This is it, Americans. Do we get an extension of our grace period; a temporary reprieve? Or is it game over? Tomorrow we have a chance to affect what world we’re going to live in.
Granted: there are evil people and institutions who will try their damndest to make sure your vote is cancelled out. So who knows what the chances are to elect ourselves a stay of execution? About half the people living here hate America and, to one degree or another, want to see it ruined. And they probably intend to make all hell break loose on Wednesday, no matter what.
If Team Trump wins, we have a much better chance that armed federal goons won’t be coming at us from one side while rioting mobs of useful idiot communists attack us from the other. For the next four years, anyway. If we lose the election, the choice will be die as free men or live as slaves. And for all the online trash-talking, it remains to be seen whether patriots will stand up or bend over. We can’t work together to accomplish even the smallest objective for any length of time, and are anything but vigilant Look at how quickly “our side” went back to sleep when George W. Bush was elected. “We have RINOs NeoCons conservatives in the House; Senate; and White House, now. There’s nothing left to worry about!”
If enough of us aren’t willing to draw the line, and defend it, then we’ll all be mopped up piecemeal. I don’t know at what point others will decide evils are no longer sufferable. We should never have let it get to this point. And now, with the demographic shift taking place, a civil war might become unwinnable within a few years. The majority of Millennials are programmed to believe socialism is the answer to our problems. The hordes of invaders (legal and illegal) multiplying here are mostly the same. I know–it makes no sense at all that they support the same kind of system they escaped from. What can I say? Most people are idiots (MPAI).
Should our ballots not give us a reprieve, then the entire world will be arrayed against us. We are the only faction on the planet that loves America enough to defend her…if we truly are willing to defend her. If we lose Tuesday (or win, but have the election stolen from us anyway), there is no cavalry coming.
If American patriots aren’t willing to use violence at a level that equals or surpasses the enemy’s violence, we can’t win a civil war.
We’ve been told for the last several cycles, “This is the most important election ever!” Of course, that was ridiculous when it was Bush/Dukakis; Bush/Clinton; Clinton/Dole; Bush/Gore; Bush/Kerry; Obama/McCain; and Obama/Romney.
It’s actually true this time.
If the worst happens; it really means our Creator has given us enough chances to be good stewards of our freedom, and we’re fresh out. We shouldn’t be trusting in human beings and their institutions anyway. Only God is trustworthy. Only He gets it right every time. When America is done, good people around the world will have no choice but to turn to God, anyway.
The USA is the lynchpin. I’ve documented right here on this blog how even people on “our side” don’t appreciate what we have, and are on the verge of losing. We’re drifting toward godless totalitarianism no matter how you shake it. The only question is: how fast will we get there?
I’ve learned some lessons since March:
- You’re never as prepared as you think you are.
- There’s no limit to the foolishness of human beings.
- People will work in harmony to accomplish evil; rarely will they do so to accomplish good.
- If we do get a reprieve from this election, I need to buy supplies whenever they’re cheap, and inventory my gear on the regular.