Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Questions About the Epstein Death

First, the surface-level questions:

  1. How does somebody in solitary confinement and on “Suicide Watch” manage to hang themselves?  (Maybe it’s standard practice to allow rope in the cell. Perfectly harmless, don’tcha know. Maybe the guards thought he’d like to practice tying knots, so he could remember happier times as a Boy Scout Troop Leader. Anyone who finds this death by suicide even remotely suspicious is obviously a whacko conspiracy theorist.)
  2. Had he named any names in interrogation?
  3. Will we ever learn the truth about this?

Normies, coincidence theorists, and milquetoast “conservatives” will be uncomfortable if even those rudimentary questions are asked. Their normalcy bias would trigger extinction-level bowtie-ruffling if any deeper thought is allocated to this development…such as:

  1. How long until we find out that all the evidence regarding Epstein has been lost or accidentally destroyed?
  2. Are there more active shooter incidents planned to ensure this news gets buried?
  3. When the Deep State can so blatantly commit Arkancide with so many people watching (and, in fact, anticipating this very outcome), is there any hope whatsoever for even a brief, limited dispersement of watered-down justice?
  4. While right-wingers have been talking trash about how Barr is going to  accomplish some epic swamp-draining, has he been simply another Deep State plant, crushing those who won’t toe the line?
  5. If Barr and most of the “rank and file” in the justice system truly are white hats, just how incompetent are they?
  6. Is the Power of Positive Thinking going to rescue us from the situation?

I threw that last one in there because I fully expect that individuals online will soon be sounding off that this is just “the god-emperor playing four-dimensional chess.” Epstein’s really in witness protection, and this story is just a smokescreen. Or he already sang like a bird, so this is no big loss.

After the demoralizing 2018 election, Qanon reappeared, encouraging everyone to “trust the plan” because “we have the senate.” (The senate that “we have” is currently chomping at the bit to pass “red flag” legislation that will make your right to keep and bear arms subject to the approval of individuals like the thought cops at Google and Facebook who declare you a white supremacist and gag you if you dare express an opinion they don’t like.)

When Q begins posting again, I’m not sure how he will spin this. Maybe more “trust the plan” stuff, assuring us that Epstein spilled his guts before being snuffed. Maybe more “4D chess” stuff, hinting that he’s really still alive and the story is misinformation. (To his credit, he did warn of imminent false flags, and that August would be a “hot” month.)

Coincidence theorists believe that Oswald acted alone and what Jack Ruby did was just well-intentioned homicidal buffoonery. They’ll swallow this whole, too.

UPDATE: After the first “suicide attempt,” Epstein was taken off Suicide Watch at the request of his attorneys, it’s being reported. His cellmate was removed from the cell the day before his death, the video cameras just happened to malfunction at exactly the right time, and the guards (one of whom was not even an actual guard) who were supposed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes “fell asleep” and left him unobserved for hours.

Pattern Recognition and the Latest Active Shooters

Let’s document a very recent sequence of events:

July 6, 2019: Long time Clinton comrade Jeffrey Epstein is arrested for kiddie-diddling yet again. (Despite the sexual predator receiving only a slap on the wrist after his previous convictions of sexual crimes against children, this time there is an Attorney General who might be interested in bringing him to justice.) Sites like Wikipedia begin whitewashing Epstein’s Internet footprint to erase his ties to the Clintons and other Deep State front men (and women).

July 24, 2019: Amidst speculation that Epstein is ratting out the politicians, powerful bureaucrats and others who flew on his “Lolita Express” and visited his “Pedophile Island,” the Democrats try to breathe new life into their Russian Collusion Hoax by having Robert Mueller testify before Congress. (It is a media circus in which Mueller refuses to answer questions, feigns ignorance about the witch hunt he conducted, and claims with a straight face that details of his own Special Council Investigation are “outside my purview.” Of course, he gets away with it.)

July 24, 2019: A possible attempted “arkancide” in jail against Epstein fails. You might notice that this attempt occurred while all the Democrat news outlets (AKA: “mainstream media”) were hyping the Mueller testimony, doing their best to make sure all attention was on the Congressional hearing.

