All posts by Machine Trooper

A Flame War With Neon Revolt

For those who don’t know what Q Anon is, you may read my previous post.

I’ve been following Neon Revolt’s Q decodes for a while, and sharing some of them. He’s very detailed, and goes deep, whereas a lot of Q “decodes” on Youtube are little more than somebody reading the Q drops to the camera. I don’t have time to hang around the chans and decode them myself…or even to keep up with all the coverage from the two sources I follow. So I appreciate the painstaking work that Praying Medic and Neon Revolt put into that.

NR also struck me as a decent guy, too. Maybe he is. But anyway, one day I was reading one of his posts and came across this:

He said more than I’m including here on this marathon post, so out of fairness to him, you should probably visit his site and read it all in its entirety before deciding which one of us is on the right side of what follows.

Do take note, though, that the evidence he presents that “America was built on many classically fascist principles” are fasces in historic art and sculpture, and the Latin phrase “E pluribus unum” on Federal Reserve Notes. That will prove relevant in the next screenshots from a following post of his.

So superficial connections via fasces on old artwork, and a Latin phrase, are valid evidence of America being built on many fascist principles. But superficial connections between Nazis, Fascists and Communists just don’t cut it as valid evidence. Remember this logic, because this isn’t the only way or time it is applied.

Again: NR says a lot more on the subject than I’m including here, and it’s more lucid than how the average white nationalist or Nazi apologist normally present it. BTW: I’m not saying he is either one, necessarily (though I have no doubt he’s been influenced by one or more). He even makes some good points.

Secondly, it is true that the USA has been infiltrated by collectivists (called by different labels depending on the times or political winds) and other treacherous individuals throughout our history. Some of them had infiltrated America even by the time of the Revolution–meaning they were here, influencing our government, even before the republic came into being. That’s at least one blog post all by itself, so I’ll leave it at that for now.

Thirdly…well, we’ve posted here many times about white tribalism, so I don’t want to rehash that here. But while at one point you could reliably bank on two out of every three members of any white identity group being an informant or plant from a federal agency, that seems to have begun changing during the Obama Occupation. A whole lot of Fake Right trolls probably still are paid agitators, but a lot of non-shill white folks have become tired of all the institutionalized hate against whites, and have begun listening to the white identity messages–regurgitating it everywhere they go, as if it comprises their own thoughts and opinions.

These Fake Right recruits are more and more militant about reacting to standard SJW identity politics…with a big steaming pile of their own identity politics. Together, the shills and the true believers have dedicated their lives to proving left-wing propaganda correct (that everything is about race, and the left’s political opposition subscribe to white supremacy, etc.).  They’re as predictable as their SJW counterparts at introducing race into every topic–including those which have nothing to do with race.

The sad part is that some sincere people are buying into this tribalist thinking. It’s not gonna lead to anything pretty; but at this point it appears to be inevitable.

Anyway, Neon Revolt presents himself as a man who follows the truth wherever it leads. And we’re both on Gab. During a rare compulsive moment, I tagged him with a message. I don’t have a “pro” account (which allows Gabbers to write longer posts), and I’m not used to limiting myself to 300 characters, so I was forced to break some posts into parts. That, plus Gab’s display of complex threads in a visually non-linear fashion, caused me to chop certain things up in an attempt to sort it into chronological sequence here. Also, I didn’t capture all the streams that split off from the main thread (some of the comments are, frankly, incoherent).

This is a pet peeve of mine, as many readers know. There was probably a more diplomatic way to initiate a discussion. Anyway, here’s what happened next:

So at that point, I figured the conversation was over. He probably wasn’t willing to have his beliefs challenged, and that’s his prerogative. He’s got plenty of followers, of whom I was only one, so I wasn’t even banking on him replying at all. He did respond, but was pretty dismissive.

“Whatever,” sez I.

But then he replied again later, and this ensued:

Okay…asking relevant questions is revisionist and “blue pill.” And I didn’t press him on this at the time, but if he admits that both movements were funded by the same people, you’d think that knowledge, by itself, would spark his curiosity, not prompt him to gloss it over as if it’s insignificant. You’d think it would provoke questions. If the two revolutionary movements are “nowhere near the same,” why would certain people fund both of them? Who benefits from a one-two punch (or Plan A & B) like that? Presumably, two movements which are “nowhere near the same” would have radically different goals and results, yet he doesn’t find this information the slightest bit intriguing.

