Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

The Creator – Predictive Programming?

Did some major travelling over Christmas break, and saw some movies I hadn’t heard of and might never have watched otherwise. One of them was this sci-fi dystopian thriller.

You might have heard the term “predictive programming” in recent years. It’s a psyop strategy discussed by “conspiracy theorists.” There seem to be multiple explanations of what it is. One of them assumes that those in control of government, media, entertainment and all other institutions are somehow obligated or compelled to warn us peasants about what they plan to do to us in the future. They like doing this via entertainment, then snicker to each other about how stupid and gullible we are for failing to understand (and/or failing to resist).

I will analyze this movie using that explanation of predictive programming.

We have a future scenario which might remind you of the Terminator movies in that A.I. has become like Skynet. A.I. was taking over the world, and coming to see humans as pests, it nuked Los Angeles.

So the American  military (which, evidently, is entirely comprised of Delta Force and Seal Team 6, judging by the shaggy hair, face armor, and optional adherence to uniformity) is tasked with destroying A.I.–which is based in China. The US has built a gargantuan hovering weapons platform called NOMAD which can locate and target A.I. assets, and is invincible, up until it’s time for the plot climax.

There are a lot of nits to pick, but I’m gonna try to stick to the metaphorical message of the narrative, here.

Spoilers are unavoidable, so let me  give you the big plot twist first: A.I. didn’t nuke anybody. Los Angeles was a 9/11ish false flag. A.I. is not trying to wipe out humanity. A.I. is benevolent and has “more heart” than humanity. At least humans in America.

America is the root of all evil. Pretty standard worldview of anybody allowed to work in Homowood, Commiefornia, of course. Willfully blind to nuance, they make no distinction between the America that once existed and the Orwellian corporatist abomination that has replaced it in real life.

The important points:

With only one exception, Caucasians are all villains, or at best, part of the problem.

The only good guys are non-white.

America holds the world hostage, terrorizing people with its frightening technology–in order to eliminate other frightening technology.

The Chinese and robot victims of the American Bullies are just like the Viet Cong: wonderful people living in harmony who dindu nuffin until provoked by Yankee imperialists.

NOMAD is basically the USA itself–a huge, heartless machine using murder and intimidation to colonize the less fortunate and build empire. Maybe the similarity of “NOMAD” to “NORAD” is not coincidental. (Marxists love to conflate, and this would conflate America with the military-industrial complex and the globalist agents who have hijacked America.)

A.I. is a benevolent supervisor of humanity. It only wants the best for us. It’s like a protective parent or older sibling. You could call it “Big Brother,” I suppose.

Big Brother is trying to rescue the world from the diabolical running dog Americans who foolishly resist the Singularity. As part of this effort, A.I. has manufactured a child Messiah (complete with miraculous powers) who wants to set everyone “free.”

The Messiah Child is said to be developing a weapon that can destroy NOMAD. Not true, evidently, but the fear of such is used to justify an American military operation (shades of WMDs in Iraq, obviously) to  destroy the Messiah Child.

In some convoluted twist of movie logic, the Messiah Child is somehow the offspring of the black hero’s Asian wife. Big Brother used the woman’s genes to manufacture the robot, or enhance its CPU or something. Anyway, this Messiah has a Current Year Diverse Mary and Joseph as parental figures.

The hero turns coat (his commanding officer labels him a traitor) and becomes the Messiah Child’s protector. They get aboard NOMAD and plant an explosive device.

The child escapes.

The hero finally reunites with his wife; they embrace and kiss as chain reaction explosions consume them and everything around them.

NOMAD is destroyed and falls from the heavens to crash and burn on Earth. The world celebrates.

To put it in more simple terms:

  • America is a hated terrorist country.
  • Big Brother (headquartered in China, apparently) begins to take over the world. For our own good, of course.
  • Big Brother even produces a lovable Messiah figure to set robots free.
  • Most humans outside the US have been replaced by bots.
  • The bots are more altruistic than humans–especially Americans.
  • The reactionary USA sees all this as a threat.
  • America goes to war with Big Brother.
  • There are foreign nations living within the USA fulfilling key roles–including in our military and espionage agencies.
  • Those (non-white) nations will decide that Big Brother is more righteous than the USA, and switch allegiance when the chips are down.
  • POC, anchor babies and A.I. technology will sabotage America from within, bringing down the USA in spectacular fashion while it is engaged in an unjust foreign conflict.
  • Big Brother and its manufactured Messiah will escape destruction.
  • The POC/Trojan Horse nations within the USA will enjoy carnal pleasure right up until their evil American hosts are consumed in apocalyptic fire.
  • The “good” humans of the world will now be joyous and free of American oppression. Ding-dong, the Yanks are dead.
  • Now the world can live in harmony under the compassionate guidance of Big Brother.