July 25, 2019: Interview footage surfaces of Scammer Extraordinaire Ilhan Omar declaring that white men are the real threat in the USA. She takes time out from committing tax fraud, marriage fraud, immigration fraud, and incest, to explain that “white men” are more dangerous than Jihadists, and “we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”

July 29, 2009: An active shooter incident takes place at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California (a “gun-free zone”). Originally the Lone Nut was reported to be a white male who announced that he was “very angry” in between indiscriminate murders at the festival. It turns out, Santino Legan is of Iranian/Italian descent, but you’ll never hear that from the Democrat-Media Machine. It’s doubtful they’ll even invent a “white Iranian” classification, lest anyone make the Muslim connection. The “dangerous white male with an assault weapon” narrative is what matters. Initially, a second suspect is classified as “at large” by the police. This will quickly be memory-holed by…

August 1, 2019: It is publicized that the FBI has declared right wing “conspiracy theorists” to be “domestic terrorists.” that’s right–you no longer actually have to commit a violent or terrorist act (or plan or conspire to commit one); merely disagreeing with CNN and Google’s top search results is enough for you to wind up on a terrorist watch list. It’s almost like Ilhan Omar wrote this policy herself.

The Narrative is that President Trump is using secret code words to activate Sleeper Nazis with big, scary guns and go Literally Hitler on “undocumented workers” who escaped his concentration camps…or something.

August 3, 2019: Another shooting breaks out, at a Wal-Mart (another “gun free zone”) near the US-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas. There are a lot of suspicious details about this one, including early reports that there were at least four perpetrators.

The Narrative quickly changed to Lone Nut and it’s doubtful you’ll hear about the other shooters again. “There is no John Doe #2. There never was a John Doe #2. Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia. Go back to sleep.” Finally–a white male shooter with a semiautomatic rifle assault weapon!!!! Omar is right! The FBI is right! And there’s even a convenient manifesto Patrick Crusius supposedly posted online detailing his motivations (including a desire for universal health care and universal income–socialist ideals) and, strangely, his weapon selection. Even better: he transformed into a Republican NRA member and Qanon follower hours after his arrest. But before you get all carried away asking questions and scrutinizing The Narrative…

August 4, 2019: Look! Another active shooter–this one outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio (a “gun-free zone”?). Another Lone Nut (Connor Betts) white male with a scary-looking assault weapon and high-capacity magazine, legally purchased. Any minute now, we’ll find out he subscribes to InfoWars, voted for Trump, is an OathKeeper and eats at Chick-Fil-A.

As of this writing, there is no word of another active shooter media event. But by the time you read this, there very well could be. If enough of these shootings occur in increasing frequency, maybe collective emotions will overwhelm not-so-common sense. Trump signed on to the idiotic bump stock ban in the shriekfest after the Las Vegas shooting. Everyone is watching to see if he’ll piss away his reelection by betraying his base again.

Update: Connor Betts posted a “hit list” in the boy’s room of his high school, and evidently had some anger/self-esteem/depression issues. He subsequently “got help” and his sister (murdered in his brief rampage) thought he had adjusted. About the “help” he got:

  1. Did it involve prescribed psychotropic drugs?
  2. Who is his therapist and who does the therapist work for?

Update #2: Let’s not forget, either, that there have been people deliberately and specifically trained to become active shooters in these kind of mass murders, but the “justice system” has no interest in stopping them. Their only interest, as should be clear by all the Democrat/media rhetoric being spewed from your TV 24/7, is disarming Americans who are not criminals, terrorists, or murderers.

Embrace LGBT, Or Else!

This particular incident took place in the UK, but the same garbage is happening in the US, too.

The debacle started on June 20, after Farrell received propaganda-like LGBT coloring material from his teacher Alex Smith. When asked if he could skip the activity, Smith denied Farell’s request and told him it was part of the curriculum.

Later, Smith accused Farrell of saying “LGBT sucks and LGBT’s dumb,” however, the pre-teen denies ever using “homophobic language.”

