There are a whole lot of nagging questions inspired by the attempted assassination of Judge Roy Moore’s character. Maybe you’ve heard some of them:
Why so much interest in allegations with no supporting evidence; yet absolutely no interest in credible allegations with boocoup supporting evidence against left-wingers? (But we know the answer to that one, don’t we?)
Why can’t the Democrat/Media Machine seem to draft competent forgeries anymore?
After 40 years, what is finally motivating these accusers to participate in this witch trial? (Other than the fact that Moore had a good shot at winning a Senate seat, that is.)
Why are Establishment RINOs just as hell-bent on destroying Moore as is the Democrat/Media Machine, when it would weaken their hold on the Senate?
That last one is probably the key question, here. The answer is that they don’t want to have, or keep, control of the Senate.
The “Republicans” prefer to be the minority party, and pretend to oppose Democrat policies when they have excuses for failure.
“We can’t stop the Democrats without a majority in the House of Representatives.” (So we voted them into a majority.)
“Well, alright, we have the House. But it turns out, we can’t stop them without both houses of Congress.” (So we gave them the Senate, too.)
“Um, er…we do have a majority in Congress, now…but we can’t do our job unless we have Congress AND the presidency!” (And so we gave them that, too.)
Now they are completely out of excuses. These frauds got elected by promising to defund Obamacare, control immigration, give us Supreme Court Justices who will uphold the Constitution, and a whole bill of goods on top of that.
Now they’ve been given everything they asked for (just as they were under Bush II), and the jig is up. It’s become obvious they’re never going to make good on their promises. Folks like Judge Roy Moore must be destroyed, because they might actually do some of the things the Judas Goat GOP says it wants to do. Then what happens to the farcical political theater? Even coincidence theorists spoon-fed their cognitive dissonance by network news might break out of the trance at that point.
It’s not that our public servants can’t do their job because they’re incompetent boobs–it’s because they never intended to do their jobs in the first place. We foot the bill for their exorbitant salaries, lavish vacations and other substantial perks, but they don’t work for We the People. They serve a different master, and the real job of the GOP Establishment is not to represent us. Their real job description is controlled opposition to the Democrats. Read that “fake opposition.”
Protecting our borders and controlling immigration are part of national security–one of a few legitimate powers granted to the federal government, just so you know. Have you noticed how a single circuit court judge can overturn the will of the people and insist that our country be left at risk, after Trump tried to temporarily restrict immigration from terror-sponsoring countries? How easy it is to defy the law, and a President of the United States! Why do you suppose no circuit court judge blocked any of Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders? (They would have had the law on their side.) Hmm. Names and faces in Congress, excuses, and talking points may change, but no matter who allegedly is in charge, we keep getting screwed.
With all the dumbing-down of our population committed by government schools, the poison put in our food and water, and the psychological conditioning through television, plus massive election fraud, the controlled opposition (“Republicans”) were not supposed to break the Democrat stranglehold on policy-making. Now they’re in the embarrassing position of holding the reins, but still obligated to follow orders and keep the same agenda moving along. More and more Americans are seeing the scripted political theater in our country for what it is, and the lapdog media can no longer keep the curtain closed like it once could.
One problem with a man like Roy Moore is that he would make it more difficult to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in accordance with the trusty ol’ GOP Establishment playbook. Worse yet: a Moore victory in Alabama might inspire replacement of other RINOs by public servants who might actually try to represent us in Washington. They’ve probably got no actual dirt on Moore, and have tried to bribe him and failed; so they fear he can’t be controlled. Unless they can torpedo him and prevent other serious primary challenges, some of their own dirty dealings may come to light.
A more frightening prospect for their hidden masters is that renegades like Moore may actually pursue justice against the Clintons, Obama, Jarret, Holder, Mueller and other high-level accomplices. And that could give American taxpayers a glimpse at the actual power structure and what it’s actually doing to us.
