Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Moving the Goalposts: the “Families Being Ripped Apart” Narrative

While smug swamp weasel Rosenstein lies to Congress, dodges questions, and flashes a shit-eating smirk to signify that he is above the law, answerable to nobody, and the joke is on us, other developments are rather positive for the US of A. The Supreme Court actually made a couple decisions that benefit Americans, despite themselves–and the retirement of Justice Kennedy could mean they’ll be making more good decisions in the future. North Korea is less likely to attack South Korea again than at any time since 1953; and probably not interested in messing with us until about 2025, if then.  Isis was crushed inside Trump’s first year. The US is acting less and less like every other country’s bitch in international trade. Some remnants of our outsourced industry is coming back, Americans are going back to work, and Americans are finding out what an ACTUAL economic recovery looks like.

In other words, the Democrats are really, really pissed off.

These are dark days for the America-hating Marxists of the media and entertainment industries, and all their useful idiots mixed in the population. They are desperate to find something to make President Trump look bad. The “Russian collusion” witch hunt just hasn’t fooled anyone with a functioning brain. The dial has been turned up on mass shooting incidents (almost always just after an “active shooter” drill in the area, almost always perpetrated by “lone nuts” on psychotropic drugs, whose therapists mysteriously disappear), but outside the leftist echo chamber, people just aren’t blaming the correct parties (lawful Americans who had nothing to do with the atrocity, but who do have the audacity to exercise their rights). The Stormy Daniels hype has fizzled out and her trash-talking lawyer seems to have disappeared.

What can they do to distract from the embarrassing details of the Congressional inquiries, that will also give them fresh excuses to call Trump “Hitler” and his supporters “Nazis”? Why, invent a crisis at the border, of course–because that is where eee-veel “white supremacist” Drumpf is slowing down the invasion of illegal Democrat voters they so desperately need if they hope to quickly resume raping our country into oblivion.

An overwhelming majority of the invasion into the USA is happening on our southern border. An overwhelming majority of the invaders are from Latin America. And an overwhelming majority of those are from Mexico. Mexico has a US Embassy and several US consulates where people can go to legally seek asylum. Once granted, they can take advantage of the opportunities in our eee-veel, oppressive, raaaaaaaaaayciss country, or collect a welfare check while raping, stealing, pushing drugs, waving foreign flags while blocking traffic, shrieking about their cosmic master race and insisting their rights supercede those of American citizens…and vote in our elections to make our country just like the collectivist hellholes they escaped from.

So the Democrat Propaganda Corps (also known as the mainstream media) scrounged up some Obama-era photos of illegals in holding facilities, found another photo of a screaming girl (whose mother had apparently abandoned her family), and hit the press cycle with all guns blazing about “children being ripped from their families!!!”

In one week there were at least 20 attempts to equate this “crisis” to the Holocaust by the impartial, dispassionate paragons of integrity at the media conglomerates. And, of course, continuing to spew the usual Trump-is-Hitler Patriots-are-Nazis blah blah blah narrative. That the Nazis put up chain link and barbed wire to trap people INSIDE their socialist paradise never occurred to these intellectual powerhouses. That this exact policy of detainment at the border had been in place prior to Trump ever taking office is ignored or denied. It’s still Trump’s fault somehow–kinda’ like how all the damage done by Obama was the fault of the previous administration.

Having never heard the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” the Swamp Media shrieked all the louder about how America is raaaaaaayciss and “families being ripped apart” (parents sometimes sat in separate rooms from the minors they claimed were their children for a couple hours) was solely Trump’s fault and worse than a Nazi death camp. Rachel Maddow had a B-movie quality breakdown on national TV, so overcome was she with the inhumanity of it all. Not that they were trying to trigger emotional hysteria in the ovine masses or anything.

So Trump issued an Executive Order that will prevent parents from being separated from their children during detention. The whole “atrocity” that was allegedly the source of the hysterical outrage was stopped.