What happened next is demonstrative of how these reprobates operate and how they’ve taken over the culture: they lie, then accuse their victims of lying. Their lie usually involves some variation of conflating opposition to their cultural Marxist policy with threatened violence or or at least violent sentiments. This is a tried and true tactic to marginalize opinions that others might share. If you can condition normies to believe that anybody opposed to sodomy (for instance) is actually a dangerous lunatic bent on violence, the normies, averse to agreeing with violent lunatics, will obediently conform to the agenda you’re pushing on them. This is all following a proven and well-worn script.

You can bet money that the kids would have been called “racist,” too, if they weren’t black.

In this British school, the adult educator is trying to use the tactic against 10-year-old children. Also, as is pretty typical in the culture war, the cultural Marxists in power violate their own rules in enforcing conformity, and are unlikely to ever be called out for their blatant hypocrisy.

“How dare you? You are a disappointment to the school,” Papas said, according to the two students.

Papas — whose daughter is lesbian and the School Manager — reportedly reamed Kaysey after the kids were put in separate rooms, saying, “How dare you say that you want to kill LGBT people?”‘I didn’t say kill.” Kaysey responded. Papas shouted back “Yes, you did, and don’t lie” before beginning the detention.

The mothers of Farrell and Kaysey are fighting the suspension, noting that students cannot be suspended for “a non-disciplinary reason,” per the school’s own regulations.

It’s the same principle you see at work in mainstream politics: anybody who  disagrees with a rabid leftist is “a Nazi” or “literally Hitler,” therefore any assault against the political opposition is justified.

This is the motive behind words like “homophobia.” The word “phobia” means “fear.” People disgusted by perversions are not afraid of the perverts, but they have to be characterized as being consumed with fear and hate in order to demonize them and prevent the normies from agreeing with them. Some of the cultural Marxists are telegraphing the next abomination they intend to normalize…you may have noticed some woke activists slinging the term “pedophobe” around. Eventually, you must assent to them molesting your children, or be condemned for “fear” and “hate.”

The goal of the sodomite lobby was never just tolerance, or getting medical insurance for their partners, or any of the other carefully-crafted lies they sold you. It is to utterly crush any resistance to their sick agenda, and establish absolute conformism. That is why they seek out bakeries and preachers who want nothing to do with “gay weddings”–so that the coercive force of government can be used to destroy those who resist conformity.

This is what appeasement and tolerance has wrought. God warned us that certain behavior should not be tolerated…but then the first battle of this war was to cast doubt on the moral authority of God–and His very existence.

You Paved the Way For This Gender Insanity

A link was shared on MeWe about a judge who ruled that boys and girls in high school must shower together “in order to accommodate transgender students.” I commented on the thread, as did many others. Then some guy posted the following:

“Boy oh boy would I like to see that happen . my daughter in action you see some dumbass get in the shower with her and she Going to  knock him on his ass my girl is one badass” (sic)

And the guy has a Gadsen Flag as his profile pic.  It’s looking like, outside of Virtual Pulp, there is no organization, group, institution or movement that hasn’t been infected by this feminista virus.

First of all, he’s delusional. Mediocre male athletes are “identifying” as female all over the place and trouncing the best female athletes in their respective sports. The guy has watched too many Kickass Grrrrl Power scenes in action movies, and has confused fetish with reality. But that isn’t the point, here.

This person is not alone. Legions of “conservative” parents have been raising their daughters to be masculine, even if they’re not jock-ettes. The “female ideal” our depraved culture has been foisting on us is women who talk like men, act like men, and even look like men (just look at all the broad shouldered, narrow hipped, square jawed models and actresses sold to us as “female sex symbols”). Dads like this guy are fully on board with all that, even if they vehemently disagree with those silly libruls about kneeling during the National Anthem.

They don’t mind gender-bending, unless it goes too far too fast. They’ll obediently have their children flirt with gender confusion, just as long as they don’t go all the way.

