All posts by Machine Trooper

“Truth” and “Lie” Have Completely Different Meanings to Leftists

Read that “libruls” for those who prefer to communicate in Newspeak.

In the latest Swamp Media hoax, we were told that some Catholic high school boys waiting for a bus were privileged white supremacist oppressors, and the adults hurling racist insults at them (while simultaneously, ironically, and typically accusing them of racism) were their victims. A carefully selected video clip was blasted through all the typical America-hating echo chambers and, though the deception has now been exposed, and even some of its perpetrators have apologized, it’s doubtful the SJW Hive Mind’s useful idiots noticed or care.

While a group of adult black supremacists called them “incest babies,” “future school shooters,” “dirty-ass crackers” and other slurs, and the Covington High School boys tried to drown out the vitriol by reciting some of their school chants, a professional victim named Nathan Phillips and some fellow travelers approached the young boys, obviously trying to provoke them. Most of the boys moved out of his way, but one student stood his ground, not moving or speaking, but just smiling while Phillips pounded a drum and howled in his face.

You might wonder who were the adults and who were the children in this scenario. A valid point, but not the most important one to make.

Watch the video clip of Phillips (while presumably wiping tears from his noble victim cheeks) spew one blatant lie after another about what actually happened.

Here’s one of the mean ol’ racist WALLS that never existed here before the evil white man came along.

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you understand that people on the left are consistently dishonest. But even so, why would this ostensibly sane adult tell such bald-faced lies when nearly everybody these days carries a smartphone with video-recording  capability? Was he not aware that he could easily be proven to be a liar?

I don’t know what is worse–somebody who can so brazenly lie with no remorse; or somebody so delusional as to actually believe something in such stark defiance of reality.

First of all, Phillips’ mindset is FAR from unique, and it goes back (at least) to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

To you, truth probably means saying something that conforms to reality as you know it; while a lie is a statement which contradicts reality as you know it. To a Marxist-Leninist, however, those concepts have been redefined right along with “patriotism,” “treason,” “love,” “choice,” “liberal,” “man” and “woman.”

To a Marxist-Leninist, truth is as fluid as gender. Put simply: “truth” is a statement or message which advances the goals of international communism. A lie, of course, is any message which hinders progress toward those goals.

It’s doubtful that Phillips is even embarrassed by his exposure as an impudent liar, because he was championing his cause to the best of his ability. That makes him truthful according to his own standards. Conversely, the Covington boys–even though their statements line up with reality–are the liars in this situation, because they contradict The Narrative.

This sounds bizarre and insane–how can you even have a different definition for truth? How is it even possible to pervert the meaning of the most pure, simple concept in existence? It’s only possible when you’ve been handed over to a depraved mind.

This is what we are up against, and there are millions like Nathan Phillips. Not just politicians, media drones and Hollywood celebrities, either. There are hordes of them on social media, in the workplace, in corporate boardrooms, in academia, on the streets, and, God help us all, in our current-year armed forces.

I’ve encountered hundreds of such reprobates, despite my intentionally limited social circles. You may have encountered hundreds or even thousands. You probably don’t recognize them for what they are–I didn’t either, for the longest time. Their depravity isn’t always obvious, until they are put in a position where they are forced to choose between (actual) truth, and the agenda they have personalized.

See, they understand enough about how you and I measure truth that they’ll usually pretend to share our perspective on it. This is how silver-tongued devils like Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama win elections, after all. No doubt they seethe with rage under the surface about the necessity of it, but they must carry out the charade until they get behind closed doors. They can’t afford to speak in their native language openly, lest us peasant rubes catch on.

This is why it’s utterly fruitless to reason with a drone from the Hive Mind. It’s not just that they are emotionally driven (though that is the case with many of them). You can show them conclusive proof of any matter in question, and they will reject it without batting an eye because it doesn’t fit their concept of “truth.” The “truth” is what contributes to their idea of progress, and they know what that does or does not look like, so their mind (such as it is) is made up beforehand. Whatever pesky little facts you can throw at them are easily shrugged off because The Agenda is supreme and everything must bow to it.

From this depraved Hive Mind is where the anti-reality comes from, wherein the crimes of being white, wearing  MAGA hats, and “smirking” deserve character assassination, doxxing and death threats.

Ultimately, there are only two options to deal with this monolithic mass (which composes approximately half the population dwelling in the USA): surrender or fight. And fighting in typical American style (with your best arm tied behind your back) is not gonna cut it.