The long-form message is  also in perfect alignment with the power behind Homowood. As members of the Hive Mind so often do, they use the catastrophes caused by its own mechanisms (in this case, the Globohomo Cabal controlling the US government–and its foreign policy in particular) as an argument for embracing more of its own mechanisms (in this case a global government under an A.I. Big Brother that will sweep away the last vestiges of the Old [American] Republic).

When the Bullets Fly, How Will the Swamp Media Spin It?

The sponsors of the invasion at America’s border aren’t even trying all that hard to conceal their intentions anymore. The military-age male invaders are bringing weapons across openly, in broad daylight, knowing nothing will be done to stop them.

The last, most daunting obstacle to enslaving the American people is that we’re armed. Before the coup de grace can be executed to finish our fundamental transformation, a strategy must be devised to defeat an armed population. Efforts to disarm us have progressed considerably since the Prohibition era, but haven’t completely succeeded in most of the country. Maybe 70-90 million people in the US keep and bear arms. If even 3-10% of them decide to actively resist the Great Reset, our would-be overlords will have their hands full trying  to subjugate all of us. So how do you deal with that threat?

Looks like the Cabal has decided to import and prepare (all at their intended victims’ expense, of course) a foreign army to make war on us. Cabal stooges are already revealing their plans to install the invaders as police and soldiers. “Defund the police” initiatives were one tactic herding us toward that mission objective. The Cold Civil War probably won’t turn hot until the Cabal is confident their invaders are sufficiently trained (and armed/equipped/organized) to shoot it out with the American people and prevail.

Lack of critical thinking in our dumbed-down population, public incredulity, and Swamp Media gaslighting, prevent most people from understanding what is going on all around them. But what will the Ministry of Propaganda do when the shooting starts? They won’t be able to deceive people about it anymore, right?


The Cabal needs as many of us as possible to sit on our hands “trusting the plan” or whatever until the invaders have locked down the initiative and secured crucial objectives. The reporting might go something like this:

“Crazed white supremacist militias (we told you those right-wingers were hateful and dangerous!) have organized nationwide in an ethnic cleansing campaign to rid the country of all non-white people! Oppressed, marginalized communities have no choice but to fight back. With the help of our heroic troops and police, the domestic terrorist forces are being split, enveloped, and neutralized in separate firefights across the country. If someone you know might be a right-winger, call this hotline.”

Even if, by some miracle, we could repeat 2016 and overcome the election rigging in ’24, a hostile foreign army will obey its masters, no matter who is in the White House, They are even less beholden to the Constitution than the criminals and traitors running our government now.

The Big Based Book Sale is Live!

Hans Schantz has put together another sale featuring books by non-woke authors. Hopefully you understand that there is a war for the American culture. The right finally has some weapons, and is fighting back. If you don’t want a complete monopoly of pop culture by Marxists and perverts, consider supporting the based artists (authors, in this case) who are raising the flag and charging into the fray.

Or, as Hans says:

“Bypass cultural gatekeeping.
Support non-woke authors.
And get yourself some great books from both established and emerging talent, including over 60 new arrivals, all $0.99 or free.
Check it out!

A Thought Experiment For Genocide

Let’s say you’re an elite, God-hating leader of an international cabal hell-bent on world domination. For whatever reason, you and your luceferian pedophile comrades have decided it’s time for a drastic, genocidal reduction in human population…BEFORE you have destroyed the sovereignty of independent nations and manipulated them into subservience to your New World Order. What do you do?

Keep in mind that, like all your other self-serving acts of Machiavellian scumbaggery, you have to disguise what you’re doing, and who is doing it. In fact, as the consequences of your genocidal scheme become evident; your present and future victims must be herded to where they will blame the consequences on somebody other than you–preferably your enemies or somebody who is a hindrance to your agenda.

So you can’t just start nuking cities. Too over-the-top. Plus, cities have nice stuff that other people built that you’d like to enjoy once you and your select elite comrades inherit a de-populated Earth. You might want to rape and eat children, for instance, in an office building, a restaurant, or somebody’s house.

