All posts by Machine Trooper

Moving the Goalposts: the “Families Being Ripped Apart” Narrative

While smug swamp weasel Rosenstein lies to Congress, dodges questions, and flashes a shit-eating smirk to signify that he is above the law, answerable to nobody, and the joke is on us, other developments are rather positive for the US of A. The Supreme Court actually made a couple decisions that benefit Americans, despite themselves–and the retirement of Justice Kennedy could mean they’ll be making more good decisions in the future. North Korea is less likely to attack South Korea again than at any time since 1953; and probably not interested in messing with us until about 2025, if then.  Isis was crushed inside Trump’s first year. The US is acting less and less like every other country’s bitch in international trade. Some remnants of our outsourced industry is coming back, Americans are going back to work, and Americans are finding out what an ACTUAL economic recovery looks like.

In other words, the Democrats are really, really pissed off.

These are dark days for the America-hating Marxists of the media and entertainment industries, and all their useful idiots mixed in the population. They are desperate to find something to make President Trump look bad. The “Russian collusion” witch hunt just hasn’t fooled anyone with a functioning brain. The dial has been turned up on mass shooting incidents (almost always just after an “active shooter” drill in the area, almost always perpetrated by “lone nuts” on psychotropic drugs, whose therapists mysteriously disappear), but outside the leftist echo chamber, people just aren’t blaming the correct parties (lawful Americans who had nothing to do with the atrocity, but who do have the audacity to exercise their rights). The Stormy Daniels hype has fizzled out and her trash-talking lawyer seems to have disappeared.

What can they do to distract from the embarrassing details of the Congressional inquiries, that will also give them fresh excuses to call Trump “Hitler” and his supporters “Nazis”? Why, invent a crisis at the border, of course–because that is where eee-veel “white supremacist” Drumpf is slowing down the invasion of illegal Democrat voters they so desperately need if they hope to quickly resume raping our country into oblivion.

An overwhelming majority of the invasion into the USA is happening on our southern border. An overwhelming majority of the invaders are from Latin America. And an overwhelming majority of those are from Mexico. Mexico has a US Embassy and several US consulates where people can go to legally seek asylum. Once granted, they can take advantage of the opportunities in our eee-veel, oppressive, raaaaaaaaaayciss country, or collect a welfare check while raping, stealing, pushing drugs, waving foreign flags while blocking traffic, shrieking about their cosmic master race and insisting their rights supercede those of American citizens…and vote in our elections to make our country just like the collectivist hellholes they escaped from.

So the Democrat Propaganda Corps (also known as the mainstream media) scrounged up some Obama-era photos of illegals in holding facilities, found another photo of a screaming girl (whose mother had apparently abandoned her family), and hit the press cycle with all guns blazing about “children being ripped from their families!!!”

In one week there were at least 20 attempts to equate this “crisis” to the Holocaust by the impartial, dispassionate paragons of integrity at the media conglomerates. And, of course, continuing to spew the usual Trump-is-Hitler Patriots-are-Nazis blah blah blah narrative. That the Nazis put up chain link and barbed wire to trap people INSIDE their socialist paradise never occurred to these intellectual powerhouses. That this exact policy of detainment at the border had been in place prior to Trump ever taking office is ignored or denied. It’s still Trump’s fault somehow–kinda’ like how all the damage done by Obama was the fault of the previous administration.

Having never heard the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” the Swamp Media shrieked all the louder about how America is raaaaaaayciss and “families being ripped apart” (parents sometimes sat in separate rooms from the minors they claimed were their children for a couple hours) was solely Trump’s fault and worse than a Nazi death camp. Rachel Maddow had a B-movie quality breakdown on national TV, so overcome was she with the inhumanity of it all. Not that they were trying to trigger emotional hysteria in the ovine masses or anything.

So Trump issued an Executive Order that will prevent parents from being separated from their children during detention. The whole “atrocity” that was allegedly the source of the hysterical outrage was stopped.

If you’re a Democrat or Hollywood/Swamp Media shyster (forgive the redundancy), now what do you do?

Why, you move the goalposts, of course.

This families-ripped-apart narrative that they were foaming at the mouth about has disintegrated like a puff of smoke. Troupers that they are, the svengali drones of the Leftist Hive Mind shifted to what an eee-veel, out of control government agency ICE is, without missing a beat.

