It’s almost that time again, folks: the next battle in the Hugo Wars (a subset of the culture war at large).
What started as a joke by Larry Correia criticizing the Cultural Marxist Cabal that hijacked sci-fi/fantasy publishing, fandom, and the Hugo Awards in particular, has blossomed into a revolution on one front of pop culture.
SJWs can’t make up their hive mind whether the Narrative should paint the puppies as pathetic ankle-biters of laughable significance, or beastly Hun savages assaulting the Ramparts of Progress, threatening the very existence of humanity. Usually they’ll make both arguments in the same screed.
Last year it was more difficult to laugh off the Puppies, since pink SF/F was mostly supplanted by non-SJW nominations in the 2015 Hugos. Pinkshirts reacted predictably with the nuclear “no award” option, since they would rather nobody win a Hugo than see one awarded to a book that doesn’t conform to The Narrative.
The latest Virtual Pulp video has just gone live on Hank Brown’s Youtube page. It should help you put the whole controversy in perspective.
There’s still a lot of Star Wars nerds out there. Maybe some of them even read this blog.
The production values here are pretty impressive. Looks like a lot of money went into this (costumes, props, sets, actors, etc.) and I KNOW it took a lot of time to put it together.
For all you manosphere bloggers out there who prefer the stick figure silicone Barbie Dolls, you might get a chuckle out of this.
For the red pill aspiring alpha who believes that for a chick to have a “feminine” figure she must resemble a transgender poster child…this video is for you!
It’s pretty sad what has happened to our holidays. Thanksgiving has become Turkey Day; Christmas is now Santa Clause Day, and the Fourth of July has become Fireworks Day. This loss of our American (Judeo-Christian) heritage was well underway by the time I was born, but I at least had the opportunity to educate myself.
For the record, the American Revolution did not begin with the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Nor did it start at the Boston Tea Party. The war began at Concord Bridge on April 19, 1775, when “right-wing extremists” opposed the forces of offshore interests who came to enforce “gun control” and disarm the militia.
This project was conceived as a book trailer for Henry Brown’s apocalyptic novel False Flag. The plan was to use the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid). Just a quick 30 seconds and out.
Trouble was, after 30 seconds, Wagner’s Death of Siegfried just refused to be faded down. The music causes shivers and goose bumps, and demands to be played through to the end. Whatever Wagner’s personal ideology was, the man was one helluva composer.
Then the pendulum swung in the opposite direction on the project–enormous sequences based on the Bill of Rights, and montages contrasting Norman Rockwell’s America with what we have now…it was a lot of work, and after spending most of a weekend editing, it was only becoming more ambitious.
The Voice of Reason spoke up, and most of those set-piece montages were scrapped. A couple rough spots remained but further revisions were forbidden and we got it uploaded.
Below is another ambitious sequence driven by a Wagner soundtrack…but with a slightly (cough!) bigger budget to work with:
As you’re watching the fireworks tonight, remember that the pretty rockets and aesthetic explosions were meant to remind us that our nation was forged in war. Our freedom was not handed to our forefathers on a platter, as it was to us. It was not cheap. The liberty we have taken for granted was purchased with human blood.
Because we have taken it for granted, it is being stripped from us as I write this. At this late hour, it will not be inexpensive to contest the matter.
Well, not really Elvis. You DO accept that the man is dead, right? (Long before Hussein crawled out from under his rock and appeared on the national scene.) But since we’ve featured two Elvis songs already this week, and “That’s Alright, Mama” was made famous by him…close enough.
The two paradigm charts featured in the video were too much work not to be displayed where people have time to read them…so we’ll do that. First, the actual left-right paradigm–almost guaranteed to be the opposite of what you were taught in school:
And then there’s the paradigm according to the Social Justice Whiners:
As I said before, alpha dog sentiments are much harder to find in music than the supplicating verse of beta chumps. But I managed to find one by the same artist from this week’s Mangina Melody.
He may have sold Wunitus (one-itus) with most of his songs, but in these lyrics Elvis clarifies who is the property of whom. This song is about a man warning his competition (a pick-up artist?) to back off his woman.