This was a sign that I probably had overestimated NR.

At this point I was disappointed at the knee-jerk reaction, and his lame deflection.

But speaking of “autistic screeching and bad memes,” one of his Gab sycophants decided to jump in and dazzle me with his based intellectual alacrity:

What is he mouthing off about here? What, exactly, am I being told to deal with? Absolutely nothing in this entire thread had anything to do with Q coming to /pol/. You probably think I lifted this from a different thread with a completely different conversation just to make this ankle-biter look like a fool, but I promise I didn’t. After getting no response to his first comment, he tried again later during my back-and-forth with Neon Revolt.

I wonder if guys like this really believe their input is relevant. There’s a wise old maxim that you shouldn’t argue with stupid people, because they’ll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. But I must admit: I’m occasionally in the right mood to engage in a battle of wits with an opponent who is unarmed.

The sad part is, looking back over the sub-threads, these ankle-biters probably do believe their petty insults really are devastating comebacks.

I don’t know why that black strip appears in some of my screenshots. Really annoying. But back to the main thread:

Again, Gab’s character limit forced me to cut off my comment, back up and finish the first part a different way. During that annoying interruption, I took a moment to reflect. This was descending into an Internet pissing contest, which was not what I intended. So I posted the following:

Neither Neon Revolt, nor his ankle-biting sycophants. ever replied to, or even acknowledged, this post. Too bad, because I was irritable later when I came back to Gab and read the replies posted while I was out in the real world:

If you’ve paid close attention, you can see that he’s subtly contradicting his earlier admission that both movements were funded by the same people (“the people behind it all”). And now he just falls deeper and deeper into his Dunning-Kruger spiral. Really disappointing. I’ve come to expect these “ready, fire, aim!” rules of engagement from most keyboard warriors on social media, but was hoping he’d be different.

His fans are probably fooled. I’m not: he didn’t answer my questions based on basic socialist principles because he can’t answer them–not without challenging the Narrative he has latched onto and is evidently quite fond of.

So after claiming that the National Socialists and International Socialists are nothing alike, he cherry-picks one of my questions to build a straw man out of, stacking up more assumptions about what I do think and don’t know. Maybe the “#BoomerPosting” hashtag he so adroitly wielded against me means he assumes I’m a baby boomer, too? Add that to the list of names I’ve been called by the Legion of Ignorance, I guess: racist; diversity bot; Nazi; kike; cuck; autist; and, of course: conspiracy nut-job.

Again, I had to split my comment up, and it makes the thread hard to follow in some places. Unlike Neon Revolt, I had kept my comments about the facts in dispute, and avoided attacking him personally in our dialog. These posts were as close as I got:

Anyway, what follows is how it ended.

Since I’m being called a baby boomer, what have I got to lose by referring to Monty Python?

So my questions were “aggressive”? Hmm. Then, after calling me plebian; oblivious to history; revisionist (based on what “concrete evidence,” I wonder?), blue-pilled; more informed by my “vague American dogma than actual research;” calling me ignorant a few more times; and declaring my criticisms are uninformed (Holy Hypocrisy, Batman!), he whines that I acted “indignant.” But wait! He’s got one more parting accusation: that I haven’t behaved like a grown adult (implying that he has, I gather). He then mutes me, suggesting that I unfollow him.

I knew going in that there was a good chance I wouldn’t be able to change his mind. I was just hoping for a little less knee-jerk and defensiveness. In fact, I had begun the task of unpacking some books and trying to track down some other misplaced resources so I could, in fact, show him the “concrete evidence” he allegedly would accept. But this is probably for the best. I can see now that he would have just dismissed it out of hand for one excuse or another and all that time and effort would have been wasted.

As it is with 99% of idealogues in the world today.

