Category Archives: Non-Fiction/Documentary

Alternate History Fiction on Sale

The Based Book Sale is spinning off an alternate history specialization. As the Paradox Series progresses, it becomes increasingly alternate history.

All six books are on sale for 99 cents from March 19-25. Only one link is posted at the Based Book Sale site—to Book 1: Escaping Fate.

So, I’m providing a link to the entire series:

Escape to adventure in an alternate world!

Don’t miss the savings train. (It’s got a spectacular caboose!)

A young fatherless boy living in a 1980s trailer park is saved from a cross-dimensional death squad by a time-traveling uncle who takes him under his wing. As the boy grows to manhood, learning what his biological father would never have taught him about life, love, and full-contact sports, strange dreams plague him at night. The dreams turn out to be quantum echoes across dimensions from parallel realities. Which reality he winds up in depends on the path he chooses. But he doesn’t know which path leads where.

The Paradox Series will stimulate your mind, enrich your intellect, engage your emotions, and explore your imagination. But mostly, you’ll have fun.

Check out the other alternate history books at the Based Sale, too. I plan to.

Based Books that Don’t Break the Bank

Have you noticed the change in the zeitgeist in the last couple weeks? This might be the most confident and optimistic you’ve felt for decades, or ever. Amirite?

The clusterbomb of revelations that began exploding when DOGE hit the ground running is the culmination of planning, preparation, team-building, wargaming and fine-tuning which took long years.

Some of us are not surprised about the information coming out–just surprised that it IS coming out and that it appears something may finally be done about a  full of corruption, treason, and worse.

The reason there are any unsurprised Americans at all is because they were well-informed despite the corporate, globalist-controlled Swamp Media and its legions of glowing clown influencers who regurgitate its lies. The dissident right is well-informed because of culture warriors who have been tirelessly sounding the alarm.

Some culture warriors are investigative journalists who built their own alternative media platforms. Some are livestreamers and podcasters.  Some are meme-makers; some are meme-sharers. And some are based authors.

Based authors have been offering their books at steep discounts for the Based Book Sale four times a year, dropping forbidden truth bombs even in that aforementioned status quo when American citizens could be arrested for sharing a meme. That status quo wherein you would be classified as a domestic terrorist by the FBI for reading excerpts in a school board meeting from a perverse book that the school board made your children read.

We sounded the alarm. We revealed suppressed information. We questioned Establishment-approved assumptions. But most of all, we told good stories (unlike Hollywood and traditional publishing).

If you missed out on those Based Book Sales from the exciting (and fearful) days of the Cancel Culture Era, never fear! The Based Book Sale rolls on and you can still get those good stories. But now there’s a new sheriff in town who won’t be putting you on an enemies list because you read something without the Establishment-mandated daily dose of Marxist agitprop, sexual deviancy, and America Hate.

Don’t make the assumption that “based” means “preachy.” What it really means in this context is that story quality is the priority. Some books are controversial and name names, but most is actually apolitical. Based authors don’t lace their books with woketardery.

Speaking of controversial, I understand Vox Day will be offering his fantasy novel Throne of Bones at this sale. Other well-known authors like John C. Wright and Devon Eriksen  (at the Fall Sale their books finished first and second in sales, followed by my very own magnum opus: Paradox) have discounted their books for the sale in the past and might this time, too.

I plan to have three of my sci-fi novels available through the sale for 99 cents. My readers know I write adventure of one flavor or another. These novels mix that with conspiracy thriller, sports, romance, time travel, some coming-of age and a little bit of alternate history.

Get yours for 99 cents while you can!

An Interview with INFAMOUS

A Q & A with the Infamous Reviewer, Gio🦀


Gio 🦀 has been reviewing on Virtual Pulp for a little over a year now. He’s a prolific reviewer with a strong work ethic and sometimes eclectic tastes. He’s got his own fiction project in the works right now. Maybe this is overdue, but I think it’s a good idea to help his audience get to know him better, and find out about what he’s up to lately.


MACHINE TROOPER: First of all, you are a blessing to the writers of the world. I wish there were more readers like you out there and I probably speak for most of the authors you have reviewed. Seeing as how you’re not just a prolific reader but a prolific reviewer, and an honest one at that (so honest, you won’t even accept free review copies), I’m obligated to try figuring out what makes such a rare and selfless reader tick.

So what set you on this mission?

