Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Ding, Dong, the Fraud is Gone!

Pray tell what fraud?

The Muslim fraud.

Ding, dong, the Muslim fraud is gone!

He’ll take Jimmy Carter’s role

More apology tours on the public dole

But let’s make our country great again,

And bring those jobs back!


Now he can’t worry ya.

Send the candidate back to Manchuria.

Worship Allah and Karl Marx

You fart-blocking weasel!


Ding, dong, and adios!

He’s coming out? Well that’s just gross.

Ding, dong, the queer impostor’s gone…

Keeping Trump Honest

Hopefully, with Trump’s underdog upset victory, his constituents will not go back to sleep assuming that all will be sunshine and puppies forever, now. The man made some promises that convinced us to vote for him, and he needs to keep them regardless of what political “experts” advise.

In most cases he would (and should) need the cooperation of Congress to make all this happen, Constitutionally. But he has a “Republican” Congress, so there are no excuses.


Secure all our borders, immediately. Not only our future as a country, but the possibility of reelection (usually the most important consideration for a politician) depend on this.  Those who oppose this don’t support you anyway, Donald.


Until a sane vetting process is worked out, abso-friggin-lutely don’t allow ANY more “religion of peace” practicioners into our country. The people who will pitch a fit about this hate America and hate you, anyway, Donald.


The initial consequences of this unConstitutional fiasco are just now beginning to show themselves. The worst of it was conveniently timed to commence after Hussein’s occupation of the White House ended. Shut it down right now. Don’t replace it–just repeal it, period. American medicine was the envy of the world before government began tampering in it. America was once great. How to make her great again is not that difficult to figure out. Those who will cry about this already hate you, Donald.


If you want to bring jobs back to America, President Trump, our strangled industrial infrastructure needs to be resurrected. That means the red tape quagmire and draconian tax policies, which make the USA a hostile environment for production of any kind, need to be wiped off the board. Those who would oppose making the market free again will never, ever support you anyway, Donald.


Don’t renegoiate it. End it, period. End all past, present, and future trade deals that hurt us. Those who oppose this would never support you anyway, Donald.

Those are just a few of the big ones. But to truly make America great again, a lot more is needed, including:


And I mean a real investigation this time. Appoint a special prosecutor (or have Congress do it) who is not in the Clinton Mafia’s pocket, and who doesn’t answer to somebody in their pocket. And when criminal activity is revealed (AGAIN), don’t treat them different from anyone else found guilty of the same crimes.

Even without the satanism and child trafficking in her entourage, the woman compromised the security of the United States for personal gain.

People who want to keep the double standard were never gonna support you anyway, Donald.


It’s not nearly enough to patch holes in a boat after a bunch of water has already flooded in. Our ship is sinking. We are under no obligation to people who broke our laws to get here. Kick them out now, regardless of what anecdotal sob stories the America-haters come up with. No other country puts up with this suicidal nonsense, nor should we.

And since their respective native paradises are so superior to oppressive old racist America, then we’re doing them a favor by encouraging their repatriation. They don’t have to transform us into what they escaped from, but can just live the dream right where they belong. Everybody wins.

The invaders were never going to vote for you Donald, at least back in their own country they can’t vote for the Democrats, either.


For instance, we give billions to Red China as foreign aid, then borrow it back from them at interest, adding to our colossal debt. Nobody has even attempted to justify this insanity, because nobody can. The closest anyone has ever come is to say, “XXX billion dollars isn’t really that much money.”

Our public servants in all three branches of government have been putting America’s interests behind the interests of every other country we deal with. The people who will be angered by putting America first would never support you anyway, Donald.


The response to every crisis in the last 20 years has been to trample all over the rights of law-abiding American citizens, all in the name of security (while simultaneously allowing untold hordes of murderers and terrorists in through our wide-open borders).

Those who will oppose reversing this miscarriage of justice are no fans of yours anyway, Donald.


We’ve got more than enough oil resources to be completely self-sufficient, but our domestic enemies want to keep us dependent on the oil of our foreign enemies. They’re never going to support you anyway, Donald.


We managed to win despite it this time, but if our voter turnout had been much less, the Democrats would have stolen the election. They’re gonna keep doing this as long as it goes on unchecked and unpunished. The perpetrators need to go to prison and never be trusted in the election process again.

I know I missed some, but this is a start. And aside from mass deportation, I didn’t mention any of the really radical, super-controversial steps to restoration that should be taken.

America can’t become great again without taking these actions. How about it, President Trump?

Tuesday 11/8/16 is America’s Last Chance

And it’s an uphill fight, all the way. Not even counting the unprecedented, massive election fraud already proven to be taking place across the USA, over half the population is either completely brainwashed by the cultural svengalis of the media-entertainment-education axis, or have already sold their souls for their entitlement check. Or both.