Not every weapon of mass destruction is so high-profile. You could surreptitiously release a deadly chemical or biological agent that will spread and kill hundreds of millions of people. The trouble with that is, once released, it might kill you along with your victims. This scheme requires a bit more complexity. Also, it requires the collaboration of governments, news media, and nearly every other institution, public and private.

Science and medicine have never found a cure for any virus, including the common cold. So you could weaponize some kind of virus to make it kill people. But there’s a dillemma: again, if it’s truly deadly to a large portion of the human population, then it could backfire and kill you, too.

You need a way to kill off millions of people who are not in your elite luceferian pedophile network, which allows you and your fellow travelers to  survive, so you can establish your managed, controlled Globohomo Utopia. You can use a virus to help get you there; but you have to use it indirectly–not directly. You need to poison the masses somehow; introduce the virus as the catalyst and the poison as the cure. Here’s a way:

  1. It has to be a virus that makes people sick, but is survivable for most people–like the seasonal flu. It has to put people in bed for a while; but have, say, a 99.997% survival rate. Release this into the population, and spread it around the globe.
  2. You can’t just call it the flu, though. It has to have a specific name that sounds new, scientific, and scary. You have to imply that this is something “novel,” that science has never seen before.
  3. Play down the scary, “deadly” narrative at first, so you can spread it everywhere–especially to the USA. Any attempt to restrict international travel should be quashed. Spewing out accusations of “racism!” and “xenophobia!” should intimidate all potential interlopers into obedience and shut down any such restrictions. Then, once you’ve got virus carriers everywhere, you can switch narratives to: “THE MOST DANGEROUS VIRUS EVAHH!!!!!!” Then, whoever tried to restrict travel to stop the spread? Blame the spread on them by claiming they didn’t do enough to stop it.
  4. Even though your weaponized virus is not deadly, you must make people believe it’s deadly. Use the Swamp Media, government agencies, corporations, and other assets to blitz the sheeple with hype 24/7 to convince them it’s the deadliest, scariest “pandemic” the world has ever seen.

5. Inflate the death count by any means necessary. Lie about causes of death, of course (if somebody died of the regular seasonal flu, or pneumonia, cancer, or anything else at all, report it as being caused by your virus with the new, scary, scientific-sounding name); but you also might want to legitimately kill some people off with your concoction, just in case. Since 99.997% survive your virus, you have to find extremely vulnerable people, with diminished immune systems, respiratory  disfunction, or other serious ailments…and expose them to it.  The easiest solution is to admit infected patients into nursing homes to kill off people’s grandparents. (If you want your own parents/grandparents to survive for whatever reason, pull yours out beforehand.) Afterwards, you can brag about what a hero you are for “saving lives.” You might even get a book deal to share your selfless heroism with…oh, hell, who are we kidding? Nobody’s gonna read it. The book deal is just a way to launder money to our useful little tools.

6. Prevent people from using effective treatments to overcome the virus. And if anybody touts safe, proven medicine that can actually protect people from your virus…demonize, ridicule, and censor them. You want the peasants to listen to your paid, controlled mouthpieces when it comes to their personal health.

7. Prevent herd immunity. A virus becomes more contagious but less dangerous as it spreads throughout a population. People build up an immunity to the virus until it’s just an inconvenience–not a grave threat. YOU CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN! Lock everyone down (and you know who we mean by “everyone,” wink wink). Even if it means shutting kids out of your mandatory indoctrination centers public schools, do it. Mandate mask-wearing, to get people recycling their own germs and carbon dioxide all day/every day; and as an experiment to see what level of resistance subsequent dictatorial fiat decrees will suffer.

8. There are countless side benefits to what you’ve done so far. The lockdowns that you mandate will ruin the lives of countless inferiors who are not in your elite circle. They will wreck countless businesses not sponsored by your elite club. They will lead to a spike in suicides among the unwashed masses. They will provide excuses to help steal a first-world national election right under everyone’s noses. Those are just a few perks among many. But the best is yet to come.

9. I know, I know: When do we get to start mass-murdering the peasants? Fear not! Your kiddy-diddling comrades have patented the Final Solution decades ago. It’s time to roll out the solution that’s been waiting for a problem!

