…That the next debate would be moderated as fair and impartially as the first one, it turns out that Anderson One-Of-My-Hairs-Turns-White-Every-40-Lies-I-Tell-On-TV Cooper will moderate the second.
If you don’t feel up to spending 90 minutes watching another tedious Hillary Soundbite Fest, here’s a summary, in advance, of how it will go:
IMPARTIAL NON-PARTISAN MODERATOR: Mr. Trump, the experts agree that you are the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Do your extremist views on immigration derive more from your hatred of minorities, or your plan to start a nuclear war?
TRUMP: Let me start off by saying that minoritiess really, really love me. (Sniff.) And I run a wonderful, wonderful company that makes lots and lots of money. (Sniff.) And I never threatened to nuke anyone who didn’t make rude gestures.
IMPARTIAL NON-PARTISAN MODERATOR: Secretary Clinton, I’ve got a real hardball for you. Would you say Mr. Trump is unfit to be president more because he is a psychotic Nazi, or because he’s a dehumanizing hater of all women?
HILLARY: (chuckles) Well, that is a tough one. But a president has to be prepared to answer tough questions, and I’ve been preparing . So let me say, right off, that Donald probably isn’t as rich as he says he is. Secondly, however rich he actually is, he got that way by shady real estate deals, stiffing contractors and cheating on his taxes. Now, more to the core of your question, I would say the psychotic Nazi side of Donald would explain his alliance with that deplorable cartoon frog…and what foreign leader could even take him seriously? I mean, really. (Audience laughs.) Now, the misogynistic, woman-dehumanizing monster side of my opponent is the reason no female staffers or political aides would be safe anywhere near the White House with Donald living there. But really, it’s a combination of many factors–from his crooked real estate deals, to the way he covers for people who abuse women, to the way he made his millions, to his ridiculous Birther allegations, to his attitude toward the First Amendment…all of these factors add up to a man who is unfit to run a business, much less a country. (Audience applauds.)
TRUMP: Believe me, I’m every bit as rich as I say I am. Trust me on this.
For those aware of the massive election fraud in 2012…as the saying goes: you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. There’s so much fraud locked-and-loaded for 2016, that it’s too much for a part-time blogger to keep track of half of it. It’s to the point that the only newsworthy stories during Election 2016 will be about untampered votes cast (only once) by living US citizens.
Hillary implied during the first debate that she has ducked reporters for most of this past year because she was preparing for the debate, and for the presidency. Well, her army of fundamental transformers have been preparing, too.
Early voting does not begin in Ohio until October 12, so no votes have officially been cast in the Buckeye state. However, inside these boxes were, what one source described as, “potentially tens of thousands of votes” for Hillary Clinton.
…With this find… it now appears that Clinton and the Democrat Party planned on stealing the state on Election Day, making any campaigning there now a waste of time.
This is just one of the aspects of the upcoming election which have been inadvertently discovered. For every instance revealed, you can bet money there are dozens or hundreds which never come to light. And even when the Democrats are caught red-handed, the mainstream media assists in the coverup and 90% of the population remains ignorant. Team Hillary will not be held accountable, just like Team Obama was never held accountable. Assuming The will of the people will be determined in November, much less a Trumpslide, is extremely naive.
If the elites played fair, we wouldn’t even be where we are now, would we?
…That Hillary Clinton armed ISIS and other Muslim terror organizations while Secretary of State, Wikileaks has confirmed it.
Clinton took the lead role in organizing the so-called “Friends of Syria” (aka Al Qaeda/ISIS) to back the CIA-led insurgency for regime change in Syria.
Under oath Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.
And all this, once again, begs the question of what the US Ambassador was actually doing in Benghazi, and the actual reason for his murder.
“Black Lives Matter” is at it again, this time in Charlotte, NC. The excuse for looting, destroying, and attacking innocent people is another police shooting.
Frankly, something stinks about both versions of the story. The Sacrosanct Victim Class is claiming that Keith Lamont Scott was reading a book inside his car when police fatally shot him for being black. The police say they were on the scene to serve a warrant on someone else, when the victim emerged from his vehicle brandishing a gun, and refused to drop it after being repeatedly ordered to disarm. The truth might be somewhere between these implausible narratives, but who cares what is true anymore?
