Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Commies and Traitors and Cucks, Oh My!

Elsa Von Branefuq yawned and stretched. This session of the House of Representatives had been grinding along non-stop for hours, and they hadn’t even voted themselves another pay raise yet.

“In summary,” the Speaker of the House said, “in order to preempt the spread of a potential outbreak of the Zombie Plague, this bill will require the replacement of public drinking water with Compound X-13.”

Predictably, a renegade Congressman from one of the flyover states just had to raise an objection. “Ms. Speaker, it is puzzling why you have this urgency to address a problem which might not even exist by mandating that citizens drink something that contains a deadly poison.”

“With all due respect to the gentleman from flyover country,” Representative Vlad Impaler said, “there’s not one smidgeon of evidence that Strychnine is in the compound, or that it’s poisonous.”

“Every single time it’s been used in substantial doses, it’s been fatal,” insisted the fringe lunatic right-winger. “Why don’t we at least examine the compound before we vote, to settle for sure exactly what is in it?”

Speaker of the House Natasha Polecatsky vainly tried to reason with the radical right nutcase. “We have to pass it before we can find out what’s in it.”

“That’s ridiculous!”

“Hey, it’s not like we have to drink the same water our constituents do,” Representative Pamien Bendover reminded him.

The wacko began spewing some kind of egalitarian platitude before the learned, elder statesman Neville McRino stood and raised his hands to silence his radical colleague. He turned to address the Speaker. “We have to work together to overcome this gridlock. How about we make it a 50/50 mixture of drinking water and Compound X-13?”

“The learned gentleman from Tarnation insults this august body,” retorted Speaker Polecatsky. “And I’m sure July and September bodies don’t like it either.”

“Very well,” McRino said. “We’ll do 60/40.”

“You might as well sentence the people to the Zombie Plague,” Representative Putzenbum said.

McRino sighed. “Fine. 75/25.”

“When did you become such a hard-liner?” asked Representative Hannover Fiste.

“Obviously this is a very divisive topic,” McRino said. “In the interest of bipartisan cooperation, we should put this issue behind us. So 90 % poison, 10 percent drinking water. And that’s my final offer.”

“Make it 99 parts poison to one part water and you’ve got a deal,” Natasha Polecatsky said.

“Done,” McRino said, and sat heavily back down, fatigued from such a knock-down-drag-out struggle on behalf of his constituents.

“All in favor?” Speaker Polecatsky asked.

“Wait a minute!” Barked one of the religious right extremists. “We have absolutely no authority to tell the people what they must or must not drink!”

McRino shrugged apologetically to the Speaker of the House. “I’m afraid ‘compromise’ is a dirty word to some of these hard-liners I have to work with.”

“The ‘ayes’ have it,” Polecatsky said. “Now that it’s law, we should move onto the next item. We are graced today by the presence of our Education Czar, who has a presentation for us before we vote on the next bill.”

Elsa Von Branefuq approached the podium and addressed the House. “If you’ll direct your attention to the screen,” she said, “there’s a short video you need to see.”

She played the video on the big screen and Congressmen watched with interest. The interviews and polls they saw painted a grim picture.

America suffered an epidemic of reactionism. Narrow-minded bigots, so fanatic about defending their irrational prejudices, were hostile to any new idea or alternative insight which challenged the sacred cows of the traditional worldview.

But enough about academia. Elsa’s video was more concerned with the average Joe on the street.

“You all saw the results,” Elsa said after the first video clip. “There’s a significant percentage of the population that believe freedom of speech should apply to everyone—including those whose opinions are incorrect.”

Speechless with dismay, the intellectually superior members of the House shook their heads sadly at the state of national recklessness.

“Some people actually believe that random roadside searches, unwarranted wiretapping and remote monitoring of everyone’s cell phones and social networking violate their so-called Fourth Amendment rights.”

The rational congresspersons groaned at the radical extremism of some of the unwashed crackpots out there.

“And on it goes,” Elsa said. “Not long ago, we had a Hollywood actress, of all people, publicly state that she believed that there’s nothing wrong with a married woman staying home to raise children.”

“Boo. Hiss,” said the enlightened representatives.

Elsa placed one hand over her heart. “I assure you that my professional educators are doing all they can to combat this mass hysteria, but some of our efforts are slipping through the cracks. There’s just not enough reinforcement outside the classroom. Our experts have pinpointed the breakdown in conditioning, and it amounts simply to this: people don’t watch enough TV!”

She pushed a button on the remote and the screen filled with the image of a slick, shiny, modern-looking wide screen television.

“Industry leaders who share our vision of progress have assessed our needs and cooperated with us to develop a new tool to combat this widespread problem. I present: the new Cerebrolave, by Phillips Pavlovox.”