You will be forced to choose an option sooner or later.

The Purpose of the Mainstream Media is to Lie to You

When caught red-handed fabricating stories, the media will either double-down, or defend themselves with the old “nobody’s perfect” argument. Sometimes they’ll quietly admit that the lie was “not accurate,” before quickly moving on to blasting out the next lie incessantly at full volume. It’s safe for them to do so after being caught because, by then, the message has already been absorbed by their bovine audience. Armies of idiots on social media will keep spreading any such “story” long after it’s been proven to be a lie because:

  1. They don’t bother to fact check.
  2. Roughly half the people living within the United states couldn’t care less about actual truth. They want to fundamentally transform this country into a socialist (called whatever name they’re comfortable with) Utopia, and if some lies need to be regurgitated to accomplish that, so be it.

As sickening as that is, how the neocon media responds is arguably just as bad, if not worse.

Take Tucker Carlson (or is it Cucker Tarlson?), for instance. He often calls out the Swamp Media for their lockstep partisanship, and some of his monologues deserve applause. In other words: he and some others on Cux News say and divulge just enough to keep right-of-center viewers from turning off the idiot box and scouring the web for truly alternative news sites. Discerning people who don’t swallow the Narrative whole can take comfort that, since Tucker/Hannity/Dobbs are calling BS on some of what the Swamp Media is saying, they must be telling us the whole truth on everything.

Why, then, will they not call a skunk a skunk?

Running damage control for the Left is not a new mission for Tucker & Co. Pretty much every night he tells you that our republic is “a democracy,” that socialists and Marxists are “liberal,” and that the organized propagandists of the media are merely “dumb people.”

In case you missed it, Buzzfeed recently reported a “bombshell” story accusing President Trump of ordering his former attorney to lie under oath. A media blitz ensued for the next 24 hours, in which all the Swamp Media networks undertook a euphoric orgy of speculation on how soon Trump could be impeached now that they’d finally found some dirt on him.

On the byline was one “honest” reporter and one “discredited shill” who admitted to not verifying the allegations they reported as fact. In an unprecedented development, Dirty Bob Mueller took time out (from trying to entrap and achieve leverage over everyone on the planet who has ever been within 20 yards of Donald Trump) to issue a statement debunking the story.

Buzzfeed and some other communists with platforms are doubling down on the story–one even claiming that it’s “100%” true. But there are legions of renegade drones from the Democrat Hive Mind trying to distance themselves from this particular episode of anti-Trump ballyhoo.

With a straight face, the Cux News talking heads and their guests are claiming to be shocked. Mind you: not shocked by Dirty Bob Mueller and some poster children for the Democrat/Media Machine failing to jump on this bandwagon.* Ostensibly they are shocked that the Ministry of Propaganda (“mainstream media”) is capable of dishonesty. I’ve lost track of how many times they’ve been “shocked” by this same old song-and-dance.

Notice the carefully chosen words that are used to spin this sort of revelation. Buzfeed’s story will be called “inaccurate,” “wrong,” “misleading,” “uncorroborated,” “reckless,” “irresponsible,” and maybe even “untrue.” Cux News and other “conservative” “right-wing” media organizations are spinning a narrative that goes something like this:

These darned liberal news outlets used to be bastions of journalistic integrity, but in the last few years they’ve suddenly drifted slightly into partisanship. They consistently make mistakes that always push leftward because of the liberal bubble they live in. They simply never hear differing opinions in the liberal circles they travel in, therefore they honestly believe in the misleading stories they tell you. They’re blinded by their own bias, don’tcha know. Move along folks–nothing to see here; just more incompetent buffoonery by people who mean well.

Moreover, I have a fantastic deal on some beachfront property and I’m giving you first crack at it because you mean so much to me, personally.

People on the news networks are not all stupid. They’re not reckless or irresponsible. They’re not making mistakes. They are deliberately lying to you.

They are not “biased.” They are owned by the enemies (foreign and domestic) of America, it’s people, and your freedom. Their masters deploy them to sell us a bill of goods–whether The Narrative du jour is that in order to be safe, all law-abiding civilians must be made defenseless; or that Obamacare and tax-subsidized abortions are in the Constitution. The Narrative they need you to believe is often so ridiculous that it takes slick, professional liars to make it sound plausible. That requires suppressing actual news which doesn’t bolster The Narrative, as well as selecting certain stories to blast, or fabricating them if nothing that fits the bill is available. Deep State politicians work hand-in-hand with the Swamp Media, because they’re all owned by the same clandestine power elite.

