Violent mobs burn, loot, and murder with impunity. Even on the rare occasions that they’re arrested, traitors in the court system release them right back on the street. But they’ll find any excuse to lock up law abiding citizens who share the wrong opinions or make arguments that can’t be credibly “debunked.” Or defend themselves against the violent mobs. This documentarian had to be silenced, one way or the other. To the powers-that-be, she’s a much more serious threat than communist revolutionaries burning our cities down.
Just so you know where the priorities of the “justice” system lie.
If you expose the work of the shadow government, they’ll find an excuse to take you down. This woman’s viral video was over the target. It’s as simple as that.
Conspiracies can’t survive sunlight. They must keep normal people in the dark. Their deception and programming has been incredibly successful at keeping sheeple ignorant of what’s actually going on.
Millennial Millie was blasting too much sunlight, and naming names. It will be depressing to watch how many bovine idiots justify Facebook/Youtube’s suppression of this “dangerous information” with whatever narrative is spoon-fed them.
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I’d love to be proven wrong this time somehow, but Virginians and all other Americans need to be ready for a major false flag and media blitzkrieg. Politicians in Virginia and DC have a message for the American people: “We are going to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. What are you gonna do about it?”
If Americans don’t show up to the scheduled protest in Virginia, then our domestic enemies win by default…as usual. Just as in every battle for the soul of our culture, evil wins without firing a shot when people on our side don’t even put up a fight.
Signs indicate that people on our side might not surrender as easily this time. But the globohomo Swamp no doubt has a number of contingencies to turn this into an excuse for more orchestrated infringements. Watch this video before it’s purged by CommieTube:
Here’s some important points to keep in mind, for any patriot planning to attend the event:
The Swamp is going to herd the Americans into a fenced area where they will be trapped.
Any patriots who park at the nearby, designated parking garages, will possibly be trapped in the area.
Antifa, disguised as patriots, intend to infiltrate the protest and create incidents that the Swamp Police can exploit. No matter who does what, patriots will be the villains in the official Narrative.
The Swamp has the ability not only to hack your smartphones, but jam any attempt by you to video record what actually happens. So not only can they prevent you from posting any footage that challenges their Narrative, they can prevent you from recording it in the first place. In other words, what ever lie they choose to tell the population, you will have no opportunity to prove it is a lie. There is a reason they’ve been securing a monopoly on the flow of information.
There will probably be drones flying over the area with facial recognition software. So even if you’re smart and only bring a burner phone; even if by some miracle no pre-manufactured “hate crime” doesn’t take place…they will have a list of every American who attends. This will be recon-by-fire. They can arrest potential “domestic terrorists” in the dead of night, later on, at their convenience with no-knock warrants and terminate the resistance piecemeal.
In addition to the covert Antifa infiltrators, there will be the typical federal informants and other agents provacateur on hand, not to mention the usual lineup of tribalist alt-retards screaming racial slurs to make sure sheep watching their idiot box will believe that this is all about “white supremacy.”
I don’t know exactly what will happen, but I’m afraid it will be ugly. I’d feel a lot better if some significant swamp-draining could have been accomplished by this point, but that isn’t the case. Trump is still surrounded by avowed enemies of your freedom, who hate him for interfering with their plan. Neither Sessions, Horowitz, or Barr have proven to me that the Swamp faces any serious challenges. I have no worldly advice to offer, because technologically (and in every other worldly aspect) the enemy holds every possible advantage. The only worthwhile advice I can offer is to trust in, and pray to, the God who is more powerful than everybody involved.
India and Pakistan are engaged in another skirmish, and this latest fighting is a good time to remind people of how a war between the two nuclear-armed nations would affect Russia and China (and their focus on the U.S.). The skirmish is also a good time to remind people of why I’ve largely stopped writing open-source intelligence assessments (and pretty much every other type of nonfiction writing).
Back in 2018, I wrote “How an India-Pakistan War Would Distract China and Russia from the U.S.” Fairly in-depth, highly insightful, and unlike anything you’d find anywhere else.
And no one cared about it.
Feel free to read it now. It’s still on-point. And it’s particularly worthwhile to read considering that the U.S. is no longer capable of winning wars.