Looks like Jeff Sessions is determined to let Clinton, Obama, and all their high-level minions skate free and escape justice. Is he just incompetent, or does it perfectly fit the pattern we’ve been seeing? The witch hunt against Trump continues despite lack of any evidence while the actual criminals are protected and their crimes covered up.
Mueller and Rosenstein were involved in the Uranium One deal along with Comey, Holder, and others, and yet Mueller is allowed to run the “investigation” on Russian collusion? This is far more blatant in-your-face a set up than the theatrical Ken Starr farce.
The majority of “Republicans” have no interest in undoing any of the damage done by the Democrats. An intelligent person has to wonder why.
Sessions is a fan of “civil asset forfeiture” which is the theft mentioned in the video. That alone should have disqualified him from serving as the ostensible leader of an organization ostensibly dedicated to justice. Trump has surrounded himself with enemies dedicated to his (and our) destruction.
Trump underestimated the spread of the Swamp, by orders of magnitude. He’s standing right in the middle of it while trusting enemy Swamp Creatures to help him drain it.
Looks like the Democrats are really getting desperate. A political ad in Virginia produced for the “Latino Victory Project” depicts a Republican voter in a pickup truck trying to run down (and by implication, murder) some minority children. The propagandists who made this were careful to display Gadsen Flag plates (in place of both front and rear license plates because, y’know, police in any state would totally let you drive around like that), a bumper sticker for the political candidate this ad was meant to demonize, and a Confederate Flag.
Just as the pickup traps the children against a fence, we are shown one of them waking up from a nightmare.
Message: unless you elect more Communists Democrats, this nightmare will come true.
Paid for by the Aryan Victory Project.
This is Joseph Goebbels level agitprop. Make the driver of the pickup truck a hook-nosed Jew and replace the minority kids with blond Aryan urchins, and this could have been played in theaters all across
National Socialist Germany.
More disgusting than the ad, perhaps, is the defense of it all across the Democrat/Media Machine.
With the bar now set so low, maybe it’s fair to say that anything goes. Plenty of concern trolls would object to the political ad scripted below, even though it is far more reality-based than the Virginia ad.
A pickup truck pulls into the parking lot, passing ACTIVISTS with multicolored hair and facial piercings holding up signs with slogans like “Trump is Hitler!” “If you vote Republican, you’re a Nazi!” and “Death to all Nazis!”
DAD looks worried by what he sees. His young SON sees the activists outside, and turns toward Dad.
Who are they? Why are they yelling at us?
Dad forces a smile of reassurance for Son, and parks the pickup.
Both truck doors open. Dad gets out on one side, and Son gets out on the other.
Dad, why did you take a day off work just so you could stand in line here?
You remember when I said the law was originally written to protect Americans, right? Well, we have to try to elect honest folks who will obey the law and protect our rights.
On the front door of the polling place, where three BLM THUGS with axe handles patrol back and forth in front of it.
Worried, Dad meets son in front of the truck and grabs his hand.
Stay close, Son.
A LOUD NOISE distracts both of them. The noise consists of horn-heavy MUSIC and lots of YELLING IN SPANISH. Dad and Son turn toward the source of the noise.
On a bus pulling into the parking lot. A Mexican Flag flies from the antenna. The bus stops, and 20 MEXICANS poor out, still yelling in Spanish and laughing. They wear bandanas, gold chains, and La Raza T-shirts. The DRIVER gets out, notices Dad and Son staring, and marches up to them.
What’s your problemo, mamon? What you looking at?
Dad tightens his grip on Son’s hand, stepping in front of the boy to shield him. He says nothing, but notices the Mexican flags on the bus and tatooed on several of the Mexicans strutting up to the polling place.
(mocking) Uh-oh. We just canceled out your vote, pendejo. What you gonna do about it?
Dad scowls, but remains silent. Son peeks out from behind his human shield and Driver leers at him.
Hey, Gringo-Boy. Your daddy can’t protect you. Tell him he needs to make way–this ain’t your country anymore.