(About half of the adults living in the USA have been so thoroughly brainwashed by this operation that they will automatically reject any truth or fact that cuts against their years of conditioning–no matter what evidence or proof you show them. They’ve fallen in love with their programming. It’s  become their identity. Trying to wake up a “woke” person is taken as an attack on their very existence, so they will resist truth via childish, outlandish, or even violent tantrums. It’s doubtful Buzzfeed will lose a single subscriber.)

The 5th Column nature of the 4th Estate did not start in 2016, nor in 2008, nor during Vietnam. At the absolute latest, you can trace it back to the deliberate lies, deception, and cover-ups foisted on the American people by our allegedly free press during the murderous reign of Josef Stalin.

There is nothing “liberal” about their motives, agenda, or methods to achieve it. The masters of these professional deceivers fully intend to strip you of all your individual rights, murder you  and your family if necessary, and establish a global socialist dictatorship. They are more than willing to destroy anyone who effectively opposes their agenda.

This does not all stem from a deranged hatred of President Trump. They had no problem with Donald Trump when he wasn’t an obstacle to their agenda. Their deranged hatred is for America, and Trump is interfering  with their systematic poisoning of our constitutional republic, of our economy, our institutions,  and the nuclear family itself (America, in other words).

In this case, as in every case of fake news, there was no “mistake” made.  Trump is an obstacle to “progress,” and therefore must be taken down by any means necessary. This failed attempt is just one of dozens, and the perpetrators feel no remorse whatsoever. They’re not even embarrassed by being caught. They will be right back at it in no time–slinging poo until something sticks.

The “conservative” (whatever that means) reporters and anchors are not stupid, either. And it defies credibility to assume that they are simply naive about everything going on around them.

What you’re seeing is the same kind of theater that plays out in Congress: the Left uses every dirty trick imaginable to get what they want, while those who are supposedly the champions of the Right look for opportunities to surrender or otherwise lose, while pretending to fight for us.

Tucker et al will continue to highlight and comment on what we would have discovered via true alternative media anyway. But while so doing, their mission is to conceal insidious evil behind a mask of mere irresponsible behavior

The Narrative by Deplora Boule – a Review

Leftists, and especially SJWs, are just begging to be mocked and ridiculed–the individuals themselves, of course, but even more so their absurd reasoning and their efforts to twist reality into a shape they are comfortable with, and that justifies their hypocrisy and tragicomic behavior. This book does just that.

A huge part of the American decline is the ignorance of roughly half of the population who (knowingly and unknowingly) enable those who are fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a third-world police state. That ignorance is carefully crafted by the Education Cartel, the entertainment industry, and perhaps most insiduously by the propaganda ministry of the Deep State–also known as the mainstream media. This novel-length satire puts the press squarely in the crosshairs.

The Narrative is a literary roller coaster, of sorts. The author tears a new bunghole in the Swamp Media with passages so zany that only an SJW could fail to recognize how ridiculous it is. But these are almost like a series of vignettes in an otherwise straightforward narrative (ahem) about a young woman with ambition to become a prime time media celebrity.

Despite the name, Deplora Boule has got the gift of optimism, so when all is said and done, that optimistic outlook overshadows the comedy. Lord knows we can use all the optimism we can get these days.

Sheik of Mars by Ben Wheeler – a Review

This pulpy sci-fi novel from Superversive Press is the kind of  old-fashioned adventure I’ve been missing for a long time.

The protagonist is a lovestruck romantic whose soon-to-be bride is snatched off his pedestal just before they are to be married. That triggers the main plot and we are off to the races.

I’m tempted to call this space opera, but I’m not sure if the requirements of that genre include intergalactic travel and space battles. This story takes place on a colonized Mars. In any case, it reminded me of the sci-fi pulp treasures of yesteryear (featuring characters the likes of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and even John Carter) hidden in the yellowed pages of threadbare paperbacks from a world where authors weren’t obligated to walk on PC eggshells.

All that is not to say this is purely escapist fare, either. Mars has both Christian and Muslim enclaves, you see, making the backdrop far more relevant to our life and times than John Carter’s ever was.

This is rollicking fun adventure. Kudos to the author and Superversive for making this available to readers.

