Hero’s Metal: How Black the Sky

by TJ Marquis

Reviewed by

“Taking life is hard. Neither of us had ever killed so much all at once, and I could only imagine how he was feeling.”


To summarize this first book of the Hero’s Metal series with one word, I’d have to use the word FUN. And this book is first and foremost just that: a fun ride with cool fantasy/action and just enough comedy thrown into the mix! 

The author credits his inspiration to progressive heavy metal, dungeonsynth music, nature itself, very good people, and Jesus. The result is a very distinct narrative with its own unique undertones.



Our MC is Pierce, a young man whose battle skills are only surpassed by his sheer (and at times reckless) courage. Pierce joins the most legendary group of justice-seeking warriors, the Gorgonbane, composed of Axebourne and wife Scythia, Agrathor, and supra-gen Ess (she’s kinda like a mage, we could say). Later on the group will be joined by  Forgemaster 77 (aka Sev) who betrays his lord and main villain of the Underworld to join Pierce and his friends.



This world we are catapulted into is divided into Overland and Underland, with the latter ruled by Overlord Kash. Kash is amassing an army to take over Overland for reasons we will find out by the end of the book.

Underland is populated by big scary creatures like the Gen and the Monstrosity. In addition you also have supra-Gen and supra-Monstrosity with even greater lethal powers.


The siege of the city of Grondell was very well executed particularly in the aftermath of this epic clash between the Gorganbane and city militia against the hordes of Underland. The taste of defeat, the dismay that follows, the disappointment of failing at defending the city, at being the heroes they ought to be, all transpire through the words of Marquis very effectively.



What I really enjoyed mostly about Book 1 is how the author lures the reader into a specific path and outcome but then with a big reveal he unmasks some truths that one might not expect. This element of surprise is what really made this story worthwhile, particularly since without that, some characters might have seemed weak or incoherent at best.



How black the Sky is a solid beginning to introducing readers to this fantasy world which can be at times suspenseful but at other times funny enough as to not take itself too seriously either.

Based on the unexpected plot twist I have mentioned above, my curiosity ignited, I will have to pick up book 2 and see where this might be leading next!


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