Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet When It Comes to Election Fraud

In addition to destroying the economy, protecting the Democratic nominee from scrutiny and debate, desensitizing people to violation of their rights “for the greater good,” justifying a delay of the China trade agreement and the Democrat National Convention, COVID-1984 is also the excuse fed to us for why we must let the upcoming election be stolen from us (just in case wrecking the economy in an election year, and millions of dead and illegal foreign Democrat voters isn’t enough).

Ballots being sent to inactive voters may be a concern for the GOP in Nevada, but nationally Republicans have also railed against ballot harvesting as they worry they’ll see another scenario like the one during the 2018 midterm elections in California’s Orange County.

Despite holding substantial leads on Election Day, many Republican candidates in California saw their advantage shrink, and then disappear, as late-arriving Democratic votes were counted in the weeks following the election. Many observers pointed to the Democrats’ use of ballot harvesting as a key to their success in the elections.

In Orange County, Calif. – once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state – every House seat went to a Democrat after an unprecedented 250,000 vote-by-mail drop-offs were counted, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

“People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling to ask if these people were allowed to do this,” Neal Kelley, the registrar for voters in Orange County, said at the time.

Remember, it’s the people who have been shrieking about “threats to our democracy” for the last three years who are trying to rig this election. Excepting California, probably none of the southwestern states would have turned blue without election fraud. They’re planning to implement even more massive fraud this time.

Joe Biden and the Commiewood Connection

It is no longer enough that the movies you watch are message vehicles of US-born communists. That’s racist and xenophobic. Now the messaging must come directly from Beijing. Joe Biden isn’t just a fellow traveler, either–he’s a Chi-Com stooge.

The only reason Hollywood movies can play in China is because the Communist leadership directly profits from them and controls what goes into them, either directly through ownership, or by forcing the industry to submit scripts for the approval of its Communist censors. HUAC would be superfluous today. The big studios who make up the MPAA are all working for the Communists. And they’re proud of it.

That’s why a Tibetan character vanished from Doctor Strange (Disney has been the worst offender when it comes to appeasing the Communist leadership), why Taiwanese and Japanese flag patches vanished from Tom Cruise’s jacket in the Top Gun sequel (the movie was backed by Tencent, the PRC social media monopoly whose social media controls allow the regime to censor dissent and which has its paws on Wonder Woman, Venom and many other blockbusters), and why World War Z erased references to China covering up the origin of the zombie outbreak. That act of censorship now appears prophetic.

Quit feeding the Beast. Every movie ticket you buy is making your enemies richer, while simultaneously brainwashing your family and neighbors, and lowering their IQ.

They didn’t laugh at him–they demonized him.


Rhinos in Sheep’s Clothing

I’ve been convinced for a few years that Trey Gowdy is compromised. Yup. You can throw him on the pile with Paul RINO, Mitch McCUCKell, Romney, McCain, the Bushes, ad nauseum.

Matt Gaetz calls out the duplicity of Trey Gowdy and points out how the former rep and former House Speaker Paul Ryan blocked their 2017/2018 House investigative committees from issuing subpoenas against the coup-plotters.

At best, Gowdy was just another limp-wristed Establishment cuck who can impress some with tough talk.

Best Music Video of 2016

The thought cops at CommieTube must have buried this so it wouldn’t go viral. But it’s still relevant today.

And for those who don’t like it set to music

Remember how Mike Flynn was framed, blackmailed into making a guilty plea. Remember how 20+ SWAT door-kickers raided Roger Stone’s house and arrested him for not remembering every detail of a years-old communication; then the jury was rigged against him. Contrast that with how Hillary got off scot-free for multiple felonies, including destroying evidence after compromising national security to avoid prosecution.

I don’t know if justice will be served if Republicans hold the reins of power; but we all know justice will never be served as long as Democrats do.

The Virus Hype

“When I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add COVID. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers, and make it look a little bit worse than it is. We’re being pressured in-house to add COVID to the diagnostic list when we think it has nothing to do with the actual cause of death. The actual cause of death was not COVID, but it’s being reported as one of the diseases processes. … COVID didn’t kill them, 25 years of tobacco use killed.”

That’s a quote from Dr. Dan Erickson, reprinted in the Washington Times. You should read the whole article.

We should ask why. In fact, the question “Cui bono?” (Who benefits?) is an excellent question to add, as it usually is.

Is this just about greedy hospital administrators taking advantage of an opportunity? Hardly.

We have not even begun to ask cui bono, yet. This overblown police state solution to an over-hyped crisis hurts specific parties, and benefits specific parties. You’ll never understand what is happening and why unless you are curious and intelligent enough to think that through.

COVID-19 Stimulus Bill: The Final Solution to the Freedom Problem?

The Treasoncrats are determined not to let this crisis go to waste.  Traitors gonna trait; but if the RINOS and Trump cuck on this bill, you can kiss freedom goodbye forever.

By-the-by: Tucker is not exaggerating about the proposed amnesty. If the America-haters are allowed to flood our country with enough 3rd-world invaders, it will be impossible for Americans to ever win another national election in our own country.

More Fake News and Fudged Numbers About the Wuhan Virus

Deep State plants around the world are doing what they can to inflate the perceived danger of the pandemic.

Tanzania has suspended the head of its national health laboratory in charge of testing for the coronavirus and ordered an investigation, a day after President John Magufuli questioned the tests’ accuracy.

