It Does Sound Like the Deep State

You’ve probably noticed that all kinds of scuttlebutt is flying in all directions right now. Of course the Democrat/Media Machine is vomiting out the usual bald-faced lies, agitprop, and psychological projection. But there’s also plenty of craziness coming from people allegedly on our side. Some of it sounds preposterous; and some of it is preposterous. If you’re like me, you’ve been click-baited into looking at some, only to realize you’ve been duped into wasting precious moments of your time.

Several people online were recently spreading links to a video by some “intelligence insiders” that “you really need to watch.” So I did. The guys in the video made some eyebrow-raising statements. I was intrigued enough to go back to their Youtube channel (that should have been my first clue) and watch their next one. They hadn’t pushed the UFO and reincarnation crap in the first video, but began adding pinches in the second. Kind of like how TV shows used to wait until they had you hooked before pouring in the LGBTQ brainwashing in the second season. There are attention whores, and there are paid CIA/Swamp disinformation warriors, pretending to share our values. I’m sure you’ve encountered both.

There’s a rumor I came across via a Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) podcast that sounds credible and plausible: One of the false flags planned by the Deep State is scheduled for the 20th or later, and involves an assassination of Creepy Joe Biden after he is installed, then pinned on Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists.

Why would they not want to try this? It fits their short-term goals perfectly.

  • Hidin’ Biden’s usefulness to the Deep State has expired.
  • His removal will prevent further embarrassment by him.
  • Creepy Joe becomes a martyr, and further revelations about his high crimes and treason will be considered beyond the pale.
  • It places Harris in the limelight, who is somewhat less embarrassing.
  • It justifies an all-out war on the Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists.

Thwarting this particular false flag could be one reason Washington, DC, is being locked down by the National Guard.

There’s a lot of other stuff going on. Adams spends most of his podcast on the subject of a possible war with Red China. I agree this is a very real possibility (war, that is, if not an invasion by the PLA from Canada and Mexico). The Chi-Com high command has considered war with the USA inevitable for at least 30 years. Thanks to traitors at the highest levels of our government, they have the capability of inflicting catastrophic damage on our country, too. Those same traitors have ensured our vulnerability to any flavor and combination  of Chi-Com attacks.

However, I disagree with Adams (or his sources, I guess) about the war going forward if the coup is fulfilled on the 20th. If Beijing Biden is sworn in, they have won without firing a shot. All our national resources and assets, as well as your life, liberty, and property will be handed over to the most murderous regime in recorded history.

Do you understand how perilous our situation is? Sad to say, very few people actually do. It’s way past time to turn off the Idiot Box, kick your addiction to the enemy’s (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.) psyop/gaslighting frenzy, and start a serious dialogue with your Creator.

All New Q Decode – Part 3

Gab is finally working again for me…if I wait until late at night to try using it. Based on the hate I’m receiving there and on MeWe, these posts must be over the target. For those who haven’t already read Part 1 and Part 2, this isn’t a typical effort at a Q-decode like you might be used to. I’ve gone back to the first drops and am limiting my focus mostly to the posts that seem to reference our current situation as I scan forward through the crumbs. My hope is that we will be better armed with information when I’m done with this series.

#537 – 2018-01-14 20:49:27 (UTC+1)
“…Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere…”

A lot of Americans knew this, but most did not. If somebody still doesn’t understand this after #GrandTheftElection, they might be beyond hope, cognitively speaking.

#690 – 2018-02-08 02:57:31 (UTC+1)

Reference to Hunter Biden? I’d be surprised if white hat spooks did NOT know the dirty details before the laptop surfaced.

#713 – 2018-02-10 11:30:58 (UTC+1)

Q has mentioned more than once that many posts contain double meanings. You just gotta wonder if this is a warning about the Wuhan Coronavirus two years in advance. If so, this suggests they knew it would be used as a tool to help steal the election and tank the economy.

#997 – 2018-04-04 02:45:50 (UTC+1)
“[Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT.

Obviously this isn’t May. However, it was recently discovered that the Vatican was involved in #GrandTheftElection. Some kind of raid seems to have taken place there, and scuttlebutt is circulating that the commie Pope was the target, now in custody. He didn’t get into that position without help, and exposure of his handlers might be coming in May and/or during the Storm.

#1045 – 2018-04-06 21:27:43 (UTC+1)
“We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.

Imagine that. This bears repeating. Specifics would include time windows.

#1644 – 2018-06-29 06:59:18 (UTC+1)
“It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made.
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask.
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.”

This could be referring to when the Storm hits, the days of darkness begin, and normies flounder without the svengalis of pop culture telling them what to think. Be ready for this within the next few days.

“Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.”

This is extremely pertinent advice for RIGHT NOW. Fear can be crippling. Whether  Q and the Storm are real or not God is still on the Throne. He is good, just, and is capable of pulling good results out of evil human behavior. He is greater than our fear. Our level of discomfort does not affect His sovereignty whatsoever. Whatever happens to me and my country, I will trust Him.

“Timing is everything.”

And this is probably why they’ve waited until the 11th hour, when all appears lost. “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.” I myself have been frustrated that they didn’t unleash the Storm before #GrandTheftElection. Or even better: before the summer riots; before COVID1984; before the 2018 midterms. But by this painstaking delay, traitors in high places have been exposed for all to see; the depth of the political cancer has been exposed for all to see; and every last peaceful recourse has been attempted only to fail under the weight of the ubiquitous corruption. Will people who formerly trusted “conservative” public servants now balk at serious Swamp-draining? True patriots can now water the Tree of Liberty with a clear conscience. The traitors have given us no other choice, and everybody knows it.

“Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).”

Some of this has been underway by drips and trickles. It may become a flash flood soon.

“How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?”

This can’t be emphasized enough. God said, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” (He also said, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,” but that’s a little past the topic of this decode.) How can a people acquire knowledge when a megalithic propaganda/deception apparatus keeps them ignorant, and provides a smokescreen for the evil permeating the institutions we trust and pay to look out for our interests? Well, you must painstakingly expose the evil and, at some point, jam the signal of the deceivers and provide a truthful report on the hidden reality.

“It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.

The traitors/God-haters have enjoyed solidarity and unity of purpose all along (even when they turn on each other, their agenda is pushed ever forward). Imagine how awesome it would be if good men could experience that kind of unity. If the Plan is successful, and good men rebuild with wisdom and integrity, we could find ourselves in a golden age of peace and prosperity that dwarfs America’s impressive gilded epochs of the past.

Hopefully I can get Part 4 written and published tonight. God be with you, fellow Americans and patriots. Remember: if the Plan fails, or was never real to begin with, God is still the Supreme Commander of the universe. We will have a much tougher fight ahead of us, but Jesus is still King of Kings, and ultimately, the good guys do win. One day, every person will bow down and admit that Jesus is Lord. You should do it now, of your own volition. I can’t do justice to how happy you’ll be that you did.