Has the Great Awakening Finally Begun?

Is “the Storm” Upon Us?

Back in 2017 (I think), during a “photo op” with senior military commanders and other public servants, President Trump said something like, “This is the calm before the storm.”

Reporters asked him what he meant, but he only said, “You’ll see.”

Somebody identifying themselves only as “Q” began posting on 4 Chan at approximately the same time. They later had to switch to 8 Chan, but Q’s posts inspired a whirlwind of international speculation about what his cryptic quatrains might mean, and if Q was part of an open source intelligence operation, or just part of a psyop designed to keep patriots complacent, trusting in “the plan” instead of taking any kind of meaningful action ourselves.

I introduced the Q phenomenon to Virtual Pulpers here.

I began an attempt at decoding Q’s posts here.

I analyzed the film White Squall (from which we get the “Where we go one, we go all” catchphrase) here.

Keep in mind, I’m not an expert on Q. I discovered it late and it never consumed me to the point it has some autistic anons. In fact, until recently I had almost decided the whole affair was an irrelevant waste of our time. Just another contrivance to get our hopes up, then smash them.

If Q really was/is an open-source intelligence operation, then it does make sense his “crumbs” would contain a degree of misinformation and disinformation–the enemy can read Q drops just as easily as anons can. Misled anons have been assuming the arrests would begin at any moment for the last eight years.

The arrests still haven’t begun, BTW. In fact, even without Biden’s preemptive “Get Out of Jail Free” pardons, many of the worst criminals, traitors, and other human monsters will likely never face justice for what they’ve done. But as the revelations of what they’ve done to us stacks up, I’m reminded of a statement Q made many times, years ago: “These people won’t be able to show their faces in public anymore.”

Or something like that. I think the exact phrase was closer to “won’t be able to walk down the street.”

Q also stated many times that we’re “watching a movie.” Anonymous Conservative has opined many times that events are playing out as if scripted, and that “this movie sucks.” I consider him right on both counts.

At least, the movie did suck for too many long, dark years.

But now, the DOGE team is hitting erstwhile bastions of fraud and corruption like a storm. We can hope that what is exposed will lead to justice.

Q also said, many times, that it had to be this way. IOW it had to get as bad as it did to wake bovine normies from their trance and notice that there’s a hole in the hull of the ship. Several holes, actually.

The movie still sucks. The J6ers will never get those four years of their lives back, for instance. Just think of the people who lost their cars, businesses, and sometimes lives during the riots of 2020. Think of how Bidenflation hurt every American trying to make an honest living.

But this is 5th Generation War, I guess, and all that was collateral damage.

I recommend against putting your faith in the creature instead of the Creator. It’s fine to celebrate what’s happening right now, but don’t be a fool and put your faith in Musk, DOGE, Q or Trump. If they continue on the path they seem to be on, then thank God for giving America a stay of execution, however temporary it proves to be, and through whatever flawed human beings He chose to use.

Meanwhile, I plan to take advantage of this reprieve as best I can. You should, too. This could be the decisive moment in your life.

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