Certainly not #FactsDon’tMatter #BlackLivesMatter.
A crowd of more than 200 protesters gathered in the neighborhood, which is about a mile from the campus of the University of North Carolina, after the shooting.
They could be heard yelling, “Black lives matter,” and “Hands up, don’t shoot!” Some threw rocks and bottles at police and damaged police vehicles. Some of the officers, who were clad in riot gear, fired tear gas to break up the crowd.
“We out like the Taliban!” one rioter could be heard yelling on a Facebook Live broadcast of the protests, reported the Daily Caller.
“We ain’t playin’ no motherf—in’ games, nigga!” a man yelled.
“This ain’t no one-day action!” another cried. “This is the first time people standing up!”
Sixteen police officers were injured, including one who was hit in the face with a rock, and at least seven civilians were taken to hospitals, officials said.
Later, rioters blocked Interstate 85, one of two major expressways running through Charlotte.
TV footage showed people hurling objects at motorists inside their vehicles and breaking into semi-trucks and stealing their contents. A fire was set to block the lanes of traffic and a nearby Walmart store was also looted.
A Walmart employee told the local TV station some electronic equipment was stolen, including a flat-screen television and iPads.
Well, I’m certainly inspired by their valiant quest for justice. In fact, I’m so inspired, I may just take to the streets myself and smash some windows, steal some iPads and ambush random traffic on the highway, as a statement of social justice. …After flogging myself, of course, since the skin pigmentation I was born with automatically makes me guilty of centuries of oppression against entitled hood rats. As soon as George Soros wires me the money, I’ll bring racial harmony to a town near you by agitating a mob of no account parasites into throwing violent tantrums with bricks, rocks and incendiary implements.
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are following a different gospel—not that there really is another gospel, but there are some who are disturbing you and wanting to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell! As we have said before, and now I say again, if any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let him be condemned to hell!
-Galatians 1:6-9
Previously, I contrasted the Biblical worldview with some political affiliations: the Left Wing (“liberals” for those who insist on using Newspeak); the NeoCons/RINOs/cucks; and the “Alt Right.” Of course there are more out there, but those seem to be the three most significant camps right now.
Identifying churchianity and determining how it stacks up against the Biblical worldview is more important than any of the other comparisons by far, for a few reasons. It is a perversion of Christianity itself, for starters.
Churchianity can be found in all political affiliations and demographics. But churchians don’t identify themselves by this term and would take offense to be called “churchian.” They identify themselves as (and most believe they are) Christians.
What is a Christian? Most would agree that a Christian is a follower or disciple of Christ. So lets remember just a sample of proclamations that Christ made:
Christ is the only way to God the Father–there is no way except through Him. (John 14:6)
Only those who do the will of God the Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 7:21)
Christ’s disciples continually follow His teachings. (John 8:31)
Christ and the Father are one. (John 10:30)
Christ’s words will never pass away. (Luke 21:33)
The Church, as Jesus defined it, is made up of His followers. The Church transcends time, geography and ethnicity. The WASP down the street from you, the African convert in the 19th Century, and the very first disciples–Jews who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago–are all part of the Church. But because human beings are careless in their terminology, “church” has come to mean a specific congregation, a worship service, and/or the building where that worship service takes place. Rarely is “church” used the way Jesus used it. To avoid confusion, I’m typing a capital “C” when using the Biblical definition.
“Churchian,” then, identifies a person or people who “go to church,” but who do not follow Biblical teaching. Their belief system isn’t Christian (though it appears so to the world, and to many who have only a superficial Biblical understanding), but is formed more by church traditions, by humanistic philosophies, popular opinion, and emotion.
Politically speaking, it is easy to conflate churchianity with cuckservatism, because most white “evangelicals” and “fundamentalists” are cucks. However, multiple political stripes run through mainstream churchianity. The enemy will use whatever flavor of deception is needed to steer people away from the truth, on a case-by-case basis.
The common denominator among all churchians is that, to one degree or another, they reject or ignore Biblical teaching, in favor of what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
Nearly every churchian has been taught, believes, and regurgitates a feminized gospel.
Many parts of the Bible will never be taught because they seem “sexist” or “misogynistic” by our lofty 21st Century standards.
If those parts are ever read aloud, it is only to explain them away as not meaning what they obviously mean.