Here’s another sub-thread initiated by an ankle-biter, coincident with the other pissing contests:

I’m frequently surprised at how so many people  on social media so carelessly sling out these demonstrably false accusations. And when she’s called out, the poor blowhard drops her bombshell–sentence excerpts that even somebody with only First Grade reading skills can see is not the “EXACT SAME WORDING”:

And when these people are proven wrong, there’s no remorse. They never miss a beat–just double down. I hate to acknowledge this, but some of these people on my side of the political divide behave just as irrationally as the SJWs. At least she’s learned not to hoist herself on her own petard anymore. Notice how she covers her retreat by building a (lame) insult around the fact that I typed: “Oh, I see.”

The “soyboy” remark was probably wasted ammo. She likely has already forgotten her own opening shots (because it’s too painful for her to remember how they backfired?).

BTW, her loony, desperate comment above reminds me (as do some of NR’s, to a lesser extent) of a tactic I’ve been noticing a lot on social media lately. I’ve been in quite a few flame wars online. Whether I’m engaging a Fake Right Alt-Retard on Gab, a normalcy-biased coincidence theorist on the Gateway Pundit, or a rabid SJW on Youtube, they ALL wind up accusing me of being enraged by something they said. There’s literally no reason for them to legitimately suspect that I’m frothing into a berserker rage. In fact, it’s often them who appear to be rage-posting–with name-calling tirades and irrational (if not anatomically impossible) accusations, after I’ve directed all my attention to their arguments, and haven’t speculated about them personally. And for whatever reason, their accusation is usually some variation of the rhetorical statement: “Looks like I touched a nerve, didn’t I?”

Is it as simple as just wishful thinking on their part? They’ve unleashed the most powerful insults in their arsenal, so they’re positive it has provoked an emotional reaction from their opponent? Or are they trying to instigate a self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe they believe that provoking a tantrum out of the enemy…or, at least, selling that version of events to onlookers…is equivalent to victory, so they can save face.

Finally, here are a couple comments from one of the subthreads the conversation inspired:

I haven’t read through NR’s comment threads, so I can’t verify the first post. However, after this episode, I’m sad to say I don’t doubt it at all.

The second comment is evidently from one of the Q skeptics who likes to call us “Qtards,” “low IQAnons,” etc. But I thought he made an interesting point about NR’s double standard regarding “concrete evidence.”

Many skeptics like to accuse Q of trying to tell people what to think. I point out that he mainly asks questions and encourages people to think/research for themselves. How ironic, then, that Neon Revolt was so intimidated by my “aggressive questions.”

Q Anon For Beginners

This was originally just going to be a short intro to a different blog post; but as often happens, it quickly got out of hand. So, I’m cutting the post in two.

In case somebody reading this blog still hasn’t heard of “Q” (or “Q Anon”) yet, here’s the Cliff’s Notes version:

After Trump became President, he dropped the phrase “calm before the storm” during a photo shoot with a crowd of mostly top military brass. Presstitutes at the event asked him what he meant by the remark, but he only replied cryptically.

Around the same period of time (I think), an anonymous poster on the chans calling himself “Q” began dropping “crumbs.” The crumbs are mysterious quatrains which sometimes prove prophetic, and sometimes seem to indicate that whoever “Q” is, it is somebody high up in government, with access to Trump.

#QAnon mostly asks questions, or mentions some information which causes others to  ask questions and connect dots…though some posts are possibly coded messages for specific recipients. What many believe Q has been telling us is that Trump and some other “white hats” (good guys) have become aware of what traitors and criminals inside the government/media machine have been doing and are still doing to our country, and the world. Q tells us that Trump and the White Hats have a plan to surgically remove the Deep State from power, neutralize the Swamp Media…basically clean house in the USA and, to some extent, expose the corruption, perversity, and criminality of our domestic enemies.

This sounded too good to be true when I first heard it, but it interested me.

I was ready to dismiss the whole Q phenomenon when he urged us to “trust (Jeff) Sessions.” I wasn’t the only one: there are many Q enthusiasts, but there is also no shortage of detractors and naysayers.

Some from the former camp made plausible arguments that Sessions is playing possum while piling up thousands of sealed indictments behind the scenes, and getting all his ducks in a row to launch “The Storm” against “The Cabal” and its support structure. I resumed paying attention.

