Spiral of My Destiny by Michael Schultheis

THE SPIRAL OF MY DESTINY: Book 2 of the Rosteval Saga

By Michael R. Schultheiss

Reviewed by

As always, if you haven’t read our review of Book 1 and, furthermore, picked up a copy of the book, I strongly encourage you to do so! This is not your average epic fantasy series!

Book 1 introduced us to a mythical world where warriors live in the pursuit of fighting and conquering. The weak will be weeded out from the strong. Glory is reserved for those who dare stand up in defiance of adversities. 

But power comes with a responsibility to be fair and just as well, for power without honor means nothing.


And so once again we join Kastorak Rosteval and his slave-girl-turned-wife, Ghaitta, as they expand their new kingdom and authority throughout the lands of the South. 

Aided by the Bright Zayastura, divine beings led by Bright Apshendarin, Rosteval’s reputation grows throughout every corner of every land. Speaking of the Bright Zayastura, these are immortals. When they get killed bodily, they simply turn into a Core, which looks like a sphere of marble until they are given back human form. They are almost ‘angelic beings’ for all intents and purposes. I hope we will get more in-depth lore about them soon!


But a new threat is rising in the form of a Rishvanti by the name of Soltapyral. The Rishvanti are mortal beings who achieved immortality. In book 1 we met Rishvanti Haldua, whom Rosteval eventually defeated. But now our hero must ask for Haldua’s aid in order to best this new foe.

Soltapyral counts with his own Bright Zayastura and you can imagine a clash for the ages will be inevitable!


What I find intriguing about this world is that every warrior relies on two types of weapons: physical weapons (spears, swords, bow/arrows, shields) and supernatural weapons called rishva-shades or ‘emanations’.

When a battle takes place, both armies must use both types of weapons intelligently and effectively. This creates a visual feast for the mind, as epic scenes of both mortals and immortals clash in explosions of lights and roaring sounds.


Book 2 is the result of passion, dedication, but above all respect for our ancestors and mythos. Michael is a good friend, husband, and father and last but not least, a great writer who is dedicating himself to creating NEW LEGENDS!

Pick up a copy of the Rosteval Saga today and give us your feedback!

2 thoughts on “Spiral of My Destiny by Michael Schultheis”

  1. Thank you so much for this review, and for your time spent reading The Spiral of My Destiny! It really makes my day.

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