Read that “libruls” for those who prefer to communicate in Newspeak.
In the latest Swamp Media hoax, we were told that some Catholic high school boys waiting for a bus were privileged white supremacist oppressors, and the adults hurling racist insults at them (while simultaneously, ironically, and typically accusing them of racism) were their victims. A carefully selected video clip was blasted through all the typical America-hating echo chambers and, though the deception has now been exposed, and even some of its perpetrators have apologized, it’s doubtful the SJW Hive Mind’s useful idiots noticed or care.
While a group of adult black supremacists called them “incest babies,” “future school shooters,” “dirty-ass crackers” and other slurs, and the Covington High School boys tried to drown out the vitriol by reciting some of their school chants, a professional victim named Nathan Phillips and some fellow travelers approached the young boys, obviously trying to provoke them. Most of the boys moved out of his way, but one student stood his ground, not moving or speaking, but just smiling while Phillips pounded a drum and howled in his face.
You might wonder who were the adults and who were the children in this scenario. A valid point, but not the most important one to make.
Watch the video clip of Phillips (while presumably wiping tears from his noble victim cheeks) spew one blatant lie after another about what actually happened.

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you understand that people on the left are consistently dishonest. But even so, why would this ostensibly sane adult tell such bald-faced lies when nearly everybody these days carries a smartphone with video-recording capability? Was he not aware that he could easily be proven to be a liar?
I don’t know what is worse–somebody who can so brazenly lie with no remorse; or somebody so delusional as to actually believe something in such stark defiance of reality.
First of all, Phillips’ mindset is FAR from unique, and it goes back (at least) to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
To you, truth probably means saying something that conforms to reality as you know it; while a lie is a statement which contradicts reality as you know it. To a Marxist-Leninist, however, those concepts have been redefined right along with “patriotism,” “treason,” “love,” “choice,” “liberal,” “man” and “woman.”
To a Marxist-Leninist, truth is as fluid as gender. Put simply: “truth” is a statement or message which advances the goals of international communism. A lie, of course, is any message which hinders progress toward those goals.
It’s doubtful that Phillips is even embarrassed by his exposure as an impudent liar, because he was championing his cause to the best of his ability. That makes him truthful according to his own standards. Conversely, the Covington boys–even though their statements line up with reality–are the liars in this situation, because they contradict The Narrative.
This sounds bizarre and insane–how can you even have a different definition for truth? How is it even possible to pervert the meaning of the most pure, simple concept in existence? It’s only possible when you’ve been handed over to a depraved mind.
This is what we are up against, and there are millions like Nathan Phillips. Not just politicians, media drones and Hollywood celebrities, either. There are hordes of them on social media, in the workplace, in corporate boardrooms, in academia, on the streets, and, God help us all, in our current-year armed forces.
I’ve encountered hundreds of such reprobates, despite my intentionally limited social circles. You may have encountered hundreds or even thousands. You probably don’t recognize them for what they are–I didn’t either, for the longest time. Their depravity isn’t always obvious, until they are put in a position where they are forced to choose between (actual) truth, and the agenda they have personalized.
See, they understand enough about how you and I measure truth that they’ll usually pretend to share our perspective on it. This is how silver-tongued devils like Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama win elections, after all. No doubt they seethe with rage under the surface about the necessity of it, but they must carry out the charade until they get behind closed doors. They can’t afford to speak in their native language openly, lest us peasant rubes catch on.
This is why it’s utterly fruitless to reason with a drone from the Hive Mind. It’s not just that they are emotionally driven (though that is the case with many of them). You can show them conclusive proof of any matter in question, and they will reject it without batting an eye because it doesn’t fit their concept of “truth.” The “truth” is what contributes to their idea of progress, and they know what that does or does not look like, so their mind (such as it is) is made up beforehand. Whatever pesky little facts you can throw at them are easily shrugged off because The Agenda is supreme and everything must bow to it.
From this depraved Hive Mind is where the anti-reality comes from, wherein the crimes of being white, wearing MAGA hats, and “smirking” deserve character assassination, doxxing and death threats.
Ultimately, there are only two options to deal with this monolithic mass (which composes approximately half the population dwelling in the USA): surrender or fight. And fighting in typical American style (with your best arm tied behind your back) is not gonna cut it.
You will be forced to choose an option sooner or later.