🦀 Honestly, it comes down to upbringing and my predisposition to listening to a good story being told. From a very young age my mother would often drop me off at my grandparents’ to go to work while my father was out at sea in the Navy,  and my grandma would read me books that ranged from Homer to the Brothers Grimm. Those afternoons exposed me for the first time to the magic of storytelling. As I grew up, my hunger for discovering books that would capture my imagination just grew exponentially. When we studied Homer in school I already knew about The Iliad and The Odyssey as much as our teacher did.

Now with social media and a platform my purpose really is kinda the same: find that next book, that next story that stirs up my imagination. 


MACHINE TROOPER: Again, glad to have you here.

Since you started reviewing on Virtual Pulp, the fantasy category has exploded in weight. Is that a favorite genre that you seek out more than others? Is it that most of the authors who contact you for reviews write in that genre? Or something else?

🦀 Fantasy is obviously what I read most but also perhaps the most popular genre in fiction literature currently. Most of my review requests I receive are for fantasy novels. Of course I have other reading interests (Jane Austen; Agatha Christie, to name a couple), but for the most part fantasy is obviously my main thing.



MACHINE TROOPER: It kinda’ looked that way to me.

You’ve read fiction from some of the legends in literature, as well as plenty of newish indie fiction.  Have you noticed any general trends in the newer fiction–common strengths, weaknesses? Common or overused tropes?


🦀 I think a lot of new authors get stuck in a rut due to the bombardment from social media’s not-so-subliminal messages. It used to be that an author would draw inspiration from dreams, from traveling, from first hand experiences (or from those of others). Now the process is to pick up what’s already been written, take a few elements from this book and that book, blend them all together, and hope people will like the end result. 

One of the most common overused tropes is that of having some kind of powerful trinket (amulet, stone, gem, sword, crown) and making it all about who can get their hands on it first. This trope has been used and abused to no end.

The strength in modern writing is the obvious instant access to information that writers have available, however that technical advantage is also partially responsible for the lack of original content. Writers used to draw inspiration from real-life experiences, from traveling, from having to stay at old motels in the middle of nowhere. They didn’t go online to see what was trending that day before writing their stories, if you catch my drift.


MACHINE TROOPER: Yup. There’s so much hopelessly derivative drivel out there now. Most of my creative efforts were derivative when I was a kid; but as you mature, you notice real life has so much inspiring experience–as you pointed out.

How do you decide what to review next?


🦀 I try to go in order of request placed, but truthfully sometimes I make exceptions depending on some factors. There are writers who request a review but in addition to that they want to speak to me about their books and depending on what they say I might take their books and move them up the queue because again, it goes back to me first and foremost searching for that story that is unapologetically original and written in such a manner that is unique in its own way.


MACHINE TROOPER: If you were to guesstimate, what proportion of books do you read because the author requested a review, versus how many you choose all on your own?



MACHINE TROOPER: Do you still read any tradpub fiction? If so, who?

🦀 Not current tradpud fiction. I read a lot of classic Agatha Christie, Jane Austen,  Lord Dunsany, Poe, and Lovecraft for the most part, when I’m not reviewing indie books.


MACHINE TROOPER: What are some of your favorite things to experience when reading a book or watching a movie? How have authors or directors managed to really ramp up your enjoyment of a story? Examples?


🦀 I like to expect the unexpected and unexpect the expected. What I mean by that is that I want to read stories and watch films that feel organic in their plot development and not just an amalgamation of previous existing stories and tropes blended together. I want to see writers disassociate their minds from how we communicate on social media and write in ways that are unique to their work (unless of course the story is about this world in present time). 

Writing should be an art form not unlike singing, for example. Do singers sing like they talk? No. Same with writing. Don’t write like you post on Instagram or X. Make it an art form.

A good example of this is the last book I reviewed by Robert Mortell: Tales & Treasure. Though the book is not perfect in some aspects, Mortell seems to get that it’s time to move on in the fantasy genre and experiment with new concepts. The hunt for the crown in his story is just a facade, and even the characters in it know it. So the story is no longer about “Who shall find the crown shall have infinite power” but the hunt for this trinket becomes crucial for the characters/plot developing in ways that are fresh, compelling, and fascinating.


MACHINE TROOPER: Simply put, then: fresh narratives not built around a formula.

Do you read blurbs? I ask because they can be challenging to write and so many of them are bad. Can you generalize for us what elements in a blurb make you want to read a book (and conversely, what turns you off or makes it fall short, if you like)?