Hillary Clinton has always put her own interests above the interests of the people she is supposed to serve, and her rap sheet of criminal conduct is longer than any comic book supervillain’s. She has brazenly jeopardized the security of this country, and put all of us at risk from America’s enemies. She has enriched herself partially by a back-room deal that put America’s strategic resources in the arsenal of Russia. She seems hell-bent on continuing Obama’s policy of provoking a war with those same Russians, which nobody has justified according to US interests, all while making our national defense weaker. And now, despite the cover-up perpetrated by the lapdog media (including Fox), there is an avalanche of evidence that Hillary, her traitor husband, her Muslim mole assistant, and who-knows-how-many-others, are pedophiles involved in child trafficking and outright satanism.

libertyaghastAnd yet, polls suggest she has anywhere from 40-48% support of registered voters.

Are these new revelations about her monstrous corruption a last warning from God to our nation? I can’t help wondering if He is bringing these hidden, disgusting abominations to light right before the election so that we can glimpse the extent of the evil cancer strangling our country, be forced to recognize that this evil exists, and make our choice Tuesday armed with that knowledge. In other words,, the willfully ignorant will have no more excuse.

We’ve made a point, at Virtual Pulp, not to get overly racial–blaming entire gene pools for the actions of individuals who happen to share some of their DNA. But trends are glaringly obvious and, with the fate of my country and the future of my family at stake, there are some facts that need to be shared.

Why is this our very last chance to turn the country around (if it’s not too late already)? This video thoroughly illustrates one reason that requires no belief in spiritual warfare or the supernatural.

No matter how much Donald Trump’s personality may irritate you; no matter how offended you may be about vulgar remarks he made 11 years ago; no matter how many women the DNC bribes to come forward to accuse him of behavior almost as bad as Bill Clinton’s; no matter how many other scandals the elites are able to concoct, on whatever scale, to make Trump look like a scumbag; Trump is the only candidate who MIGHT honestly try to steer us away from the cliff.

That’s right: the United States of America is speeding toward a cliff. Your trust in the proven liars in mass media, and your obsession with bread and circuses, will not halt the steamroller of reality. The joke will be on you, and it won’t be funny at all from where you sit. It’s rather amazing that the house of cards hasn’t already fallen.

This isn’t a case of just suffering some “liberal” policies if this criminal scum retains is given the reins of power. It’s not just a matter of gridlock because a sitting president is under indictment (and with Hillary in the White House, you can fully expect all investigations to evaporate as investigators mysteriously change their mind or commit suicide). It’s a matter of national survival–economic devastation like we’ve never seen; possibly WWIII triggered in Syria or Ukraine; a possible civil war at home; and “ethnic cleansing” by every side in a racial battleground that extends from sea to shining sea. And, of course, more loss of personal freedoms.


How much more are you willing to give up? There comes a point when you surrender enough of your rights that there’s nothing you can do to keep them from taking all of them, by force if necessary.

And, as explained in the video, if our suicidal open borders policy isn’t stopped RIGHT NOW, your vote will never matter again. We’ve let it get that far.

Again, it may already be too late. But if we the people don’t instigate a change of course Tuesday, it is guaranteed we will never get another chance. With all the massive, widespread election fraud, we can’t afford for one single person who loves America to miss getting to the polls.

Election Fraud in Key Battleground State

It’s happening all over, and looks like it will make 2012’s election look legitimate by comparison.

This report is about Broward County in Florida, and is not the usual fraud involving dead voters, serial voters and illegal aliens voting. This is election officials taking the matter into their own hands to ensure Hillary Clinton is installed in the White House.

Mike Cernovich, who moonlights as an investigative reporter, has a link to the relevant affidavit.

How Important Is Freedom?


obama2ndcomingIt’s old news now, but the mainstream media used terms like “messiah” and “savior” when Barrack Hussein Obama came up out of the abyss to be installed into the White House.

There are more people now than ever who are beginning to understand that the mainstream media is utterly corrupt, and nothing more than the propaganda ministry of the Democrat Party (plus the globalist elites who pull the strings of our elected “representatives”obamanewhope from both parties). The press spends more time and effort suppressing news than reporting it. And yet, perhaps 40% of the population in North America believes whatever the MSM tells them to believe.

Obedient to that lapdog media, certain demographics have worshiped Obama since they first were informed of his existence in 2008. Enthusiasm has waned overall since his carefully orchestrated meteoric rise, but the left still irrationally defends anything and everything Hussein does. obamagodkingWhen he betrays our country, gives aid and comfort to our enemies, abuses power, and defies the law he swore to uphold, they have ways to rationalize all of it. Their rationalizations are various levels of ridiculous, but when Hussein is in conflict with the law, they determine the law to be wrong, every time.

The lapdog media is hardly the only culprit. The narrative-spinners of Hollywood do their part to program the leftist hive mind, too.