You know, because the left is so consistently concerned about government acquiring too much power.

ICE has grown too big, they tell us. It’s exceeded its authority, they tell us. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars, they tell us. It’s violating people’s rights, they say.

Right after they finish defending the actions of the Obama/Deep State DOJ and FBI.

IG Report: The Swamp Continues to Shield Crooked Hillary From Justice

After giving Rod Rosenstein’s dirty cops and lawyers time to doctor it (per S.O.P.–standard operating procedure at the Department of “Justice”), the edited IG Report was finally released concerning the “investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information.

Let’s connect some dots that even the GOP doesn’t seem interested in connecting:

  • Hillary Clinton not only committed felonies, but obstructed justice and destroyed evidence. Decent Americans would go (and have gone) to prison for far less.
  • Strzok, Comey, Lynch, and other dirty cops conspired to exonerate Hillary without investigating her.
  • (The exoneration was drafted before key witnesses were interviewed, Hillary was never put under oath, and IG David Horowitz has revealed that “the FBI never named a target or even a subject in the Clinton email probe.
  • Strzok, his lawyer mistress Lisa Page, and other corrupt FBI employees revealed extreme anti-Trump, pro-Hillary prejudice in intra-office communications (which dirty cop Rosenstein and his henchmen have tried to hide).
  • Regarding Trump becoming president, Strzok assured Page, “We’ll stop him.”
  • Strzok also mentioned an “insurance policy” he, Andrew McCabe, and others were devising in case Trump won the presidency despite their best efforts.
  • After covering up Hillary’s crimes, Strzok was appointed as an investigator in Mueller’s witch hunt to frame Trump for “collusion” (which, it turns out, is NOT a crime under US law).
  • After documenting this and much more, the edited IG report concludes that bias did not play a part in the decisions of FBI/DOJ leadership.
  • The swamp media chose to “cover” this story by regurgitating this ridiculous conclusion, then moving on to drum up hysteria about “children being torn from their families” at the border.

Horowitz and the swamp media have maintained this “no bias” narrative with a straight face, but not FBI director Wray–he maintains it with a smirk.


The 82nd Airborne on D-Day

D-Day related posts used to be a tradition for me on June 6th, back at the Two-Fisted Blog. I just found out, according to an online article dated in 2014, that Division was slated to be taken off Airborne status–so I’m assuming this has already happened.

Sometime between the end of the Vietnam experience and when I joined up, the 101st Division had been taken off Airborne status–though they retained the “Airborne” tab above the unit patch. Now it’s evidently happened to my alma mater, too. I don’t know if the Rangers will follow suit. I doubt if SF will.

HHC, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment

Both divisions (the 82nd and 101st) dropped into Normandy (or came down in gliders) the night before the invasion of Hitler’s “Fortress Europe,” in a brief window of acceptable weather in 1944. Despite a massive gaggle in which almost no units were put out over their drop zones, the Airborne caught the Germans by surprise and secured crucial bridgeheads on the causeways leading out from the invasion beaches.

Paratroopers were bad dudes, but not quite the gang of murderers and rapists that Nazi propaganda chalked them up to be. By the time I came along, the standards in Jump School were plummeting to accommodate the inclusion of women, but there were still plenty of bad dudes in Division.

More 508 PIR troopers show off their German souveniers.

There’s been a long, gradual subversion of the Armed Forces. Patriots and bad dudes have been (probably still are being) purged from the ranks. In an Army that pays for sex change operations, where soldiers are made to wear high heels, but everyone is given a black beret, there’s frankly not much room left for bad dudes (who aren’t gender-confused, anyway). And, generals have been ragging on airborne insertion for decades–claiming it’s an obsolete and daaaaaaa-aaaangerous method to deliver troops to the battlefield.

Maybe the generals are right. Maybe the 82nd can be just as effective as another “Air-Assault” light infantry division, which is ferried-to-firefight by helicopter.

All Americans Through the Wars.

Then again, the folks in charge have reimagined the military as a huge, publicly funded, gender-confused social experiment. It’s primary purpose is not to fight wars, anymore. When it fights them anyway, it’s not in the service of American interests. In such an organization, bad dudes are obsolete–probably even embarrassing.

