Nach Schema F by Shaun Stafford

A Review by

“What’s the difference between communism and National Socialism?”

“Communism is the exploitation of one man by another man, whereas National Socialism is the other way round.”


Nach Schema F is the title of Book 2 of the alternate history series The Greater German Reich. This was written several years after Book 1 so it was interesting to see how the author’s style changed, if at all. Book 1 was an excellent dystopian drama and I was excited to see whether Stafford was able to even maintain that same level of compelling storytelling. If so, I’d be a happy reader!



We pick up exactly where book 1 left us. Combat UK is down but not out, in fact there are still members of the English insurrection group working unceasingly on the next move to sabotage the Reich’s control over Großbritannien (German-invaded Great Britain).

Nazi agent Ellen, whom we already encountered in Book 1 is now going through a personal journey of regrets and second thoughts regarding her loyalty to the current regime. Nevertheless, she reluctantly fulfills her duties along with her new partner agent Himmler, nicknamed ‘Willy’.

Things heat up as Marcus Dauny (who works on the launch control system for Missile Command) teams up with American undercover agent  Barry Rhodes. Rhodes is ultimately detained, tortured, and interrogated by the German secret service. He gives the name of an SS officer working at a missile bunker in Grenoble. And this is how the Nazis find out that Combat UK’s master plan is to nuke Germania, killing the Fuhrer along with over 20 million people!

Will the plan succeed?


What I really admire about Stafford is how he is able to infuse a certain level of realism to an alternate world. German-ruled Great Britain feels quite believable thanks to the depth of the characters and the description of locations. Not once we are prone to say “That could never happen!”. On the contrary, everything feels even too real at times.



As you recall, I mentioned the vivid brutality in book 1, when it came to Nazi’s interrogation techniques. Nothing is off the menu when it comes to the means by which the German SS will inflict fear and pain to make a prisoner talk. However, in Book 2 the physical violence and abuse is toned down a notch, and instead we get to learn about other, more subtle interrogation techniques which involve administering psychedelic drugs to the prisoners in order to relax them and thus be able to get more information out of them.



Nach Schema F is another tremendous success by my standards. Never a dull moment, great pace, straightforward prosaic style, compelling characters and unpredictable plot lines! 

We will definitely cover Book 3 soon! 

Idolatry: a Romance by Julian Hawthorne

A Review by

Welcome back to TRENDS DIE OUT/LEGENDS LIVE ON. Today we will look at the second book by Julian Hawthorne in this series. All through the book, the author writes as the reader’s personal guide, and as if we were ethereal spirit beings not bound by either space or time, invisible to human eyes. 

And so chapter 1 (The Enchanted Ring) becomes one of the most brilliant opening chapters that I’ve ever read. The prosaic style is a thing of LEGENDS and it transports us first-hand into an old and majestic hotel in Boston circa 1850s, where two guest rooms will be of particular interest all throughout the story. Room 1 occupied by Egypt-born Manetho and Room 2 occupied by Balder Helwyse.

How the lives of these two men intertwine will represent the heartbeat of the plot.


You will learn the backstory of how Thor Helwyse was an American by birth, descendant of a Danish family of high station and antiquity. Inheriting the restless spirit of his ancestors, he falls in with Dr. Hiero Glyphic (his name was Henry but purposely changed it). Hiero embraces Thor as a brother once they come back from their adventures in foreign lands along with a young Egyptian lad, Manetho (during one of their trips to Egypt, Hiero rescues and adopts a young Manetho who carries a very unusual and ancient diamond attached to a necklace, which later will be turned into a diamond ring). 

Thor falls in love and marries Glyphic’s step-sister, Helen. Helen and Manetho have a secret affair. Tragically and mysteriously Helen dies. Manetho blames Thor for her death. Thor, now with a young son Balder, decides to once again go abroad and get lost in the sea and in distant lands. He drowns. 

Balder, now in his adult age, comes back to Boston to reconnect with uncle Hiero. Manetho has harbored revenge ever since the death of Helen, mother of Balder. With a striking resemblance to his dad, Balder soon becomes the target of vengeful thoughts for Manetho, who meanwhile inherited Hiero’s property after he passed. 