The House gasped and stared at the striking image of technological innovation.

“Now observe the cognitive functions evident after only a few hours of immersion in the patented Cerebrolave technology,” Elsa said, and rolled the next video clip.

An interviewee wiped drool from her lips as she watched the gorgeous wide screen of her new television, then turned to face the camera. “Violent criminals, by nature, obey laws,” she said. “We need more gun control legislation.”

The video jump-cut to a basement, where a 26 year old Occupy protester salivated, eyes glued to his new Pavlovox. “All religions of the world should be respected and welcomed in our society,” he said. “Except Christianity, of course.”

Another jump-cut to a middle class living room. A couple sat watching TV while workmen paraded in and out the foreclosure notice-covered front door and waded through the drool-flooded house repossessing everything they found (except the new Phillips Pavlovox).

The husband said, “You know, the economy isn’t really that bad. And however bad it is, it’s the fault of the previous administration. Anyone who disagrees is a racist.”

His wife, sitting across the couch from him, nodded. “By doubling our national debt,” she said, “our president kept his promise to cut it in half within his first term. While colossal, unsustainable debt was flagrantly irresponsible during the previous administration, twice as much colossal, unsustainable debt under this administration is sound economic policy. The solution to impending bankruptcy is to borrow and spend even more than before.”

The reasonable representatives in the House applauded.

“Thank-you,” Elsa Von Branefuq said. “And I won’t go into all the features of these new televisions, but I’d like to point out that they have integrated cameras. Now the person watching TV can be observed, to determine their reaction to what they watch. This provides an early warning system. Since those with inappropriate responses to various stimuli suffer from some sort of mental disorder, they can now be identified. Once identified, corrective action can be taken, whether it be adjustment of their medication, or removal for private treatment…before they become a danger to themselves or others.”

The House gave her a standing ovation—all except for a few lunatic fringe right-wingers who always tried to throw a stumbling block in the way of progress.

“We need to make it mandatory,” Natasha Polecatsky said, “that every household in the country have one of these TVs in it! I’ll have my assistants begin drafting legislation immediately.”

“Pardon me, Ms. Speaker,” McRino said, “but what about people who can’t afford this TV?”

“We’ll have to penalize them with fines,” Polecatsky said.

“Makes perfect sense,” McRino said.

“Excuse me Ms. Speaker,” one of the fascist pigs said, “but what right do we have to force the taxpayers to buy a television? Or any product for that matter?”

Polecatsky winked at her supporters. “If you’re happy with your current TV set, you can keep it.”

Elsa’s cell phone rang. She recognized the number and turned to the Speaker. “I beg your pardon, Ms. Speaker, but there’s an emergency and I have to leave immediately.”

“Hmmph,” Polecatsky said. “Well, we’d like to ask you some specific questions. Let me earmark a few million taxpayer dollars for a return visit, with hotel accommodations, limousine service…”

“Wait a minute,” interrupted one of the hate-filled religious right monsters. “She lives right here in town!”

“Your personal attacks against the Education Czar prove you’re anti-education and pro-ignorance,” the Speaker of the House concluded. “Next thing you know you’ll be denying school lunches and starving children to death.”

The last thing Elsa heard on her way out the door was Neville McRino pontificating on how they should just get this devisive issue behind them by approving it.

This was Chapter 2 of The Greater Good.

SJW Wars: The Book Review Front

I’m interrupting the series on superheroes for breaking news that’s relevant to the latest battles in the war for our culture. If you follow Vox Popoli, you are probably already aware that Goodreads has banished him and others associated with the Rabid Puppies. The reason? Non-violation of non-policies. Meanwhile, those of the correct political affiliation are allowed to violate stated Goodreads policies at will, and only those who point the violations out are punished.

Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies, from the Obama Administration down to the People’s Democratic Republic of Goodreads.

Virtual Pulp has covered the efforts toward SJW convergence at Amazon before, but below is a recent attack on a review I posted there. Mind you, it’s obvious that I read the book, and the review is detailed enough for any reader to determine whether he would like it the book or not. Here’s the review of Breeder I posted on the old Two-Fisted Blog, before paring it down for Amazon.

(Note: That review resulted in my e-meeting the author. Afterwards we became correspondents. I also reviewed a handful of his other books and he reviewed two of mine. All because I was a fan of his nigh-forgotten men’s adventure spoof.)

I am now going to use my psychic abilities to locate the offensive passage from my review that inspired this Social Justice Warrior to attack (and vote my review “not helpful”…the only vote it has received, BTW):

…From the very first time I read this novel, I dismissed the Master Race aspect of the plot as silly, simple, and off-the-wall. After all, no tinkering with the American gene pool has been necessary to bring us to the brink of financial ruin (to name just one calamity that we now face). All it has required has been Pavlovian conditioning, softening, and dumbing-down of the electorate over a couple generations.