Whatever Q turns out to be (and I, for one, will probably be convinced one way or the other by the time of the midterm elections), he is giving American patriots a cause for hope we haven’t had in a long, long time. The more informed an American patriot is, the less likely they’ve had any cause for hope in their lifetime before Q. Also, Q is causing people to research and seek the truth hidden behind the Swamp Media’s  lies, distractions and obfuscations. Hard to not see that as a net positive.

Not having the time, myself, to dig into the chans and decipher all of Q’s cryptic crumbs, I asked around on Gab for a good resource for decoding and summarizing Q posts. Two recommendations I got from different sources were Praying Medic on YouTube, and Neon Revolt on his own website. I’ve been following both when I have time–which isn’t too terribly often.

So now with that established, I’ll put my originally conceived content in the next post.

“Military Fiction Done Right”

We interrupt the regularly scheduled political screed for some spontaneous horn-tooting.

For some reason, my debut novel remains the most popular book I’ve written. At least it’s accumulated the most “social proof” of all my books. Here’s the latest review of Hell and Gone:

I hadn’t planned on writing a review but the end of Hell & Gone had a comment by the author, Henry Brown, that struck me. Military fiction is a genre that’s has been dearly underserved by mainstream publishing. While there may be a financial justification for this, and it is a niche genre, the real reason is that publishers simply don’t like it. It’s difficult to market, requires a knowledge base few editors possess and, yes, it’s considered “icky” by an industry that leans so far to the left that some publishers have trouble getting through doorways. It also happens to be MY industry, and I know all this from experience.

That being said, the genre suffers from another problem: A lot of the material written for it just isn’t that good. Creating a story is hard work, and doubly so when it’s easy to slide into stereotypes and cliches instead of crafting realistic characters with original and interesting motivations. Combat action, while essential to a story, can cease to be what moves a story along and instead threaten to overwhelm the plot. And lastly, God save us all from the author that simply doesn’t bother to do research and spits out jarring technical mistakes.

This book has none of those problems. The characters are interesting and as a reader you are motivated to care about them. The action is fast-paced, with colorful description, and it serves the purpose of the story instead of the other way around.

In short, this is a damn fine book. Read it and enjoy a real treat.

It’s available in Audible, too.

Of course, now I’m wondering what I said that inspired this person to post a review. Whatever it is, I need to duplicate it in my other work. In a business where some books are getting thousands of reviews on Amazon, this book just barely reached 84…and it’s been a bestseller in a few different categories.

Anyway, the reviewer claims to work in the industry. Perhaps that’s why he’s keeping his identity anonymous–probably a wise move in today’s climate. In any case, I’m very grateful he posted.

How You Can Fight in the Cold Civil War

Kudos to Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys for pushing back against the racists of “Black Lives Matter” and the masked blackshirts of “Antifa” (anti-First Amendment), but the title of this post isn’t about clashing with Democrats on the streets where the police disarm the non-leftist groups but let the commie mobs attack with melee weapons. Like everything else on the political landscape today, that game is rigged. Trump supporters can’t peacefully assemble without being attacked by unhinged leftist mobs abetted by local government officials, then inevitably get blamed for the resulting riots by the Swamp Media. When they dare fight back, they are predictably tailgunned from concern trolls allegedly on their side, because of “bad optics” or the “we shouldn’t stoop to their level” mantra.

What I’m proposing is far more effective in the long run than dodging blows from bike locks swung by professors of ethics. It should be a no-brainer, but unfortunately it needs to be spelled out.

I don’t remember if Sun Tzu specifically warned against feeding and equipping your enemy. Probably not, because I’m sure it seemed a no-brainer for everyone in the world up until 20h Century US foreign policy experts came along.

Every time you pay to see a Commiewood movie; every time you use Google, Facebook, Apple or Twitter; every time you watch lapdog network news and/or buy something from their sponsors; every time you post a link to a Swamp Media website; every time you buy NFL or NBA merchandise, Kellogs products, Kraft Cheese, Tyson Foods or Sarah Lee desserts (to name just a few), you are supporting our domestic enemies.

If you really want to prevail against  the enemy, you’ve got to quit contributing to their war chest.

