As the violence escalates, stay frosty. It’s infuriating to see mobs beating people to death and destroying what small businesses managed to survive the COVID-1984 power grab. However some of the victims suffered as they have because they were foolish.
Confronting a violent mob unarmed, with your wife, no less, to dissuade the brutal savages from looting and burning a store is just idiotic, and had predictable results.
Carrying an American flag, alone, near a rabid mob of America-hating rioters is suicidal. And then the guy compounded his folly by hanging onto the flag so he couldn’t defend himself, or escape. I’m sure he started out convinced he was making a bold, defiant statement. I don’t know if the man is still alive, or what kind of shape he’s in, but if he hasn’t suffered permanent brain damage from the beating, I hope he understands that his bold statement didn’t have the desired effect.
If you’re going to call the cops on a gang of looters, don’t do it where they can see you or reach you. Maybe that individual thought he was intimidating them by narcing in plain sight. Maybe he thought he was being heroic. Who knows? In reality, it was epic stupidity.
People on the right need to wake up. These people aren’t “liberals” and haven’t been for a long time. They are perverse vermin who are destroying our country, and are willing to kill you to do it.
This is not 1964. This is not about civil rights. These people are AGAINST civil rights, anyway. They have no regard for anyone’s rights, and they’re shoving that fact right in your face.
The lapdogs at the news networks and holding public office may not literally be on the streets throwing incendiary devices or smashing car windows in with crowbars and trying to drag random people out of their vehicles to beat and rob them, but make no mistake: They are on the same side. They just have a different role. Stalin and Mao didn’t themselves personally go out and murder over a hundred million peasants and “counter-revolutionaries”–but they gave the orders. A general doesn’t fix bayonet and close with the enemy hand-to-hand. An S-2 officer doesn’t hump a machinegun. Different gears. Different cogs in the machine. Same team; same agenda.
These people are your enemy. Debating them is a waste of time and might get you killed or crippled. They can’t be reasoned with. The time for all that expired while Americans were downplaying the threat and denying reality.

I strongly advise you to avoid these riots if at all possible.
Now is the time to exercise your right to bear arms. Don’t go into potentially dangerous areas (which is almost anywhere in a city, now) alone. Travel in groups of three or more if possible, and discuss contingency plans beforehand. If you do find yourself caught in a violent confrontation, don’t hesitate to act decisively. Don’t get separated from your buddies. Guard each other’s flanks and rear. If you can identify the leader or instigator of the mob, concentrate on them first. Often you can destroy enemy morale (at least temporarily) by cutting the head off the snake. That could buy you some time to unass the area.
I know some of you are tempted to gear up and go get this party started. I don’t blame you and maybe this is the time to do it. But keep in mind that the enemy’s overwhelming propaganda machine is going to manipulate the information to make it look like you are the militant racist boogeyman they’ve been fearmongering about all along, that you caused all the problems…and at least half of the population is going to believe it.
Be smart. Live to fight another day. Because you might have to.