If you think Gwyneth Paltrow’s fawning over this fraud is sickening, just listen to this ignorance in action:

As pathetic and stupid as Chris Rock’s comments are, Jamie Fox, in a horrific moment of transparency at the Soul Train Awards, reveals what is really going on in the hive mind. Notice how the crowd reacts to what he says:

Obviously, this contempt for our country and its laws, and deification of a shady, entitled, deadbeat fraud lacking the qualifications to run for mosquito control czar in Buttwater, Illinois, has trickled down into the ovine intellects of the useful idiots occupying our major population centers.

But now, as an alternative, we have…


As perverse and disgusting as the willful ignorance of the left is, is it any trumpnapoleonbetter in the “alt right” countermovement?

The law of the land is the Constitution of the United States of America. Both elected and unelected officials are still required to take an oath to uphold it. It is the very authority for their respective offices, in fact.

Whereas leftists destroy rule of law by reinterpreting it away to suit their own agenda(s), the “alt right” are openly trumpgodkingcontemptuous of it and anyone who respects it. “It’s (the current year) you losers! Freedom is for un-hip midwits; muh white tribalism is all that matters!”

(At least the “alt right” is honest about their contempt for individual liberty. True to their nature, leftists try to hide their totalitarian aspirations behind language designed to sell it as the opposite of what it actually is.)

Since they openly despise individual, unalienable rights; the rule of law; separation of powers; a representative government and all the other blessings we inherited as citizens of the USA…what would they replace it with?god-emperor?

They would have a “god-king” instead. Browse around in the “alt right” spectrum of the web, and you can’t help but run into this utopian pining after a god-emporer.


There once was an attractive young woman who considered herself a special snowflake. While flirting with a rich man, she was asked what it would take for her to go to bed with him.

Would flattery get her into bed?

“Absolutely not.”

How about flowers, gifts, and other romantic gestures?

“No. I’m too smart to be manipulated.”

How about a lifetime commitment and promises of eternal faithfulness?

“I’m afraid that’s not enough, by itself.”

How about a million bucks in cash?

The woman’s eyes flashed, as she thought about what she could do with that money. She’d be set for the rest of her life and never have to work again. She could eat and live however she wanted and spoil herself with the finest things, all for giving this rich dude a few minutes of pleasure. A few hours, tops.

“Why? Do you have a million you’re willing to give me?”

“Hold that thought,” says the rich man. “Now that we’ve determined what you are, we can negotiate price.”

Both the left and the “alt right” want a dictator. So far their main point of contention is mostly superficial: what should their desired god-emperor look like? Do they want one who promises a globalist, or nationalist, utopia? Etc. (That last one, by the way, is the essential difference between a Communist  and a Nazi.)

Now that we know what they are, all that remains is to negotiate all those superficial details, until a god-dictator is presented who can unite them into one ovine serfdom.

Strangely enough, we were warned about 2,000 years ago that just such a god-emperor is coming.

…The whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, and all who dwell on earth will worship it…

Revelation 13:3-8

Why Obama Needs More Foreign Criminals on Our Streets PDQ

Obama released 19,000 criminal illegals to the streets of America.

In a meeting with Trump, ICE officials informed the nominee why the Obama/Clinton mafia is desperate to flood the country with even more undocumented Democrats. Watch the brief video.

Combined with the rigged voting machines, dead/serial voters, and corrupt vote counters, it should give Hillary a lock on the White House.

No surprise, here.

More evidence That FBI are Stooges of the Clinton Mafia

Remember that one crime (from a long list of Clinton scandals) was that the Clinton Administration in the 1990s illegally collected FBI files on their political opposition  (the blackmail factor helps explain why the Clintons never were taken to task for any of their high crimes and treason–the Monica Lewinski episode was just a smokescreen which distracted the public from the far more serious crimes while providing the illusion that the media wasn’t covering up for the Clinton Machine). Abuse of power on this scale dwarfs anything Nixon ever did, but would only be “wrong” if a Republican was guilty of it.

Well, we already knew Comey and Lynch are in the tank for Hillary, anyway. The video below is just more evidence.

Looks like the Hillary campaign better come up with some more mud to sling at Trump, quick. Maybe they can find a Millennial to come forward and say, “He shook me when I was a baby!”

Never Fear! The Democrats Will Investigate Themselves

Gee, I wonder what the verdict will be?

A hidden-camera video by a conservative group purports to show Hillary Clinton campaign staffers in West Palm Beach making light of sexual assault and condoning the destruction of Republican voter registration forms.

…The West Palm Beach video has been viewed more than 1 million times since it was posted Wednesday on YouTube. It was shot by an undercover activist who worked briefly out of a Democratic coordinated campaign office.

…In one clip from the Project Veritas video, a Democratic campaign staffer sitting in a restaurant with others says: “I think that the bar of, like, acceptable conduct on this campaign is pretty, pretty low…In order for me to be fired I’d probably have to grab Emma’s ass like twice.”