This is a story of revenge but also a story of redemption. The fabulous prose of Hawthorne is a thing of LEGENDS and the deep inner exploration of each character’s psyche is so rich and complex that it can be challenging at times to dissect but also very rewarding.



Is this a slow-burner? It is, but the richness of the writer’s grammar, the emotions he is able to infuse in his characters will leave you in awe. This is not your typical piece of fiction, but it stands as a LEGEND that will stand the test of time, and that I strongly encourage you to pick up!


The Mysteries of Zillah Harvey

By Paul Leone

Reviewed by

~“I think there’s loads of things that ‘appen in London that don’t make the papers.”

Zillah nodded. She knew that all too well.~


When I think of Paul Leone, I think of an author that embodies my concept of creating NEW LEGENDS, A concept that I continuously ‘spam’ all over social media. I don’t exaggerate when I place Leone in the same club as Tolkien or C.S. Lewis, and deservingly so.

But oftentimes, we wrongly assume that great authors will always and undisputedly write great books… which is not the case.



The Mysteries of Zillah Harvey revolves around a young lady-Zillah Harvey-who becomes a member of the Savant Club: “the most prestigious gathering place for those who belonged to either London’s occult community or its Bohemian, if not both.” 

After nearly being stabbed to death in a dark alley by none other than Jack The Ripper, Zillah mysteriously gains what seem to be paranormal faculties. It’s thanks to those acquired faculties which allow Zillah to communicate with the dead that she earns a membership to the prestigious paranormal organization the Savant Club, whose members include peculiar characters such as Hazel Payton, Newell Ashwood and Colonel Christie.

Zillah is now licensed to perform seances and make a decent living at that…And here is where I find issues with this story.



Zillah, for all intents and purposes, feels like a very shallow and self-absorbed character. She has very promiscuous tendencies (literally sleeping with a man after just 2 hours of having met, sometimes even dating/sleeping with multiple partners); uses her ‘gift’ not so much to help people but to make herself wealthier; shows utter ungratefulness towards Peggy, her landlady, who always caters to her needs and always making sure that she is well fed and cared for.  She doesn’t give us any redeemable features that would make us want to care about her, quite frankly.


Where the novel shines is in the reconstruction of 1800s England along with her folklore, legends, myths, and peoples. Leone is very diligent at doing his homework and giving due respect to our beloved European culture which has been in decay as of late.

The way all characters maintain their distinguished accents going from one region to another is also a positive point I need to highlight.



The novel is a group of short stories or ‘cases’ that Zillah finds herself at the center of, but they are all part of one long thread all pointing at Zillah and the mystery surrounding her newly acquired psychic powers.



Overall, this is a good novel worth reading, if for nothing besides the accuracy of the myths and folklore surrounding the British island. As mentioned before, I found the MC shallow and at times, and quite insufferable due to her promiscuous tendencies and overall selfish behavior. But I am being overly harsh here because I know what Leone is capable of writing. 

*To the author’s credit, this was an earlier work of his, so I am sure he went through personal growth and development as a writer, which would be quite understandable indeed.


AYESHA: The Return of SHE by H. R. Haggard

Review by

“She was all loveliness in one shape; She was like the dawn upon the snows; She was like the evening star above the mountains; She was like the first flower of the spring.”


Welcome to our next installment of TRENDS DIE OUT/LEGENDS LIVE ON. As a reminder, this is a series of reviews in relation to what I believe to be legendary classics of fiction literature that are a must-read. They changed my life and keep doing so to this day, in many respects.


If you missed our review of SHE (link) I’d strongly suggest you go back and check it out. If not, welcome to Volume 2 of what I am convinced it is the best adventure/exploration/new world fiction literature ever written.


Ayesha was written by Haggard following the success of She. That first book came out during a time when England in particular was enamored with tales of exploring new worlds and adventures into exotic and strange lands. In that sense, She was the first of its genre, and frankly it still remains the best of all.

So enthralling is Book 1 that there is no way we could read it and not feel compelled to dive headfirst into Book 2! And so here we are, once again entering the ‘lost world’ of Haggard; anticipating more adventures, more legends…more SHE!