Magufuli said on Sunday the imported test kits were faulty as they had returned positive results on a goat and a pawpaw — among several non-human samples submitted for testing, with technicians left deliberately unaware of their origins.

Meanwhile, in Michigan:

In an interview with the insider, O’Keefe asked the insider: “You’re telling me you’re a hundred percent certain that CBS News, CBS News Corporation–national, staged a fake event. They faked the news. They faked the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last Friday on “CBS This Morning.”

The insider said to him: “A hundred percent. Absolutely.”

“This story was so powerful that even The Washington Post had to cover it.

They are making the problem as bad as they can, because they don’t want more stuff like this to happen:

In Governor Whitmer’s Michigan, barber Karl Manke, 80, told the state that they’d have to taser him or haul him out in handcuffs and he’s staying open “until Jesus walks in or until they arrest me.” Manke says he can’t afford to stay closed. He’s got a high demand for haircuts and long lines at his barbershop. He’s been working 10 a.m. to midnight. He faces a $500 fine for each of 2 citations and a 90 day jail sentence and is due in court on June 6. (Daily Wire)

In Colorado, C&C Coffee and Kitchen, a breakfast restaurant, opened in defiance of Governor Polis’ orders, with about 500 customers eager to have inperson dining on Mother’s Day. Owners April and Jesse Arellano are just working stiffs who needed to be open in order to survive. (KDVR)

…People will fight for their families. They will fight for their freedom to be able to put food on the table. The left and their control will not prevail against the vast majority of Americans. We are used to being able to work, not be on the handout list. We are used to being together in stores, churches, theaters, sporting events, restaurants, and civic events. We don’t care about the ‘risks’ from the virus. That cannot be removed from our culture, no matter how much control is exerted over us as human beings. This is not China. This is not Russia.  How much longer will we tolerate this shut down? Look at what has been happening in the Defiance Movement and listen… Tick Tock.

Globalists can’t have people going back to work before their businesses are crushed and the American economy collapses. Trump has to be stopped from derailing their timetable. Also, the Democrat nominee (whether it’s Biden or a last-minute replacement) needs to be protected from scrutiny and debates (unless they can be handed the questions beforehand by the Swamp Media like in 2016). They also need an excuse for even more massive election fraud–this time via “mail-in voting.”

But it’s not only about the election. The frog is comfortable in the pot, they’re betting, and they can turn up the temperature on the stove burner. They’ve almost got him boiled. If they can milk this crisis enough to make us surrender the rest of our rights as Americans…game over.

American Tax Dollars Funded the Wuhan Lab the Coronavirus Probably Came From

Of course they did. We have been funding our own destruction for over a century.  Transferring wealth from American citizens to foreign enemies is just one item on the menu.

This article reveals yet another tiny little piece of evidence in an enormous mosaic.

 “Reschenthaler wrote a letter this week to Secretary of Defense Mark Esper inquiring about a Pentagon grant to EcoHealth Alliance, Inc., a New York firm that has had a history of funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology with subgrants from American taxpayers. The Pentagon grant the congressman was inquiring about was for research into bat-borne zoonotic diseases and their potential as weapons of mass destruction or biological weapons. While it is unclear if that grant saw U.S. taxpayer money flowing from it out to the Wuhan lab, it is known that another grant that EcoHealth Alliance received did partially spend U.S. tax dollars in the Chinese lab.”

We have some choices to make–and not just during the upcoming election.

  1. Choices have consequences.
  2. Refusing to choose is a type of choice.

The Ukraine Narrative, Explained

Experts say that, while on the phone with a Ukrainian, Drumpf may have had inappropriate thoughts–such as delaying or reducing the amount of wages confiscated from American citizens to fund corrupt foreign governments. IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!!!!!!

But not everybody was being so hateful. Joe Biden, in a heroic act of squeaky-clean totally uncorrupt statesmanship, threatened to withhold foreign aid to the same corrupt foreign government unless a prosecutor was fired before he could bring charges against Biden’s corrupt son. Yeah! What a stud!

The People, Not Politicians, Have Legal Authority

Because Professional politicians see it the other way around does not make it true, or right.

Neither a Badge, Nor a 6-Figure Government Paycheck, Give Petty Tyrants the Authority to Violate Your Rights.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The American system is Rule by Law, not Rule by Men. However, city and state-level petty tyrants are having people arrested, jailed, and fined–not for breaking actual laws (real lawbreakers are being let loose on society); but for violating the emperial edicts of professional politicians.

Under Rule of Law, our public servants, whatever office they hold, are not exempt from the law themselves. They must not only uphold the law, but also obey it just like the barber or restaurant owner on Main Street, USA. These professional politicians (who have been caught breaking their own “rules” that citizens get arrested for) have no authority to issue these decrees that violate your rights (as protected by actual law); no citizen is obligated to obey them; and no court is obligated to enforce them, even though they have “the color of law.”

That some courts are enforcing these illegal orders tells you, quite blatantly, that they are not operating according to the Constitution (which they swear to uphold and which is the law of the land). Their allegiance is actually to something other than the law of our country, and they are operating according to that, instead.

They get away with it because most of the people living here let them. They obediently bend over and drop their pants.

But there is a growing minority who will not bend over, and they are armed. This is why the Cold Civil War might turn hot.

UPDATE: On a California beach, of all places, some people stood up for their right to peaceably assemble (1st Amendment). It would be nice to see patriots unite for the right to go to Church (also 1st Amendment) or conduct business, but maybe this is a start.