This is most blatant when it comes to the Biblical instructions given to wives and husbands.
Females are considered innately pure. They do not have a fallen nature like males do. Usually the only sin they are capable of is not having a big enough ego.
Single mothers are heroic role models. Any time a woman appears to be sinful (and the sin can’t be denied or rationalized away) it is presumed to ultimately be the fault of a man or men.
“Submission” doesn’t really mean what it means. Except in Ephesians 5:21. But not in the very next verse.
Ephesians 5:21 means husbands should submit to their wives. 5:22 (which was clearly conceived by some sexist scribe, not by God, because equality) if it means anything at all, means the wife can pay her husband a compliment now and then, if he has faithfully catered to her every whim.
Unlike women, men are untrustworthy brutes who will become abusive monsters if the the Bible is not revised, reinterpreted, and/or selectively taught. Because (insert anecdotal example of an abusive husband, real or fictional).
God approves of female leadership in church, despite everything in His written word. He only allowed those mean, sexist things (1 Cor. 14:34-35; 1 Tim. 2:12) in the Bible because the chauvenistic simpletons of the past might have taken offense if He had addressed them at the level of our 21st Century sophistication. And you know God is afraid of offending anyone, evident by how His Messiah (Christ) routinely addressed the religious authorities of His day. (Luke 3:7; 12:56; 13:15; Matt. 12:34; 15:7; 23:13, 29, 33; etc.)
Masculinity is feared. But rather than admit this, churchians redefine masculinity out of existence: a “real man” is a supplicating, effeminate white knight who lives to serve the female imperative.
Churchians elevate Romans 13 as possibly more important than any/every other part of the Bible. Specific to America, they ignore that the people are the lawful authority and the politicians are our public servants. They also don’t bother to research the word translated “authority” or study the matter out.
So, according to the churchian gospel, the Bolsheviks were wrong to oppose the Czar; but once they were in power, it was wrong for Lenin to usurp them; yet once Lenin and the Soviets were in power, it was wrong for the Russian people to resist the Soviets, because they were appointed by God to rule righteously and carry out God’s justice.
The French Revolution was wrong, see, until it obtained power. Then it was wrong for Napoleon to overthrow the revolutionary oligarchy. But once he did, it was wrong to oppose Napoleon because he was established by God and didn’t bear the sword in vain.
I am wrong to oppose the criminal traitors in Washington; but if I stage a coup tomorrow and overthrow them, then announce myself dictator for life, then I am the righteous authority appointed by God and you are obligated to submit to my rule. See how it works?
In other words, God approves of everything happening on Planet Earth. It is all His will. Might equals Right and whoever comes to power, by whatever means, automatically has His blessing. Some observers note that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. According to churchian dogma, power purifies, and simply attaining power, all by itself, makes a ruler automatically righteous, legitimate, and a co-regent with God. Every God-hating authority from the King of Sodom to the coming world dictator (the “beast” of Revelation) is a legitimate ruler in god’s sight. God acted against His own doctrine by having Moses oppose Pharaoh, if you follow this logic out.
The popular understanding of Romans 13 is thoroughly NeoCon–another reason it’s easy to conflate cuckservatism with churchianity. For obvious reasons, Romans 13 is also the favorite cherry-picking of the God-haters who are “fundamentally transforming” our country into a third-world police state. “Render unto Caesar” is another misused favorite.
Churchianity runs the gamut from those who deny the supernatural, to those so desperate to witness the supernatural that they will try to fake spiritual gifts.
Popular opinion is more important to the leadership of churchianity than anything God says. One reason they have adopted a different gospel is because they fear offending the world with the real one.
In one of Jesus’ sheep-herding analogies, He teaches that the good shepherd will leave the flock unattended to go find one sheep that has gone astray, and bring it back under his protection. (Matthew 18:12) In the typical church of today, the shepherd would rather lose the one soul who is earnestly seeking the kingdom of God, than offend the 99 churchians who are there out of tradition, to make a withdrawal from the Spiritual ATM, and to hear the feel-good message their ears are itching for.
Church attendance (and, not coincidentally, tithe revenue) is supreme in the “seeker friendly” churches. The Great Commission? (Mark 16:15) Not so much. The Gospel must be modified or watered down, lest attendance suffer because too many people were convicted by the full counsel of God.
