What will the sides even look like? If you haven’t thought about it much (after careful observation), you’re likely to assume it will be “liberals against conservatives;” “Democrats against Republicans;” “left against right;” or “traitors against patriots.”
If you made one of those assumptions, chances are you’re half-correct. Democrats, leftists, and traitors (but I repeat myself) will be involved at the highest levels in the coming war. What about folks like me (patriots/right-wingers)? Will we be on the other side, fighting against the globalists (whether you call them Communists, Democrats, or “liberals”)?
Frankly, that depends on the timetable. The boomers on the right are dying off, and probably not much help in a fight anymore, anyway. Generation X is over-the-hill, and won’t be very adept at moving, shooting, and communicating , even if CW2 touches off in the next few years. It’s looking like the bulk of the combatants on both sides will be Millennials and younger…and that means the paradigm is going to be different from how we’ve been looking at it.
Again: Marxism will be the major ideological impetus behind this struggle. The poster children for this new wave of Communists are the likes of Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This 5th column has been in the USA for over a century and their goal hasn’t changed; it’s just that the mask has now slipped so far that even some of the normalcy-biased “It Can’t Happen Here” crowd is starting to recognize them for what they are. Right now the Marxists control pretty much everything except the White House. The military is no exception–the Communist long march through the institutions has captured the officer corps and poisoned the minds of the enlisted as well.
Who will the opposition be? The bulk of them will not be patriots, true right-wingers, and certainly not constitutionalists.
Oh, some of us will be be there, but we’ll be outnumbered, even on our own “side” (and well past our fighting prime, too). The opposition to the overt Marxists, again, will be millennials and younger. For lack of a catchy name for this group (which is not also deceptive, like “alt-right”), I will call them the Cult of Western Civilization, or CWC for short.
Brief history quiz:
Q: What is the primary difference between Nazis and Communists?
A: Nazis are nationalist; Communists are globalist. Also, they have different labels for their scapegoats: “Jews” and “capitalists,” respectively.
Both are socialist and have negligible differences beyond the above despite nearly a century of brainwashing to convince you that Nazis are “right wing.”
In much the same way, there are few substantial differences between the CWC and the rabid Marxists they are temporarily opposed to. They both have contempt for our constitutional republic and for the Bill of Rights. (For instance: Both have paid lip service to freedom of speech when it suits them. After the left secured control over all the mediums of information, freedom of speech became a thorn in their side they are actively working to crush. Likewise, even while the CWC spews platitudes about speaking freely, behind the scenes they regard free speech–and, increasingly, all freedom–as dangerous. They would also turn against it if they were to prevail in this struggle.)
Both sides are promoting identity politics uber alles. The difference in the demographics they identify with is what makes their few differences seem irreconcilable.
The CWC is predicting a civil war split along racial lines, and they could be right. Jesus did prophesy that ethnos would rise against ethnos (ethnos was translated “nation” in the English), and it appears that we are just one major crisis away from seeing violent fulfillment in the USA.
As polarized as the overt left and the CWC are along racial lines, they are nearly in lockstep when it comes to moral issues like sodomy. The fact that both sides embrace it is a clue what spiritual force drives them both.

For different stated reasons, both sides loathe the Judas Goats commonly referred to as “conservatives.” Most patriots are still hoodwinked by the collection of cowards, turncoats and sleeper agents who speak for this ever-retreating “movement” that has never conserved anything of worth, though the NeoCons, RINOs, and Deep State useful idiots under various disguises (libertarians, moderates, centrists, etc.) are finally being exposed (too little, too late).
There are some voices in the CWC who claim to be Christian, and at first glance their doctrine seems more sound than the Churchians on the left. But the god they serve is usually Racial Purity. The typical WC cultist feels a spiritual imperative to hate Jews and blame Jews for every single problem that faces us in our world. It would be comical if it weren’t so sad how predictably one of these CWC bots will show up on a comment thread to unveil a Jewish conspiracy behind anything from the impeachment circus to suspicious officiating at a ballgame.
I’ve still never heard or read a coherent argument from any of them explaining how someone ostensibly following the Lion of Judah/King of the Jews (with an extensively documented Jewish lineage) can be consumed by such irrational hatred for “da Jooz.” The rare WC cultist who is honest enough to acknowledge that Jesus was a Jew will simply argue that “Jew” doesn’t really mean “Jew,” with word games and cognitive dissonance that would make Louis Farrakhan proud.
The overt left is also consumed with an irrational hatred for the offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, though the shrieking members of “the Squad” have no doubt revealed this fact too soon for their globalist masters who hope to squeeze some more mileage out of their Race Card. All that said, the overt left hates Christianity more than any other belief or faith. The leftards who pretend to be Christian spend less time studying the Bible than they do attacking what (they’ve heard that) it says.
Both sides want to be ruled by a charismatic dictator. The overt left wants Big Brother/Big Sister to be Diverse and sexually deviant. The CWC wants their “god-emperor” to be Caucasian and “alpha.”
For now.
It’s tempting to decide that you simply won’t take a side, if those are the choices. But you may not have a choice. However, assuming you can sit on the fence unscathed until one side prevails…and assuming the “lesser evil” of the CWC is victorious…what does that mean for you?
Once they’ve destroyed the representative government that they abhor, who is going to look after your interests? You can’t, because you won’t be able to speak freely or publish anything their authoritarian regime disapproves of. You won’t be able to worship God according to your convictions either, unless your convictions line up with the dogma of their state-controlled religion.
Don’t assume you’ll have the ability to overthrow the new boss, either. Like all the Bill of Rights, once the right to keep and bear arms has served its purpose for the CWC and their overt left sparring partners (Antifa is gunning up), it will be scrapped for “law and order” and “the greater good,” too. Freedom from unwarranted searches and seizures? Gone. Right to a jury trial? Gone. Innocent until proven guilty? Not any more. And your “based” brethren will celebrate the death of freedom because, much like the Germans of the 1930s, they just can’t imagine what could possibly go wrong by surrendering all to a strong central authority.