I haven’t maintained any connection to Division. Never went to any of the reunions, even though I was coerced to join the Association when I served there. Last time I drove through North Carolina, my route took me close to Bragg, but I didn’t even bother to detour there to see what the new barracks look like.

But this kinda’ bums me out, anyway. Enjoy the photos.

Anti-Gun Hysteria Encroaching at Amazon?

So, I tried to set up some advertising for Tier Zero via Amazon Marketing Services. Here’s what I got from them in the mail:

The first part says the ad for Amazon’s website was approved. Then, further down, it says:

“Unfortunately, your ad campaign has not been approved to run on Kindle E-readers for the following reason(s):
This ad contains an image of a realistic firearm, or a firearm pointed at the reader or a character, or a firearm being used. “

Needless to say, this raises a lot of questions. I’m not going to ask them of anyone at Amazon due to personal experience with the company and their selective enforcement of TOS.

Exhibit A: a realistic firearm depicted (in this case) on the cover of an audiobook. Obviously a threat to democracy!

This incident indicates that, sooner or later, Amazon is going to follow the lead of Goolag; FascistBorg; Twitland and CommieTube, completely purging all Thought Criminals who challenge The Narrative in any way. It’s not completely converged yet, but the clock is ticking. Today they’re not allowing book cover images in a paid advertisement which might “trigger” some opportunistic snowflake or professional victim. Tomorrow they might decide that a book cover with a firearm on it constitutes some kind of “threat,” or “hate” directed at some victim identity demographic, and de-platform the author altogether. (This policy would be selectively enforced, of course.)

Exhibit B: Holy triggered microagressions, Bat-Person! The original cover, on the paperback, is even worse! Not only are firearms being used, but if a reader or character stands to the left or right of the cover image, the firearms would be pointed right at them! It’s enough to make a Florida sheriff’s deputy hide behind a patrol car!

As Amazon becomes more of a monopoly, there’s less that non-leftist, non-SJW authors will be able to do about it.

Sound like a crackpot “conspiracy theory”? So does rejecting paid advertisement for a work of fiction because there’s a “realistic firearm” in the cover image.

Sheik of Mars

Ben Wheeler’s debut novel is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Superversive has really gone retro-cool with this concept:

Haroun Rashid has found his true love, Zira Al-Zuwar and she has been taken from him by the powers that rule Mars on their wedding night. Gathering allies from the most unlikely places, he storms the palace of the Sheik of Mars, searching for Zira. No one can stand against him, but the price he will pay in suffering and death may be too much even for his resolve. The greatest beauties hide the worst snakes as A Princess of Mars blends with the Arabian Nights to create a tale like no other.

Oceana Has Always Been At War With East Asia…

Back when President Trump accused Obama of spying on his campaign, Democrats and the mainstream media (please forgive the redundancy) dismissed the claim as lunacy. “Respectable” rags like The New York Slimes, Washington Compost, and The Los Angeles Slimes made sure to report (in their headlines, no less) that Trump cited no evidence of the spying. Here’s the credible Jake Tapper (citing Paul Ryan and James Comey as sources):

Interesting that there is no equivalent  concern about lack of evidence in the “Russian collusion” witch hunt now in its second year. More on that in another post, maybe.

But for now, here’s that paragon of integrity, Barack Hussein Obama, assuring you that the DOJ and FBI were not politically motivated whatsoever:

Horowitz’ IG report is supposed to be coming out soon. Perhaps that’s why the Media/Democrat Machine is now scrambling to move the goalposts. “Well, alright, Obama did have spies in the Trump Campaign…but it was to protect him!”

That’s pretty much the headline in The Washington Compost’s desperate attempt to get out in front of these revelations. But they added this: “What the president doesn’t get about counterintelligence.

So you see, spying on Trump and planting those collusion stories was all for his own good–he’s just too ignorant to understand Obama’s benevolent actions.

Following this same logic, Nixon was only trying to protect McGovern, but Woodward and Bernstein were just too ignorant to “get it.”