It’s nearly as bad in the “alt right” as it is in “conservatism.” For people so obsessed about “muh westurn sivulizayshun,” they’ve apparently never made the connection that Rome didn’t conquer the known world with coed legions led by Kickass Womyn Warriors. Sane civilizations recognized that there are biological differences between the TWO genders, and the roles men and women played lined up with their capabilities. Women are biologically suited to caring for children and keeping the home, with a degree of competency that men can’t equal. Men are biologically suited to hunt, build, explore, and fight, on a competency level that women can’t approach without imposed handicapping.

Women were not designed to be “badasses.” Denying that is a symptom of a contrived fetish. It’s a wildly popular and state-approved fetish, but still just a fetish. Women who think they are badasses are not very attractive, therefore less likely to excel at what they are designed for (childbearing, nurturing children, etc.).

Obviously, the society we live in, through relentless conditioning, has been trained to reject reality. “Conservatives” have obediently jumped on the gender-bending bandwagon. Now they’re starting to realize where the bandwagon is going, and are horrified…but too invested in feminist myths to decisively jump off and change course.

What The HighwayMen Tells Us About Our Cultural Paradigm Shift

This recent movie by John Lee Hancock seems like a radical departure from the 1967 counterculture film that elevated Bonnie and Clyde from grotesque criminals to sympathetic antiheroes in popular culture.

Film critics are nearly in lockstep, bleating that The Highwaymen is a step backwards from The Narrative so carefully cultivated over generations. Americans who identify as “conservative” praise the new film because it is more factually based and has a “law and order” slant to it.

Both the critics and cheerleaders of The Highwaymen are stuck in a superficial analysis of the film, seemingly oblivious to how it fits into the context of where we are culturally and politically, and have conveniently missed or ignored hints from the film makers why The Narrative of Bonnie and Clyde has been turned topsy-turvy.

But context is crucial. To understand how both the Hancock and Penn films could spawn from the same cultural Marxist Hive Mind, and yet take such dramatically opposed perspectives, we have to go back to when the Baby Boomers were young radicals spitting on veterans returning home from Vietnam at the airports.

The Boomers were the most pampered generation in recorded world history. They showed their appreciation for the peace and prosperity they inherited by strangling the golden goose, ensuring that nobody else could enjoy the world they grew up in. Pop culture was just one of the weapons in their arsenal.

In the lost America they enjoyed, cultural icons like pioneers, farmers, cowboys, soldiers, inventors, entrepreneurs and fathers were accepted and promoted as role models that children should aspire to emulate. But this infuriated the cultural Marxists, who wanted a society like what we have now, where the “heroes” are degenerate celebrities, drag queens, pedophiles, other sexual deviants, illiterate street gangsters, sleazy lawyers, hate crime hoaxers, infanticidal feminists, grifters, serial killers and treasonous politicians.

They couldn’t get the population to accept such a radical change overnight, though. Boiling frogs requires a gradual long march. You could conclude that Arthur Penn’s Bonnie and Clyde was one of the early experiments by the cultural svengalis, to determine just how big a step in that direction American moviegoers would accept. The film attempted to transform some murdering thieves from the Depression Era into sympathetic characters. Long story short: it worked.

There was a slew of films glorifying criminals and other “antiheroes” in the wake of Bonnie and Clyde. (You could argue that the trend never really stopped.) Some of the copycat flicks, like George Roy Hill’s Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) not only made the criminals sympathetic, but presented as almost non-human the people who attempted to serve justice. The Pinkerton agents tracking down the protagonists of that film are disposable, interchangeable empty suits, insignificant except for their employment by an “oppressive system” to harass the very human main characters portrayed by popular actors. They are nameless, faceless drones working for “the man.”

The movie critics, now foaming at the mouth because the Texas Rangers in The Highwaymen who stopped the glamorous bankrobbers are portrayed sympathetically, gush in masturbatory praise over the trailblazing, romantic, revisionist Bonnie and Clyde from 1967.

The makers of The Highwaymen are also fans of that Arthur Penn cinematic whitewash.

What has happened in the USA since 1967? To put it simply: the inmates took over the asylum. The communist agitators have been running our government for quite a while now, though they are considered “moderate” or “liberal” by the talking heads on Cux News because they have shoved the Overton Window so far left since taking power.

