Category Archives: Non-Fiction/Documentary

Our Options If We Survive the Crisis

I’m sharing this video as an addendum to the last one.

We’ve asked before: what happens if the “right” (that is, an alliance of counter-revolutionary factions dominated by the Cult of Western Civilization, or CWC) prevails in our 2nd Civil War? Here are some options identified by a CWC sympathizer.

There’s no escape from identity politics, which means there’s no escape from either a race war, ethnic cleansing, or some other racial conflict.

When rabid leftist mobs murder black citizens (men, women, and children), loot and burn black businesses, and attack statues of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas, all in the name of “fighting white supremacy,” do you really believe they’ll give you a pass because you’ve been colorblind and treated everyone as individuals?

They don’t care about truth or justice. They want their Marxist Utopia. They will kill, steal, and destroy anyone and anything in their way. This was evident by the goalpost moving from the very beginning of the insurrection, and it’s obvious by the words and actions of the leaders of this communist revolution.

“John Mark” has accepted this reality. As uncomfortable as I am with his racial focus, I also understand that my ideas won’t be accepted by a majority on either side.

People on both sides have horrible notions that will cause incalculable suffering and injustice on a scale Americans can’t even imagine.

The USA, as we know it, is done–short of a miracle from God. Our dislike for the available options does not magically create new, viable options out of thin air, nor make whatever options we prefer suddenly viable. Our future is a huge turd burger and our choice is going to be: take a bite or starve to death.

Could we have avoided this? Yes, easily, with just a little moral courage by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Could all the races dwelling in the USA live in harmony? Absolutely, if we had not let insidious scum pervert every institution (and create many that were intentionally perverse from the beginning) and brainwash succeeding generations to fervently believe the Golden Goose is inherently evil/racist and needs to be strangled to death. But all that is water under the bridge, now.

If we were still a majority Christian nation, it would be possible to reverse much of the damage. But we’re not, so we can’t, because good men did nothing for too long.

Reality is, for us, the fundamental transformation we were warned about. Our future is poverty, persecution, and war. What’s on the other side of that isn’t completely knowable. That all depends on God’s timetable.

The problem with the Utopian ideas like John Mark’s, and other “alt right” people, is that immigration and “diversity” are not the core reason for our destruction. They were simply tools, out of many tools used, to bring us to this point. You can pluck them out of the toolbox and throw them away without ever addressing the core problem, which it looks like exactly what people on “our side” want to do if they win.

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Who Has the Advantage in Civil War II?

This is definitely worth a watch. When we look at the breakdown of the opposing sides, it’s surprising how much can be construed to be an advantage the American side has over the anti-American side. The points about infrastructure are definitely worth noting.

Of course, I take issue with some of the statements and assumptions.
The Armed Forces actively recruit patriotic Americans? Yeah, back in the 1940s. Maybe on up to the Vietnam fiasco. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a recruiting commercial appeal to patriotism in my life. It’s all college money, job training, and multi-million-dollar fighter jets. They appeal to mercenaries and that’s what they get. You do tend to get more country boys and traditional males in the combat arms, which might or might not benefit the American side. But the remark about recruiting, stated as fact, is just a wishful-thinking assumption and casts suspicion on all the other data on the military the “red team” guy put in his report. And I can testify that the officer corps is a pozzed cesspool of opportunistic and amoral uniformed politicians. And the politics all push left. General Flynn (if he is for real) is one of the last of the Mohicans.

The most ridiculous part was the proposition that the Swamp Media would be forced to give advantage to the Americans. There is such a demonstration of ignorance on this point that to pick it apart would probably just be a waste of time.

Keep in mind that this is just strategic-level number-crunching. The numbers looked really good for Poland and France against Germany in 1939-40, too. But there is some encouraging data.

I heartily agree with one of the last points made: Whatever advantage the Americans have will only make a difference if they commit to fight. You can be the strongest, fastest, toughest stud on the block; the smartest tactician; and the most accurate marksman; but if you’re not willing to deal out pain and death on the enemy, then none of that matters. How many Americans understand that war is inevitable? How many understand that there will be no peaceful reconciliation with the other side? Do you understand that? I guarantee the anti-American side knows the deal. Their leadership have known for a long time. The last obstacles between them and their Red Utopia are being torn down right now, by power-lusting communist governors and mayors. The last incentives for their useful idiot shock troops to stay on the leash have evaporated during the lockdowns.

I pray for the Commander-in-Chief, and so should you. But I don’t put my faith in President Bumpstock Ban, and neither should you. He’s ignorant of the Constitution, and has surrounded himself with traitors.