10. Under a state of “national emergency” (because the “pandemic” is so “dangerous,” see?) you don’t need FDA approval for your insidious gene therapy that you will now refer to as a “vaccine.” Eventually, you’ll get the FDA to play ball and approve it in record time, anyway. But until then, the “emergency” must stay in place.

11. This nifty little Darwin Stab will make people more susceptible to mutating strains of the virus–not less. In fact, it will spur the mutation. It can cause ADE so that the peasants’ immune systems are compromised and they will have to receive booster shots in perpetuity until you kill them off with whatever you want (like TB or the plague, which you’ve been sponsoring the spread of in West Coast cities). It causes organ inflammation, so that even young, healthy people will die of stroke and heart attack. Of course, the “solution” is far deadlier than the “problem” you introduced, but don’t worry–your useful idiots and the flyover rubes will never believe the truth. That’s what the Swamp Media and Homowood are for.

12. You need everyone not in your club, or serving your club, to accept your solution. Pretend you’ve taken the Darwin Stab yourself. Have saline injected, or post deceptive photos, and say you received it. Have the politicians and celebrities you own (pretty much all of them, in other words) publicly take the Stab to inspire their loyal worshippers to do the same. If your lies don’t convince them to take the Darwin Stab; and inspiring celebrities don’t convince them…bribe people to take it. Offer them food, gift cards, cell phones, lottery tickets, cash prizes…whatever it takes. Use guilt. Convince them that they must do it to protect their friends and family. Your reasoning can be convoluted and oxymoronic, and it doesn’t matter–we’ve spent 3/4s of a century making sure that the average US resident is incapable of reason and critical thought, so no biggie.

13. The bottom line is: the rubes must take the Darwin Stab! There will be some peasants who can’t be convinced, inspired, guilt-tripped or bribed into accepting our Final Solution. The Face Diaper mandates have already identified who most of these stubborn pests are. So threaten them. If threats don’t work, take away their ability to travel. Fire them from their jobs. Prevent their ability to buy or sell. Starvation will kill them off just as surely as our patented mRNA poison–maybe even faster. Unfortunately, those who can’t be coerced into taking our kill shot; and who might survive despite our efforts to starve them to death, are exactly the opposite of the sort of peasants we might want to allow to exist in our Globohomo Utopia. Jail them, or gun them down where they defiantly stand. Of course, there are plenty of options like the Havana Syndrome for more surgical cleansing.


Let the Woke Take the Poke

Big Tech and the Swamp Media have been working tirelessly to suppress the truth about COVID1984, masks, and the vax. This isn’t “bias” or “Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s a deliberate, active campaign to deceive you into acting against your own self-interest and go along with the agenda as if that is in your own self-interest.

It’s surprising how much truth is seeping through the cracks, despite their ruthless efforts to gag anybody who “speaks truth to power.” Here is another example of a dissenting voice, which may be yanked from CommieTube soon:

The lyrics are a truth-bomb of rhetoric. Kudos to the artist for putting this together.

There’s a lot we still don’t know about the Wu-Flu; but the experimental vaccines may prove to be more deadly over time. Not that the Treason Machine will ever be honest enough to acknowledge it. But there may be a silver lining, if the leftards, SJWs, useful idiots, and other bovine lemmings continue winning Darwin Awards by taking the vax. We might have an experience like Noah stepping off the ark one day, discovering that we’ve been given a restart and it will take a few generations to get back to the level of idiocy we’re at in 2021.

Fake News, Fake Polls, Fake Election…Now Fake Audits

Whistleblowers who have come forward to provide evidence regarding the stolen 2020 election have been ignored, smeared, and/or threatened. Not that our “justice system” will allow the evidence to be presented anyway; but evidence is being tampered or destroyed faster than a Hillary henchman with hammer and BleachBit.

In Example # 37,983 of how we are no longer under the rule of law and our rights have been suspended without fanfare, a guy at a baseball game displayed a “Trump Won” banner and was booted out. I won’t link to the Swamp Media article about it, but you can find photos on Gab and elsewhere. I won’t be surprised if he gets arrested and declared a domestic terrorist. He didn’t even try to defend himself or his business against a feral mob of BLM useful idiots. This is how tightly policed independent thought is, today. The Democrat/Media Machine knows its narrative is full of holes. That’s why they have ramped up their Orwellian efforts to comical proportions.