The Feminized Gospel is universal. Then, for the materialistic Mamon worshipers (Luke 16:13), there is the Prosperity Gospel. For the minority tribalist/victim class churchians there is the Social Justice Gospel. For white nationalists, I’m sure there’s a Caucasian Supremacy Gospel. Whatever your itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3), churchianity has a “gospel” to appeal to you.
Because popular opinion is more important than God’s will, homosexuality is rarely condemned. In fact, ever more frequently, it is embraced. Lifestyle sodomites are being welcomed into the clergy and even ordained. It’s just a trickle now, but the flood is surely coming. Preachers and priests still boldly rail against divorce at every opportunity, because divorcees haven’t formed powerful lobbyist groups that have co-opted the courts into persecuting those who criticize divorce. To speak the truth about sodomy might actually cost you something, these days.
Some churchians have adopted a “Many Paths to God” Gospel, which is the New Age idea that Jesus is just one way of many to salvation. For instance, I’m sure you’ve heard the churchian declarations that Allah is just the Arabic name for the Hebrew/Christian God, and Muslims serve the same entity that Christians do.
This is related to the above segment. Propriety is an idol in the Temple of Churchianity.
The Bible is Rated “R” by churchian standards. It documents sex and violence that is simply too risque` to ever be read aloud in churchian company, much less inside a church building. Imagine (gasp!) if children were to hear/read such sordid accounts! Better to let the world teach them about sex and other aspects of human reality.
Which it will.
Conversely, churchians will watch movies and TV shows that glorify adultery, sodomy, etc; that blaspheme, or try to convince the audience God doesn’t even exist; that whitewashes witchcraft and manufactures obsession about demons, ghosts, vampires or werewolves; which deceive the audience about what is in the Bible and bear false witness about God Himself…and yet they cringe only when the dialog includes cuss words.
To many churchians, anything goes. Except if you utter a synonym for excrement which begins with an “S” instead of a “P”. Then you have broken the Ultimate Commandment. You can misuse the Lord’s name and many churchians won’t bat an eye; but let an F-bomb slip out in conversation and they will question your salvation.
The culture at large is completely deceived about what love is, and churchians are no different. We have been hoodwinked by all the pop songs, movies and books focused on romance. We assume that love is an emotion.
When you speak the truth and it makes somebody feel bad, the churchian is quick to denounce you for not speaking “in love.”
Most of Jesus’ ministry was spent telling people what they didn’t want to hear. Yet all of His life here in mortal flesh, from the manger to the cross, was a testimony of love.
Furthermore, although God has perfect love, don’t fool yourself: He also has perfect judgment and perfect wrath. He is not Santa Clause.
Thankfully for all of us, God is longsuffering. But there is coming a day when it will be too late to accept His mercy.
Your refusal to believe in something does not revoke its existence, despite what some philosophers may teach. Hell is real, and you are going there if you reject salvation.
We were warned that there would come a great apostasy (“rebellion” or “falling away” in some translations) of the Church toward the conclusion of history. (1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Thess. 2:3; Matt. 24:12)
It’s actually rather pathetic how desperate the Government-Media-Entertainment Complex is to install Hillary RODHAM-Clinton in the White House–from the ongoing coverups, to the gaslighting about her bald-faced lies, to manipulating polls , to blatantly rigging the presidential election to such an extent that the 2012 results would seem legitimate by comparison.
We’re at it again with the song parodies. Enjoy. Share. Like.
Well, many in the “Alt Right” have been pining for a dictator, and to sweep “muh Constitution” and “muh ‘Merica” into the dustbin of history. The Klinton Mafia plans to give them what they’re asking for, good and hard. Since the “Alt Right” are incapable of grasping the Laws of Unintended Consequences in the abstract, they will learn the hard way, by experience.
What do you do when you’re the dictatorial leader of an oppressive government regime looking to maintain power while simultaneously preserving the facade of free and open elections? Well, if you’re the Obama administration then you look for avenues to nationalize state-run election infrastructure.