Dad pulls Son behind him, away from Driver, past the BLM Thugs, into the polling station.
Dad and Son enter. Dad sees the Mexicans signing random names on the voter rolls and receiving ballots from the POLL WORKER, a middle-aged buzz-cut woman wearing a shirt that says “I get drunk on the tears of white cis-gendered males.”
Aren’t you supposed to check IDs?
What are you–a racist?
“Who’s country is this?”
“Who’s do you want it to be?”
“Vote ____________________ for Congress…while your vote still counts.”
Unless drastic course corrections are made, the republic known as the United States of America will cease to exist in the near future. There might still be a country with that name; it might still have a red, white, and blue flag and a bald eagle for its symbol; and certainly politicians will pay lip service to ideals like freedom. But living here will be an entirely different experience than what our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents enjoyed.
I offer the following parable as an analogy, to help get across the point I want to make:
Ike the Idealist learned about fighting in kindergarten. Not only did he learn how to do it, he learned about how not to do it. Basically, he learned that the only honorable way to fight was by Marquis de Queensbury rules. Kicking was cheating. Biting, scratching, and pulling hair were how girls did it, which was out-of-bounds. Eye-gouging was unheard of. And, of course, using a weapon was cowardly.
Through elementary, middle and high school, these rules were reinforced. Any time Ike had to fight, he did so honorably according to these mores. He considered any departure from this combat etiquette to be despicable.
Then one day, as an adult, Ike surprises some dirtbag in the process of stealing his car. Ike asks what’s going on, and the car thief replies by throwing his dent-puller, hitting Ike in the face, breaking his nose. Then the thief closes the distance between them. Ignoring Ike’s attempts at civilized discourse, he proceeds to beat Ike about the head. Eventually, Ike realizes that the thief can’t be reasoned with, and violence is in order. He assumes the classic pugilist’s pose and punches back.
The dirtbag knees him in the crotch, stomps on his foot, and pulls a knife. While Ike reels from the pain, and shock from such heinous disregard of the rules, the dirtbag stabs him repeatedly. Ike could have kicked the knife out of his hands, but kicking would violate his principles, so that was unthinkable. He peppers the dirtbag with jabs, hooks, and the occasional right cross.
Ike thought the fight should have been more like this.
The dirtbag tackles him and they both go down. Ike grabs the wrist of the hand gripping the knife, so he won’t be stabbed again. At one point that hand is right in front of his mouth, but Ike just can’t bring himself to violate his principles and bite it. Meanwhile, the dirtbag gouges out an eye with his thumb. Ike doesn’t know what to do, because grappling around like this is most undignified, and he just doesn’t want to engage in such distasteful behavior.
With sober, reasoned dialectic, he protests the dirtbag’s flagrant violation of Ike’s ideals. The thief slips on a pair of brass knuckles with his free hand and, between those and his elbow, breaks Ike’s jaw and knocks him out. He drives away in the car with barely a minor bruise or two, leaving Ike bleeding out in the street, half blind, with multiple injuries. Most likely, Ike will die right where he lays.
But at least Ike the Idealist can take comfort in the fact that he never sank to the enemy’s level.
I started confronting this dilemma after the election of President Trump when he promised to use Executive Orders to undo some of Obama’s damage. The Executive Order has been abused, beginning in earnest with the Clinton Administration. Obama used it to the point that the USA became a de facto monarchy. All legislation is supposed to originate in the House of Representatives. That is part of the law that all elected officials swear to uphold and abide by. By principle, Trump should not use this dictatorial outflanking tactic to reverse Obama’s illegal actions against our country.
It’s the job of Congress to chop down these treasonous hedgerows. But of course Congress has proven repeatedly that it will not do its job. Make themselves rich at our expense? Yes. Help unelected bureaucrats destroy our country while arranging golden parachutes for themselves? Yes. Do their job? You must be a crackpot for even asking.