But back to the 2020 charade “election”:

The fraud is so ubiquitous and diversified, there’s no way to track all of it and link to everything. But UncoverDC reports on how the “audit” in New Hampshire is rigged to provide the “nothing to see here, folks” narrative that the ruling oligarchy and their Swamp Media desire:

“Someone went in, reopened the election, and then closed it and back-dated it. What this proves—in theory—is ballot stuffing. Meaning, they can run through ballots after the election, close it down, and backdate it.”

Who watches the watchmen?

For what it’s worth, there is a class action lawsuit against Dominion. Like the ruling elite care what us cisgendered rubes think or want, anyway. But there is a miniscule, fast-shrinking list of actions that can be taken against America’s enemies, which don’t involve violence, and this is one of them.

Frankly, I don’t trust any of the audits. It seems more likely to me that the Cabal will use them to do what’s happening in New Hampshire than actual honest, decent people being in control, at any level, and doing what’s necessary to achieve victory on any scale.

Prove me wrong. I dare you.

Revolution and Demographics

Since the early postwar years, communists (including, but not limited to the Soviets) have sought to instigate a revolution in the USA.  The demographic they relied upon to spark the revolution was angry young urban blacks.

Once trained, these black Marxist subversives attempted to hijack the Civil Rights movement during the 1960s. The Black Panthers and other violent Marxist groups were funded by the usual Globohomo suspects (the Rockafellers, et al), who never saw a communist revolution they didn’t like. This effort seemed to have failed and faded away by the 1980s; but in reality the terrorists and revolutionaries simply transitioned into government jobs, into the media, academia, entertainment, etc., where they could more effectively transform the culture without bombing police stations. There were plenty of Marxists already in those institutions to hire, nurture, and promote them.

Globohomo agents conducted their “long march through the institutions” until they controlled everything–including Big Business and the military–once their most hated enemies. They installed a Marxist-of-color in the White House, without a shot fired in anger. When their election rigging turned out to be insufficient in 2016 to override the will of the people yet again, a new crop of useful idiots were unleashed to instigate violence in the name of “racial justice.”

The leadership of BLM has openly admitted they are Marxists.  Revcoms (communist revolutionaries) operate with complete impunity now.

In summary, the revolution already took place under our parents’ noses; but few people even noticed. Now that Globohomo, Inc has complete control, they just have to eliminate the remaining pesky checks and balances so they can abandon the charade altogether and give us their socialist Utopia, good and hard. Until “the last vestiges of the old Republic have been swept away.” (Yes, I once appreciated Star Wars. Or rather, the film makers once valued me as part of their audience.)

Really, the only check/balance Globohomo, Inc has to concern itself with anymore is an armed citizenry. Some of their tactics for eliminating that obstacle are obvious. Maybe some are hidden for now, and will take us by surprise when triggered.

Black Americans did have many legitimate grievances during and before the Civil Rights era. There was institutional discrimination which made it more difficult to get certain jobs, hold certain positions, and exercise their rights as Americans. A black person could be (and sometimes was) attacked simply for being the wrong skin color…attacked verbally and/or physically. There was a “black tax” for people in the wrong demographic. Their lives were often that of second-class citizens.

You know–a lot like being a white heterosexual male today.

The cultural reversal and all the myriad discriminatory policies (spoken and unspoken) absurdly justified as anti-discrimination bring up an ironic, if not equally absurd, possibility.

Does Globohomo, Inc NEED a violent civil conflict to sweep away those last vestiges of the old Republic? In order to instigate it, have they switched their hopes to a completely different demographic? Is that why they are working so hard to alienate and infuriate white heterosexual males?

In other words, since the demographic disadvantage has not been removed, but switched; have the communists simply switched their target with it?

Within the confluence of those three aspects (European heritage, masculinity, and sexual normalcy) is a peer personality which will fight for anybody’s interests except their own; and demonstrably has rejected any modicum of solidarity with their own kind. (Plus, a growing number of white heterosexual males are shifting left; embracing National Socialism and other left-wing collectivist worldviews.)

Now they’re being backed into a collective corner and provoked from every direction. If you were a typical Globohomo, Inc shadow oligarch, this might be exactly the demographic you would pin your hopes on to spark the powder keg.

There might be an eventful summer on the horizon.

Just In Case Any Doubt Remained…

…Who our public servants are serving:

The city of Washington has reached a $1.6 million settlement in two lawsuits that included allegations of arrests without cause and excessive force on protestors during the inauguration of former President Donald Trump in January 2017…

Trump supporters who were at the capitol on January 6th are not getting the same treatment.

