Category Archives: Non-Fiction/Documentary

Which Side Wants to Win Wars?

Hint: it’s not the side that has been fighting most of them, and wants to keep fighting them in perpetuity.

Those limprichard political officers on the US side make you proud to be, don’t they?

The America I once volunteered to fight for is gone; the uniform I once wore is now a perverse badge of shame; and the “leadership” of the Armed Forces is a sick joke.

The USA has not fought a full-scale war since WWII. That’s also the last time we fought a near-peer enemy.

Ever since then, we’ve had a huge technological advantage, plus overwhelming air and naval superiority. All three of those are dwindling, by design, as I type.  Meanwhile, domestic enemies are purging patriots from the ranks and replacing them with freaks, faggots and feminists who hate the country they will supposedly defend in the next foreign war.

Now when our Navy’s ships aren’t being rammed into each other by hysterical diversity hire captains, our carrier groups are sitting ducks for relatively cheap anti-ship missiles. Our combat arms want to abandon physical standards because too many badass womyn warriors can’t pass a PT test. The Rapid Deployment Forces now have to schedule around menstrual cycles and gender reassignment surgery. The shitbox F-35 is flown by pilots who need maternity flight suits. All while the Pedophile Princes and Cocaine Queens in Washington are trying to provoke a conflict with an actual war-fighting force…apparently modeled after the Wermacht–only bigger, and with nukes.

What could possibly go wrong?

The US Armed Forces’ Mission Is Not to Fight Wars

Congress has forbid the Army from imposing physical fitness standards on its soldiers because it “discriminates based on gender.”

Single standards are sexist. (Probably racist, too–I’m sure somebody has already said so.) In our altruistic pursuit of equality, only heterosexual males should be held to standards.

Our moral/intellectual superiors have made the Armed Forces a hostile environment for white heterosexual males (especially if they love their country), so go figure: the very demographic that won the war that freed the slaves, and won two world wars, knows it is not welcome there, and is finding other ways to make a living that don’t suck as much. (And trust me–life in the combat arms sucks plenty, even without adding all the cultural Marxist idiocy.)

But now the favored demographic is leaving in droves because badass womyn warriors don’t want to take the Combat Fitness test. 84% of them can’t pass it. And that is a problem. (Not failure to be combat ready–the problem is not enough womyn, of course.)

But the answer is not to enforce standards and make sure slots are filled according to who is capable of fulfilling the mission. Oh no. Only some sexist science-denier who believes there are only two sexes (and that those sexes are biologically different) would propose such discriminatory policy. It’s not like combat could be physically strenuous or anything. Besides, every action movie for the last 30 years has taught us that womyn are stronger than men, anyway.

Actions speak louder than words. Whatever word salad the uniformed Yes Men (and womyn) regurgitate to justify this absurdity, what they are saying is: “Diversity and inclusivity are more important than combat effectiveness.”

Diversity and inclusivity, of course, mean anti-white heterosexual male.

The Globohomo Cabal wants to destroy America, and they’ve just about done it. Economic collapse is one method in their tool box. Pushing us into a pointless war with Russia (over Ukraine or whatever) is another way. And they want to guarantee we lose. But it might prove to be a double-edged sword for them–because they’re also provoking a civil war with the very white heterosexual males who are willing to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

On a tactical level, I rather like our odds in a 3/4GW scenario going head-to-head against a bunch of fat dikes, entitled karens and gender-confused freaks who can be convinced to quit by the prospect of taking a PT test.


Yeah, What Bradbury Said!

Anders Koskinen reflects on how adventure stories impacted boys like a young Ray Bradbury.

In Bradbury’s view, the sense of wonder and excitement that young boys experienced when reading about the exploits of John Carter and Tarzan had a dramatic impact in shaping the world we know today. As Bradbury explains, the influence of Burroughs’ characters extends far beyond mere literary circles.

“By giving romance and adventure to a whole generation of boys, Burroughs caused them to go out and decide to become special. That’s what we have to do for everyone, give the gift of life with our books. Say to a girl or boy at age ten, ‘Hey, life is fun! Grow tall!’ I’ve talked to more biochemists and more astronomers and technologists in various fields, who, when they were ten years old, fell in love with John Carter and Tarzan and decided to become something romantic. Burroughs put us on the moon. All the technologists read Burroughs. I was once at Caltech with a whole bunch of scientists and they all admitted it. Two leading astronomers—one from Cornell, the other from Caltech—came out and said, ‘Yeah, that’s why we became astronomers. We wanted to see Mars more closely.'”