That’s why I didn’t protest Trump’s use of Executive Orders to bypass the obstruction of the Deep State and plug some of the holes the last four Administrations drilled through the bottom of the boat.
In America of the current year, the full half of the glass is that the left’s stranglehold on the flow of information is slipping. Millions of people are aware of the globalist Deep State actively working to destroy the republic. They are aware of the utter corruption of the lapdog (“mainstream”) media, Hollywood, the music industry, etc. And a significant portion of those people are not happy about the betrayals and deception we’ve suffered for generations at the hands of those whores and traitors.
But instead of embracing the fundamentals that made our republic the most prosperous country in history, with unprecedented individual liberty, the wakening masses are instead seeking the answer by fetishizing “muh Westurn Civilizayshun,” and embracing identity politics. It’s truly disturbing how fast middle America seems to be becoming as race-obsessed as the minority subcultures have been since the 1960s.
If our public servants in government would just do what we pay them for, most of our problems would rapidly fade. But, as a rule, they’re not going to do anything that will slow our descent into a 3rd world police state. We’ve let a ruling class take power who see us as their subjects, and will break or ignore the laws they swore to uphold in the maniacal quest to accumulate more wealth, control, and power for themselves. They’ve infiltrated both parties and turned them into enemies of our freedom. We can’t vote them out because there are so few true alternatives, and there are so many people voting who approve of what they’re doing. Just a few more years of unchecked immigration, and the America-hating Marxists will have every election sewn up for however long elections are still held here. Evidently, even President Trump doesn’t have the guts to stop the invasion and send enough invaders back home to keep this from happening. If the wall ever does get built, it will be too little, too late.
They’re stealing our car. They’ve backstabbed us multiple times and gouged out our eye. And mainstream “conservatives” (whatever that means) are fighting back by drafting statements of support for the police and military. Wow–congratulations. That might have been a courageous stance to take during Vietnam (half a century ago).
If the people would rise up against the traitors and put them out of office, by whatever means necessary, it’s possible we could clean house, drain the swamp, and restore some of what we’ve lost. But that’s not going to happen, either. The government schools have done their job in spreading ignorance. And where ignorance runs out, apathy takes over.
That’s not to say civil war (or revolution, depending on how sloppy your semantics are) isn’t coming, because it is. But a significant component of the bloodshed to come will be racially motivated. Race will be the idol of every side. Preserving or restoring a representative government designed to protect individual rights will not be a priority for anyone with a voice loud enough to be heard. Look around–it’s already not. Attempts to educate simply inspire mockery from the bovine, low-IQ lemmings who surround us.
When the war comes, there is no fence you can safely sit on. We’ll have to pick sides. You can bet that I, for one, will not align with the Globo-Homo Hive Mind. But who does that leave me for allies? Generally, guys who have forgotten how to perceive anything beyond “muh Magic DNA.”
It shouldn’t be this way. It didn’t have to be this way. But it is.
Neither me, nor any other American idealist, can shout loud enough to derail this suicidal zeitgeist. So what do we do?
Some people believe the Income Tax is unconstitutional (hence illegal). Most of them pay it anyway. Some of us recognize random roadside “papers, please” checkpoints by law enforcement to be a violation of our rights (rights that law enforcement officers swear an oath to protect). But if you need to keep your job, don’t want to go to jail and be railroaded by the weaponized “justice” system, you grit your teeth and play the game.
Increasingly, I have to swallow ideals simply to provide for my family and retain what personal freedom I still have. Does that make me a hypocrite, or merely a pragmatist? Inside, I still cherish my ideals, and lament their abandonment. But who cares?
Nobody who matters. (Or, at least, not enough people who matter.)
When it comes to swallowing ideals, I suspect we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
I don’t want to associate with folks who blame Jews for everything wrong in the world, or value skin color over content of character. But what choice do I have in the conflict taking shape around us? Demographic groupings which are already consumed by identity politics, and already consider me their enemy–that’s who. Demographic groupings which are 80-95% sold out to anti-American causes (and BTW: what choices do the 5-20% outliers of those demographics have, in the brewing conflict?). Demographic hive minds which only care about what they believe will advance their collective interests. Their “radicals” are already demonstrating their willingness to rape and murder. Their “moderates” have no problem cheating and stealing. Their “liberals” are already in the habit of lying to advance the agenda they think will shepherd them to Utopia.