But you can’t just seize control of infrastructure that has been successfully run at the state level for a couple hundred years…that kind of stuff only happens in Venezuela and we’re better than that. No, you need a catalyst for this kind of blatant power grab. “Coincidentally”, a catalyst just like the FBI’s warning a couple of days ago about “foreign hackers [read Putin] penetrating state election systems.” Then, once you’ve defined the super villain, all you need is a couple of political cronies to go on a fear mongering tour to whip the electorate into a frenzy. And wouldn’t you know it…Harry Reid recently did just that by sending a letter to the FBI voicing his “concerns” that the “Russian government” may be looking to tamper with the upcoming presidential election. Per theNew York Times, Harry Reid’s letter to the FBI included the following:
“I have recently become concerned that the threat of the Russian government tampering in our presidential electionis more extensive than widely known and mayinclude the intent to falsify official election results.“
The combination of all these things might be just enough to scare the American electorate into forfeiting another chunk of their individual sovereignty to the elite political class in Washington DC while plunging us one step closer to the inevitable end game of “fundamentally transforming” our constitutional democracy into a police state.
Per theWashington Examiner, this sort of scenario is precisely what Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson, discussed at an event hosted by The Christian Science Monitor earlier this month.
“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid.“
“There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure.”
“There’s no one federal election system. There are some 9,000 jurisdictions involved in the election process.“
In the first installment of this series, the left wing was analyzed. It seemed like stating the obvious, but statistics prove otherwise. Then “cuckservatism” (NeoConnery, RINOcery) was held up to biblical standards. A little harder to judge, because the fruits are disguised, and basically the whole “movement” is a huge straw man.
It’s hard to make any definitive judgments about the “alt right” because there would seem to be some diversity of thought among those who self-identify as such. Who knows–there might even be some actual right-wingers among them. But in this post I’m choosing the loudest voices from the “alt right” to represent their movement. The reason why it’s important to examine this movement in this context is that there are self-professed Christians in their ranks.
This also presents a conundrum, because so-many non-Christians (who comprise most of the “alt right,” it would appear) assume that this life is all there is. Capital “S” Salvation is meaningless to them because they assume there is no judgment and hell to be saved from. Christians, however, understand that where you spend the next life is far more important than your notch count, blog traffic, travel resume, book sales, or the money you accumulate in this life. So the average “alt right” denizen judges human worth based on some subjective list of achievements on the way to the grave. Physical, tangible, carnal achievements. But one who believes the Bible thinks salvation is the ultimate achievement, followed closely by rewards in the next life for the treasures he has accordingly stored up in Heaven (spiritually speaking) while walking out his faith in this fallen world.
(Just to be clear: salvation is a gift you can’t earn–only accept. This despite my use of the word “achievement.”)
With such a dichotomy of belief within the movement, we can’t exactly compare apples to apples. Hopefully the Christians in the “alt right” at least understand the spiritual concepts above, because that’s Christianity 101. What’s important for a Christian to remember is that God’s standards never even occur to the unbeliever when determining human worth, yet their ungodly attitude, prejudices and reasoning patterns can still influence your thinking if you’re constantly exposed to them. (1 Cor. 15:33)
1. The “Alt Right”:
When it comes to race, these guys don’t so much put forth deep-rooted beliefs of their own they’ve formed and tested, as they seemingly delight in following a script about the Right Wing Boogeyman crafted by the fanatic leftists who have controlled The Narrative for half a century.
Race is more important than any other factor, according to the overt cyber-reasoning of these people. They subscribe to the “Magic DNA” hypothesis, in which predisposition toward political affiliation, (therefore) form of government, and (therefore) human worth depends solely on the genetic trends that determine skin pigmentation, eye color, texture/color of hair, etc. Blacks are relegated to the bottom of the racial hierarchy and are even called “jungle apes” and the like. It is impossible for blacks to be anything but barbarians, or achieve any significant societal advancement, or desire anything other than their own myopic self interests and immediate gratification, because Magic DNA. There is no explanation for men like Ben Carson, for instance. Instead such examples are dismissed with an epithet like “house nigger.”
Conversely, only whites have the potential to significantly advance civilization (though, occasionally, high IQs among Asians are mentioned), or even maintain it. Whites are at the zenith of the racial hierarchy, and the only ones capable of self-rule, because Magic DNA. But among the “alt right” are those who take it much further: being “white” is not enough, but Anglo-Saxon heritage is really the sole genetic determinant of the ability to create, maintain, or salvage Western Civilization.