The rule of law only worked when there were good men determined to enforce it. There are no such men left in public service. Only two types of people exist in government anymore: traitors and inept cowards. There’s only one group left that has a vested interest in freedom and the rule of law. You and I are in that group. It’s down to us.

The very reason for the 2nd Amendment is upon us. It has never been about duck hunting, the National Guard, or “legitimate sporting purposes.” Too many Americans have looked at our right to bear arms the same way a yuppy feels about his civilian Hummer. He’ll wash it, wax it, put expensive gaudy rims on it and show it off around his paved, gated suburb, become angry if somebody tries to steal it, but would never dream of taking it off road and getting it dirty. But under all the shiny sheet metal and expensive luxury doo-dads, there’s a reason that vehicle is built the way it is.

It’s almost time to take that Hummer into the bush. Will you?

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On General Flynn and the Storm

From what little I’ve read/heard from General Flynn, it’s astounding he survived the Obama purges, and no surprise why the Swamp wants him indefinitely gagged.

Gotta Love Optimists. This dude sounds like a Qanon-follower, but he’s worth listening to.

Could Q be right about the Great Awakening, and me wrong about Civil War II? I pray so. I won’t mind being proven wrong nearly as much as seeing my country destroyed. Meanwhile, my powder is dry.

But But But…Muh US Military Will Save the Day!

Leftists used to badmouth the Armed Forces constantly. They quit doing that. In fact, now they equate military service to heroism. Why? Because they’ve taken over that institution, too.

With a course titled “Operation Inclusion,” the agency is promoting the line that if you support enforcing immigration law, or say things like “all lives matter,” then you’re a white supremacist.

…What, exactly, is Operation Inclusion bringing to the bases? Well, the agency e-mail inviting all Redstone Arsenal personnel to the seminar included a pyramid graphic that claimed certain phrases—including “Make America Great Again,” President Trump’s campaign theme—are evidence of “Covert White Supremacy” that is lamentably “social accetable [sic].”

Indeed, according to the graphic, you are a racist if you discuss any of these ideas or use any of the following phrases:

  • All Lives Matter

  •  Denial of White Privilege

  •  Inequitable Health Care

  •  Anti-Immigration Policies

  •  English-Only Initiatives

  •  Celebration of Columbus Day

  •  American Exceptionalism

  •  Claiming Reverse Racism

  •  There is Only One Human Race

The cold civil war is turning hot in several cities across the country. It’s still possible to deny that, because only one side has organized units using collective violence, and only a select few hundred (at last count) have been shot so far.  Aside from a few isolated incidents, individuals on the right aren’t fighting back yet–much less organizing for deliberate action.

There’s still a widespread assumption that victory is a sure thing if the left is ever dumb enough to start a shooting war, because “muh patriotic men and womyn in uniform!”

Well, first of all, they’re starting the shooting war–and only time will tell if it’s such a dumb move. I’d love to be proven wrong, but I believe CW2 will be very hard to deny, after November. Only if the leftists manage to steal the election through mail-in-voting/ballot harvesting is there  much chance to avoid a shooting war. In that case, most people on our side, rather than accept reality, might bend over and assume “the  pendulum” will swing back the other way some day. Meanwhile, they’ll be picked off piecemeal while communist goons kick in their doors at 3am and haul them away.

Secondly, the military has been corrupted from the Pentagon down to the lowest rifleman (er, rifleperson) at Fort Marx and Camp Alinsky. Men who love their country and were willing to fight for it, like me, have mostly got the hell out of uniform.  The other institutions, like public education and the media, have insured that obedient woke zombies are behind all the triggers, now.

Get serious and get yourself ready to go. There’s no cavalry on the way. The longer you sit on your thumbs and surrender initiative to the enemy, the worse our odds will be.

What Are the Rules of Engagement?

Let’s see if you can detect a pattern here.

Austin cops stand down and let armed communists stop traffic and terrorize drivers. The police do nothing when Garrett Foster points his rifle at the driver of a random car.  Unfortunately for Foster, the driver isn’t “too big of a pussy to do anything about” the threat of cold-blooded murder. Down goes Foster…and suddenly cops are everywhere. Take a guess who gets arrested?

It’s the same pattern we’ve seen in Albuquerque and a dozen other places: The communist shock troops attack citizens; and if the attack is unsuccessful, the police are sent in to finish the victim off. Let the rioters take your life and property, or the police will be used to take your liberty (and property).

Did Foster discharge his weapon? Did he not have a chance, because the driver shot first? Was Foster merely trying to menace the driver with his rifle? I’ve heard/read conflicting reports.

