When caught red-handed fabricating stories, the media will either double-down, or defend themselves with the old “nobody’s perfect” argument. Sometimes they’ll quietly admit that the lie was “not accurate,” before quickly moving on to blasting out the next lie incessantly at full volume. It’s safe for them to do so after being caught because, by then, the message has already been absorbed by their bovine audience. Armies of idiots on social media will keep spreading any such “story” long after it’s been proven to be a lie because:
- They don’t bother to fact check.
- Roughly half the people living within the United states couldn’t care less about actual truth. They want to fundamentally transform this country into a socialist (called whatever name they’re comfortable with) Utopia, and if some lies need to be regurgitated to accomplish that, so be it.

As sickening as that is, how the neocon media responds is arguably just as bad, if not worse.
Take Tucker Carlson (or is it Cucker Tarlson?), for instance. He often calls out the Swamp Media for their lockstep partisanship, and some of his monologues deserve applause. In other words: he and some others on Cux News say and divulge just enough to keep right-of-center viewers from turning off the idiot box and scouring the web for truly alternative news sites. Discerning people who don’t swallow the Narrative whole can take comfort that, since Tucker/Hannity/Dobbs are calling BS on some of what the Swamp Media is saying, they must be telling us the whole truth on everything.
Why, then, will they not call a skunk a skunk?
Running damage control for the Left is not a new mission for Tucker & Co. Pretty much every night he tells you that our republic is “a democracy,” that socialists and Marxists are “liberal,” and that the organized propagandists of the media are merely “dumb people.”
In case you missed it, Buzzfeed recently reported a “bombshell” story accusing President Trump of ordering his former attorney to lie under oath. A media blitz ensued for the next 24 hours, in which all the Swamp Media networks undertook a euphoric orgy of speculation on how soon Trump could be impeached now that they’d finally found some dirt on him.

On the byline was one “honest” reporter and one “discredited shill” who admitted to not verifying the allegations they reported as fact. In an unprecedented development, Dirty Bob Mueller took time out (from trying to entrap and achieve leverage over everyone on the planet who has ever been within 20 yards of Donald Trump) to issue a statement debunking the story.
Buzzfeed and some other communists with platforms are doubling down on the story–one even claiming that it’s “100%” true. But there are legions of renegade drones from the Democrat Hive Mind trying to distance themselves from this particular episode of anti-Trump ballyhoo.

With a straight face, the Cux News talking heads and their guests are claiming to be shocked. Mind you: not shocked by Dirty Bob Mueller and some poster children for the Democrat/Media Machine failing to jump on this bandwagon.* Ostensibly they are shocked that the Ministry of Propaganda (“mainstream media”) is capable of dishonesty. I’ve lost track of how many times they’ve been “shocked” by this same old song-and-dance.
Notice the carefully chosen words that are used to spin this sort of revelation. Buzfeed’s story will be called “inaccurate,” “wrong,” “misleading,” “uncorroborated,” “reckless,” “irresponsible,” and maybe even “untrue.” Cux News and other “conservative” “right-wing” media organizations are spinning a narrative that goes something like this:
These darned liberal news outlets used to be bastions of journalistic integrity, but in the last few years they’ve suddenly drifted slightly into partisanship. They consistently make mistakes that always push leftward because of the liberal bubble they live in. They simply never hear differing opinions in the liberal circles they travel in, therefore they honestly believe in the misleading stories they tell you. They’re blinded by their own bias, don’tcha know. Move along folks–nothing to see here; just more incompetent buffoonery by people who mean well.
Moreover, I have a fantastic deal on some beachfront property and I’m giving you first crack at it because you mean so much to me, personally.
People on the news networks are not all stupid. They’re not reckless or irresponsible. They’re not making mistakes. They are deliberately lying to you.

They are not “biased.” They are owned by the enemies (foreign and domestic) of America, it’s people, and your freedom. Their masters deploy them to sell us a bill of goods–whether The Narrative du jour is that in order to be safe, all law-abiding civilians must be made defenseless; or that Obamacare and tax-subsidized abortions are in the Constitution. The Narrative they need you to believe is often so ridiculous that it takes slick, professional liars to make it sound plausible. That requires suppressing actual news which doesn’t bolster The Narrative, as well as selecting certain stories to blast, or fabricating them if nothing that fits the bill is available. Deep State politicians work hand-in-hand with the Swamp Media, because they’re all owned by the same clandestine power elite.
(About half of the adults living in the USA have been so thoroughly brainwashed by this operation that they will automatically reject any truth or fact that cuts against their years of conditioning–no matter what evidence or proof you show them. They’ve fallen in love with their programming. It’s become their identity. Trying to wake up a “woke” person is taken as an attack on their very existence, so they will resist truth via childish, outlandish, or even violent tantrums. It’s doubtful Buzzfeed will lose a single subscriber.)
The 5th Column nature of the 4th Estate did not start in 2016, nor in 2008, nor during Vietnam. At the absolute latest, you can trace it back to the deliberate lies, deception, and cover-ups foisted on the American people by our allegedly free press during the murderous reign of Josef Stalin.

There is nothing “liberal” about their motives, agenda, or methods to achieve it. The masters of these professional deceivers fully intend to strip you of all your individual rights, murder you and your family if necessary, and establish a global socialist dictatorship. They are more than willing to destroy anyone who effectively opposes their agenda.
This does not all stem from a deranged hatred of President Trump. They had no problem with Donald Trump when he wasn’t an obstacle to their agenda. Their deranged hatred is for America, and Trump is interfering with their systematic poisoning of our constitutional republic, of our economy, our institutions, and the nuclear family itself (America, in other words).
In this case, as in every case of fake news, there was no “mistake” made. Trump is an obstacle to “progress,” and therefore must be taken down by any means necessary. This failed attempt is just one of dozens, and the perpetrators feel no remorse whatsoever. They’re not even embarrassed by being caught. They will be right back at it in no time–slinging poo until something sticks.
The “conservative” (whatever that means) reporters and anchors are not stupid, either. And it defies credibility to assume that they are simply naive about everything going on around them.
What you’re seeing is the same kind of theater that plays out in Congress: the Left uses every dirty trick imaginable to get what they want, while those who are supposedly the champions of the Right look for opportunities to surrender or otherwise lose, while pretending to fight for us.

Tucker et al will continue to highlight and comment on what we would have discovered via true alternative media anyway. But while so doing, their mission is to conceal insidious evil behind a mask of mere irresponsible behavior