Christmas Book Bomb

Got a few days off in December? Christmas isn’t what it used to be. The commie thought police are banning the Clay-Mation Rudolph classic, you can’t listen to “Baby it’s Cold Outside,” and A Christmas Story will probably come under fire next because (BB) GUN VIOLENCE! Your entertainment choices are limited to:

1) watching millionaires who get played to play football protest being victimized by this oppressive, racist country;
2) watching some “woke” holiday comedy that will probably feature a buffoonish Santa too incompetent to put the toys in his sack were it not for the strong, wise, independent (yet underappreciated) Mrs. Clause and her comedy relief BFF (a homosexual elf);
3) sink into a coma trying to digest all the GMO-laden holiday food…
4) read a good book. Here is this year’s CLFA (Conservative-Libertarian Fiction Alliance) holiday book sale.
UPDATE: Marina Fontaine (author of Chasing Freedom) just informed me: “GIFTBOOK18 code gets you $5 off $20 paperback purchase on Amazon.”

Ali-Shavers (A Glimpse Into Boxing History)

To this day, the fanatic fan-boyism for Muhammed Ali is as myopic as ever. The Narrative on Ali is always him overcoming adversity and bigotry to beat the odds and show the world he was “The Greatest.”

While one has to admire his footwork, his lateral movement, his masterful head games, and his ability to absorb punishment to the body, you must use selective metrics to determine he was ‘the greatest”…or even the greatest heavyweight. What he conclusively proved is that, at least in his younger days, he could move faster backwards than his opponents could move forward.

Nobody before Gaseous Cassius had so brazenly flaunted such raw egotism. Humility was still a virtue before Cassius Clay’s ascendance. Now all athletes (and most people in general) are arrogant, trash-talking legends in their own minds. Clay/Ali was the trailblazer for grandiose, egomaniacal personalities in sports.

In this bout, Ali probably thought he could use the rope-a-dope strategy as he did in Zaire, and cause Shavers to punch himself out. There turned out to be two problems with that plan: the ropes weren’t nearly as loose as they were in Zaire; and Shavers had learned from that particular George Foreman blunder. Although Shavers had a small gas tank (like a lot of power punchers), he showed remarkable discipline in pacing himself, for the most part.

Arguably, Shavers was far too cautious. He ignored multiple opportunities after stunning Ali with hard shots, and had him hurt more than once, but failed to follow up effectively. Unbelievably, Ali even backed into the corner on several occasions. This would have been a suicidal tactic against a fine-tuned Mike Tyson, or The Rock at any time. (Marciano would pound on whatever part of an opponent’s body could be reached. If the best target he had was the arms, he would bang them until they couldn’t be lifted for protection any longer.) But Shavers only made token efforts at punching in these circumstances. Every such opportunity ended by Ali clinching, or Shavers simply backing away to let him off the hook.

A fight historian can probably count on one hand the number of times the elusive Ali was ever hit flush. Three of those times, he went down. Shavers never caught him flush, but even glancing blows from Shavers nearly took Ali’s head off. Starting  in the fifth round (and intermittent thereafter), Ali jumped on his “bicycle” to evade Shavers, offering an occasional feather-fisted counterattack.

As in too many fights throughout history, only a knockout could have overcome the favorite’s “home cooking” in this bout. As was typical in Ali’s reign, the referee allowed him to hold and hit for all 15 rounds, with only one warning. Because he could get away with it as usual, Ali clutched the back of Shavers’ head with one glove any time Shavers got inside. Shavers was the aggressor from bell to bell, landing the most effective punches consistently, unfazed by Ali’s occasional attempts at offense right up until an adrenaline-fueled flurry in the last seconds of the fight. No fair, impartial judge would have awarded the champion more than five rounds…but the judges were, like the referee, effectively part of Team Ali. All of them scored the fight an astonishing nine rounds to six in favor of the guy who got battered around the ring like Michael Avenatti’s girlfriend.

Shavers fought less than a perfect fight, to be sure. And maybe his excessive caution was partially warranted–he seemed to be out of gas by the end of Round 15 (possibly because, despite his caution, he still tended to load up and swing wild Western Union punches when he got excited). He was hardly the first to be exhausted from chasing the Louisville Lip around all night. Considering the officiating and scoring he was up against, his only path to victory was a knockout. He had Ali in deeper trouble, far more frequently, than Foreman ever did. It would have been fascinating to find out what might have happened, had Shavers not squandered so many opportunities.

Your Vote Means Nothing

Republicans are allowed to vote up until the polls close. Democrats are allowed to keep dumping magically-appearing ballots into an election until it goes their way.