On top of that, by patronizing their propaganda outlets, you’re also helping them poison the minds of yourself and countless others.

Quit going to Wikipedia. Use Infogalactic.

Quit using Google. Use yippy. Delete Chrome from your browser and install Brave, Pale Moon, or Opera.

Don’t use Youtube if you can help it–use Bitchute, Vidme, Pewtube…

Quit the echo chambers of idiocy called Facebook and Twitter (and all their spinoffs like Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.). If you must participate in social media, there are much better options where you are allowed to exercise free speech and your info isn’t being peddled to spy agencies and corporations. Gab and Oneway are my favorites, but there are a lot of other alternatives, too.

Wanna read a book? Quit supporting the anti-American authors with your voting dollars. There are non-leftist independent authors (including ours here at VP) in pretty much every genre. We’ve interviewed some authors here, and I reviewed a lot of books back on the Two-Fisted Blog. That’s a couple places right there where you can figure out what books might be worth your time.

Same deal with news sources. You get the idea, I hope.

The enemy has rigged the system over the last century so that they have all the advantages. A lot of their institutions are propped up by our tax dollars. Others are backed by billionaire globalists. Why the hell are you adding your voting dollars to that advantage, when there are alternatives?

The enemy won’t admit it (because the enemy is a liar), but they have been waging a culture war against us for generations. We haven’t been fighting back until recently, partly because so many of us refused to accept reality.

You can’t win a war if you won’t fight. Especially if you give aid and comfort to the enemy at the same time.


A whole lot of people still insist on calling communists and fascists “liberals.” A whole lot of coincidence theorists still scoff at the idea of conspiracies. Facebook, Apple, Google, and Spotify (FAGS for short) and other social media Thought Cops coordinated to deplatform InfoWars this week–a textbook case of conspiracy, and about as opposite of “liberal” as you can get. Assuming that words still have meaning.
Surprisingly, Twitter has not yet permanently banned InfoWars as of the time of this writing.
You might think that means Twitter is the least totalitarian of all the major Internet platforms in their crackdown on free speech, and in efforts to financially ruin anyone who disputes the propaganda of the Swamp Media. You would be right.
But watch this video from Project Veritas to get an idea how fair, impartial, “liberal” and honest Twitter (the least corrupt of all these leftist cyber-despots) actually is.

The longer you continue to support Hollywood, Big Social (FAGS for short), the MSM, ad nauseum, the more weak-minded individuals they will continue to indoctrinate and brainwash to cancel out your vote at election time.


Evidently, Twitter felt the heat and finally got on the Censor Alex Jones bandwagon.

Republicans Could Reveal the Full FISA Application If They Want To

…And a few of them probably do. But most of them will do what their masters tell them–lose by any means possible and continue helping the Democrats ruin the country while pretending (ineptly, of late) to oppose them.


There is no danger to national security by releasing the full, unredacted documents. But there is a danger to the Deep State and the Swamp Media if the American people are given a glimpse of the corruption and criminality of our highly-paid domestic enemies.  Pay attention to what your congressmen do and say regarding this.

Just #WalkAway

Evidently, a lot of Democrats have finally decided that their party has jumped the shark. Their mass political exodus has a name and a hashtag: #WalkAway.

While some like George Soros and Cuck Tumor Chuck Shumer are upset that fellow Democrats have tipped their hand too early, before their constituents have been adequately conditioned to accept the Soviet-level lunacy their party wants for America, the Swamp Media is doubling down. The #WalkAway phenomenon is nothing but a hoax, they insist, employing a phantom army of Twitter bots created by…you guessed it: Russian hackers!

Some of the defectors are doxxing themselves on Youtube and other platforms, to prove they are not “bots” (and being harassed or shunned for their trouble) but I suspect most are wisely keeping it on the down-low to escape the attention of the left-wing lynch mobs.

There are some dangers inherent in this seemingly positive development, and I’ll point out a couple that worry me.