Contrast this with the McCloskeys, who were on their own property when a violent mob trespassed, threatening to kill and steal. The McCloskeys showed themselves to be armed, which convinced the mob to leave them alone. They didn’t hurt anybody and were well within their rights, but are being railroaded by a Soros-bought communist prosecutor anyway.

Here, the driver was on a public street attempting to make a right turn but blocked by marchers. (Foster himself says protesting has been suspended, which explains why all the vehicles were there along the route of march–the drivers evidently weren’t expecting to be surrounded by terrorists in that area. Despite the order against protesting, the cops did nothing to stop it and didn’t divert traffic so that innocent people wouldn’t be subjected to the dangerous mob.) A driver who only wanted to get out of there had his life threatened by Foster while s/he was, in effect, illegally detained without cause.

If it turns out that Foster didn’t fire, take note of how differently the “justice” system will regard him from the McCloskeys (who also never fired).

In many areas, the police are proving themselves to be in league with the enemy. Yes, there are still some good cops and I’ve met a few. But their paycheck is more dear to them than their Oath of Office. They will follow unlawful orders. Like the communist cannon fodder, they are ignorant of history. The lessons of Nuremburg have been lost. It is what it is.

Unless there is a drastic course change relatively soon, badges won’t mean anything, to serious people on either side.

What are the rules of engagement? Some might say shoot first and ask questions later. Then get out of Dodge and don’t stop for a flashing light, or anybody with a badge. The kid gloves have to come off eventually.

We didn’t orchestrate this. We didn’t want it. We didn’t push for it. We didn’t ask for it.  We didn’t start it. But, at their insistence, we’re gonna give it to them.

Avoid large population centers if at all possible. Bear arms. Travel with people you trust to have your back. Take careful note of your surroundings at all times. Position yourself according to potential threats. If you can escape a dangerous encounter without exposing yourself or loved ones to greater risk by retreating, do it. However, there comes a point in a confrontation when everybody involved knows that violence is inevitable. If you reach such a point, don’t hesitate and don’t execute half-assed measures. Act suddenly and decisively, and take no prisoners.

And if you’ll never be willing to fight for your life, your family, your beliefs, your freedom, or your future, then give your weapons and gear to somebody who will.

Epic Gaslighting: as Communists Burn, Loot, and Murder, the Swamp Media Bleats “Right-Wing Terror!”

A member of Congress (take a guess which party) infamously told us, not that long ago, that “white men” are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists. Shameless Swamp Presstitutes have made the same claim.

Now, while rabid leftist mobs are burning down cities, looting stores, and assaulting innocent people,  we are being told that “the far right” is the biggest terror threat.

I refuse to link directly to NBC or any other Swamp Media site, but they ran this incredible headline:

 “Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe’s biggest terrorist threat. Now it’s the far right.”

Read the comments linked, for confirmation that not everybody is buying this narrative.

Between the Swamp Media and Government Schools, is it any wonder the rioting idiots believe with all their bovine hearts that “America is raaaayciss”?

Is it any wonder that, in the name of fighting “white supremacy” they tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas?

Just how useful he was/is depends on which side you’re on.

While observing the monument-destroying orgy going on around the country, have you ever stopped to wonder why statues of Vladimir Lenin, Barack Hussein Obama, and Satan are completely unmolested? (It can’t possibly be be because the entertainment and education cartels have spent decades  brainwashing citizens to hate America.)

Awake yet?

Do We Live Under a Post-Constitutional State?

(I’m using the classic definitions of the terms state, nation, and country…state=government; nation=people; country=land.)

Many will argue that the constitutional republic in North America has already been fundamentally transformed out of existence; any and all rights and freedoms once protected are also gone. They might point to the case of the McCloskeys as Exhibit Z.

You’ve probably seen the pictures of the wealthy couple brandishing firearms at their home to ward off the mob of “protesters” (who broke down the gate of their neighborhood and surged toward the McCloskey house, threatening to murder them and take their property). But this is just one example in a pattern that’s playing out all over our country:

  1. Rabid criminals threaten or commit violence against peaceful, law-abiding citizens.
  2. Police do not (or are ordered not to) protect the citizens.
  3. The citizens defend themselves.
  4. The Swamp Media and Marxists holding public office paint the citizens as oppressors and the violent rioters as victims.
  5. Police now spring into action, to finish the job the criminals started. The law-abiding citizens are persecuted while the violent scum are enabled.

Let me spell this out just in case any public-educated NPCs stumble across this post:

  1. The mob that destroyed other people’s property, threatened murder, theft, and more damage, broke the law.
  2. The couple who bore arms did absolutely nothing wrong. They were well within their Constitutionally-protected rights to defend their lives and their property.
  3. The public servants who disarmed the McCloskeys afterwards broke the law and violated their oaths of office by trampling on the rights of the McCloskeys.