Election fraud is nothing new for Democrats, but it’s more blatant than ever, now. Blatant enough for anyone in power supposedly on “our side” to finally put a stop to it? We’ll find out, I guess. If something decisive insn’t done PDQ, the traitors in government will be able to lock down their power permanently and we will never again have a chance to turn our country around at the ballot box.

Elections in Arizona,  New Mexico, and other places have already been stolen. Some RINOs in Florida apparently discovered their own backbones and are contesting the fraud…but predictably, the Swamp Courts are clamping down to ensure justice has no chance.

When Americans try to limit voting to living American citizens, that’s “voter suppression.” But actual suppression takes place exclusively on one side, while truckloads of suspicious ballots magically appear days after the polls legally close, which exclusively benefits the other side.

The newly appointed Democrat, Adrian Fontes, found himself facing a lot of backlash from voters after he refused to reveal the results of a taxpayer-funded audit that would reveal the results of why there were so many election day issues in the primary election.

Even when Democrats aren’t turning Republican voters away at the polls, “accidentally” sitting on pallets of military absentee ballots, or destroying ballots outright, they are suppressing  legal votes by canceling them out with illegal and fraudulent ballots.

 Of course, the answer is simple: this is part of a systematic coup where an American election is literally being stolen district by district, state by state, right before our very eyes. What is at stake is the integrity of elections, the faith of our people in the “democratic” process, and the survival of our American Republic.

When our domestic enemies steal our elections and are allowed to get away with it, does your vote actually count anymore? Do we even have a modicum of a representative government? Do you suppose there’s anything you can do to slow down, much less stop, the destruction of what’s left of our country?

Oh, I know: you can use your freedom of speech to spread awareness on social media, right?

Cui Bono?

That’s a Latin phrase which means: “Who benefits?”

Since the days when people spoke Latin, it was an important question to ask when, say, citizens of the Empire were pushed a little too hard by the Romans to swallow the latest version of The Narrative. It’s still an important question, and one you should be asking.

The latest atrocity I’m aware of  (as of this writing) was the shooting at a synagogue in Pennsylvania, but it won’t surprise me if there’s already been another spectacular incident somewhere. There might be one every single day until Election Day, or until one finally impacts the pending election significantly for those who benefit.

Looking back to the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas media circus and the subsequent “Year of the Woman” which propelled Bill Clinton into the White House, it’s probable certain interests hoped to get a “two-fer” by keeping a Constitutionalist off the Supreme Court (destroying his life in the process) while energizing the pussy-hat crowd into a Blue Wave in November, all with the same media blitz. But this time, amazingly, after they surrounded their victim and attacked him from all sides, he stood his ground and called BS on them. Neither all the King’s talkshows nor all his network news puppets could put Christine-Dumpty’s “credible” narrative back together again.

With November Six drawing closer and no Blue Wave in sight (unless you place stock in Swamp Polls and factor in massive voter fraud), the America-haters who need to remove that meddling President Trump, protect themselves from exposure and prosecution, and put our country back on the fast track to oblivion, became increasingly desperate. No “Year of the Woman” for 2018 and, to their apoplectic fury, the Supreme Court is seemingly one seat closer to being what it is supposed to be.


Crude mock-ups of Hollywood-style time bombs were next delivered to mailboxes at addresses connected to some big-name leftists, and the Swamp Media went crazy trying to pin it on Trump’s followers. Lo and behold, they found a guy–an avowed leftist who, with convenient timing, had a sudden and miraculous conversion to the Cult of MAGA, covered his van with right-wing decals and paraded around his deep blue stomping grounds creating as big a footprint as possible. (Reminiscent of how Lee Harvey Oswald made a spectacle of himself as an anti-Kennedy zealot in the months before the JFK assassination.) Technology improves, but the playbook sticks to the same fundamentals.

But back to the question: who benefits? Or, more importantly, who was intended to benefit? A bunch of high-profile America-haters were “threatened,” but none of them were ever in danger from these “devices” that were not wired to explode. It’s not difficult to figure out what kind of reaction from the electorate the Swamp Media was hoping for, if you heard even just a fraction of their mouth-frothing coverage.

That media circus didn’t have the desired effect. Maybe actual casualties were needed. Nobody of importance to the Deep State, of course–but somebody whose demographic profile would play into the Trump-Supporters-Are-Nazis Narrative, who would be more valuable as martyrs than alive.