Unfortunately, today’s literary officials often have a dim view Burroughs’ tales. Pulp fiction has acquired a negative reputation, sometimes deserved – especially if one only judges books by their covers. However, many times these objections are based on politically correct views that leave little room for adventure or traditional masculinity in literature.

With all due respect to Mr. Koskinen, I have no idea why he thinks mentally healthy people would want to write fiction about “gay men.” But some decent points are made, other than that.

They Doth Protest Too Much

If you read any articles about President Trump or Commander-In-Thief Biden from the usual Swamp Media sources, you might notice the textual efforts are thoroughly infected with TryHard: “…ever since Trump was voted out of office…” “ever since Joe Biden was elected President…” (Emphasis added.)

These little propaganda nuggets are not slipped in because they’re necessary to tell the story. They could simply say “since January” or “the Biden Administration has done ______” like you normally would, instead of tacking on these awkward clauses. But they are necessary to reinforce  the gaslighting campaign meant to make normies believe the election wasn’t stolen…if you’re terrified that you might be losing your MK Ultra mind control grip on the demographics you want to keep ignorant.


Most people are idiots (MPAI), so these little mind-programming efforts are probably subtle enough to slip by unnoticed. I’m sure the same technique is being deployed on video “news” segments as well, since most of the enemy’s useful idiots are borderline illiterate, unable to focus their attention on anything longer than a Twatter post. Then again, some of the communist base knows damn well what happened.

You may remember the hysterical SJWs who posted videos after election night 2016, shrieking, “Somebody fix this!!!!” Well, it was fixed.

The epidemic of mass shootings underway right now was not only predictable, but predicted. Did you notice how the shooter in Boulder, CO was first reported by social media influencers to be a white male?


In actuality, he was another Muslim wind-up toy with “psychological problems.” Hussein says it was racism, misogyny, and “gun violence” that are at fault in this particular shooting (since it can’t credibly be blamed on deplorable right-wingers).

Most idiots on social media will continue believing (and repeating) the original “right-wing white male home-grown terrorist” narrative–never realizing (or caring) that it was proven a lie. But for those with a slightly longer attention span, the Narrative was rebuilt overnight. Now it’s not about how those dastardly white heterosexual males being a pox on humanity; but about “the need for gun control” and how “white supremacy” or “Islamophobia” caused the anti-American immigrant to murder 10 white people at a grocery store. No matter what information comes out, they have a strategy to twist it into a shape that will fit into the big, over-arching Narrative.

Uhh…nevermind. Let’s go back to “mentally ill.” And “gun violence.”

Meanwhile, FarceBorg is desperately scrubbing the shooter’s profile to minimize the number of people who can find out he was a typical anti-Trump, proudly ignorant Democrat spouting the tired old party line that everyone who does not hate America is a racist.

A couple years ago, Ilhan Omar tipped us off that the official Narrative is that, regardless of stats and facts, white men are to be feared above all.

This is simply the doctrine the enemy is  running with. Don’t believe what you can see for yourself; believe what they tell you to believe.

The Tree of Liberty Thirsts

Well, honestly, it might have already died from dehydration.

Thomas Jefferson is often thought to have said we need a new revolution every generation. Here’s the actual quote that might have come from:

 “God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

But you know what? If our forbears had revolted every generation…or at least every four generations…we wouldn’t be losing our country as I write this. The enemy could not have infiltrated and neutralized every last check and balance; corrupted every single institution; rendered the separation of powers meaningless; thoroughly compromised every single organization meant to protect the people and our lives, liberty and property; nor sold us out to foreign interests. I can think of a few historical markers where rebellion would have steered us away from this cliff we are now toppling over. Can you?

An Operation More Massive Than D-Day

…is the countrywide coverup underway to erase evidence of #GrandTheftElection. Even politicians who (temporarily) decry the steal will probably prove to be just more Deep State tools in the end.

AC (Anonymous Conservative) is swallowing the red pill, slowly. I’m not an atheist, or a “conservative” (whatever that is supposed to mean); but he evidently agrees with me: There is no law. There is no justice. There is no Constitution. The emperor has no clothes.

