The Based Book Sale is spinning off an alternate history specialization. As the Paradox Series progresses, it becomes increasingly alternate history.
All six books are on sale for 99 cents from March 19-25. Only one link is posted at the Based Book Sale site—to Book 1: Escaping Fate.
So, I’m providing a link to the entire series:
Escape to adventure in an alternate world!

A young fatherless boy living in a 1980s trailer park is saved from a cross-dimensional death squad by a time-traveling uncle who takes him under his wing. As the boy grows to manhood, learning what his biological father would never have taught him about life, love, and full-contact sports, strange dreams plague him at night. The dreams turn out to be quantum echoes across dimensions from parallel realities. Which reality he winds up in depends on the path he chooses. But he doesn’t know which path leads where.
The Paradox Series will stimulate your mind, enrich your intellect, engage your emotions, and explore your imagination. But mostly, you’ll have fun.
Check out the other alternate history books at the Based Sale, too. I plan to.