2. The Bible:
God launched the human race from the seed of a single man, and later funneled it down through a single descendant. Neither the skin color of Adam, nor Noah, is ever mentioned. Skin color is hardly mentioned at all in the Bible, and never as a determinant of human worth. For whatever reason, our Creator chose to use more than one color when designing the human race.
Jesus painted the picture of two paths in life: the wide, easy road to hell, which most of humanity is traveling; and the straight, narrow path to salvation, which few find. (Matt. 7:13-14) What path an individual travels is determined by their choice; not genetics. (Rom. 10:8-13) Jesus commanded His disciples to spread the good news to all humanity; and, in fact, people from “every nation, tribe and tongue” are/will be redeemed from the Earth, and will comprise God’s coming Kingdom. (Rev. 5:9-10)
Sinful man obsesses over outward characteristics, judging human worth based on appearance, accent, vocabulary, etc.–and the “alt right” sees nothing wrong with that; but God examines the inner workings of a person’s soul. (1 Sam. 16:7)
All people have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (yes, including white Anglo-Saxons). The only DNA that can save you from justice is found in the blood of Jesus.
As for the Anglo-Saxon red herring, it really falls of its own weight when you examine it. Out of one side of the “alt right” mouth comes the assertion that the USA was established to be a white society–that the founding fathers were just as racially motivated as present-day “alt righters;” but further, that even other Europeans (outside England) don’t possess the Magic DNA required to form, preserve, or even appreciate rule of law and a representative government. Germans, specifically, are one of the nationalities listed as lacking this Magic DNA. But out the other side of the “alt right” mouth comes the decree that Anglo-Saxons are uniquely equipped with the Magic DNA necessary to create a constitutional republic such as the one established in North America in the late 18th Century.
Evidently, somebody failed to inform them that the Angles and Saxons were German.
To hear the “alt right” tell the story, you might assume the colonists settled North America in order to escape from savage hordes of “Dindu Nuffins” and establish a racially pure Aryan Empire. (After all–there’s that reference to posterity in America’s founding documents.)
In reality, what motivated the colonists to settle in North America was to escape the unjust rule of other white Europeans and a state-controlled church. They were devout Christians who recognized Christ as the sole mediator and gateway between man and his Creator (John 14:6)–they did not accept as mediator some corrupt bureaucratic hierarchy with its own axe to grind. They wanted freedom–primarily religious freedom. To this day they are still called “pilgrims” (and this historic fact has not been revised away probably because US residents have been dumbed-down to the point that they assume “pilgrim” has no meaning beyond a quaint Dutch fashion design that included buckled shoes and funny hats).
What sparked the Revolution was not some affront to racial pride or “purity” (as if the British have ever had such a thing, even from Roman times). In fact, neither was it the commodities tax on tea. It was an attempt to disarm the American people that triggered the “shot heard round the world.”
1. The “Alt Right”:
That they so proudly place a self-proclaimed dangerous faggot on a pedestal pretty much speaks for itself.
While they pounce on any opportunity to show contempt toward most of the human beings created in the image of God, regardless of the respective person’s character; they approve and/or fawn over the individuals who practice abominations–especially the Most Favored Perversion of our times. (Rom. 1:24-32)
It says a lot that, when speaking of the victims of the Orlando shooting, Donald Trump used the phrase “wonderful Americans.” He doesn’t speak that way about other victims of terrorism; just homosexuals. To him (or at least to those he’s pandering to), there’s something “wonderful” about homosexuals. They are more wonderful than normal Americans, judging by his words.
The left has been pushing sexual deviancy on the culture relentlessly, and most of the “alt right” has swallowed it whole. Ironic, because this sort of gullibility is what they frequently accuse the cucks of.
2. The Bible:
There is no ambiguity about sexual sins, including sodomy, in the Old or New Testaments. The links/scripture references would take a while to compile, and an honest individual who genuinely wants to know can easily find enough, via simple search, to make God’s position on the matter crystal clear.
Those who would have you believe God is different today from yesterday, (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8) that He must have finally evolved to humanity’s lofty 2016 pinnacle of sophistication, are banking on you never studying the book for yourselves.
Which is an act of love: yanking a careless child out of the path of a speeding truck; or letting the child be smashed into roadkill?