That’s how it stands now. How much worse will it be when bullets are flying and they face the threat of starvation or true oppression?
How important will my ideals seem when my choice is to be shot on sight by that side, or perhaps survive another day by holding the line with the side that shoots them on sight?
No, it’s not that bad.
But we’re fast running out of options for a peaceful solution.
If I was a Five-Star Admiral in World War II, there’s a good chance I would be bent out of shape about all the losses suffered at Pearl Harbor. But as much as I wished I still had those ships and sailors, I would have to accept reality. And my strategic planning would have to reflect that reality. The debacle at Pearl Harbor could have been avoided in a dozen different ways. But it wasn’t. And lamenting it would not restore my Pacific Fleet to what it was before.
That’s where American idealists are right now. We’ll have to set our course according to the reality we face, and not dwell on what we’ve lost and how avoidable it was, if only _________ or __________ or __________. Frankly, I don’t know how successful I’ll be at this from day to day.
…Into an internecine squabble amongst the “Alt-Right.”
I’m way behind on everything. There are several overdue reviews I need to post, articles I need to write, books I need to read…not to mention all of my own projects on the backburner. But this development is significant enough that I’m gonna report on it now instead of trying to catch up.
Myself and others have been pointing out for years that we are in a cold civil war, with those who would destroy America (and their legions of useful idiots) on one side, and patriots, members of the Dissident Right, and the “Alternative Right” on the other. This cold war has not turned hot yet because, frankly, we are still too comfortable–even though the diseased system is in obvious decline.
But just when the voting base that put Trump in the White House should be unified, and reminding him of why we sent him there, we are rapidly becoming consumed with infighting instead.
First of all, the most obnoxious of the white tribalists in the “Alt-Right” finally became so annoying with their vain Racial Purity Diatribes and their Jewish Boogeyman Tropes, that even Vox Day grew irritated with them. For the last few years, Day and his followers have been preaching against ideology-based right-wing politics in favor of identity politics (in other words: “throw out that thar lame-ass Constitution and all them thar losers whut cling to it, ’cause all we need is muh white heritage ‘n’ muh Western Civiluzayshun”).
So far as that went, it was a promising development. National Socialists are not right-wing and never have been, and behold, Vox admitted as much.
The Neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups are composed of angry white nerds who couldn’t find an outlet for their frustrations in gaming, skateboarding, or vampire cosplay, who are not exactly intellectual giants (those who aren’t actually leftist moles role-playing, that is). So when Vox Day called BS on them, they summoned what cognitive acumen they could pool to strike back.
They called him names.
Here’s where the positive development nosedives into Sewerville, because it was on Gab that they desperately slung their poo at him.
Unlike nearly all social media, Gab is a place where free speech is actually welcomed and encouraged. Specifically, it is an alternative to Twitter. I don’t have much time for any social media, but have enjoyed my Gab experience to date. I try not to follow back idiots, trolls, leftists (forgive the redundancy) or Alt-Retard Stormfront blowhards. So I read news links frequently, post occasionally, live and let live. Identity politics still aggravate me, and I don’t get along with those who blame the Jews for every problem under the sun, up to and including the condition of their parents’ basements. But they are free to spout their sophomoric rhetoric on Gab, just as the leftards spew their sophomoric America-hate and anti-male, anti-white rhetoric on Twatter, Faceborg, and everywhere else, blaming “racist” America for every problem under the sun, up to and including the condition of their parents’ basements. I don’t have to read their posts, and they don’t have to read mine.