If you’re a Democrat or Hollywood/Swamp Media shyster (forgive the redundancy), now what do you do?

Why, you move the goalposts, of course.

This families-ripped-apart narrative that they were foaming at the mouth about has disintegrated like a puff of smoke. Troupers that they are, the svengali drones of the Leftist Hive Mind shifted to what an eee-veel, out of control government agency ICE is, without missing a beat.

You know, because the left is so consistently concerned about government acquiring too much power.

ICE has grown too big, they tell us. It’s exceeded its authority, they tell us. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars, they tell us. It’s violating people’s rights, they say.

Right after they finish defending the actions of the Obama/Deep State DOJ and FBI.

IG Report: The Swamp Continues to Shield Crooked Hillary From Justice

After giving Rod Rosenstein’s dirty cops and lawyers time to doctor it (per S.O.P.–standard operating procedure at the Department of “Justice”), the edited IG Report was finally released concerning the “investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information.

Let’s connect some dots that even the GOP doesn’t seem interested in connecting:

  • Hillary Clinton not only committed felonies, but obstructed justice and destroyed evidence. Decent Americans would go (and have gone) to prison for far less.
  • Strzok, Comey, Lynch, and other dirty cops conspired to exonerate Hillary without investigating her.
  • (The exoneration was drafted before key witnesses were interviewed, Hillary was never put under oath, and IG David Horowitz has revealed that “the FBI never named a target or even a subject in the Clinton email probe.
  • Strzok, his lawyer mistress Lisa Page, and other corrupt FBI employees revealed extreme anti-Trump, pro-Hillary prejudice in intra-office communications (which dirty cop Rosenstein and his henchmen have tried to hide).
  • Regarding Trump becoming president, Strzok assured Page, “We’ll stop him.”
  • Strzok also mentioned an “insurance policy” he, Andrew McCabe, and others were devising in case Trump won the presidency despite their best efforts.
  • After covering up Hillary’s crimes, Strzok was appointed as an investigator in Mueller’s witch hunt to frame Trump for “collusion” (which, it turns out, is NOT a crime under US law).
  • After documenting this and much more, the edited IG report concludes that bias did not play a part in the decisions of FBI/DOJ leadership.
  • The swamp media chose to “cover” this story by regurgitating this ridiculous conclusion, then moving on to drum up hysteria about “children being torn from their families” at the border.

Horowitz and the swamp media have maintained this “no bias” narrative with a straight face, but not FBI director Wray–he maintains it with a smirk.


Oceana Has Always Been At War With East Asia…

Back when President Trump accused Obama of spying on his campaign, Democrats and the mainstream media (please forgive the redundancy) dismissed the claim as lunacy. “Respectable” rags like The New York Slimes, Washington Compost, and The Los Angeles Slimes made sure to report (in their headlines, no less) that Trump cited no evidence of the spying. Here’s the credible Jake Tapper (citing Paul Ryan and James Comey as sources):

Interesting that there is no equivalent  concern about lack of evidence in the “Russian collusion” witch hunt now in its second year. More on that in another post, maybe.

But for now, here’s that paragon of integrity, Barack Hussein Obama, assuring you that the DOJ and FBI were not politically motivated whatsoever:

Horowitz’ IG report is supposed to be coming out soon. Perhaps that’s why the Media/Democrat Machine is now scrambling to move the goalposts. “Well, alright, Obama did have spies in the Trump Campaign…but it was to protect him!”

That’s pretty much the headline in The Washington Compost’s desperate attempt to get out in front of these revelations. But they added this: “What the president doesn’t get about counterintelligence.

So you see, spying on Trump and planting those collusion stories was all for his own good–he’s just too ignorant to understand Obama’s benevolent actions.

Following this same logic, Nixon was only trying to protect McGovern, but Woodward and Bernstein were just too ignorant to “get it.”

It seems to be obligatory these days in any political discussion to reference Hitler and/or the Holocaust…so:

Hitler was only trying to protect the Jews by relocating them into secure facilities, but Otto Frank and others like him were just too ignorant about public safety to “get it.”