The “anti-establishment” radicals from the 1960s ARE the Establishment, now. Those who encouraged others to “question authority” now are IN authority. They have been for a while. Those who sought to destroy our institutions now CONTROL those institutions. Those who once complained about the messages in Hollywood movies now DESIGN Hollywood’s messages.

In a 180 degree turn from the Arthur Penn flick, Bonnie and Clyde were almost non-persons in The Highwaymen. Their treatment is shockingly reminiscent of the faceless Pinkertons in Butch Cassidy. Parker and Barrow’s brutality was emphasized, but nothing else was revealed about them (except a little backstory on Clyde’s history of thievery). We didn’t even get a good look at their faces until the end. To put it another way: they were just faceless murderers for nearly the entire film.

That about-face from the Vietnam-era counterculture antihero schtick might be confusing to some.

Know what else could be superficially confusing? The revisionist history on Clyde’s homosexuality. That was intentionally left out of the old movie, because society wasn’t yet conditioned to accept sodomy as normal or preferable. Even a lot of lefties at the time still considered it perverse.

But now homosexuality is ubiquitously promoted as normal and moral–and you better not speak against it or you’ll either lose your job, be fined out of business, or in some cases, jailed. Audiences wouldn’t bat an eye at seeing Clyde depicted that way today, so why wouldn’t the film-makers ram it down our throats as usual, to perpetuate their familiarity-conditioning? They insert it absolutely everywhere else, even when it’s not relevant or necessary, let alone historically accurate. What a curious artistic decision, my dear Watson.

It all makes sense if you look at the cultural landscape today and how different it is from the Vietnam era. Again: the counterculture then is the Establishment now, and vice-versa. Now the ruling class must be presented as noble and heroic, while the everyman proles must be depicted as suspicious, unwashed, and dangerous. Outsiders, dissenters, and anti-establishment rebels need to be feared, doxxed, ostracized, demonized, financially ruined, and, the very moment it is acceptable to popular opinion: riddled like Swiss cheese by armed government goons.

Like free speech and everything else, the fringe left’s position is opposite what it supposedly was before they secured ironclad institutional power.

As an adjunct of this, the film makers had to rewrite Clyde as heterosexual or they just couldn’t have brought themselves to show him for the murdering thief he was.

The Vietnam-era Bonnie and Clyde were stand-ins for the likes of Saul Alinsky and Jane Fonda, while the nameless, soul-less G-Men were stand-ins for Joe McCarthy and Barry Goldwater. The current-year law men (played by Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson) are stand-ins for Eric Holder and John Brennan; while the faceless, soul-less bankrobbers are stand-ins for the likes of Donald Trump, Roger Stone and the average deplorable in Flyover Country.

The Highwaymen screenwriter John Fusco is another fan of Arthur Penn’s Bonnie and Clyde, and himself (in the interview linked above) implies a connection between Trump supporters and Bonnie and Clyde, confirming the reason for this paradigm shift.

Secret Police, Secret Courts…Not-So-Secret Agenda

We haven’t mentioned the Mueller witch hunt investigation much at Virtual Pulp because…

  1. we’ve been inundated with coverage of it 24-7 for years now.
  2. people with a functioning brain already had a pretty good idea what the purpose of the Special Council really was.
  3. people without a functioning brain don’t like this site, anyway.

Now the Democrat/Media Machine is scrambling to save face and find a way to convince their bovine constituency that being caught in a lie really proves they were right and valiant all along (global warming logic), and that Orange Man still bad. It’s not clear which Narrative Readjustment they’ll settle on yet, but a few of them you might observe floating around in left-wing echo chambers are:

  • Although Mueller was unable to find and hanky-panky between Russia and the Trump Campaign, Trump is still guilty of collusion.
  • Mueller did find evidence of collusion, and is hinting at it in code within the lengthy $30,000,000 op-ed called the Mueller Report.
  • Alright, maybe Trump didn’t collude, but what really matters is that he obstructed justice regarding the crime he didn’t commit. They are just as vehement about the validity of this accusation as they were that Trump colluded.
  • The Mueller Report is part of a big cover-up perpetrated by HAND PICKED Attorney General Barr, who is also an agent of  Vladymir Putin.