The first and most important duty of a public servant is to uphold the Constitution. Our Constitution was drafted as a blueprint of a government whose purpose is to protect the rights of individuals– rights endowed by our Creator.

Because of politicians’ evil; our neighbors’ ignorance and apathy; and the cowardice of those who are supposed to represent us, everything has been turned upside-down and bass-ackwards.

If the authorities don’t enforce the law (or do so selectively), then there is no law. If they themselves can defy the law at will, then we are not ruled by law, but by criminals. If they can blatantly defy the Bill of Rights, then the Constitution is irrelevant and the only rights we have are those we ourselves can protect. If criminals are abetted by politicians, but the innocent are persecuted, then there is no justice.

Is that not the situation inside the Blue States (and some Red ones) in 2020? Explain why it’s not.

This is not another one of those posts trying to hype the McCloskeys as heroes. Their actions were not exemplary. They fell into a trap sprung by the communists and the Swamp Media. The optics fall perfectly into The Narrative (“armed homeowners are a menace to peaceful protesters”). I don’t want to kick them while they’re down. It’s difficult to know exactly what to do in some situations when seconds count–especially when you’re uninformed or misinformed about what is really happening and what it means. If they’re not utterly ruined by the Soros-funded kangaroo court pending, then maybe they’ll wake up and have a better idea what to do in the future. Hopefully more than just the McCloskeys will learn from this.

By what McCloskey himself said to Tucker Carlson, there was adequate warning that the rioters were coming his way. I’m not going to Monday-morning-quarterback everything they could have done differently; but they could have prepared much better for the threat.

If the Soros-owned prosecutor (together with a Swamp judge and a tampered jury) give McCloskey the Roger Stone treatment…then he might as well have opened fire into the mob and given the communist shock troops something to think about for the next time.

The lawlessness has not hit critical mass yet. It’s only getting worse until Election Day, and might continue getting worse after that. You could very well be faced with a similar choice in the near future.

The communist hijackers of the USA don’t care who is in the right; who is protected under the law and who’s breaking the law; they don’t care about their own obligations or duty to the citizens who pay their salaries. They care about winning, at any cost. They care about control. They care about consolidating power and making it permanent. They will destroy anybody and anything they need to in the pursuit of that power and control…and they’ve got a rabid army of useful idiots willing to do their dirty work.

What they will care about is pain, and little else. They don’t respect rights, or laws, or morality; but they respect force. You may have to use force sooner than later. Whether they replace the police with their own storm troopers or not; if you resist the communists but submit to the authorities, the authorities will turn you over to the communists anyway. Some cops sympathize with law-abiding citizens, but their pensions and job evaluations will trump sympathy every time. Cops will do as they’re told. Cops already do. And if they’re replaced by BLM/Antifa death squads, there won’t even be sympathy as they destroy everything you hold dear.

I understand that the McCloskeys spent 30+ years fixing up their house and didn’t want to lose all the time, sweat, and money they invested, to a savage horde of murderous scum. We all have something like that, that anchors us into normalcy bias and persuades us to suffer, while evils are sufferable. I don’t want to believe this any more than you do, but some of us are probably going to lose everything anyway. The only aspect in doubt is whether the survivors will be free men or serfs.

Everything hangs in the balance right now. You’ve been warned, for decades, that this was coming. If you’re like most people, you scoffed at the warnings or, at best, ignored them. The warnings are intensifying. You have even less time now, and it is much more difficult to get ready now than it was when the “paranoid kooks” first began warning you. There will be less time and more difficulty tomorrow than today.

We are at this precipice now because our fathers and grandfathers shrunk in the face of evil back when it would have been easy to correct the course away from this reality. Consider that when you think about your children.

A Chinese Red Dawn…For Real?

I’ve been warning others about Red China for a long time, but even people on “the right” have insisted that there’s no danger in feeding the mouth that bites us. Now that it might be too late, some people are finally starting to understand that we have  built the Frankenstein monster that is hell-bent on our destruction.

There are two must-read articles on American Partisan: One on the part the Red Chinese are playing in the BLM/Antifa-instigated civil war unfolding in American cities; and also the transcript of a speech by a general in “the People’s Army” just a few years before a perverse traitor named Bill Clinton used the highest office in the USA to give Red China the technology needed to defeat us.