🦀 I do read blurbs and then I regret it! LOL! Honestly most blurbs today only make me feel like I should probably skip that book. I know it is hard to write blurbs that are effective without giving away too much of the story, but (sorry, have to mention him again) Rob Mortell proved that you can write blurbs that make you go like: “I gotta read this book now!” So Rob ,to me, also sets an example that there can be ways to write blurbs that are effective and intriguing. Is it an easy task? Absolutely not, but it’s doable.


MACHINE TROOPER: Remember that proposal you made to Iron Age Media? Could you reproduce it here for the blog followers?

🦀 Basically I DM’ed ‘The King’ with a proposal of featuring my book reviews on his zine but never got a response. I know he read it, but that’s water under the bridge.


MACHINE TROOPER: Now tell us if you’re ever going to do that. If not, why not?


🦀 Michael has a new book coming out soon. I’ll wait for that to release and do an interview with him.


MACHINE TROOPER:  Thanks for answering those questions.  Now let’s discuss your own current fiction project.

First of all: how and why were you motivated to tackle this subject matter in your first foray into fiction writing?


🦀 I was initially (and only partially) inspired by the modern feminist movement. But eventually the concept evolved into the creation of super Amazonian warriors rather than just a bunch of women who want to be like men. As more defined characters began to form in my mind I let the concept stir whichever direction it chose, organically.


MACHINE TROOPER: Most work that turns out to be worthwhile does take some surprising turns from what the writer originally envisioned.

Does the setting of this story take place on some version or alternate of Earth?


A: The setting is 100% pure fantasy world from my imagination, taking inspiration from The Iliad by Homer to Solomon Kane by R. E. Howard and everything in between. I think you may also find traces of E. R. Burroughs and H. P. Lovecraft here and there. 

Oh and there will be mystical beaches, too. The most mysterious, enchanting beaches populated by not-too-friendly crustaceans!


MACHINE TROOPER: Nothing against Tolkien, but it’s always nice to discover people who understand that good literature existed before he came along.

Are you planning to eventually publish this story?


🦀 First of all I want to reiterate that everything that you read in Jerimath and Varian (and in the upcoming novel Scars) is simply the result of my ‘therapy program’. These characters and their stories have been living rent-free in my head for almost a year now, and I needed to find a way to let them out. This is therapy for me. So I decided to write down everything my imagination was creating in my sleep. I really don’t care what the ‘critics’ may think of it nor am I trying to be a ‘writer’ in the sense that I’ll be constantly thinking of what to write next. I’m writing these stories and characters simply because they came to existence through my imagination in my dreams and I really needed an outlet for my own mental health’s sake.

Having said all that, a long-format novel is also in the works, in cooperation with another writer, Jerimath and Varian providing just a glimpse into this fantastic world. With professional editing/proof-reading I would like to perhaps first make this short story available for free and then add it as a bonus to the long-format novel that is currently under construction.


MACHINE TROOPER:  So this part is just you; but the full-length novel will be co-written with Fredo McBoxhead.

How did you come up with the term “Agogex”?



🦀 The term was inspired by Agoge, a military program/training system in ancient Sparta. It was kinda fitting, given the military nature of this caste of women. Partial credit goes to Scars co-writer James for coming up with that idea.


MACHINE TROOPER: Who are the “Aratex”?


🦀 The Aratex are the ‘mind’ of the nation of Carriala (whereas the Agogex are the ‘arm’ of Carriala). Aratex is a caste of men picked at birth to basically become eunuchs and fulfill vital roles as statesmen, lawmakers, scientists, architects. They will make an appearance in Scars, the long-format story I mentioned earlier, which will be mostly written by co-writer James. 


MACHINE TROOPER: Jeez, you make it hard not to draw parallels between this and Current Year geopolitics.

You’ve been borderline-obsessed with crabs since you reviewed that one RVM story. Your characters even refer to “the Holy Crab” in this book. What is the deal with you and crabs?


🦀 I wouldn’t say just borderline obsessed (LOL), but yes, ever since I read R. V. Miller’s short story The Isle of the Shrine of the Sick’ning Scarab (I know, long title!) I became infatuated with mystical islands and red crabs to the point that I was having dreams (or nightmares? Your pick) about not just red crabs but walking on these otherworldly ‘Lovecraftian’ sandy beaches with more red crabs than one can count. Those were the same dreams by which these characters and stories I’m writing originated from.