Vox Day has been called names before. Just since I’ve become aware of him, I’ve seen a lot of that–and I’m certain that’s just a drop in the bucket. But for whatever reason, he decided that the accusation of pedophilia by some of these moronic cowards required legal countermeasures. He wanted the names of his accusers. Despite Vox Day being an ally and supporter, Gab did not cooperate. They not only refused to moderate the threads in question, but at some point decided to take/make the whole affair personal, as well.
Now Vox Day (AKA Theodore Beale) comes from money, and like many individuals raised with wealth, he can be a pompous ass at times. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he was arrogant with the Gab staff when making his demands. But it seems Gab responded in the worst possible way, insulting him, belittling his complaints, etc.
Day may or may not live up to his own estimation of his evil genius, but he does have a network. That network is comprised of competent men from many professions who can (and have) get stuff done for him. Some of those professionals are lawyers.
Both Day and Gab founder Andrew Torba are adamant that the law is on their side. Both can’t be right. But pride can cause even the most intelligent men to underestimate their opponents, overestimate themselves, and act a fool. I’m not an expert in the law, so I don’t know who is right, here. Neither can I predict who will prevail in the pending legal battle. What I can say is, the only people who will benefit from this internecine warfare are the enemies of both Torba and Day.
Meanwhile, Gab has chosen this time to take on the Goolag monopoly. Vox Day is doing the Google lawyers’ work for them by gathering and posting evidence of Gab’s moderation (or lack thereof), while Torba seems to believe it’s a contest to prove he is more of an alpha male than Day is.
The comment threads at Vox Popoli are populated by a few folks so savvy and perceptive I wish there were “like” buttons; some obvious and pathetic leftist trolls; and a whole lot of folks who are little more than denizens of a cult of personality. You would think the Gabbers who naturally support Torba in this conflict would be more inclined toward independent thought, on average.
You would be disappointed.
In junior high and high school, arguments were almost never won by using facts or logic, but by coming up with insults against your adversary to cause the inevitable crowd of onlookers to ooh, ahh, laugh or jeer. I’m sad to observe that little has changed since then. Gabbers are taking this opportunity to trash talk and launch ad hominem attacks against Day, as if ridiculing everything they think they know about him proves that he will lose this battle. Of course the “Dread Ilk” and VFM (Vox’s “Vile, Faceless minions”) are also trash-talking as if the matter will be decided by bluster alone…but that’s to be expected from them.
And while this was going on, two much-needed debates took place: Vox Day against, in turn, Greg Johnson and someone claiming to be Andrew Anglin, arguing whether or not the National Socialists belong in the “Alt-Right,” or anywhere on the right at all.
They don’t, which is easily proven.
The cultural svengalis have spent 70+ years brainwashing people on every side that the Nazis, Fascists, and other collectivist movements (sometimes even including Stalin’s USSR!) were/are from the right, so this is a worthwhile debate. And Vox Day is a sharp enough speaker to punch holes through the typical assumptions, even when he refuses to use some of the relevant arguments in the arsenal of info at his disposal.
Neither Johnson nor Anglin had much in the way of an argument, it turns out, though Johnson’s slick rhetoric likely had some goose-stepping halfwits mesmerized for a while. Anglin’s “argument” consisted mainly of asking Day questions and immediately interrupting before he could answer; to declare his ignorance as to the purpose of the debate; to blame “hook-nosed Jews” for all the evil in world history; to whine about personal attacks; and to make personal attacks of his own (for which there was no retaliation). To his credit, Vox Day tried to stay on topic. For whatever reason, I don’t think he was as effective as he could have been, but even by presenting only minimal evidence, he won easily.
However, when both Anglin and Day were finished, the host was absent, so they continued talking. Having abandoned the subject of the debate, Anglin proceeded to ask Day questions about the legal conflict with Gab. Anglin brought up the point that Day had, in the past, advised his followers to answer defamatory rhetoric in kind (his “punch back twice as hard” philosophy, which I believe is a good one in today’s political climate). In fact, Day had once advised them to call someone a pedophile in certain circumstances. In between the ceaseless interruptions, Day attempted to admit that he now understood that to be wrong, and bad advice. But in any event, just before the host reappeared to close the show, Day said, “I may be a hypocrite. You can accuse me of hypocrisy, but that doesn’t change anything.”