Revised History: Hitler and Fascists

Since before Donald Trump took office, we’ve been repeatedly informed that he is “literally Hitler” and that his supporters are fascists at best, Nazis at worst.

This is a little confusing, because I’d been previously informed by a high school biology teacher that Ronald Reagan was literally Hitler. That’s three separate individuals who are all the same person: Trump, Reagan, and presumably Hitler himself.

Of course it all makes sense if you watch enough Star Trek. Obviously some malevolent entity that first possessed Jack the Ripper later possessed these three evil historic villains.

“And anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist!”

Um, did I say “evil”? Of course all woke people know there’s actually no such thing as good or evil. The only people who believe in such outdated, puritan concepts as evil are evil religious-right demagogues. So Hitler wasn’t truly eeee-veel, he was just insane. If only his school teachers had identified his mental illness and pumped him full of psychotropic drugs, that would have fixed everything.

“But wait,” say the millennials and Generation Z, “who is Hitler? Wasn’t he supposed to be this, like, really mean guy or something?”

Well, even though it’s like, totally lame to think, talk, or read about anything that happened more than six months ago, we maybe should randomly empower you with some woke info on this paranormal force of evil meanness that just so happened to control some ancient, like, European dude with a funny mustache.

We should start with Socialism…this totally amazing system where:

  1. Everybody is disarmed except the police and armed forces.
  2. Genocide can be efficiently implemented when necessary.
  3. Children must attend state-controlled schools and be programmed to believe The Narrative without question.
  4. A progressive, graduated income tax keeps the non-ruling class equally miserable.
  5.  Careless speech (or even suspected thoughts) will result in dissenters vanishing, never to be seen again.
  6.  The state owns and controls all business and industry.

But along came this dude named Mussolini who instituted a system that was TOTALLY, 100% OPPOSITE!!!!!!!!! (And therefore wrong.) Just look at how utterly distinct Fascism is from Socialism in every way:

  1. Everybody is disarmed except the police and armed forces.
  2. Genocide can be efficiently implemented when necessary.
  3. Children must attend state-controlled schools and be programmed to believe The Narrative without question.
  4. A progressive, graduated income tax keeps the non-ruling class equally miserable.
  5.  Careless speech (or even suspected thoughts) will result in dissenters vanishing, never to be seen again.
  6.  The state controls all business and industry, although symbolic private ownership is still tolerated.

Now, can you see how socialism is a moral, Utopian ideal which leads to paradise, while fascism is just so…um…like, unwoke?

And now you can see how “Antifa” is legit and TOTALLY UNLIKE the blackshirted mobs in 1920s Italy that threatened and attacked anyone who disagreed with their politics.

Alright, so let’s talk about this Hitler guy.

He was like a deplorable combination of Ron Paul and Ted Cruz. If he was here, he’d so be a member of the NRA, the Tea Party and Gamergate. He would do really mean, backwards things like broker peace between North and South Korea, recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (and move his country’s embassy there), and deregulate industry (because, y’know, he just hated micromanaging and being in control).

Oh yeah–he would do undignified, unpresidential things like tweet on Twitter, too. (FDR on the other hand, being dignified and presidential, would continue to hold his Fireside Chats on the radio in 2018.)

And that’s the approved, official, credible, trustworthy, fact-checked history. Anything else is fake history according to Facebook, Google, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

(Until further notice.)

A Letter From the G.O.P.

…Or rather, based on how the letter addresses me as a “conservative” (whatever that means), the email was probably generated by a bot calling itself “Rob, NRCC CFO.”

Here’s what he or it wrote in his/its email to me:

“Fellow Conservative,

Without your continued support, our conservative elected officials might not be in the majority in Washington. That’s why, out of our appreciation for your support, we want to offer an upgrade to your membership to the Elite Level.

Just take a stand for our president’s conservative majority, and we’ll upgrade your membership…

We couldn’t have achieved the same level of success in 2016 without you: the House, Senate, and the White House are all Republican thanks to you.