And this is the uncensored version. The one I remember didn’t have the line about the ditch and the S.O.B.
Not sure what movies these video clips were taken from, except I think I recognize Stay Away Joe. And my advice regarding that flick is to, um… stay away from it. Presley’s talent as a singer can’t be disputed; but that doesn’t mean all the movies he starred in are worth watching.
Anybody would be hard-pressed to find a man with a higher value to the opposite sex than the young Presley. Sure, the Beatles inspired the same level of hysteria about a decade later, but there were (fab) four of them. The King did it single-handed.
I have to admit up front that I like this song. As with most music, I was seduced by the melody, the instrumentation and/or the beat, etc. before I really scrutinized the lyrics. Also, like most males in our culture, I was brought up blue pill and it took me a while to recognize what had been perpetrated via songs like this.
Here’s one for the psychologists to chew on: why do the blue pill sentiments women pretend to long for actually turn them off…except when expressed in a song or displayed in a romance movie?
All indications were that Presley was far from blue pill in his personal life, but as in most pop songs, through these lyrics he simps and elevates some woman to a pedestal like the most supplicating of beta orbiters in the Friend Zone.
In this performance, Elvis seems to still be enjoying his newfound celebrity, and having a good time making music. In this clip and the one from the Ed Sullivan show, something has him amused, as he laughs through some of the lyrics.
This is about the time TV camera crews were instructed to shoot him only from the waist-up, lest “Elvis the Pelvis” start a riot among the female of the species with all his rowdy gyrations. Even so, and with his rather subdued choreography here, you can hear women going into heat all over the audience.
I’ve never taken drugs but I understand that pushers often hand out the first fix for free in order to get somebody hooked. Cunning strategy, sez I.
So starting today, the E-Book of Shadow Hand Blues will be free on Amazon for a few days.
Deke Jones debuted in Fast Cars and Rock & Roll, where he learned some lessons about women, and people in general, while playing in a band and racing in a “One Lap of America”-style campaign.
This time it is his private investigator creds which are put to the test.
The purchase of a vintage electric guitar leads Jones into a 40-year-old cold case murder mystery involving an enigmatic blues man, swindling record producers, hop-head disc jockeys, and dead prostitutes.
To dig through all that, Jones has to temporarily set up shop in a bizarre hippie town seemingly caught in a time warp. Meanwhile Deke encounters some of his old friends, a sweet country girl and an intriguing older woman…just to name a few.
Suffice it to say: there’s a lot more that comes to light than just clearing up the murder.
In 1954 budding blues virtuoso Waymon “Tornado” Fuller is executed for the murder of a North Carolina woman. In 1994 nomadic hot-rodder, moonlighting private investigator and blues aficionado Deke Jones stumbles upon Fuller’s guitar, triggering a mudslide of buried truths. Fuller’s innocence is one revelation. Another is “Shadow Hand Blues”–the last song he recorded, which Jones has never heard of.
An impromptu search for the studio where the recording session took place leads Jones to a small hippie town seemingly still enjoying the Summer of Love, where the psychodelic atmosphere turns from surreal to hostile when he begins asking questions.
Vintage Fender Telecaster in one hand, steering wheel of his radical Cyclone Spoiler II in the other, Deke Jones launches a one-man crusade to exonerate the infamous musician and find the obscure recording. The blood trails are 40 years cold, but neither corrupt good ol’ boy cops, sex industry sadists, nor fanatical pyramid-schemers can throw Deacon Jones off this case.
This investigative pilgrimage propels Jones right into the bloodstained fingers of a clandestine power elite Tornado Fuller called the Shadow Hand.
This is set four years after Fast Cars and Rock & Roll. While that book dealt with Deke Jones’ racing exploits, and playing in a band (some even call it “coming of age,” since he learns some lessons about women…and people in general), this one is a cold-case mystery.
A fusion of the hardboiled P.I. genre with whodunnit, Shadow Hand Blues also has a strong musical element. Deke Jones is now in a nomadic phase, and this story takes place in North Carolina—far from his Southwest stomping grounds.
Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World