And so, a fake right goon (probably on prescription psychotropic drugs, if the pattern holds, and possibly with a CIA handler referred to as his “therapist”) shoots up a Synagogue, killing several people. He’s an anti-Trump national socialist, but do you suppose that kept the Swamp Media from attempting to blame the atrocity on Trump and right-wingers (who are NOT socialists)? Don’t be silly.

If this one doesn’t work, what’s next? Another school shooting? The very smelly shooting in Broward County, Florida did manage to move the needle a bit, causing Trump to entertain speculation on trips to Wishy-Washy Land and betraying his base, who had nothing to do with the shooting. Not only that, but there is documented proof of at least one terrorist camp in the USA where children have been trained to perpetrate made-to-order high-profile school shootings (few dare call them false flags). And while Paul Manafort was locked in solitary confinement without trial for improperly filling out bank forms 10 years ago, a “woke” judge let the terrorists walk on a signature bond. No perversion of justice to see here, folks. Just move along.

Maybe a run-of-the-mill school shooting won’t be enough. It might have to be an ANFO bomb murdering a bus load of black children. Oh, they’ve already taken care of that improvised munition? How about a firearm with 3D-printed parts, used to gun down some Asian valedictorians at a national awards ceremony? Hmm…why not a brutal attack on one of the “refugee” convoys being delivered to our border?

Have the manufacturers of public opinion spent their load, or do they still have an atrocity or two up their sleeve? We still have a few days to see just how imaginative they can be.

Another Left-Wing Coward Humiliated on Video

…Attempting to sucker-punch a guy who had temporarily turned his head.

Fortunately, the intended victim was not alone, and saved from the cold-cock by a comrade who flicked it aside.

Shamelessly, the chickenshit soy-boy probably went to find a more unsuspecting victim. Maybe a 70-year old woman, a WWII veteran in a wheelchair, or a blind Kindergartener. Maybe he borrowed a bike lock from his professor for next bout of peaceful activism.

This is quite illustrative of the political situation in the USA right now. Tyrannical cowards like the Antifa posterboy in this clip are desperate to take power, encouraged by their svengalis in the Swamp Media and pretty much every Democrat with a microphone. They have rigged voting machines and armies of illegal voters primed to help them acquire that power. If we don’t turn out in record numbers on November 6th, you will find out that giving these people more power doesn’t magically grant them integrity.


Web of Doom – All-New Len Levinson Novel

WEB OF DOOM, Len Levinson’s first all-new novel since 1997, has just been published by Rough Edges Press, it was announced today by Scarlett Johansson, president of the Len Levinson Fan Club, on the veranda of her Beverly Hills palace.

In attendance were eminent literary critics, celebrity journalists representing major and minor outlets, distinguished porn stars, and delegates from the National Book Awards and Nobel Prize for Literature.

According to a press release distributed by members of the Len Levinson Fan Club, WEB OF DOOM is a hard-boiled crime melodrama set in New York City during the 1990s, about a tough ex-NYPD cop accused of the brutal murder of a beautiful socialite in a Times Square hotel. He’d never even met the victim but circumstantial evidence points directly to him, and he must solve the crime or do the time (lethal injection is not out of the question). Needless to say, he is highly motivated to identify the perp, and not averse to busting a few heads of those impeding his investigation.

During Ms. Johansson’s exciting announcement, protestors gathered on the street outside her palace and chanted anti-Len Levinson slogans. Many represented the anti-gun lobby who expressed dismay about gun violence depicted in the novel. They were joined by numerous anti-sex activists enraged by several steamy romantic scenes which the activists considered far beneath standards established by decent snobs everywhere. Also protesting was a small but extremely noisy contingent of pacifists opposed to the novel’s random brawling and one stabbing described in lurid detail.

Len now is author of 84 published novels. He has been acclaimed a “Trash Genius” by THE PAPERBACK FANATIC magazine, was subject of an extensive interview in PAPERBACK PARADE magazine, has been described as “the gold standard” and “the king” of pulp fiction on various Facebook posts, and was introduced as “a legend” at a panel during the 2017 Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention.

WEB OF DOOM is available as an ebook for only $2.99 and trade paperback for only $12.99 on Amazon.

“This is a major international literary event,” declared Ms. Johansson. “Len Levinson obviously is the future of quality literature on this planet and possibly even our solar system in general. I urge everyone everywhere to purchase his novel, so that Len can afford the mansion next door and be close to me always, for he is my mentor, my inspiration, and yes, my very reason for living.”

It is rumored but not yet confirmed that a film version of WEB OF DOOM starring Len and Scarlett is in development at MGM.