How will it happen? Ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa county found shredded and in the dumpster days before the Senate audit is to begin. There are no rules, there is no system, there are no honest people involved who prefer freedom to tyranny. Those honest freedom-lovers were all picked up on when they were 14 or 15 or 16, by both, kids who went to school with them and the microphones listening in their houses from the telephone poles. It went in their files, and the intel operation which controls everything took note of it. Once it did, they were quietly guided to other positions in life where they would not affect these things. Now when we need honesty in government it is entirely gone, and ballots are getting shredded, and machines are getting their disk images rewritten to hide what happened, and people who stand up are being murdered, and everyone is lying about everything. There is no doubt how all of this will turn out because all of the important parts of the system here are entirely corrupted. This is why Q would have been dead on when he said “Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled.” He was saying the machinery was fully controlled by Cabal. It would not surprise me that is a term of art in intelligence for an organization that was fully compromised. And it makes it look like Q knew, because he was saying that back when everyone would have thought he was crazy.

After finding shredded ballots in the dumpster earlier today, a mysterious fire breaks out at a Maricopa county official’s farm.

He also documents how now a 4th bank has refused to process the transactions of Gab. Someone once warned us that the enemy would one day make it impossible for you to buy or sell if you didn’t submit to the Beast and his system.

First they came after the “racists;” but you didn’t say anything, because you’re not a racist. Then they came after the “xenophobes;” but you didn’t say anything, because “diversity is our strength.” Then they came after the “homophobes;” and you cheered them on, because those “homophobes” are hateful and got what they deserve. Then they came for the “deplorables;” but you didn’t say anything, because Trump uses insensitive rhetoric, and it’s really not that bad, and “but but but muh pendulum will swing back to the right.” Then they came for the “conservatives”… Hopefully, you get the idea.

The emperor is hoping that by the time you realize he has no clothes, you won’t have the ability to do anything about it and/or will be too terrified to speak the truth. We could be there in just a few months.

Fisking the President

President Donald Trump issued a statement after the Senate acquitted him on a 57-43 vote. Here’s my running commentary:

“I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth.”

Gadzooks! What legal team are you talking about? They fit the pattern of the typical incompetent backstabbing snakes you surrounded yourself with as President. This reminds me of your victory speech in 2016 when you said we owe Hillary “a debt of gratitude.”

“My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and Members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country.”

Speaking of backstabbing snakes… now you allegedly feel gratitude to the RINO cowards and traitors because they finally pulled their knives out of your back. Stood proudly for the Constitution????? Where have you been for the last few months? Years?

“Our cherished Constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights and our freedoms.”

Cherished by who, exactly? Men like me, okay. But there’s damn few of us. And there’s NONE in Congress. But cherishing something which has been stripped of its last fragment of power is something we have to get over. It obviously safeguards nothing anymore.

“It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree.”

Ya think?

“I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate.”

Apparently the rule of law doesn’t cover election integrity. It sure as hell wasn’t anywhere to be seen this past summer, either. You had the Executive authority (and precedent, since our sham “justice” system loves that so much) to intervene in both cases and re-establish the rule of law. You let domestic enemies run out the clock.

“This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago.”

Those people are suffering, and will suffer much more, because you could have acted; but didn’t.

“I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times.”

Finally some gratitude in the right direction. But actions speak louder than words, Mr. President. We the People pay our public servants to uphold the principles you speak of. They take our money and shit all over those principles every day. And you never stopped them. Maybe it was impossible for one man to stop them (especially when he surrounds himself with vermin dedicated to the destruction of those principles). We loved you for trying. But you didn’t try very hard there at the end, did you?

“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!”

I bet you’ve got a great game plan for the Chiefs to beat the Buccaneers, too. And a fantastic floor plan for the deck furniture on the Titanic.

Pardon my Hopium deficiency, but the policy changes/decisions being made now because of your extinction-level punt will make America Venezuela. What’s your plan for our incredible journey? Does it involve free and fair elections?

“We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future.”

There’s gonna be work alright. And we even have a choice: slave labor or a bloody civil war. Pardon me for seeing some limitation in that.

“Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.”

Really? I can think of something. But then we weren’t really together, were we?

The death of liberty isn’t such a big deal to a wealthy Boomer with a stash of Golden Parachutes, I guess.

“We remain one People, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come.”

Now you’re just rubbing our faces in it. Exactly how clueless are you?

“May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America.”

Yeah, about that…

Of course the die-hard Q followers are gonna tell me this is all part of “the plan.” And for sure, there is some stuff going on that just doesn’t add up. But exactly how long are we supposed to “trust the plan”? A few more months? A few more years? After all the Deplorables are either murdered or locked in reeducation camps?

I dared to hope. But until they are proven to be lying, I will believe my eyes now.