The first danger is that the Establishment will use accommodation of these defectors as another excuse to push the GOP even further to the left. For decades the NeoCons insisted that the only route to victory for Republicans was to become less of an alternative to the Democrats, but instead merge into a Uniparty that only disagrees over what trimester babies should be murdered in the womb, or how soon the Fed should shove us into hyperinflation. This deception was proven wrong every election cycle, then utterly wrecked by the election of President Trump. But droves of former Democrats flooding the electorate will no doubt inspire them to suggest that the dog should return to its vomit. Their excuses change over time, but their “solution” is always the same: keep shoving everything leftward.

The second danger is far more grave. What the #WalkAway crowd (and others) have noticed is that the Deep State and its Swamp Media is losing its collective mind. (Hive Mind, to be precise.) Gaping holes are cracking open in The Narrative, and many of their attempts to patch it up are too desperate and obvious even for some of their longtime loyalists. The meltdown is epic.

Traitors are accusing patriots of treason, while proclaiming themselves to be patriotic. Screaming “racist” has lost its magical power to shut down debate, so the Hive Mind Drones are calling everything and everybody to the right of Karl Marx “fascist,” “nazi” and “Hitler.” I guess their woke, genderfluid parents never read them The Boy Who Cried Wolf as children. It was probably too heteronormative, wolfophobic, and celebrated the patriarchy. Anyway, those epithets are also losing their power, the more ludicrous and constant their usage. What can they do now but screech the terms even more and louder, proving themselves less credible with every instance? They could try calling us pedophiles (and some do), but that is counterproductive since that is the next perversion they’re trying to normalize. (“Conservatives” might still be a decade away from overtly joining the left in accepting pedophilia as the status quo, so playing that card could easily backfire on the Hive Mind, anyway.)

To get an idea what their desperation will drive them to next, cast your gaze across the pond. Tommy Robinson dared to speak the truth about some consequences of the Muslim invasion of Britain, and he’s been locked in the Tower of London. No, not really. Actually, he’s been imprisoned in a facility where the Muslim majority inmates might murder him at any time, making him an example to anybody else who might dare to report on the gang rapes and other violent crimes committed by the protected classes invading the UK.

And, apparently, the criminals holding the reins of the British government have found enough leverage against the government of Ecuador,  that an extradition is now being arranged so that something similar can be done to Julian Assange, for the crime of exposing various Deep State skeletons in London and Washington closets.

This is a portent of things to come. Leaks and whistleblowers have dealt the Deep State some painful setbacks in the last couple years. They can’t afford to allow dissidents to speak the truth anymore. They are going to do whatever it takes to shut down free speech. Bank on it. They will stop at nothing to reclaim their monopoly on the flow of information.

Expect an increased effort to regulate the Web–far beyond what the Thought Police in Silicon Valley are presently doing on social media platforms–that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They previously tried to quietly ram “Net Neutrality” down our throats, as the first step toward absolute censorship. They are probably brainstorming right now for a way to trigger sheeple’s emotions on such an epic level that the public will demand that our free speech be utterly crushed.

I would not be surprised if the next wave of false flag atrocities are framed in such a way as to blame the unregulated Internet equally alongside the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Maybe more, because in order to patch up The Narrative and maintain control of the Zeitgeist, alternative media must be crushed. People like me will have to be silenced. No ifs, buts, or maybes about it.

As skeptical as I am about the collective intelligence of the western world, and myths like “common sense,” I must admit, it’s hard to conceive an event huge enough to sell such a massive crackdown.

Then again, I guess the Fed could finally just strike the death blow to our economy. After millions starve to death and the survivors kill each other off in race wars, it will be much simpler to regain control of The Narrative–and everything else.

ChiCom “Laser Assault Rifle”

How much you wanna bet they were allowed to steal the technology from the US Patent Office?

One laser weapons expert said the new weapon can “burn through clothes in a split second … If the fabric is flammable, the whole person will be set on fire.”

“The pain will be beyond endurance,” according to the researcher who tested a prototype at the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shaanxi province.

The 15mm rifle weighs 6.6 pounds — about the same as an AK-47 — and has a range of 800 meters, or half a mile. It can be mounted on cars, boats and planes.

The ZKZM-500, which costs about $15,000, is ready for mass production and is likely to be given to anti-terrorism units of the Chinese police.

The weapon is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery and produces no sound, so “nobody will know where the attack came from. It will look like an accident,” another researcher said.