Sad Puppies, the Hugos, and Hitler, Too!

The Sad Puppies phenomenon in science fiction and fantasy (henceforth “SF/F”) has demonstrated some underappreciated truths for everyone. One of those truths has to do with Marxist, feminista, and homophile (henceforth “pinkshirt”) hypocrisy. Pinkshirts like to dish it out, but can’t take it.

The pinkshirts have enjoyed a monopoly on the Hugo and Nebula awards for decades. In recent years, the ethically challenged she-male (?) John Scalzi and his bedfellows have organized the Hugos into a pinkshirt echo chamber via nomination-stacking backroom deals. But their mastubatory self-congratulation orgy has been spoiled by the arrival of the Sad Puppies–what you might call a mobilization of the SF/F grass roots to elevate good books, regardless of what political boxes can be checked by the authors.

Needless to say, the goose-stepping, artistically challenged cabal of thought cops and professional victims has gone into meltdown. Their contradictory accusations are just too numerous to document here. But We do have this archival footage of a meeting in the Pinkshirt High Command.

For non-German-speakers, we recommend that you be ready on the pause button so you can catch all the subtitles in the video below. Also, we normally keep potty-mouths in check here at Virtual Pulp. But this time…what the hell.

BTW, Larry Correia refused to let himself be nominated this year. Pinkshirts were accusing him of basically pulling a Scalzi with the Sad Puppies (using it as a vehicle to get his own work nominated). Larry’s got enough book sales that the awards might not mean much to him; but he’s probably fed up with the way the awards have been rigged up until now.

Also, the “mainstream” (left-wing) media has responded with typical duplicity. Entertainment Weekly deliberately ignored parts of the Sad Puppies slate to characterize it as dangerous white male heterosexuals using their votes to oppress women, minorities, and sexual deviants (then edited the article after getting caught in their lie and called out for it). Salon dot com, meanwhile, posted a denunciation of “democracy” now that pinkshirts no longer have a monopoly on the flow of information.

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