Which is an act of love: warning somebody that they are on the wide path to hell and they need to get off it; or encouraging them to stay on that path as long as they’re getting their jollies there? (And reinforcing the lie that there is “nothing wrong with it” and there will never be consequences.)
Salvation is available to all sinners, but steps to salvation include confession and repentance. When you deny that your perverted lifestyle is wrong,
You are calling God a liar.
You indicate your refusal to either confess or repent.
1. The “Alt Right”:
Not satisfied with cultivating generic racism (a sort of “Affirmative Action” in reverse), many outspoken agitators of the movement pride themselves on how anti-Semitic they can be.
I don’t just mean specific Jew-bashing. I mean the very word “Semitic” is often used to challenge someone’s status as “white” and therefore revoke their claim to the good strand of Magic DNA. That doesn’t just target Jews; it doesn’t just target Hebrews; it doesn’t just target the offspring of Abraham. Anyone descended from Noah’s son Shem is automatically subhuman by virtue of heritage alone–the bad strand of Magic DNA.
That’s a whole lot of people, in case you were wondering. But one person in particular needs to be highlighted here: the God/man (((Jesus Christ))). God chose to redeem the human race garbed in human flesh, but not just any random human flesh. His Jewish pedigree was very carefully established and detailed. (Matt. 1; Luke 3:23-38)
Follow the “alt right” logic through to the end, and (((Christ))) Himself is inferior to a white European (especially an Anglo-Saxon!). His life; death; resurrection; witness; character…all of it is meaningless because that Magic DNA makes him the enemy of Western Civilization.
2. The Bible:
There was a time when God set apart one strand of DNA as special, and chose to deal with the entire world through those who shared that common ancestry.
Prepare yourself for a shock, because it wasn’t Anglo-Saxons.
Our Creator chose Abraham and his descendants to bless the world through (Gen. 12:3). For the next two generations, that purpose was narrowed down twice more, through Isaac, then Jacob/Israel.
Two concrete examples of how the world was blessed through that lineage:
The Bible.
The Messiah (((“Christ”))).
Is a Jew, Israelite, or other Semitic person, automatically holy due simply to the fact that they were born with a specific DNA? Obviously not–any more than an Anglo-Saxon is. This is a fallacy many Christians fall into: that Israel is magically “good” because of the Abrahamic covenant. In reality, their politicians are just as corrupt as ours; Israelis are just as morally bankrupt, if not more so, than US residents; and they follow the tenets of their religion about as faithfully as the average US citizen practices Christianity. Furthermore, most of them are hostile toward their own Messiah and those who follow Him.
And yet, there is a remnant of Israel that God will redeem (Isaiah 10:20-21; Heb. 8:8-12), even though they are spiritually blind for a while. (Rom. 11)
The Church is not a replacement for Israel, as some would have you believe. There is more overlap than you would suspect (i.e: Christians of Hebrew lineage–like the apostles, disciples, and most of the 1st Century Christians), but the roles and missions of the two entities are different.
Again, those who teach Replacement Theology or any other anti-Semitic doctrines (Rev. 3:9) as Christian either don’t know/believe the Bible, or are calling God a liar.
1. The “Alt Right”:
Most on the “alt right” have little appreciation or affection for the constitutional republic in America, and will tell you as much with no qualms. The only time they ostensibly take a pro-American stance is to try to reinterpret this country as Anglo-Saxia, or some similar Magic DNA argument.
It is “Western Civilization” they pledge allegiance to.
What do they mean by “Western Civilization?”
Good question. Important question.
Beyond the Magic DNA assumption, I suspect that phrase has a thousand different meanings, depending on who uses it.
Whether it is meant to conjure up Greco-Roman sculpture and architecture; the solidarity (ha!) of the Holy Roman Empire; the chivalry of Medieval times; the art and music of the Napoleonic era; or the technological innovation of the Third Reich, it requires an historic myopia to trade your American birthright for any of that despotic stew.
More than one “alt-righter” has literally voiced their desire for a “god-king” or “god-emperor” (who they currently envision as Donald Trump).
