk proclamation is that the comic is garbage (as judged by people who haven’t read or even seen it.)
As somebody who is disgusted by what’s happened to DC and Marvel, and what they’ve done to the characters they inherited, I’ve been enthusiastic about Alt★Hero since first hearing of it. I make a point to support any artistic endeavor which defies the Thought Police sent from the Leftist Hive Mind. Sometimes I’m burned, as I was with Amerigeddon. Sometimes I’m rewarded, as with Alt Hero.
Arkhaven has some tightening up to do–particularly with the artwork and composition/layout. And I believe it will be tightened up. But even as-is, this series looks like a lot of fun.
In this first story a European supergroup (sponsored by the EU) recruits a new member (given the name Dynamique) to help them purge thought criminals from around the continent. This is basically what Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook have been doing to people…but with progressive extrapolation: enemies of the state aren’t just censored; they’re arrested and imprisoned. And it’s super-powered international thought cops in tights who round them up.
It’s actually a lot like Hank’s story The Greater Good, but without the over-the-top humor. And it’s illustrated.
Alt Hero is a comic I wouldn’t mind letting my son read. Also, Chuck Dixon is writing a series for Arkhaven called Avalon, which I am probably also going to check out. Dixon’s portfolio speaks for itself. I’m pleased he was able to find paying work outside the SJW insanity that is status quo in the comics industry. Based on everything I know so far, I believe any investment in Arkhaven titles will be money well-spent.
Back when President Trump accused Obama of spying on his campaign, Democrats and the mainstream media (please forgive the redundancy) dismissed the claim as lunacy. “Respectable” rags like The New York Slimes, Washington Compost, and The Los Angeles Slimes made sure to report (in their headlines, no less) that Trump cited no evidence of the spying. Here’s the credible Jake Tapper (citing Paul Ryan and James Comey as sources):
Interesting that there is no equivalent concern about lack of evidence in the “Russian collusion” witch hunt now in its second year. More on that in another post, maybe.
But for now, here’s that paragon of integrity, Barack Hussein Obama, assuring you that the DOJ and FBI were not politically motivated whatsoever:
Horowitz’ IG report is supposed to be coming out soon. Perhaps that’s why the Media/Democrat Machine is now scrambling to move the goalposts. “Well, alright, Obama did have spies in the Trump Campaign…but it was to protect him!”
So you see, spying on Trump and planting those collusion stories was all for his own good–he’s just too ignorant to understand Obama’s benevolent actions.
Following this same logic, Nixon was only trying to protect McGovern, but Woodward and Bernstein were just too ignorant to “get it.”
It seems to be obligatory these days in any political discussion to reference Hitler and/or the Holocaust…so:
Hitler was only trying to protect the Jews by relocating them into secure facilities, but Otto Frank and others like him were just too ignorant about public safety to “get it.”
Since before Donald Trump took office, we’ve been repeatedly informed that he is “literally Hitler” and that his supporters are fascists at best, Nazis at worst.
This is a little confusing, because I’d been previously informed by a high school biology teacher that Ronald Reagan was literally Hitler. That’s three separate individuals who are all the same person: Trump, Reagan, and presumably Hitler himself.
Of course it all makes sense if you watch enough Star Trek. Obviously some malevolent entity that first possessed Jack the Ripper later possessed these three evil historic villains.
“And anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist!”
Um, did I say “evil”? Of course all woke people know there’s actually no such thing as good or evil. The only people who believe in such outdated, puritan concepts as evil are evil religious-right demagogues. So Hitler wasn’t truly eeee-veel, he was just insane. If only his school teachers had identified his mental illness and pumped him full of psychotropic drugs, that would have fixed everything.
“But wait,” say the millennials and Generation Z, “who is Hitler? Wasn’t he supposed to be this, like, really mean guy or something?”
Well, even though it’s like, totally lame to think, talk, or read about anything that happened more than six months ago, we maybe should randomly empower you with some woke info on this paranormal force of evil meanness that just so happened to control some ancient, like, European dude with a funny mustache.
We should start with Socialism…this totally amazing system where:
Everybody is disarmed except the police and armed forces.
Genocide can be efficiently implemented when necessary.
Children must attend state-controlled schools and be programmed to believe The Narrative without question.
A progressive, graduated income tax keeps the non-ruling class equally miserable.
Careless speech (or even suspected thoughts) will result in dissenters vanishing, never to be seen again.
The state owns and controls all business and industry.
But along came this dude named Mussolini who instituted a system that was TOTALLY, 100% OPPOSITE!!!!!!!!! (And therefore wrong.) Just look at how utterly distinct Fascism is from Socialism in every way:
Everybody is disarmed except the police and armed forces.
Genocide can be efficiently implemented when necessary.
Children must attend state-controlled schools and be programmed to believe The Narrative without question.
A progressive, graduated income tax keeps the non-ruling class equally miserable.
Careless speech (or even suspected thoughts) will result in dissenters vanishing, never to be seen again.
The state controls all business and industry, although symbolic private ownership is still tolerated.
Now, can you see how socialism is a moral, Utopian ideal which leads to paradise, while fascism is just so…um…like, unwoke?
And now you can see how “Antifa” is legit and TOTALLY UNLIKE the blackshirted mobs in 1920s Italy that threatened and attacked anyone who disagreed with their politics.
Alright, so let’s talk about this Hitler guy.
He was like a deplorable combination of Ron Paul and Ted Cruz. If he was here, he’d so be a member of the NRA, the Tea Party and Gamergate. He would do really mean, backwards things like broker peace between North and South Korea, recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (and move his country’s embassy there), and deregulate industry (because, y’know, he just hated micromanaging and being in control).
Oh yeah–he would do undignified, unpresidential things like tweet on Twitter, too. (FDR on the other hand, being dignified and presidential, would continue to hold his Fireside Chats on the radio in 2018.)
And that’s the approved, official, credible, trustworthy, fact-checked history. Anything else is fake history according to Facebook, Google, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
(Until further notice.)
Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World