Some interesting observations were made before the report was actually released.

For example, in filing false-statement charges against former Trump campaign adviser Papadopoulos in October 2017, Mueller’s team included a footnote that said emails obtained by the special counsel revealed that a Trump “campaign official suggested ‘low level’ staff should go to Russia.”

As the Senate Judiciary Committee pointed out in a secret letter to Mueller, the special counsel neglected to mention that the emails had been provided to it by the Trump campaign and they showed the campaign wanted someone “low level” to decline these types of invitations.

In other words, Mueller and his Democrat character assassins twisted and distorted facts in the report to imply obstruction. Low level Trump Campaign staffers were discouraged from accepting entreaties by Russians; but the report makes it sound like just the opposite occurred: that they were encouraged to cozy up to the Ruskies.

Papadopoulos said Rhee repeatedly threatened him, telling him he was “looking at 25 years in prison” if he didn’t cooperate with Mueller. Ultimately he pleaded guilty to making a false statement – he claimed he did not know that Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese academic who had told him the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, had connections to the Russian government when, in fact, he did. There are no reports he tried to track down the “dirt” or told anyone in the Trump campaign about Mifsud.

The Democrat/Media Machine, of which Mueller and his dirty cops are part, is habitually  selective about what it reports. If it doesn’t support The Narrative, they omit it. If there are no facts that can be cherry-picked to prop up The Narrative, they’ll invent some, and/or distort existing facts.

 Mueller charged the retired general with lying to FBI investigators about his conversation with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition, even though one of the investigators — noted Trump critic Peter Strzok — “had the impression at the time that Flynn was not lying or did not think he was lying,” according to internal FBI documents uncovered by Flynn’s defense team.

In fact, former FBI Director James Comey has said Flynn provided truthful answers and wasn’t intentionally misleading investigators on Jan. 24, 2017, when he was questioned by Strzok and another agent.

Mueller omitted the exculpatory information from the charging documents he filed against Flynn.

They were desperate to find any kind of connection between Trump and Putin, no matter how tenuous and superficial. Most of the facts did not support the Collusion Narrative, and therefore had to be suppressed.

On page 7, Mueller mentions that Cohen tried to email Russian President Vladimir Putin’s office on Jan. 14, 2016, and again on Jan. 16, 2016. But Mueller omitted the fact that Cohen did not have any direct points of contact at the Kremlin, and had resorted to sending the emails to a general press mailbox.

“It’s clear from personal messages he sent in 2015 and 2016 that the Trump Organization did not have formal lines of communication set up with Putin’s office or the Kremlin during the campaign,” one Hill investigator said. “There was no secret ‘back channel.’”

“So as far as collusion goes,” the source added, “the project is actually more exculpatory than incriminating for Trump and his campaign.”

Mueller, it has been noted, self-identifies as a “Republican.” You know: like John McCain, Jeff Flake, Paul Ryan, et al.  He’s controlled opposition and an Establishment tool who wants to divert attention away from the “Justice” System’s double standard on display in their handling the Hillary “investigation” in contrast to what they did to President Trump. And that’s far from the only demonstration of the rigged system perpetrated by the Deep State Mueller is so invested in.

Former federal prosecutor and commentator Andrew McCarthy pointed out that Mueller knew he had no collusion case more than a year before the midterm elections, yet kept teasing collusion in court filings throughout the 2018 campaign.

…Exit polling shows that 49% of voters – nearly 1 in 2 – said they believed the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government during the 2016 election.

Purely coincidence, right? Otherwise, it sounds a lot like collusion.

Books of the Year

There are more books than ever available that don’t completely conform to the cultural Marxist agenda, and the CLFA has an annual election to determine the best of the year. I’ve read two of these books and have reviewed them here. Links to those two, which I recommend, are below.

Appalling Stories II–an anthology of sci-fi/speculative fiction and cautionary tales about SJWs and the fundamental transformation of life as we know it that they support.

The Narrative is a tongue-in-cheek (and sometimes tongue-thrust-right-through-the-cheek) novel about an empowered womyn trying to make her mark in the mainstream media.

