Expose the Surveillance State

You are being spied on, everywhere you go.

Chances are, you’re aware of the surveillance cameras at urban businesses, traffic lights, on doorbell devices, inside schools, courtrooms, government buildings, parking garages, hotels, prisons, etc. You know–the ones that always conveniently TOTALLY BY COINCIDENCE quit working when a Jeffry Epstein needs Arkanciding, or a federal asset  plants a bomb at a federal building in Oklahoma City, or a glowing wind-up-toy hauls a truckload of weapons and ammo up into a Las Vegas hotel.

Maybe you wonder if the built-in camera on your laptop can be remotely activated by bad actors. Maybe you know the microphone and camera in your smartphone definitely can be activated without your knowledge–even when you have it turned off. Maybe you know about geolocation, which can reveal your whereabouts through your smart device–even when you think you’ve turned off the “location” feature.

Google Earth revealed, in the ‘oughts, that at least one satellite is taking pictures of everybody’s home, yard, garage, driveway, etc. Maybe you know that means the FedGov had something 30-40 years more advanced than that at the time. Maybe you suspect that must mean that now, 20 years later, spy satellites must at least have some unconventional imaging tech which allows somebody to see whatever you’re doing, in high resolution, right through the roof and walls “in the privacy of your own home.”

If you’re savvy, you understand that the feds consider American citizens far more dangerous than any foreign enemy or legitimate threat to your life, liberty and property, and they deploy their assets accordingly.

The truth is, it’s much worse than you imagined.

Anonymous Conservative (author of The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics) has been tirelessly working to expose the domestic surveillance in the USA on his blog, which I consider the very best news aggregator ever, hands-down. And now he has  armed us with a powerful weapon for the Information War going on all around you: The American Stasi.

AC is not afraid to say stuff that may sound crazy. He is an honest, courageous man fighting the good fight and not concerned much about what NPCs or trolls think of him. He wants to expose the surveillance to people who will arm themselves with the information he freely offers and take the Machine down. He believes there can be no saving our republic without exposure and dismantling of this lawless abomination.

While curating his must-read news aggregating blog for the last few years, he has compiled extensive data points on the panopticon we live in–the ruthless Machine watching you and your loved ones even (especially) when you assume you are acting in private.

I can’t do his work much justice here;  you need to read it for yourself. I strongly recommend that you do.

2 thoughts on “Expose the Surveillance State”

  1. Thank you for this excellent post, and for the recommendation for Anonymous Conservative. You’ve really nailed so much of what is so very rotten with this current system.

    I have much more to say on all of these topics and others, but it’s often exhausting, and one has to assume that every word will be reviewed by the Eff Bee Eye.

    On the bright side, I think the energy on the Right, particularly the Dissident Right, is extremely promising.

    Big-picture, long-term, we on the Right have a positive vision of life, the world, and the transcendent, while the Left promotes a nihilistic, hedonistic death-cult.

    We’re going to win. I have absolutely no doubt about it.

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