Now we must protect our majority from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats during the 2018 midterm elections.

Our president is counting on you to help us keep the House during his presidency, and you can start right now by pitching in $10 or more to upgrade your NRCC Sustaining Membership to the Elite Level.”

Not that anybody will likely read it (even if there’s a hefty donation attached), but I replied to the email thusly:

Pray tell:
If you’re going to screw us just like the Democrats, what does it matter who has the majority?

The All-New Revised History Series

Along with Barack Hussein Obama, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and innumerable other altruists, Virtual Pulp has been deeply inspired by the blatantly orchestrated sincere, heartfelt speeches given by David Hogg and other tools wise, experienced and courageous youth insisting our rights be stripped from us. One has to marvel at the caliber of education that has led them to such a level of understanding.

Wouldn’t it be, like, really dope if everyone, y’know, was able to learn the real important stuff, like they have, so we could all, like, make such an impact? So starting with this post, Virtual Pulp will be publishing the fake history woke history that has made Camera Hogg & Company such model spokespeople for their generation.

9/11 and the War on Terror

Once upon a time, there was an area called the Middle East. Diverse peoples in the Middle East followed a Religion of Peace, which is no different from Christianity (except that Christianity is silly, racist, sexist and oppressive, whereas Islam is merely misunderstood). There were no problems whatsoever in that region before Israelis and Americans came on the scene. Republican administrations from the US made these peace-loving, tolerant people defensive and suspicious of infidels ruthless, exploitative colonialists.

Meanwhile, in that oppressive despotic dystopia of the USA, a secret team of Bible-thumping home-schooled NRA members hijacked several passenger jets and crashed them into buildings in New York City because…um, they hate women…or black people…or something.

The buildings collapsed perfectly into their own footprints just like a controlled demolition, because that’s what tall buildings always do, with absolutely no planning or preparation. These right-wingers hated with such a hot heat that World Trade Center #7 (which was never touched by an airplane or had its superstructure exposed to burning jet fuel) also collapsed perfectly into its own footprint.

Or maybe it was global warming that caused the steel girders to melt. Anyway: home-grown right-wing terrorists are a far worse threat than Islamic workplace-violence-committers. So there! That’s why we need millions more Muslim immigrants inside the country (taxpayer-funded, of course), but need to abolish the Bill of Rights for law-abiding American citizens.

The coward George Dubya Bush hid in an elementary school, using the bodies of school children to protect him from the blast of the jet crashes. Then he returned to the White House and signed The Patriot Act, which was an immoral, tyrranical act of oppression right up until Barack Hussein Obama bullied persuaded Congress to renew it. As soon as Saint Hussein vouched for it, of course, the Patriot Act was instantly transformed into a reasonable, common-sense protection that is totally not a despotic police state measure to further strangle the Bill of Rights. Saint Hussein further advanced the cause of liberty by giving us Indefinite Detention–so that Americans can be imprisoned for life without a trial or even charges.

It goes without saying that President Trump would be LITERALLY HITLER if he was to use any of these usurpations laws signed by Democrats. (Well, he’s already literally Hitler, of course. But he’d be, y’know, even worse than Hitler if he was to do what his predecessors  did.) Worse than literally Hitler, like…Joe McCarthy…or somebody. (More about that deplorable monster in a future installment.)

Since 9/11, there have been multiple incidents when some distraught motorists, disgruntled nightclub patrons and other oppressed victims have accidently engaged in behavior that inadvertently caused harm to others, while shouting, “Allah akbar!” Deplorable racist xenophobes have alleged that this phrase somehow indicates Islamic ideology. But our experts have discovered that this assumption is just redneck ignorance at work.