At the time I discussed this with Mills and he even suggested using the ‘mystical red crab’ as my brand logo. And so I did.

Scars: an INFAMOUS Legend will zero in on the whole red crab legend more in depth once Agogex Master Megax takes the leading role in that storyline.



MACHINE TROOPER: Henceforth shall I remember this origin every time I dine at Red Lobster.

It seems Larizza (and now Megax, in this draft) is pretty brutish–if not retarded. Is this a result of the sorcery that altered her hormones and DNA to make her ripped and hyper-masculine? Or was she this way from birth?

🦀 All Agogex speak in the same ‘strange tongue’ which baffles even the men of Greater Valley. Again this particular mystery will be revealed in the long novel in due time, but for now I can only say that their speech is not due to a mental disorder or birth defect, or because they are foreigners (they’re not), or because they are just meatheads, even. 

Agogex are very smart and cunning. Not only do they possess superhuman strength and endurance but they are also very apt for military strategy development and leadership on the battlefield. Agogex never end up being common soldiers. There are not a whole lot of them, they’re an elite, and they are all raised and trained to make it to the ranks of captain and general.



MACHINE TROOPER: Okay, I’ll be patient to find out.

In the duel between Jerimath and Larizza, the High Knight is full of bluster (or braggadocio?) beforehand, then refuses to make any offensive effort. Even as he tires from evading the attacks of the Agogex (who has nigh-unlimited stamina), he still refuses to counterattack. Regardless of the effectiveness of the fighting discipline, or the skill of its practicioner, an attack–especially a failed one, opens you up for a counterstrike. (This is how Max Schmelling beat Joe Louis in their first bout, for instance, and how Ken Shamrock beat Dan Severn.) Yet Jerimath limits himself to defense after, presumably, many such openings. Is he a white knight deep down, despite the bluster? Is he mesmerized by her eyes? Can he not overcome his conditioning to not hit a girl? I am a bit perplexed and, to be honest, this reminds me too much of the Homowood trope of the trash-talking 220 pound tough guy who gets his ass kicked by the five-foot-nothing Amazon superninja.

🦀 Jerimath at this point is only aware of the unnatural strength of Larizza, but he doesn’t suspect that Agogex have almost infinite endurance as well. His plan was to let her swing at him long enough to tire her out, then disarm her. Notice how he tells Varian: 


“Let me teach this silly child a lesson”


He obviously has no intentions to seriously hurt her. Also notice what he says to Larizza after he is hit and gets back on his feet:


“Larizza, I do not want to harm you. I am just seeking justice. If you lay down your weapons now no harm shall come to you or your men. The Tower is as just as it is merciful. I give you my word as a High Knight and Paladin of The Tower.”


Jerimath is doing two things here:

  • Giving Larizza a genuine chance to surrender.
  • Gaining precious minutes to regain some gas, would he not be given any other chance but to strike her. He is speaking to her while in the back of his head he is also calculating his next move now that he is within striking range. Larizza is being fooled into thinking he is done at this point.


You also have to keep in mind two factors:

  • High Knights are raised to respect women, all women
  • There is something going on when Jerimath looks into Larizza’s eyes but he is not even fully aware of it at a conscious level. Attraction? Agogex sorcery? Something else? Gotta keep reading part 2 to find out.


MACHINE TROOPER:  If Jerimath is truly concerned with justice, why does he choose to let the Carrealans off scott-free rather than see Larizza punished?

🦀 Jerimath wants to see justice being served, but not the Agogex version of it , with unsolicited torture. His decision to pardon Larizza of her crimes is made in the spur of the moment because he only has seconds to do something that would prevent the flogging to take place. As a Captain of The Tower he has power to pardon a criminal in certain circumstances and so he uses that power. 

Oh and of course the ‘EYES’ thingy I’m sure has something to do with it also!


MACHINE TROOPER:  I appreciate you taking the time to “chat” with me about your reviews and your work-in-progress.


Follow Gio and watch for his collaborative fantasy project, Scars, to come out in the future, of which this tale of Jerimath and Varian will be a part.

A Chat With Comics Odyssey

Since I’ve been an author, this is only my third guest appearance on a podcast. It’s my very first video livestream. My first was with Winston Crutchfield (a stand-up guy) back in 2011 or so. My next was circa 2015.  After that, I figured, “There, I’ve done it. Now I can go back into hibernation.”