I haven’t attempted to comment on these forums for quite a while, but one person made the observation that I would have made: that of everything said during the entire recording, that last statement by Vox Day would be the only remark the Alt-Retards would repeat or remember. That one statement would comprise their entire summary, and it would replace the debate itself in their narrative.
Sure enough: I witnessed that exact prophecy fulfilled in the days following. With all the reasoning quotient of a Common-Core-educated 6th Grader, the trash-talking armchair pundits have conclusively proved that the Stealth-Left (#FakeRight) LARPing socialists are a legitimate part of the right-wing, because Vox Day admitted to hypocrisy regarding a separate issue.
Several Gabbers who support Andrew Torba and Gab (an admirable motivation, separate from the means) have dogpiled on, assuming not only that the statement caused Anglin to win the debate (which concluded before the statement was made), but that Vox Day’s “loss” of the debate somehow guarantees that Torba will prevail in the impending legal conflict.
It was thanks to Vox Day that I learned about the Aristotlian concept of rhetoric, and the fallacy of using dialectic when debating with those for whom emotion trumps reason. This helped me understand my frustrating history of futile arguments with halfwits, midwits and dimwits. I also peruse his blog regularly. That is not to say I agree with him on everything, or even most things. But I do have a fairly good grasp on his personality. He would undoubtedly deny that his strategy has backfired on him, but it’s hard to deny that some of his own tactics are being used against him.
As for Torba, I’d love to see him win against Goolag, and Twatter. And I’d like to see more social media rise up to challenge the ones controlled by the SJW hive mind. This squabble between allies is unfortunate at best, and I wish the parties involved would just drop it. But judging by the egos engaged, that’s just not going to happen. It’s becoming one more obstacle to ever winning the culture back.
There is no “alt-left.” There is just the same old left wing we’ve had for over a century. There is no need for an alternative left because Marxists/cultural Marxists, Democrats, “liberals,” progressives, feminists, etc., don’t target those on their own side with friendly fire.
(Unlike the right wing, where RINOs, NeoCons and others supposedly on our side habitually backstab those who won’t compromise away our principles, and where leftist moles masquerade as right-wingers.)
Here’s a refresher:
And then, here’s a representation of the non-revisionist model:
The actual left-right paradigm is quite different from what you were probably taught.
One point he can’t resist making is that there is a threat to our electoral system and it has nothing to do with Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s from the crooks pushing the Russia narrative, the Democrats.
In other words: not the Russians, but the Communists.
Just like the polls showing Hillary leading by 12 points, the claims that she won the popular vote were suspect from the start.
Alex Jones interviews Mike Cernovich, who reports that Trump is about to fall via frame-up if he doesn’t act fast.
I don’t know that much about the minutia of everyday details at the White House, but I did wish Trump had fired all the Deep State operatives on Day One.
Certain voices have been calling for his impeachment since before he even took office. Once he is completely surrounded by backstabbers, all that is needed is the manufacture of some sort of new scandal to take him down, if Cernovich is right.
Because we have let the leftist long march through our institutions (public and private) go unchecked for so long, now that some on the right seem finally ready to push back, the irony and absurdity in our culture has been stripped naked for most to see.
Of those actions Trump has taken that would benefit Americans, the most momentous are being obstructed by Marxists who swore to uphold the law, but do so selectively at best. And, of course, they ignore the rights of American citizens they are paid to protect, in order to champion the causes of foreign interests they obviously consider more important.
This surprises nobody who’s been paying attention. Same with the Soros-backed crybullies who call themselves “anti-fascist” while demanding absolute conformity of thought and speech, and cold-cocking, pepper spraying, or throwing bottles at anyone with the audacity to debunk their Narrative.