It turns out that “Allah akbar” is really from a secret code language spoken by Bible-thumping home-schooled NRA members, and, literally translated, means: “MAGA!” (Make America Great Again.) These home-grown domestic terrorists love to speak in code, as you well know. Our experts have decoded phrases like “American citizen” to actually mean, “Aryan ubermensch.” Similarly, “Second Amendment” actually means “Death to school children!” And “voter ID laws” means “We hate minorities!”

So those incidents were really carried out by Tea Party operatives–the most dangerous terror threat in the universe! Therefore any such atrocity should be classified as terrorism and be followed immediately by crackdowns on individual rights insensitive civic behavior.

The end.

What’s Happening at Amazon?

PJ Media reports on a purge of reviews that seems to be calculated to hurt the livelihood of non-leftist authors.

“I asked several independent authors about the review losses when it occurred,” Del Arroz told PJM. “My left-wing author contacts said they didn’t lose any reviews, but the right-wing authors who are members of a group called the Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance all lost an incredible amount of reviews,” continued Del Arroz. “One author said he lost seventy-seven on his books, which is devastating. I believe the CLFA was targeted by an extreme alt-left troll mob running an email harassment campaign to Amazon who were enabled by a rogue Amazon employee.”

It’s nearly impossible to sell books these days without customer reviews. It’s a symbol of “social proof.”

Too herd-mentality, personally, but it’s a concern for me as an author because it has a striking effect on a book’s discoverability…whether I like it or not.

This could be a sign that Amazon is following Goolag, FascistBorg, et al, by getting into the Thought Police gig. Some speculate that it’s just a rogue SJW employee selectively enforcing rules.

All the Deep State’s Men

Layer after layer of corruption and abuse are being peeled back from the political swamp in Washington, proving what some have suspected for a long time: that the US government–nominally of the people, for the people, and by the people–has been hijacked.

The hijacking took place a long time ago, but sadly, the truth would never be known to the mainstream if it weren’t for alternative media.

More facts are turning up every day, so the picture we have now is not definitive. Undoubtedly, more information will be added as this unravels. But here is a tentative summary of the sequence of events leading to what some are now calling “Obamagate”:

  1. The deep state’s plan for the “choice” we would have for President in 2016 came down to Hillary (Evil) or Jeb Bush (Evil Lite). They rigged the Democrat primary so Hillary would beat Sanders (who is a little too honest about his ideology), and tried to rig the Republican primary in favor of Jeb, by splitting the vote with so many candidates that he would win a plurality.
  2. Unfortunately for them, one of those candidates on the Republican side–despite being rather ignorant in some ways, and a former Clinton/Obama supporter–was not a “made man,” and inspired more enthusiasm in voters than any other single candidate–despite the establishment backing of Bush III. In order to cover all bases, they needed some way to either bribe, threaten, or blackmail him so that he’d dance to their tune (and gracefully lose to Jeb). Bribes and threats evidently didn’t work, so they had to find or manufacture some kind of dirt on him, just on the remote chance he might present a serious challenge to their made man (and made woman).
  3. Trump stunned the deep state by trouncing Jeb and all other opponents, despite all the efforts of the lapdog media (and despite his unpolished speech and politically unorthodox personality).
  4. While using their MSM puppets to proclaim that Hillary would obliterate Trump in the general election, the deep state developed an “insurance policy” against the rogue upstart just in case the unthinkable happened.
  5. It turns out Carter Page might have been an FBI employee or informant long prior to these events, involved in surveilling  actual Russian agents (not that the Obama Administration was interested in stopping Russian threats to our country, as proven by the Uranium One fiasco). Moreover, the Obama DOJ/FBI may have planted Carter Page inside the Trump campaign for the very purpose of generating a “Russian Collusion” Narrative. Hopefully this will become more clear as information is released.
  6. Using Carter Page and his Russian contacts as an excuse, the witch hunt began. Page being associated with the Trump Campaign would give Obama’s dirty secret police a toehold from which they could “inadvertently” find or manufacture dirt on their real target: Trump.
  7. An avowed Trump-hater and British spy Richard Steele was contracted by the Hillary Campaign/DNC for “opposition research” against her political opponent.  It’s been assumed for months that Steele’s “sources” for the Dossier were Russians happy to receive Yankee Dollars for lying about an American; but it’s beginning to look like the sordid tales of golden showers in Moscow hotels were actually invented by long-time Clinton henchmen, including Sydney Blumenthal.
  8. Knowing the Dossier was fabricated by agents of the DNC/Clinton Campaign, the dirty cops in Obama’s Secret Police (the hijacked FBI & DOJ), took it to a secret court (FISA), which rubber-stamped it. The warrant was subsequently renewed every 90 days by the same secret court. This gave Robert Mueller the justification to assemble a team of partisan dirty cops and spend over a year and millions of taxpayer dollars trying to dredge up some kind of scandal on Trump. Jim Comey has admitted the Dossier was “salacious and unverified,” but that didn’t matter to the criminals in charge.
  9. Steele leaked excerpts from his dossier to the press, then Obama’s Stasi used the resulting press coverage to “corroborate” the Dossier to the secret court.
  10. Despite Hillary’s “98% probable victory” in November, and despite massive election fraud and a painfully partisan press, Trump won the presidency. Deep state operatives and their useful idiots across the country broke out in hysterical panic. A Hillary presidency would have ensured that the astonishing levels of corruption, high crimes and treason taking place for years would have been swept under the rug. But now they were missing an essential tool for keeping everything under wraps: the Chief Executive. Hence all the FISA renewals and the “Russian Collusion” Narrative, coinciding with shrieks about impeachment for undefined reasons.
  11. After all the time and money spent on the witch hunt, Mueller’s “investigation” has been unable to turn up any evidence that Trump colluded with Russians (which, apparently, is not a crime anyway). To this day, nobody in the DNC/media machine is able to even provide a hypothesis as to how “Russian Collusion” “hacked” the election, or has influenced President Trump’s policies. But while pushing this nothing-burger on their audience of TV zombies, the MSM has dutifully helped cover up a number of actual scandals which do have supporting evidence.
  12. After obstructing justice and stalling Congress for months, the FBI finally released evidence (what they didn’t still try to destroy/hide). Some of this evidence was summarized in the Nunes Memo. The Democrat/Media machine shrieked that the memo couldn’t be made public because “muh democracy!” Once it was released, however (proving they were lying about a danger to national security or revealing sources and methods), they immediately adjusted The Narrative to convince the public we shouldn’t bother to read it because it’s a dud. “Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along!”
  13. Adam Schiff and his fellow deep state operatives concocted a counter-memo, purposefully including sources and methods so that it would have to be heavily redacted for national security purposes. In other words, they themselves did what they (falsely) accused Nunes & Co. of doing, knowing the Lapdog Press would parrot their Narrative: “Trump has a double standard! He’s obstructing justice!”
  14. Other memos are coming out in the mean time, proving what many in the alternative media have been saying for a year. And evidence is beginning to trickle down that Obama himself was directly complicit in the illegal surveillance of American citizens, including President Trump and associates.
  15. There’s been more than enough evidence to indict these and other high-level criminals in our government for some time, but they have yet to face any consequences. Meanwhile, folks like General Flynn were ruined with the flimsiest of cases. There is an undeniable double standard, completely determined by the partisan divide. It seems little has improved with the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General (in fact, the appointment appears to be another multi-level deep state coup, as his vacated Senate seat was handed to the Democrats via election fraud and a demonization campaign based on the flimsiest of cases). There might be an avalanche of additional revelations coming, but if nobody in the “Justice” Department acts on it, the swamp will never be drained anyway.
  16. Both sides are trash-talking about a resounding victory in the mid-term elections. The left’s arrogance is well-founded, since their voter base is on-board for destroying America by any means necessary, and couldn’t care less about truth or the depravity of their own political champions. The deep state also pulls the strings of the MSM, Hollywood, etc., which will force-feed The Narrative to the public 24/7. The right does not have such a fanatical voter base–in fact, it tends toward apathy and defeatism. Also, the GOP is rife with swamp creatures merely masquerading as ideological adversaries to the Democrats, and some of Trump’s own appointees are proving to be ineffectual at best. Trump is alone on a raft made of popsicle sticks, surrounded by deep state sharks.