As my wife and other family will tell you, I don’t really like being in the spotlight. I want people to buy my books and give them nice reviews, allowing me to stay sequestered like a hermit while I work on projects important to me. But those desires are pretty much mutually exclusive in today’s entertainment sphere.

I’m an unknown rookie in comic books, yet I have to start building an audience now so that some readers will come to back my campaign when my graphic novel is ready for the printer. You gotta have a crowd before you can crowdfund, as the saying goes. So I put a profile pic up on my social media accounts showing my face instead of the cool avatars I prefer to use, and I’m reaching out to podcasters/livestreamers for interviews.

Kudos to Ulysses of Comics Odyssey for his laid back approach and his own passion for comics which made the whole experience enjoyable.

Thanks again to Ulysses for giving me a shot and his time to make this happen. This might have been the perfect way for me to get my feet wet.

I hope you all will show him some love with likes and reposts. Also, he’s working on a comic project of his own now you might consider checking out when he finishes.

And hey, did you know the Paradox digital”box set” is published? At an everyday bargain price, too.

Leave a comment if you liked the interview, and/or if you would buy a doorstop-sized paperback or hardcover of Paradox if I make one available.

Based Books Be Best! Buy Boatloads, Brah!

I know, I know: “are the best.” Don’t undervalue my alliterative Ebonics, ese.

The Based Book Sale is back–this time in conjunction with Based Con. I’ve never been to Based Con. I can only guess that it’s like Comicon or Dragon Con (never been to those, either) only without the woketards.

Anyway, the Based Book Sale is where you can find hundreds of books by dozens of non-woke authors, discounted to 99 cents…or FREE. One of those free books will be American Stasi–you should definitely grab your own copy.

This might be the last time I include all my full-length novels in the sale, so get ’em for cheap while you can.

Those full-length novels include Paradox Book Six: Confronting Fate, which caps off my coming of age time travel conspiracy thriller wrapped around football and high adventure. The BBS will have an Amazon link, but it’s also available at the other online book stores, too.

Almost all the paperbacks in the series are published, too. I’m planning an E-Book boxed set, and possibly a hardback edition.

Expose the Surveillance State

You are being spied on, everywhere you go.

Chances are, you’re aware of the surveillance cameras at urban businesses, traffic lights, on doorbell devices, inside schools, courtrooms, government buildings, parking garages, hotels, prisons, etc. You know–the ones that always conveniently TOTALLY BY COINCIDENCE quit working when a Jeffry Epstein needs Arkanciding, or a federal asset  plants a bomb at a federal building in Oklahoma City, or a glowing wind-up-toy hauls a truckload of weapons and ammo up into a Las Vegas hotel.

Maybe you wonder if the built-in camera on your laptop can be remotely activated by bad actors. Maybe you know the microphone and camera in your smartphone definitely can be activated without your knowledge–even when you have it turned off. Maybe you know about geolocation, which can reveal your whereabouts through your smart device–even when you think you’ve turned off the “location” feature.

Google Earth revealed, in the ‘oughts, that at least one satellite is taking pictures of everybody’s home, yard, garage, driveway, etc. Maybe you know that means the FedGov had something 30-40 years more advanced than that at the time. Maybe you suspect that must mean that now, 20 years later, spy satellites must at least have some unconventional imaging tech which allows somebody to see whatever you’re doing, in high resolution, right through the roof and walls “in the privacy of your own home.”

If you’re savvy, you understand that the feds consider American citizens far more dangerous than any foreign enemy or legitimate threat to your life, liberty and property, and they deploy their assets accordingly.

The truth is, it’s much worse than you imagined.

Anonymous Conservative (author of The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics) has been tirelessly working to expose the domestic surveillance in the USA on his blog, which I consider the very best news aggregator ever, hands-down. And now he has  armed us with a powerful weapon for the Information War going on all around you: The American Stasi.

AC is not afraid to say stuff that may sound crazy. He is an honest, courageous man fighting the good fight and not concerned much about what NPCs or trolls think of him. He wants to expose the surveillance to people who will arm themselves with the information he freely offers and take the Machine down. He believes there can be no saving our republic without exposure and dismantling of this lawless abomination.

While curating his must-read news aggregating blog for the last few years, he has compiled extensive data points on the panopticon we live in–the ruthless Machine watching you and your loved ones even (especially) when you assume you are acting in private.

I can’t do his work much justice here;  you need to read it for yourself. I strongly recommend that you do.