It seems to be obligatory these days in any political discussion to reference Hitler and/or the Holocaust…so:

Hitler was only trying to protect the Jews by relocating them into secure facilities, but Otto Frank and others like him were just too ignorant about public safety to “get it.”

Revised History: Hitler and Fascists

Since before Donald Trump took office, we’ve been repeatedly informed that he is “literally Hitler” and that his supporters are fascists at best, Nazis at worst.

This is a little confusing, because I’d been previously informed by a high school biology teacher that Ronald Reagan was literally Hitler. That’s three separate individuals who are all the same person: Trump, Reagan, and presumably Hitler himself.

Of course it all makes sense if you watch enough Star Trek. Obviously some malevolent entity that first possessed Jack the Ripper later possessed these three evil historic villains.

“And anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist!”

Um, did I say “evil”? Of course all woke people know there’s actually no such thing as good or evil. The only people who believe in such outdated, puritan concepts as evil are evil religious-right demagogues. So Hitler wasn’t truly eeee-veel, he was just insane. If only his school teachers had identified his mental illness and pumped him full of psychotropic drugs, that would have fixed everything.

“But wait,” say the millennials and Generation Z, “who is Hitler? Wasn’t he supposed to be this, like, really mean guy or something?”

Well, even though it’s like, totally lame to think, talk, or read about anything that happened more than six months ago, we maybe should randomly empower you with some woke info on this paranormal force of evil meanness that just so happened to control some ancient, like, European dude with a funny mustache.

We should start with Socialism…this totally amazing system where:

  1. Everybody is disarmed except the police and armed forces.
  2. Genocide can be efficiently implemented when necessary.
  3. Children must attend state-controlled schools and be programmed to believe The Narrative without question.
  4. A progressive, graduated income tax keeps the non-ruling class equally miserable.
  5.  Careless speech (or even suspected thoughts) will result in dissenters vanishing, never to be seen again.
  6.  The state owns and controls all business and industry.

But along came this dude named Mussolini who instituted a system that was TOTALLY, 100% OPPOSITE!!!!!!!!! (And therefore wrong.) Just look at how utterly distinct Fascism is from Socialism in every way:

  1. Everybody is disarmed except the police and armed forces.
  2. Genocide can be efficiently implemented when necessary.
  3. Children must attend state-controlled schools and be programmed to believe The Narrative without question.
  4. A progressive, graduated income tax keeps the non-ruling class equally miserable.
  5.  Careless speech (or even suspected thoughts) will result in dissenters vanishing, never to be seen again.
  6.  The state controls all business and industry, although symbolic private ownership is still tolerated.

Now, can you see how socialism is a moral, Utopian ideal which leads to paradise, while fascism is just so…um…like, unwoke?

And now you can see how “Antifa” is legit and TOTALLY UNLIKE the blackshirted mobs in 1920s Italy that threatened and attacked anyone who disagreed with their politics.

Alright, so let’s talk about this Hitler guy.

He was like a deplorable combination of Ron Paul and Ted Cruz. If he was here, he’d so be a member of the NRA, the Tea Party and Gamergate. He would do really mean, backwards things like broker peace between North and South Korea, recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (and move his country’s embassy there), and deregulate industry (because, y’know, he just hated micromanaging and being in control).

Oh yeah–he would do undignified, unpresidential things like tweet on Twitter, too. (FDR on the other hand, being dignified and presidential, would continue to hold his Fireside Chats on the radio in 2018.)

And that’s the approved, official, credible, trustworthy, fact-checked history. Anything else is fake history according to Facebook, Google, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

(Until further notice.)

The All-New Revised History Series

Along with Barack Hussein Obama, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and innumerable other altruists, Virtual Pulp has been deeply inspired by the blatantly orchestrated sincere, heartfelt speeches given by David Hogg and other tools wise, experienced and courageous youth insisting our rights be stripped from us. One has to marvel at the caliber of education that has led them to such a level of understanding.

Wouldn’t it be, like, really dope if everyone, y’know, was able to learn the real important stuff, like they have, so we could all, like, make such an impact? So starting with this post, Virtual Pulp will be publishing the fake history woke history that has made Camera Hogg & Company such model spokespeople for their generation.