There is scuttlebutt circulating among the anons that Trump is playing 4D chess here, and has trolled the Democrat/Media Machine. Specifically: that Sessions is actually hard at work behind the scenes and that heads are already rolling as he herds the swamp critters into a trap often referred to as “the Storm.”

During the 2016 campaign, when fielding questions about military operations, Trump said he wouldn’t follow the idiotic practice of previous administrations by warning our enemies (ISIS was the specific enemy discussed) before we struck. (In fact, this was what first started pulling me toward the Trump Camp. This simple little nugget of wisdom hinted at a foreign policy more sensible than any since Reagan…maybe since Coolidge.) If he applies this logic to domestic as well as foreign enemies, then this “4D chess” theory may not be farfetched.

Jerome Corsi Interviewed About “Q Anon” and the FISA Memo

The “mainstream” (left-wing lapdog) media first tried to convince their audience that the FISA memo was a “threat to the rule of law” (as if they care about that), would undermine the fabric of our “democracy,” etc. Notice how, once the memo was released, the Spin Machine reversed gears and now tries to convince you that it’s much ado about nothing?

In fact,you can tell there’s chaos in the enemy camp because their coordination has broken down. Some Democrats and media talking heads (but I repeat myself) are still pushing the first official story (lets call it Narrative 3.1), while their fellow travelers have already switched to Narrative 4.0. Corporately, at least, the Democrat/Pop-Culture Machine is broadcasting cognitive dissonance throughout the land. Releasing the memo will end life as we know it; but at the same time the memo is insignificant and laughable.

The more I watch Dr. Corsi, the more I appreciate that there are still a few good men who love our country and hope to save it. Here he discusses Q Anon’s recent coded messages to the patriot community, and the significance of the Nunes memo.

There could yet be hope for America. My son may yet grow up in a free country.

The investigation leading to the FISA memo barely scratches the surface of the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more that the people need to find out, and hopefully they will.

It remains to be seen if the “Normies” are jarred out of their trance; if Trump’s counterattack is forthcoming; and if the perpetrators will finally suffer consequences.


You can view a scan of the document here.

Here’s a summary (because the document is in pseudo-legalese):

The Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, using shells or front companies, paid to have former a British spy and anti-Trump fanatic fabricate a story that would malign Trump’s character during the 2016 campaign. He put this disinformation material into a dossier, which was subsequently leaked to the press.

Two media organizations that spread the story were Yahoo and Mother Jones.

The corrupt, weaponized FBI and DOJ, controlled by Obamunist lackeys at the top levels, used the dossier, and the news coverage of it, to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to spy on American citizens, despite knowing who funded it and why. It appears likely that the FBI helped pay for the dossier (with our tax dollars).  Furthermore, the FISA warrant was renewed twice during and after the election.

The initial warrant, and subsequent renewals, were for the purpose of justifying a witch hunt against Trump and his campaign and administration (initially via Carter Page). The alleged reason for the witch hunt was “collusion” between Trump and “the Russians.” The ultimate goal was to ensure Trump would lose the election. After that failed, they (with their willing accomplices in the media) hoped they could use it to overturn the election. This was possibly part of the “insurance policy” spoken of by FBI bureaucrats in the 15% of private texts the FBI is not still hiding from Congressional oversight.

Among those involved in these crimes and abuses of power were Jim Comey; Andrew McCabe; Rod Rosenstein; Sally Yates; and Dana Boente. And, of course, they worked for Barack Hussein Obama.

This is the tip of the iceberg, but also part of the reason the traitors to our country were so desperate to keep this information from We the People. The most important immediate question is: Will Attorney-General Jeff Sessions have the guts now to do his job and bring these criminals to justice?