Looking at the George Floyd Catalyst From Under the Tinfoil Hat

After the whole Jeffery Epstein clown show, it’s uncertain we’ll ever know the whole truth about any big or controversial story. The Democrat/Media Machine suppresses more news than they report on.

There are also plenty of LARPing trolls and agents provacateur masquerading as right-wingers and trying to deceive us from a different angle, too. So I can’t vouch for all of the memes, video, or other information below. I do think it’s interesting, though, and possibly worth looking at to make up your own mind about. If you want to research it and let me know what you find, I may publish your conclusions.

After ultimately failing to frame General Flynn and other Trump affiliates, and failing their coup attempt against the President himself via a farce of an impeachment, the Machine then fought against a travel ban which could have prevented the Wuhan Virus from spreading across the USA. Swamp politicians, despite  having a glut of hospital beds for virus patients, intentionally subjected nursing home residents to infected carriers, while encouraging people to attend festivals and parades and insisting that there was no danger posed by the Wuhan virus.

Those same Deep State tools suddenly reversed their position 180 degrees, using bogus inflated death numbers to justify illegal power grabs, tanking the economy, and massive voter fraud. None of that apparently hurt Trump’s approval numbers enough, though.

Then, on May 25, an apparently evil cop with a long record of abusing his authority (but protected by a police union nonetheless) came to the Machine’s rescue.

Looks like this wasn’t just meant for an American audience.

There’s also this curious photo of George Floyd on the Obama Foundation’s Twatter account, posted before anyone had ever heard of George Floyd. It’s subsequently been explained away as a retroactive avatar, and deleted from that account.  Having quit FascistBorg and Twatter long ago, and with too weak a stomach to read/listen to anything the Obamanible Hussein says, I can’t confirm or deny the cover story.

Many have pointed out that the face of the officer Chauvin in the mugshot has distinct differences from the face of the Officer Chauvin in the now-infamous photo of George Floyd’s murder-in-progress. Different hairline, different ears, etc.–even though there is a resemblance between the two. Also, the other officers on the scene may have been rookies on their first day–not familiar enough with Chauvin to know if it was actually him or a stand-in.

If you really want to fall down the rabbit hole, watch this woman’s short clip:

Could Chauvin–a guy with a reputation as a bad cop, have been the patsy for a pre-planned incident designed to spark off the tinderbox?

If you believe Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed (exactly as it would in a controlled demolition) because it was struck by burning debris, then maybe you believe George Floyd simply tripped and fell on the street, accidentally landing under the knee of Officer Chauvin just as the cop happened to be taking an eight minute break behind the police vehicle. Both explanations are equally plausible.

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