AYESHA: The Return of SHE by H. R. Haggard

Review by

“She was all loveliness in one shape; She was like the dawn upon the snows; She was like the evening star above the mountains; She was like the first flower of the spring.”


Welcome to our next installment of TRENDS DIE OUT/LEGENDS LIVE ON. As a reminder, this is a series of reviews in relation to what I believe to be legendary classics of fiction literature that are a must-read. They changed my life and keep doing so to this day, in many respects.


If you missed our review of SHE (link) I’d strongly suggest you go back and check it out. If not, welcome to Volume 2 of what I am convinced it is the best adventure/exploration/new world fiction literature ever written.


Ayesha was written by Haggard following the success of She. That first book came out during a time when England in particular was enamored with tales of exploring new worlds and adventures into exotic and strange lands. In that sense, She was the first of its genre, and frankly it still remains the best of all.

So enthralling is Book 1 that there is no way we could read it and not feel compelled to dive headfirst into Book 2! And so here we are, once again entering the ‘lost world’ of Haggard; anticipating more adventures, more legends…more SHE!



Again, this is an account as told by our original main character Horace Holly. After surviving his adventures with Leo in Central Africa, and making it back to England more or less in one piece, reintegrating into ordinary life was not easy for either of them. Both experience some sort of PTSD related to having witnessed and interacted with Ayesha, “for what mortal mind can be touched by an immortal mind and be left unscathed?”.

Leo even contemplates suicide but Holly rebukes him out of love. Until one night Leo has a dream in which Ayesha appears to him and seems to direct him to a place where her reincarnated being is awaiting them. After convincing Uncle Holly, they set for Central Asia, based solely on Leo’s dream! Yes, this is a desperate mission, and deep inside both of them know that it will certainly mean their end!



Where Haggard’s narrative really shines is in the description of these long and dangerous explorative trips to exotic and mysterious lands. Holly and Leo have to fight against hunger, against weather conditions, against the harshness of these lands where the biggest enemy becomes the sheer solitude they inflict on the psyche. Witness their staying at a monastery of monks forgotten by civilization; marvel at the sheer magnitude of the mountains covered in unforgiving snow; gasp at the threat of random snow avalanches, deadlier than boulders of stone:

“The screaming of the blast caused by the compression of the air, the dull, continuous thudding of the fall of millions of tons of snow as they rushed through space and ended their journey in the gulf.” (Chapter 4)



As Holly recounts:

“It was like the fragment of a nightmare preserved by the awakened senses in all its mad, meaningless reality.

We have seen the very Light of Life roll by in majesty; we have been the guests of an Immortal…”


The moment of interaction between our main characters and Ayesha represents the culmination of all the trials and tribulations…with a shocking twist at the end!



Ayesha as a book was not quite as successful as Book 1, but in terms of quality this doesn’t feel like a modern sequel, the result of  greedy minds trying to capitalize on the success of the previous work. In fact I’d dare say that some of the dynamics in Book 2 depart a big deal from Book 1 while preserving the essence that made Book 1 so special.

I encourage you all to read this LEGEND yourself. Pick up Book 1 and 2 and let us know what you think in the comments below!



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