…Is how you can identify a moot and irrelevant argument which will be ignored while the Globohomo Treason Machine goose-steps onward into Twilight’s Last Gleaming.
Federal storm troopers (who took an oath to uphold the Constitution–revealing the other half of what you need to know about their integrity) are in the business of violating your rights. They are not paid (from your taxes) to stop bad guys or protect good guys. They are paid to do what these lawless jackboots did.
Also surrounding the house were one-hundred-plus federal agents with a helicopter in support. Federal agents immediately took Doe into custody and placed him in loose-fitting flex cuffs into the back of one of the BearCat vehicles. Inside the vehicle, John was placed on the outer wall, and at his feet were loaded weapons. Doe later concluded that this had to be a setup, for if he were to try to free himself, he would likely be killed. Seemingly unbeknownst to the Feds, Doe’s 88-year-old mother (who suffers from dementia) was asleep in the house. The actual homeowner, Jane Doe, was also in the home. This is why Doe wanted to avoid confrontation and the stress of such an event by presenting himself peacefully. What looked to be a quick and peaceful resolution then took a strange turn to the worse.
Why did agents breach the house when Doe was already in custody? Counter to standard practice, the team chose to enter a window next to Doe’s basement door. That window is over three feet off the ground and thus difficult to breach and enter by a team that needs to move fast. There are many windows in the house that would have made a breach entry a lot easier. This window was different, not only in its height above ground and the resulting impact on the tactics used, but it is also right next to Doe’s bed. If Doe had not exited the house and moved to the front porch to peacefully present himself, the concussion grenade employed by the breaching team would have landed on him while he was sleeping. There’s no telling what would have happened in that instance, but John’s death is a possibility.
Federal agents obviously knew the home’s layout and they immediately entered Doe’s storage and security room and disconnected all security cameras while conducting a search. Though not included on the warrant, the federal agents searched John’s gun safes, a detached garage, and vehicles parked around the residence.
What provoked this Montana this raid? Doe’s former girlfriend from North Carolina filed a restraining order (a civil matter, not criminal) against Doe in that state claiming he was homicidal, suicidal, a threat to her, and had bomb-making materials with the intention to cause harm. She also claimed he had booby traps all over the home and the surrounding property. But none of this was true.
Sounds like a red flag case. Because Americans sat back guzzling beer and watching sports while these communists enacted thousands of tyrannical “laws” which supposedly grant them the authority to pull this shit, there is no longer a “legal” or peaceful recourse to these neo-Soviet usurpations.
They are going to ramp up on this, guaranteed. The media blackout will intensify, so that they can eliminate potential resistors piecemeal. Meanwhile, they will take a knee if the RevComs (Auntie-Faggots/Burn Loot Murder) resume rioting.
Theoretically, Americans who see government-sponsored terrorism being perpetrated on their neighbors (easily identified by armored vehicles, helicopters, and hundreds of Federal blackshirts in combat gear armed with automatic weapons swarming around the property of a law-abiding citizen with the “wrong” political opinions [agreement with the founding principles of our country]), could move into flanking positions and light those traitors up.
And that’s what it will take if your children or grandchildren are to have ANY hope of being free. As long as you keep abiding by “laws” written by your enemies, while your enemies don’t have to abide by laws; then your defeat and destruction are certain.
UPDATE: Here is a possible scenario that may or may not resemble something that takes place in an American suburb not long from now.