In another clip, the undercover worker tells a supervisor that he ripped up three “ballots” — apparently meaning voter registration forms — that had been submitted by Donald Trump supporters.

“So we’re OK with that?” the undercover plant says.

“Yeah,” says the supervisor, who later says he won’t report it. “As long as you don’t make it a habit.”


Granted: this sounds like a setup (which the MSM would consider perfectly kosher if the roles were reversed), but it gives you an idea of the integrity of those entrusted with the political process in 2016.


There once was a time when, no matter how much each side wanted their guy to win, they still wanted the process to be fair and honest, and would accept “the will of the people.” At least I’ve heard it was that way, once. The Democrat election fraud has been painfully obvious for the last couple election cycles, despite the cover-up efforts of the “mainstream” (left-wing) media. But it’s not enough that they flood the polls with fraudulent ballots–they also see nothing wrong with destroying the legitimate ballots of Trump supporters,

(Remember, in recent elections, how pallet loads of military absentee ballots from overseas have been intentionally misplaced until it’s too late for them to be counted?)

The ironic part is that the most blatantly offending side is the one with the least need for such desperate chicanery. Whether fast (the Democrats) or slow (the RINOs), America is driving over the cliff. Either way, they get what they want: America destroyed.

Just In Case there Was Any Doubt…

…That the next debate would be moderated as fair and impartially as the first one, it turns out that Anderson One-Of-My-Hairs-Turns-White-Every-40-Lies-I-Tell-On-TV Cooper will moderate the second.

Sit back and relax in the confidence that this paragon of journalistic integrity determines which candidate is asked what question.

If you don’t feel up to spending 90 minutes watching another tedious Hillary Soundbite Fest, here’s a summary, in advance, of how it will go:

IMPARTIAL NON-PARTISAN MODERATOR: Mr. Trump, the experts agree that you are the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Do your extremist views on immigration derive more from your hatred of minorities, or your plan to start a nuclear war?

TRUMP: Let me start off by saying that minoritiess really, really love me. (Sniff.)  And I run a wonderful, wonderful company that makes lots and lots of money. (Sniff.) And I never threatened to nuke anyone who didn’t make rude gestures.

IMPARTIAL NON-PARTISAN MODERATOR: Secretary Clinton, I’ve got a real hardball for you. Would you say Mr. Trump is unfit to be president more because he is a psychotic Nazi, or because he’s a dehumanizing hater of all women?

HILLARY: (chuckles) Well, that is a tough one. But a president has to be prepared to answer tough questions, and I’ve been preparing .  So let me say, right off, that Donald probably isn’t as rich as he says he is. Secondly, however rich he actually is, he got that way by shady real estate deals, stiffing contractors and cheating on his taxes. Now, more to the core of your question, I would say the psychotic Nazi side of Donald would explain his alliance with that deplorable cartoon frog…and what foreign leader could even take him seriously? I mean, really. (Audience laughs.) Now, the misogynistic, woman-dehumanizing monster side of my opponent is the reason no female staffers or political aides would be safe anywhere near the White House with Donald living there. But really, it’s a combination of many factors–from his crooked real estate deals, to the way he covers for people who abuse women, to the way he made his millions, to his ridiculous Birther allegations, to his attitude toward the First Amendment…all of these factors add up to a man who is unfit to run a business, much less a country. (Audience applauds.)

TRUMP: Believe me, I’m every bit as rich as I say I am. Trust me on this.

Another Drop In an Overflowing Bucket

For those aware of the massive election fraud in 2012…as the saying goes: you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. There’s so much fraud locked-and-loaded for 2016, that it’s too much for a part-time blogger to keep track of half of it. It’s to the point that the only newsworthy stories during Election 2016 will be about untampered votes cast (only once) by living US citizens.

Hillary  implied during the first debate that she has ducked reporters for most of this past year because she was preparing for the debate, and for the presidency. Well, her army of fundamental transformers have been preparing, too.

Early voting does not begin in Ohio until October 12, so no votes have officially been cast in the Buckeye state.  However, inside these boxes were, what one source described as, “potentially tens of thousands of votes” for Hillary Clinton.

…With this find… it now appears that Clinton and the Democrat Party planned on stealing the state on Election Day, making any campaigning there now a waste of time.

This is just one of the aspects of the upcoming election which have been inadvertently discovered. For every instance revealed, you can bet money there are dozens or hundreds which never come to light. And even when the Democrats are caught red-handed, the mainstream media assists in the coverup and 90% of the population remains ignorant. Team Hillary will not be held accountable, just like Team Obama was never held accountable. Assuming The will of the people will be determined in November, much less a Trumpslide, is extremely naive.

If the elites played fair, we wouldn’t even be where we are now, would we?