Starting with the Caesars, Western Civilization has seen its share of “god-kings.” But nobody on the alt-right has sold me on the benefits of living in a civilization wherein the word of one man can cause you to be imprisoned, crucified, fed to the lions, drawn and quartered, burned at the stake, tortured to death, sent to the guillotine, or locked in an oven. Frankly, I don’t understand why you would want to be considered guilty until proven innocent; exchange God-given rights, which are inalienable, for government-granted privileges which can be revoked at any time; and where another human determines how you will live your life.
That’s what Western Civilization was, before the United States of America. That’s what the left wants it to be again. And by Odin, as long as the god-emperor is an alpha male with Magic DNA, full speed ahead!
If it wasn’t so sad, it would be funny that so many agitating bloggers assume they’ll still be able to spout off their opinions freely under a “god-king.” When the last vestiges of our freedom, protected by “muh Constitution,” are gone, you will only be allowed to speak or blog what your “god-king” agrees with.
Maybe a couple of the “god-kings” of Western Civilization were as good as many assume President Trump would be. They were the exception, not the rule.
Some seem to recognize the fallacy of a “god-king” like Barack Hussein Obama aspires to be. It’s idiotic to assume it would be any less wrong if only his skin was paler. And, historically, there have been a whole lot more pale-skinned Obama-type rulers in Western Civilization than there have been King Arthurs (or whoever the idyllic god-king is).
Western Civilization has become an idol; and the “alt right” is willing to make a sacrifice of our lives, liberty, and property, to whatever “god-king” steps up.
2. The Bible:
The First Commandment is for us to have no other “gods” before our Creator God.
The “alt right” ranks Western Civilization of utmost importance, and trusts their desired god-emperor more than they trust our Creator.
That’s a Magic DNA fail right there, since it’s pretty much what those Semitic, Hebraic, non-Western-Civilized Israelites demonstrated (1 Sam. 8:4-20). In America we have no Caesar and no king but Jesus (who we are free to reject, to our own damnation), but the “alt right” would rather be ruled by the creature than the Creator.
At least one book could be written on how political affiliations compare to the Biblical worldview. I encourage the honest reader to research it further on his own, if this post fails to cover the “alt right” in adequate detail.
There will be at least one more post in this series.
Because he is so above such sordid affairs of course. Why, his administration is a bastion of honesty, transparency and integrity.
Barack Hussein wouldn’t be in the White House without rigged elections. And massive coverups perpetrated by the lapdog media. And a weaponized welfare state. And generations of dumbing-down the electorate via government schools.
He is a symptom, not the cancer itself.
Don’t imagine for a second the same forces that installed him don’t intend to install Hillary by any means necessary.
The Trumpenator just made some silly comment (see below) about how if the Russians hacked her private email account, they should “find” the 30,000+ emails (I think what he meant to say was “produce” or “divulge” the emails).
MEDIA: “None of Hillary’s lost emails were classified. This is just a witch hunt by the vast right-wing conspiracy.”
TRUMP: “Maybe the Russians can recover those allegedly ‘lost’ emails.”
MEDIA: “Look! Look there, at Trump! See that? He’s giving the Russians permission to hack classified emails!”
This is ridiculously obvious hypocrisy. “Double standard” doesn’t even begin to convey the depravity of their minds. You might think that, when confronted with such a blatant revelation of their own prejudice, there might be some embarrassment, remorse, or (from a moral human being) an apology and self-examination.
But after reading Vox Day’s blog, and his book SJWs Always Lie, one still may not understand why this is so, but one does understand that the lapdog press will never even acknowledge getting caught red-handed. It is because of the relevant “Law:” SJWs Always Double-Down.
“By the way, if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do. they probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted. I will tell you this — Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
A couple points about this statement (which gets confusing when you examine it–probably a result of Trump speaking off-the-cuff and not thinking about what he says before he says it:
“If they hacked…” past tense. If the Russians already hacked into these emails (because Hillary deliberately and criminally moved them into her own personal account), they should cough it up. Trump was not giving his approval for foreign intelligence services to hack into secured servers owned by our government. Which is, by the way, where Hillary was required by law to leave the messages in question.
“Rewarded mightily by our press.” Is Trump really so naive? Does anyone with a functioning brain not realize by now that the press is owned and controlled by the same people who own and control Hillary?
For an insight on how SJWs/gammas/depraved God-haters reason (for lack of a better verb), read this transcript.
Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World