Again, this is an account as told by our original main character Horace Holly. After surviving his adventures with Leo in Central Africa, and making it back to England more or less in one piece, reintegrating into ordinary life was not easy for either of them. Both experience some sort of PTSD related to having witnessed and interacted with Ayesha, “for what mortal mind can be touched by an immortal mind and be left unscathed?”.

Leo even contemplates suicide but Holly rebukes him out of love. Until one night Leo has a dream in which Ayesha appears to him and seems to direct him to a place where her reincarnated being is awaiting them. After convincing Uncle Holly, they set for Central Asia, based solely on Leo’s dream! Yes, this is a desperate mission, and deep inside both of them know that it will certainly mean their end!



Where Haggard’s narrative really shines is in the description of these long and dangerous explorative trips to exotic and mysterious lands. Holly and Leo have to fight against hunger, against weather conditions, against the harshness of these lands where the biggest enemy becomes the sheer solitude they inflict on the psyche. Witness their staying at a monastery of monks forgotten by civilization; marvel at the sheer magnitude of the mountains covered in unforgiving snow; gasp at the threat of random snow avalanches, deadlier than boulders of stone:

“The screaming of the blast caused by the compression of the air, the dull, continuous thudding of the fall of millions of tons of snow as they rushed through space and ended their journey in the gulf.” (Chapter 4)



As Holly recounts:

“It was like the fragment of a nightmare preserved by the awakened senses in all its mad, meaningless reality.

We have seen the very Light of Life roll by in majesty; we have been the guests of an Immortal…”


The moment of interaction between our main characters and Ayesha represents the culmination of all the trials and tribulations…with a shocking twist at the end!



Ayesha as a book was not quite as successful as Book 1, but in terms of quality this doesn’t feel like a modern sequel, the result of  greedy minds trying to capitalize on the success of the previous work. In fact I’d dare say that some of the dynamics in Book 2 depart a big deal from Book 1 while preserving the essence that made Book 1 so special.

I encourage you all to read this LEGEND yourself. Pick up Book 1 and 2 and let us know what you think in the comments below!



The Eagle and The Dove – a Review

From The Girl with the Fire in Her Hair by Robert Victor Mills

Part 5 of a 6-Part Series by

“You have not retched for the metal of hot blood in your mouth, nor revolted at the mud and gore brimming your boots to the knee, nor been deafened with the mewling of new-murdered men while hedged in the thickest press!”


The opening premises of this 5th tale included in The Girl with the Fire in Her Hair are quite intriguing as we read on…



Rugosto, Ealdorman of Oltisa finds himself challenged to a duel by Baron Wulfiolo over a matter of honor. Since he cannot walk due to war injuries, and cannot stand , the law allows him to pick a champion to fight on his behalf. Things get complicated since that same law requires the chosen champion to be a family member. Rugosto only has one daughter, just barely 18 years old and no combat skills: Celesta.

But what Celesta lacks in physical prowess she makes up for with courage and intelligence. She seeks the help of Royhe and her power of conviction is here in full display: 

“Most mortal of weapons, a woman’s tears, to the heart of a true man. For against that soft stiletto of feminine woe can be raised no shield, nor any armour ward the chivalrous breast from the plunge of so delicate a blade.”


As it goes, Celesta pleads with Royhe to teach her sword fighting, since she is the only next of kin who can fight for Rugosto, her father. Naturally Royhe thinks this madness, considering that she is but a small young lady with no experience with the sword, whereas the Baron is a seasoned soldier but most importantly, a man with twice her size and strength!


So if you guess that Astropho will be the one to save the day yet again, you guessed right! But what I loved about this is how the author is able to create a sense of anticipation regarding how the cunning bard will be able to solve this conundrum. To let young Celeste fight would surely mean her death, yet by law only a relative could fight for the challenger, if the latter is injured or disabled.


This is thus far one of my favorite tales in the book. The specific circumstances in which our heroes find themselves require more than brawn to get resolved. Particularly considering that neither Rohye nor Astropho are willing to break the law in order to help Rugosto and Celeste. The end result was brilliant and left me smiling. 

This is how you write NEW LEGENDS!