Detour into Graphic Novels Part 3

If you haven’t been following my sad saga about trying to make graphic novels, you can catch up by reading about how the old comic book bug was first rekindled, then my frustrating experience with one artist.

Not being a masochist, I cut my losses, paid the latter for wasting my time, and regrouped.

Back to the drawing board. Pun intended.

I found another artist with a page rate I could swing; and he seemed to understand English pretty well. He was a Manga artist, but said he could draw American-style comics. Since I wanted a more classic, simplistic style anyway (remember: I thought it would be cool if it was a similar style to Milton Caniff or Alex Raymond), I thought it could work out.

I decided to have him try Page 1, and do it in black & white to see if the style was a good fit before thinking about color.

The same kind of issues haunted me as with the previous artist. I literally had to give him the same directions 5 times before he would follow them. Going through that for every panel on a 90-page graphic novel is something I just don’t have the patience for.

After 14 days. he had this, which is much closer to what I wanted:

The artist’s Manga background helped him come closer to the simple, elegant style I thought would fit the sci-fi adventure.

Some stuff I just had to let go. Two of the characters are supposed to be older; but after telling him this over and over and over and him ignoring it, I figure he’s probably never gonna do it for whatever reason.

I wasn’t going to give up; but I was done with Fiverr and maybe even trying to hire artists.

One reason I had been ready to sink thousand$$ into this project was because time is such a precious commodity and drawing is extremely time consuming. Learning how to draw, then drawing, takes even more time. But that appeared to be the only way this was gonna happen, now.

“I have to draw it myself,” sez I.

Read the whole thing  on Substack.

Detour into Graphic Novels Part 2

Last time I gave you the intro and the first misadventure.  Here’s what happened next:


After waiting months to hear back from the publisher, I finally accepted that whatever happened, that deal was dead.

But the old dream was revived and the juices were flowing. I decided to try getting the sci-fi graphic novel produced myself.

(Looking back, if I had to do it over again, I would, but still: I did not understand what frustration would overtake me in the next step of the journey.)

If I could find an artist I could afford, I’d foot the bill myself, run it as a series on Arktoons, then get it bound in paperback and release it that way. Maybe I should finally try crowdfunding, sez I. The story’s based, seasoned with some red pills, but it’s set in a world that is not a metaphorical stand-in for the geopolitics of 2022 Earth, so IndieGoGo or whoever might not cancel it mid-campaign. And there was a new gunfighter in town, I heard, called FundMyComic which specializes in comic book crowdfunding, and respects the First Amendment.

I’m really glad now that I waited on that crowdfunding idea, rather than put backers in the position of waiting years (at least two-and-counting, now) for me to deliver a finished project.

Thank God my financial situation has improved significantly since the period I went through from 2005 to 2017. But I still don’t have money to burn, now or two years ago. This project requires a big sacrifice in precious resources that are needed for other aspects of life. I had to get the best bang-for-the-buck I could scrounge, and even then I would have to do a lot of scraping just to afford the artwork. I’m not a known creator in comics, so it’s not like I could just start a Patreon account and expect backers to appear and start contributing to an artwork fund. I’ve got 11K followers on Amazon, but you’d never know it from the number of reviews my books get. And how many of them read or care about sequential art?

I already had a Fiverr account; so I began searching…I decided to submit Page 3 this time, because it would give me a chance to see how the artist would do with some of the vehicles and other tech.

The artist who I contracted with repeatedly asked for time extensions, and I allowed them. After waiting 9 days, he finally submitted a rough sketch that he had obviously just thrown together in a matter of minutes. Here I was thinking 9 days should be enough time to draw and color 6 spectacular panels. What I initially got was no better than what I could doodle myself.


Read the whole article on Substack.

One Detour from the Great American Novel

I’ve mentioned before some of the reasons I took so long to finish the rough draft for Paradox. One interruption was what appeared to be an opportunity to write graphic novels:


For those who don’t know, I’m a novelist. I’ve had ideas for some comics & graphic novels for a long time—including many superhero stories which take place in a “world” I built as a boy and has evolved as I sporadically brainstormed about it in subsequent years.

My first creative efforts were pictures of superheroes, and later my own comics, panels drawn on whatever scrap paper I could find, plotting and character development handled on-the-fly, and assembled slapdash with staples, Elmer’s Glue, or whatever binding method I could improvise. My writing experience began as a necessary adjunct of those efforts.