9/11 and the War on Terror

Once upon a time, there was an area called the Middle East. Diverse peoples in the Middle East followed a Religion of Peace, which is no different from Christianity (except that Christianity is silly, racist, sexist and oppressive, whereas Islam is merely misunderstood). There were no problems whatsoever in that region before Israelis and Americans came on the scene. Republican administrations from the US made these peace-loving, tolerant people defensive and suspicious of infidels ruthless, exploitative colonialists.

Meanwhile, in that oppressive despotic dystopia of the USA, a secret team of Bible-thumping home-schooled NRA members hijacked several passenger jets and crashed them into buildings in New York City because…um, they hate women…or black people…or something.

The buildings collapsed perfectly into their own footprints just like a controlled demolition, because that’s what tall buildings always do, with absolutely no planning or preparation. These right-wingers hated with such a hot heat that World Trade Center #7 (which was never touched by an airplane or had its superstructure exposed to burning jet fuel) also collapsed perfectly into its own footprint.

Or maybe it was global warming that caused the steel girders to melt. Anyway: home-grown right-wing terrorists are a far worse threat than Islamic workplace-violence-committers. So there! That’s why we need millions more Muslim immigrants inside the country (taxpayer-funded, of course), but need to abolish the Bill of Rights for law-abiding American citizens.

The coward George Dubya Bush hid in an elementary school, using the bodies of school children to protect him from the blast of the jet crashes. Then he returned to the White House and signed The Patriot Act, which was an immoral, tyrranical act of oppression right up until Barack Hussein Obama bullied persuaded Congress to renew it. As soon as Saint Hussein vouched for it, of course, the Patriot Act was instantly transformed into a reasonable, common-sense protection that is totally not a despotic police state measure to further strangle the Bill of Rights. Saint Hussein further advanced the cause of liberty by giving us Indefinite Detention–so that Americans can be imprisoned for life without a trial or even charges.

It goes without saying that President Trump would be LITERALLY HITLER if he was to use any of these usurpations laws signed by Democrats. (Well, he’s already literally Hitler, of course. But he’d be, y’know, even worse than Hitler if he was to do what his predecessors  did.) Worse than literally Hitler, like…Joe McCarthy…or somebody. (More about that deplorable monster in a future installment.)

Since 9/11, there have been multiple incidents when some distraught motorists, disgruntled nightclub patrons and other oppressed victims have accidently engaged in behavior that inadvertently caused harm to others, while shouting, “Allah akbar!” Deplorable racist xenophobes have alleged that this phrase somehow indicates Islamic ideology. But our experts have discovered that this assumption is just redneck ignorance at work.

It turns out that “Allah akbar” is really from a secret code language spoken by Bible-thumping home-schooled NRA members, and, literally translated, means: “MAGA!” (Make America Great Again.) These home-grown domestic terrorists love to speak in code, as you well know. Our experts have decoded phrases like “American citizen” to actually mean, “Aryan ubermensch.” Similarly, “Second Amendment” actually means “Death to school children!” And “voter ID laws” means “We hate minorities!”

So those incidents were really carried out by Tea Party operatives–the most dangerous terror threat in the universe! Therefore any such atrocity should be classified as terrorism and be followed immediately by crackdowns on individual rights insensitive civic behavior.

The end.

Tooting the Horn

Actually, just quoting some Amazon reviewers who tooted for me.

“Author Hank Brown has created quite the enduring cast of characters here. …Heckuva Ride!”

“Pulp Fiction is back with a vengeance! It is truly a must read in the genre, or in any genre.”


“This was a fantastic read with plenty of action. The characters are well defined and carry over from the first book. If you loved the first book you will want to read the second one too. …I can’t say enough about this author Henry Brown. I will probably read every book that he has put out. Happy reading!”

“I read the author’s first work, Hell and Gone, and was amazed by the author’s strong, engaging prose and pacing. …Tier Zero capitalizes on the author’s keen sense of pacing of Hell and Gone and the result is a story that naturally progresses in a meaningful way. …Tier Zero is a must-read for anyone who is a fan of the action-adventure/thriller paramilitary genre.”

#1 in The Retreads Series.

“Damn, better than first book! …Not just action (lots of good stuff) but now international intrigue. Great character development, good storyline, great action. What more can you ask for? …Oh yeah: liberal wusses need not bother, not your type.”