Politics is downhill from culture. One huge reason the left has been consistently killing us at the polls is because the electorate has been brainwashed so extensively with subversive messaging in all forms of entertainment-including books.

If you don’t want your kids or grandkids to grow up in a third-world police state where the USA used to be, then it is suicidal to support our domestic enemies by funding their propaganda with your “voting dollars.” There are finally entertainment alternatives, and I hope you will look into them.

Book Hype Backfires in the Culture War

I’ve been traveling recently and wanted some audiobooks to listen to. I canceled my Audible subscription years ago, and don’t really want to renew it. I like the idea of a Kobo audiobook subscription because one phone app reads ebooks AND plays audiobooks.

So I’ve been perusing Kobo’s store looking for something worthwhile. The first observation to be made is how formulaic and boring the blurbs are, for just about every book. When a book has a blurb that’s not competent or interesting, I lose confidence that the book itself will be competent or interesting.

The next observation I made was my own reaction to the accolades quoted in the product descriptions. Rave reviews from some NPC at the Washington Compost are supposed to impress me, but actually have the opposite effect. It’s safe to assume no book will ever again be well received by any of the legacy rags if it doesn’t conform to The Narrative and faithfully push the Overton Window further left.

Making the New York Slimes Bestseller list usually gives me the same general warning about the book, and “best seller” is often a dubious title as far as this particular distinction goes.

In the landscape of this culture war, if the “mainstream” pop culture svengalis love your work…you’re part of the problem. In fact, if your work doesn’t piss off the commies (and even some of the “moderates”), you’re doing something wrong.

That’s where we’re at.

Socialism and Satanism

We live in an age when the young people living in this country believe socialism is a great idea. Of course, this proves that the Indoctrination Industry (including Public Education) has succeeded in fomenting and enforcing widespread ignorance. It should also scare the hell out of you. What happens when there aren’t enough Americans left to prevent them from completing the Fundamental Transformation?

“…So that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” – 2 Corinthians 2:11

If you believe what is taught in the Bible, then you know that a person doesn’t have to be an overt devil-worshiper to be a tool of the devil, or to wind up in Hell. Jesus said those who are not with Him are against Him (Matthew 12:30). So those who do not consciously choose to follow the Son of God automatically default to the side that is against Him–and you know who is in charge on that side of the aisle. Pretty simple.

It’s been easy to notice that Marxists (whether they are called socialists, progressives, Democrats, or “liberals”) speak and behave a lot like their Default Daddy. What’s surprising as how many of them, dating back to Marx himself (and beyond) intentionally worshiped the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and consciously did his bidding in the system they devised.

Twenty years ago some of you scoffed when “paranoid conspiracy whackos” like me warned you that the garbage going on right now was coming to our country. Please get informed while you still can. The clues as to what kind of world our children will inherit are all around you.

I only discovered “Edge of Wonder” recently. Don’t know much about them yet, other than that they dispense some good information. If you haven’t accepted the reality of what we’re up against, from anyone else, maybe their delivery will be more palatable to you.

Apalling Stories II – a Review

I haven’t read the first Apalling Stories, but do intend to rectify that.

This is an anthology of short speculative fiction, all linked thematically by the insanity of political correctness and so-called “social justice.” Some of them are set off-world, some take place in Earth’s future, while others are pretty close to the space-time you and I occupy.

An argument could be made that some of the stories are depressing–like classic episodes of The Twilight Zone. At the same time, there’s no denying a significant element of gratification derives from following the character arc of the SJWs who outsmart themselves, feed on each other, and otherwise are hoisted on their own petards. It’s immensely frustrating to exist in this reality wherein the wicked prosper…where there seems to be no limit to their stupidity, depravity, or hypocrisy…yet never suffer the consequences of same. And the “champions” of our side either cower in the face of evil, or betray us outright.

Each story is well-written, by authors including the newest addition to the Virtual Pulp blog lineup, Paul Hair.

One age-old purpose of fiction is to present alternatives or possibilities–how it could be in a better world. Apalling Stories 2 shows us (often with delightful irony) what it might look like if “social justice” vermin experienced actual justice.