My drawing was pretty good for somebody who was self-taught and seat-of-the-pants. I can honestly say I was a better freehand artist than anyone I ever met, until I went to college. I wasn’t in the same league as any comic artist from the Bronze Age on, but had I developed better habits and techniques, maybe I could have gotten there. I’ll probably elaborate in the future.

In my late teens, I drifted away from “kid stuff” (comic books) and began aspiring to more “serious” creative efforts (text-based fiction). I gradually quit drawing and began concentrating on writing–which, at the time, was a bigger challenge.

My shift to prose solidified over the years and the old sequential art ambitions collected layers of dust on the back shelf. Even so, the seeds of that superhero saga germinated in my mind and never completely faded away.

The old dream languished, increasingly resembling a pipe dream as the years stacked up and life took me further and further away from ever having the time to make a serious effort at that partially-developed idea on the shelf.

And then…

One day on Gab, a publisher who I’d never met or heard of (he was from Europe) DM’d me out of the blue. He said he liked my prose and asked if I’d ever considered writing a graphic novel before.

Little did he know the depth of my appreciation for the medium and my abandoned dream. The dream had never completely died, though my drawing ability had.

This would have been flattering, but at first I didn’t think the dude was serious; or I must have misunderstood him or something. But no: after exchanging messages for a while, it became clear he wanted me to write a graphic novel for him. He had published a couple (illustrated) based children’s books; which I checked out. Amazon banned one of them, which is a badge of honor in my view. I did buy and read one that survived.

Anyway, I dusted off another idea I’d been nursing for years (a sci-fi aviation adventure in another galaxy) and pounded out a rough draft. I had some experience writing screenplays, and comic scripts aren’t too terribly different.

The experience effectively gave me a jump-start. I got the bug to chase that old dream.


Read the whole article on Substack.
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Arguments About A.I.

Now that “A.I.” seems to be a part of reality,* it is the source of much controversy. As an independent author who has commissioned artists for book covers, and some burgeoning graphic novel projects, I’m privy and intrigued by one facet of it: A.I. generated art.

Here are some of the arguments I’ve been observing go back and forth in my own social network, such as it is:

Stop, Thief!

Artist: Using A.I. to generate your art is abetting  the theft of intellectual property.

Writer: It’s no more theft than an artist drawing or painting something after looking at other art, photos, or the live subject in the real world. Unless A.I. simply reproduced your art, line-for-line, stroke-for-stroke, your argument doesn’t hold water.

Have You No Decency?

Artist: Shame on you! You’re putting human artists out of work by using A.I. generated art. It is morally reprehensible to make money off work that includes elements not created by a human being.

Writer #1: That’s like saying it’s immoral for you to build a website, make a flier, or advertise your art in any other way unless you or another artist (who you pay) hand-create all the text, rather than using an available font from some computer.

Writer #2: Considering your price-gouging, and your undependability, you deserve to go out of business. If you weren’t so unreasonable and flaky, I might consider paying more for your human touch.

How would YOU like it?

Artist: What if A.I. writes a cheap knock-off of your novel and somebody else cut into your profits by selling it?

Writer: That’s already happening even without A.I. From the hacks selling their junk on the Amazon Slush Pile, to downright piracy on the warrez sites. It’s something we have to live with. Welcome to our world.

Artist: You won’t be so cavalier when people start buying A.I. generated books instead of yours. Then you’ll see.

Writer: We won’t like it, but that’s already happening, too. The lion’s share of the indie market is dominated by cheap, quick, formulaic, uninspired pap generated by mediocre writers who might as well be bots. Welcome to our world.


My Thoughts:

I’ve seen some really impressive A.I. generated art, but in my limited experience so far, it takes just as much time and effort to make A.I. give me what I want as it would to just draw or paint it myself. No doubt it will improve, but it might always have that “Uncanny Valley” effect.

I suspect A.I. generated prose will have an even stronger Uncanny Valley factor. Granted, most Amazon shoppers will ravenously consume it anyway. But if my creativity depended on profit margins, return-on-investment, or any financial metric, I would have given up on creative pursuits long ago in lieu of something much more consistently profitable like politics, real estate, or telemarketing.

What are your thoughts on the role of artificial intelligence in creativity? Let us know in the comments.


*I’ve heard some tech-savvy folks say what we’re witnessing is not true artificial intelligence, but merely complex computer programming. I tend to agree, based on its performance. I don’t think it will ever truly be intelligent without imagination and probably self-awareness.