From speech, to state-controlled compulsory indoctrination, to state-controlled industry, to progressive, graduated income tax, to civilian disarmament, these “anti-fascists” are in ideological lockstep with Mussolini’s blackshirts (and Hitler’s brownshirts too, in case you were wondering), but are too ignorant to realize it and too fanatically Dunning-Krugered to ever honestly examine the pertinent facts. (They even dress like Il Duce’s goons.)
It’s no big chore to identify leftist hypocrisy in any arena, so I’ll skip over most of those to the post-Obama riots that seem to be the new fad.
Even before the election, rabid SJW mobs incited violence with impunity at pro-Trump rallies, and successfully blamed their victims, with the collusion of the lapdog media. But now, for the first time in their cancerous existence, these pampered, privileged, entitled cowards are encountering significant resistance.
Their outrage is as delicious as their ineptitude. Now that they’re getting their asses kicked on the streets, what can they do? Scream “fascist!” and “racist!” and “Nazi!”even louder and more often? Ooh, ouchy. We’ve never had to weather such a devastating onslaught before. Guess we’ll have to surrender.
Actually, what they’ll do is rely on Soros and their other sugar daddies to exert pressure, via the politicians and courts, to rig the system even worse than they already have, eradicating the 1st Amendment at gunpoint.
If we let them.
In places like Berkley it’s already plain to see the police have been weaponized to do the left’s bidding via the typical selective enforcement of the law, “making examples” of those who defend themselves while ignoring the crimes of the provocateurs who instigate the violence.
This absurd theater is wonderfully personified by the commie skank porn actress who bragged on social media what a badass she is and all the scalps she would take at Berkeley. But to paraphrase Apollo Creed’s corner man, her would-be victims didn’t know it was a show; they thought it was a fight. At least, one of them did.
Moldilocks has obviously watched too many action movies (as has everyone who thinks women in combat is a good idea), assuming the pixie-fu fighting skills she inherited by osmosis from the Great Social Justice Spirit would allow her to vanquish any puny male who got in her way, because vagina.
The meme material she provided us is rich and deep. Her heroic quest for equality ended upon her first taste of a knuckle sandwich, and she quickly fell back on her true Grrrrl Power. That’s right: she concocted a narrative to make herself sound like an innocent victim of rabid male aggression, assuming white knights both inside government and out will come rushing in from all directions to protect her from the consequences of her actions and punish the man who took her pretensions of equality at face value. A woman’s true inherent superpower is the ability to get men to fight her battles–even when her war is against men in general.
If you run into an SJW going forward, remember to analyze how they compare with Fascists/Nazis on major policies like speech, “gun control,” public education, taxes, state regulation of businesses, etc. Because, as they are so insistently informing us, unprovoked violent attacks are perfectly acceptable as long as you define the victim as a “Nazi.”
“And anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist!”
The recent escalation in organized violence has led some to finally realize that the United States of America is in a Cold Civil War. Just as the Cold War never resulted in an atomic Holocaust with the Soviets, so this Civil War may never turn hot. But that’s an extremely optimistic assumption. Prepare yourselves accordingly.
Comic book fans are among the most loyal fans. Few things run them off of their favorite books. For some reason, Marvel decided to do three of the most likely things to cost them fans: remove their favorite characters, tarnish the histories of those characters, and insult the fans who complained. The latter proved most insidious because the insults accused fans of racism, sexism, homophobia, and bizarrely resorted to stereotypes about comic book fans.
As Marvel did this, their new politically correct fan base proved not to be fans at all. As Marvel published book after pandering book, the books enjoyed initial high or good sales only to drop most of their audience within the first quarter. The prime example of this is the recent Black Panther book, which lost 70% of its audience in one month.
As far as I’m concerned, they have permanently lost me as a reader. Both DC and Marvel have gone too far off the deep end to ever get me back. They may dial it down a little bit for a while but I don’t believe for a second that they’re going to abandon trying to push The Narrative.
Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World