Cui Bono?

That’s a Latin phrase which means: “Who benefits?”

Since the days when people spoke Latin, it was an important question to ask when, say, citizens of the Empire were pushed a little too hard by the Romans to swallow the latest version of The Narrative. It’s still an important question, and one you should be asking.

The latest atrocity I’m aware of  (as of this writing) was the shooting at a synagogue in Pennsylvania, but it won’t surprise me if there’s already been another spectacular incident somewhere. There might be one every single day until Election Day, or until one finally impacts the pending election significantly for those who benefit.

Looking back to the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas media circus and the subsequent “Year of the Woman” which propelled Bill Clinton into the White House, it’s probable certain interests hoped to get a “two-fer” by keeping a Constitutionalist off the Supreme Court (destroying his life in the process) while energizing the pussy-hat crowd into a Blue Wave in November, all with the same media blitz. But this time, amazingly, after they surrounded their victim and attacked him from all sides, he stood his ground and called BS on them. Neither all the King’s talkshows nor all his network news puppets could put Christine-Dumpty’s “credible” narrative back together again.

With November Six drawing closer and no Blue Wave in sight (unless you place stock in Swamp Polls and factor in massive voter fraud), the America-haters who need to remove that meddling President Trump, protect themselves from exposure and prosecution, and put our country back on the fast track to oblivion, became increasingly desperate. No “Year of the Woman” for 2018 and, to their apoplectic fury, the Supreme Court is seemingly one seat closer to being what it is supposed to be.


Crude mock-ups of Hollywood-style time bombs were next delivered to mailboxes at addresses connected to some big-name leftists, and the Swamp Media went crazy trying to pin it on Trump’s followers. Lo and behold, they found a guy–an avowed leftist who, with convenient timing, had a sudden and miraculous conversion to the Cult of MAGA, covered his van with right-wing decals and paraded around his deep blue stomping grounds creating as big a footprint as possible. (Reminiscent of how Lee Harvey Oswald made a spectacle of himself as an anti-Kennedy zealot in the months before the JFK assassination.) Technology improves, but the playbook sticks to the same fundamentals.

But back to the question: who benefits? Or, more importantly, who was intended to benefit? A bunch of high-profile America-haters were “threatened,” but none of them were ever in danger from these “devices” that were not wired to explode. It’s not difficult to figure out what kind of reaction from the electorate the Swamp Media was hoping for, if you heard even just a fraction of their mouth-frothing coverage.

That media circus didn’t have the desired effect. Maybe actual casualties were needed. Nobody of importance to the Deep State, of course–but somebody whose demographic profile would play into the Trump-Supporters-Are-Nazis Narrative, who would be more valuable as martyrs than alive.

And so, a fake right goon (probably on prescription psychotropic drugs, if the pattern holds, and possibly with a CIA handler referred to as his “therapist”) shoots up a Synagogue, killing several people. He’s an anti-Trump national socialist, but do you suppose that kept the Swamp Media from attempting to blame the atrocity on Trump and right-wingers (who are NOT socialists)? Don’t be silly.

If this one doesn’t work, what’s next? Another school shooting? The very smelly shooting in Broward County, Florida did manage to move the needle a bit, causing Trump to entertain speculation on trips to Wishy-Washy Land and betraying his base, who had nothing to do with the shooting. Not only that, but there is documented proof of at least one terrorist camp in the USA where children have been trained to perpetrate made-to-order high-profile school shootings (few dare call them false flags). And while Paul Manafort was locked in solitary confinement without trial for improperly filling out bank forms 10 years ago, a “woke” judge let the terrorists walk on a signature bond. No perversion of justice to see here, folks. Just move along.

Maybe a run-of-the-mill school shooting won’t be enough. It might have to be an ANFO bomb murdering a bus load of black children. Oh, they’ve already taken care of that improvised munition? How about a firearm with 3D-printed parts, used to gun down some Asian valedictorians at a national awards ceremony? Hmm…why not a brutal attack on one of the “refugee” convoys being delivered to our border?

Have the manufacturers of public opinion spent their load, or do they still have an atrocity or two up their sleeve? We still have a few days to see just how imaginative they can be.