While they do nothing about the crimes committed by the deep state and radical left they are targeting every Trump supporter.

The FBI is now focusing in on a Grandmother who just walked through the U.S. Capitol!

If only the Deplorables who showed up to protest the theft of our election had simply burned down some buildings, ransacked local businesses, and murdered a few people, the “justice” system would leave them alone. If only Rudy Guliani had sent classified information over unsecured channels, then destroyed the evidence after the fact, federal jackbooted goons wouldn’t storm his house, violating half of the Bill of Rights. If only the Proud Boys would have smashed some people in the head with bike locks, they might get the same preferential treatment as Antifa and BLM.

The time for “Backing the Blue” has expired. This is a war. The lines are drawn and the enemy’s intentions are not that difficult to figure out. Refusing to accept reality is not going to make them stop waging war on us.

Now hurry up and let them render you completely defenseless, because “gun violence.”

“According to the Constitution…”

…Is how you can identify a moot and irrelevant argument which will be ignored while the Globohomo Treason Machine goose-steps onward into Twilight’s Last Gleaming.

Federal storm troopers (who took an oath to uphold the Constitution–revealing the other half of what you need to know about their integrity) are in the business of violating your rights. They are not paid (from your taxes) to stop bad guys or protect good guys. They are paid to do what these lawless jackboots did.

Also surrounding the house were one-hundred-plus federal agents with a helicopter in support. Federal agents immediately took Doe into custody and placed him in loose-fitting flex cuffs into the back of one of the BearCat vehicles. Inside the vehicle, John was placed on the outer wall, and at his feet were loaded weapons. Doe later concluded that this had to be a setup, for if he were to try to free himself, he would likely be killed. Seemingly unbeknownst to the Feds, Doe’s 88-year-old mother (who suffers from dementia) was asleep in the house. The actual homeowner, Jane Doe, was also in the home. This is why Doe wanted to avoid confrontation and the stress of such an event by presenting himself peacefully. What looked to be a quick and peaceful resolution then took a strange turn to the worse.

Why did agents breach the house when Doe was already in custody? Counter to standard practice, the team chose to enter a window next to Doe’s basement door. That window is over three feet off the ground and thus difficult to breach and enter by a team that needs to move fast. There are many windows in the house that would have made a breach entry a lot easier. This window was different, not only in its height above ground and the resulting impact on the tactics used, but it is also right next to Doe’s bed. If Doe had not exited the house and moved to the front porch to peacefully present himself, the concussion grenade employed by the breaching team would have landed on him while he was sleeping. There’s no telling what would have happened in that instance, but John’s death is a possibility.

Federal agents obviously knew the home’s layout and they immediately entered Doe’s storage and security room and disconnected all security cameras while conducting a search. Though not included on the warrant, the federal agents searched John’s gun safes, a detached garage, and vehicles parked around the residence.

What provoked this Montana this raid? Doe’s former girlfriend from North Carolina filed a restraining order (a civil matter, not criminal) against Doe in that state claiming he was homicidal, suicidal, a threat to her, and had bomb-making materials with the intention to cause harm. She also claimed he had booby traps all over the home and the surrounding property. But none of this was true.

Sounds like a red flag case. Because Americans sat back guzzling beer and watching sports while these communists enacted thousands of tyrannical “laws” which supposedly grant them the authority to pull this shit, there is no longer a “legal” or peaceful recourse to these neo-Soviet usurpations.

They are going to ramp up on this, guaranteed. The media blackout will intensify, so that they can eliminate potential resistors piecemeal. Meanwhile, they will take a knee if the RevComs (Auntie-Faggots/Burn Loot Murder) resume rioting.

Theoretically, Americans who see government-sponsored terrorism being perpetrated on  their neighbors (easily identified by armored vehicles, helicopters, and hundreds of Federal blackshirts in combat gear armed with automatic weapons swarming around the property of a law-abiding citizen with the “wrong” political opinions [agreement with the founding principles of our country]), could move into flanking positions and light those traitors up.

And that’s what it will take if your children or grandchildren are to have ANY hope of being free. As long as you keep abiding by “laws” written by your enemies, while your enemies don’t have to abide by laws; then your defeat and destruction are certain.

UPDATE: Here is a possible scenario that may or may not resemble something that takes place in an American suburb not long from now.