The speech requires a lot more attention span than is typically required for a social media post, so I’ll try to summarize:

  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sees Chinese as the superior race on Earth. It’s not a stretch to label them “yellow supremascists.” (The general frequently uses the term “yellow” to denote their race.)
  • The CCP believes China needs “Lebensraum” if it hopes to survive. Yes, that is the German word for “room to live” that the Nazis used to explain their need to invade other countries and exterminate the people already living there, so Germans could settle and expand their empire. Again, the Chicom general used this very word when explaining what China wants.
  • The CCP believes war with the USA is inevitable. War of extermination. This general expressed the belief that North America is the best target for Lebensraum. He was very pleased that his soldiers expressed the willingness to exterminate noncombatants, including women and children.
  • However, until the Chinese are ready to strike, he emphasized the importance of hiding their true intentions while accepting our help in building them into the world’s leading superpower.
  • He specifically mentioned the development of a bioweapon that would target non-Chinese DNA, as a way to clean out the racially inferior people in North America so Chinese could settle here. This weapon was evidently in development in the early ’90s.
  • I just wonder what the biological warfare experts in China might do for a test run?

The other article pulls from a number of sources to suggest that the CCP is one of the forces behind the current insurrection. Some of those sources have a history of making claims that are sometimes suspect–even by a “conspiracy nutcase” like me.

The information will be nearly impossible for some people to accept. I, for one, hope (wish) it is all wrong.

What “Choice” Do We Have In the Election?

Democrats are showing their true colors like never before in 2020. They are America-hating totalitarians who want to destroy our republic and replace it with a collectivist regime built on the foundation of Marxism. They still employ vocabulary like “democracy” and “rule of law,” which is simply Orwellian Newspeak meant to disguise what they truly want. The disguise only works on the most ignorant and least intelligent.

With the mask coming off the communist revolutionaries so blatantly, you would think the Republican Party would be a shoo-in for the normies who finally understand that there is no escape from politics anymore. But “conservatives” haven’t conserved anything of value, and very few “Republicans” are actually republican.

I can think of a few names for the GOP that are more accurate than the terms we use. How about “Controlled Opposition Party;” “Professional Cowards;” or “Professional Losers”?

The job of the typical Republican politician is to make some noises that appeal to Americans who would prefer to keep their freedom, and more of the money that they earn; but then cower in the face of evil when we need them the most. Even when they win an election, they make sure their constituents lose.

Look at the “choice” we’ve been saddled with for the last several presidential elections:

  1. Obama or Romney
  2. Obama or McCain
  3. Bush II or Kerry
  4. Bush II or Gore
  5. Clinton or Dole
  6. Clinton or Bush I
  7. Bush I or Dukakis

And, if the people hadn’t pulled off a miraculous disruption of the Establishment’s plans, our choice in 2016 would have been Clinton II or Jeb Bush. Whether Democrats win elections or not, their agenda keeps grinding forward. Republicans rail against what the Democrats do to our country, but are forgiven for not putting up any meaningful resistance when in the minority. If they control the Senate, their excuse for cucking is that they don’t also control the House (and visa-versa). If we give them the House and Senate, their excuse is that they don’t also control the White House. When they are given control of the Executive Branch and both sides of the Legistature, the Democrats still set the agenda.

As John “Sleeper Cell” Roberts has repeatedly proven, even putting “conservatives” on the Supreme Court doesn’t change anything. Our ever-leftward death spiral is never interrupted.

Normalcy-biased voters and coincidence theorists have been clinging to the desperate notion that all this is simply because of ignorance, incompetence, or well-intentioned buffoonery. I think coincidence theory is less popular now than ever before, but whatever reason you want to assign to habitual GOP cucking, surrender, and betrayal, these professional losers need to be replaced in the primaries with people who will actually represent us, and fight for the ideals we want preserved.

Tucker Carlson lashes out at the GOP with some much-deserved criticism; but then plays right into the Hegelian scam afterwards. After telling us that our justice system must blindly treat everyone equally under the law, within minutes he implies that what Peter Strzok did isn’t relevant. Out one side of his mouth, he claims all lives are equally valuable; but out the other side of his mouth, he implies that what happened in BenGhazi should be forgotten.

For the record: I’m glad (and amazed) that somebody saying some of what Tucker is saying has a platform to voice ideas that presently get others fired from their jobs, gagged, and demonized.

Tucker is right on many points; in this episode and others. But like so many other “conservatives,” he slips into emotion-based reasoning too much. However, one point he is absolutely correct about is that people on the right must organize to pressure the cucks of the GOP to start representing us. One reason we keep losing is because the left will do anything to get what they want regardless of rules, law, or morality, while the right won’t even take steps that are perfectly legal and normal, to protect what is dear to us.

This is not some gentleman’s sporting event, here. We are in a fight to the death with no holds barred. We’ve got some significant advantages; but only if we recognize the situation and act accordingly.