“…Brown clearly has ‘been and done.’ He gets the terms and the tactics right, which not all authors [not to mention movie plots] do. I place a high value on this because I read to learn as well as be entertained. Action stories with nothing but a high round-count bore me.”

“Henry Brown has written some of the best military fiction out there and I personally enjoyed this one the most. …The characters are very believable and complex and the action is non stop. If you like old school weapons, escape and evasion and a good shoot-em-up thriller this is one of the best.”

“If you like military kick ass take names kind of books you will love this series.”

The Audible audiobook.

“The author’s experience and insight helps deliver a story that is action packed, yet not so far fetched that it detracts from the story.”

“I loved Hank’s sequel to Hell and Gone and that it focused in on one of my favorite characters from the first book, Tommy Scarred Wolf. Tier Zero (a great play on words) harkens back to the classic bygone era of Men’s Adventure when you could find Mack Bolan books in all the book shops. Today the genre is enjoying a bit of a comeback and Hank is one of the author’s driving that.”

Tier Zero comes loaded with a kickass protagonist–unique, flawed, thoughtful, and capable of extreme violence–hitting southeast Asia in a rescue mission alongside a team of mercenary ex-soldiers (all equally unique and memorable) that bring so much ass-kick to the game it makes me want to write every action-film director and tell them to stay home–their work bores me. Now, I know Brown likes to call his work an homage to the bygone mens’ pulp-fiction genre, but it surpasses that. Sure, he hits on the essentials–the attractive women, the brave, rugged fighting men, and the unmistakably evil bad guys–but he’s a master storyteller, too.”

“Although I have no doubt legions of Men’s Adventure fans have tried to imitate the writings of their favorite authors over the years, in Henry’s case, the student has definitely become the master.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series, HELL AND GONE. As good as it was, TIER ZERO is better in every way. The characterizations are deeper, the plot has more twists, and hard as it may be to believe, it has even more of the gritty, well-written action scenes at which Brown excels. I thought I knew where the story was going, but it takes a nice hard turn about halfway through that powers it on to the end of the book.”

“As much as I enjoyed Hell & Gone, this book is better. Hank has polished some of the character interactions. There are still conflicts between even characters on the same side, much like there were in Hell & Gone (both books are about ad hoc units put together for a particular mission). He even has a bit of a romantic subplot going on, but it certainly doesn’t detract from the action. There are multiple threads running through the plot, and several betrayals ratchet up the tension between the good guys, over and above the tension of being on their own in a foreign land, surrounded by enemies. Questions are raised about who to trust, both within and without the group. ”

#3 in The Retreads Series.

“In this tough, gritty paramilitary thriller (sequel to the popular HELL AND GONE) author Brown harkens back to the ‘men’s adventure’ novels that were so popular in the 80s and early 90s. He does an exemplary job of carrying on that tradition and even adds some depth and background to his characterizations that increases their humanity, makes them seem more real — all without ever getting in the way of the balls-out, full throttle action. The plot is tight, with plenty of twists and surprises, and the ‘good guys’ are characters you really care about. So much so, that you will be rooting for a continuation of this intriguing, exciting series.”

“I listened to the Audible version, and it kept me entertained from start to finish.”

What’s Happening at Amazon?

PJ Media reports on a purge of reviews that seems to be calculated to hurt the livelihood of non-leftist authors.

“I asked several independent authors about the review losses when it occurred,” Del Arroz told PJM. “My left-wing author contacts said they didn’t lose any reviews, but the right-wing authors who are members of a group called the Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance all lost an incredible amount of reviews,” continued Del Arroz. “One author said he lost seventy-seven on his books, which is devastating. I believe the CLFA was targeted by an extreme alt-left troll mob running an email harassment campaign to Amazon who were enabled by a rogue Amazon employee.”

It’s nearly impossible to sell books these days without customer reviews. It’s a symbol of “social proof.”

Too herd-mentality, personally, but it’s a concern for me as an author because it has a striking effect on a book’s discoverability…whether I like it or not.

This could be a sign that Amazon is following Goolag, FascistBorg, et al, by getting into the Thought Police gig. Some speculate that it’s just a rogue SJW employee selectively enforcing rules.