Prove me wrong, somebody. Please prove me wrong. Meanwhile, I will (REDACTED).

All Assets Deployed

First of all, NewsMarx  is no better than Cux News. They are just controlled opposition, like the “Republican” wing of the Uniparty. During one of their alleged “news” programs, they were accommodating enough to provide their suckers viewers with a live action demonstration of censorship and their commitment to The Narrative (ironically, while ostensibly covering Big Tech censorship). When Mike Lindell brought up the theft of the 2020 election, this activated their Truth Suppression Protocol and the interviewers interrupted Lindell to purport that because criminal bureaucrats certified the blatantly stolen election, that means citizens are not allowed to question the results in the “free press.” Lindell tried again, and the obedient little Thought Cop interrupted again, talking over Lindell to drown out what he was saying so nobody could hear about the evidence. It’s a pretty good example, in microcosm, of what’s going on writ large. Finally, the triggered snowflake stormed off the set (probably looking for a safe space), leaving his partner to take over censorship duties.

Under what type of government does the following happen?

  • Foreign and domestic assets work together to override the will of the people and steal an election.
  • Instead of investigating the massive evidence of fraud, law enforcement harasses and intimidates whistleblowers. (Kind of like how they allowed rioting savages to burn, loot, and murder all over the country with impunity, but only those who defended themselves from the rioters got punished. Oh yeah: and sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door pull-down in a NASCAR garage while the rioters were burning down the cities.)
  • Judges refuse to hear the evidence regarding the stolen election, (while dutifully legislating from the bench to advance the LGBT agenda).
  • Bureaucrats destroy evidence (breaking state and federal law) of the massive election fraud, but are not charged, much less prosecuted.
  • State level bureaucrats threaten attorneys with disbarment who file suits against the criminal conspirators who helped steal the election.
  • “News” organizations suppress the biggest news story of our country’s history. Instead, they dedicate all their energy to lying about what  happened.
  • Citizens who attempt to exercise “freedom of speech” and “freedom of the press” to pursue the story are gagged, deplatformed, and threatened officially and unofficially.

Does this sound remotely like what happens in a free country under the rule of law?

While looking for the link to the NewsMarx “interview” of Lindell, I found Lindell’s Absolute Proof video. Lindell is not a good speaker (he makes pillows, and is good at that) or interviewer, but this is worth a watch. He compiles a lot of evidence, via expert witness interviews. From 1:36:00 on, he shows some stuff you might not have seen already.

One important point to remember is that the election rigging via voting machines is in addition to all the physical cheating. Every asset was deployed. Had “patriots in control” (who knew in advance all this was going to happen) shut down any one aspect of the steal, it could not have succeeded. One notable takeaway is that the vote-switching in Anterim County was small-scale compared to other counties, where the coverup has successfully prevented audits.

Also of note: When Lindell released his video, Slime Magazine published an article admitting there was a conspiracy to steal the election…but don’t worry, because it was done to save “democracy.” Makes perfect sense, right? Orange Man was anti-democracy because he wanted a free and fair election. They are pro-democracy because they rig our elections for our own good.

As per usual, the article is full of lies, half-truths, and distortions. It’s all designed to distract and justify the Swamp getting caught in their previous big lie that the election was not stolen.

Texting With Grifters

January 5, 2021


“Ted Cruz here. I’m leading the fight to reject electors from key states unless there is an emergency audit of the election results. Will you stand with me? (Link to site begging for contributions.)”


“Politicians have taken more than enough of what I earn. You are well-paid to defend our Constitution. I expect you to stop the theft of our election at no additional charge.”

January 21, 21021


“Quick question for ya…

Do you think President Trump is winning the trade war with China?

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts…”


“OK–you asked for it: What Trump thinks or doesn’t think is now irrelevant; and MAGA is a pipe dream. He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory–like every other ‘Republican.’

Wait, I know! Maybe we can hold an election to fix everything! Sounds legit.”

February 2, 2021


“Urgent policy alert! President Biden is expected to ban new oil and gas leasing of federal lands. This could blah blah blah (lost me at “President Biden”) blah blah blah call your representatives to tell them blah blah blah.”


“And what, exactly, are my “representatives” going to do? Listen to me because my vote counts? Stand up to the Democrats? Maybe appoint some judges who aren’t cowards or sellouts? Sounds legit.”

Of course even these brief interactions are a waste of time–just not as big a waste as it would be to take the solicitations seriously. Also, I need to vent and whoever’s at the other end of these messages are begging me to do it. Request granted.