But then, Europe is rapidly transforming into a Muslim continent as I write this, and this paradigm shift is taking place in the womb.There is a political power base here in America that hopes to forge an ironclad monopoly over the three branches of our government, and one method they’ve been using to great effect (besides the aforementioned Pavlovian conditioning, softening and dumbing-down) includes tactics like refusal to enforce immigration laws, granting of amnesty to illegals, and the encouragement of “anchor babies” through redistribution of taxpayers’ money. Again, the key to victory, for some, is considered to lie within the womb.

So maybe the whole Master Race plot is not as silly as I assumed…

Want to piss off SJWs on search-and-disqualify destroy? Speak the truth about immigration. Here is his (?) response:

May have been an interesting review – minus all the clearly rightwing wingnut agenda based propaganda that seem to appear out of thin air (by the reviewer) based upon some wistful interpretations of a couple non related statements by the author (in a novel yet).

Even the Reviewer admits that “In any event, I don’t purport that this was Jim Morris’ attempt at an Atlas Shrugged” (but seems to sure wish that was the case).

Interestingly, the author has worked strongly with the aiding of non Christians pagan Montagnards from Vietnam into the United States (as well as other Hill Tribes, Nungs, Cambodes, etcetera) by the thousands (and many initially illegally). It would be interesting to see what the author would feel about those comments of this Reviewer in that regard.

But there was one correct comment: “There is a political power base here in America that hopes to forge an ironclad monopoly over the three branches of our government, and one method they’ve been using to great effect” (Only that Party has been the Republicans and the vehicle used has many scare tactics, disinformation, misinformation, The Big Lie, and other propaganda techniques that the best known fascists would have been proud of).

Leaving political agendas out of a book review that is a book of satire and immense tongue-in-cheek would have made it much better.

How about a read of the author’s “Sheriff of Purgatory” and show an interpretation of the main character’s clearly liberal character is actually another Ayn Rand one (without guns or personal killing this time).

I would find that interesting.


SJWs see what they want to see, whether it’s there or not. That’s why he/she/it can proclaim, with a straight cyber-face, that my “right-wing wingnut agenda based propaganda” was “based upon some wistful interpretations of a couple non related statements by the author (in a novel yet).”

No. Actually, to anyone with reading comprehension above a Ninth Grade level, it is clear that my observations were not based on some “statements” by the author in a novel.

The entire plot of the novel hangs on the premise that the USA can be taken over by breeding a specific type of progeny. I once considered this a silly idea, but in the review I pointed out that it’s hardly a silly concept, because current events demonstrate that genetics/breeding is one tactic being used right now in an agenda to take over the USA (and Europe).

What actually came “out of thin air” was this ankle-biter’s word-vomit about pagan Montagnards and Nungs, which is completely irrelevant to anything in the novel, or my review of it.

But having learned my lesson about speaking in Dialectic in debates with those who can’t understand it, I resisted the urge to shoot back with a point-by-point refutation based on observable truth. I returned fire with rhetoric–at least I tried to keep it rhetorical. You can read my response here.

Superheroes and “The Narrative”

Just what is “The Narrative,” you ask?

The Narrative is a conglomeration of messages rammed down our throats by government, academia, every medium of pop culture, and the blue pill sheeple who orient their worldview according to what those sources tell them.

The human mind is the most incredible computer the world has seen; yet the most powerful computer is only as smart as the data that is fed to it.


The Narrative comprises all the data that the cultural programmers deem acceptable for processing by the proletariat. Any data which does not agree with The Narrative is treated like a virus to be isolated and destroyed.

The Narrative is a tool to propagate and reinforce the sheeple’s faith in the elected and unelected criminals who are herding us into a third world police state where cognitive uniformity will eventually be dictated and regulated by the state. The homogenized message is Marxist/cultural Marxist, feminist, environmentalist and sodomiphilic.


More and more surfers of the Manosphere are becoming aware of The Narrative. Roosh V is somebody I haven’t followed all that closely because my impression of him was that he was primarily concerned with sowing wild oats. But he is definitely taking notice of more weighty matters of late. I recently discovered this astute observation about how the defacto ruling class in America is composed of individuals who hate America.

…(A)n individual or idea that is supported by the establishment also hates America, or at least pushes an agenda that will certainly lead to America’s decline. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a favorable light, that person hates America. If they report on a specific public policy in a favorable light, it will lead to America’s destruction. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a negative light, they love America, or at least promotes ideas that would lead to a stronger America.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, you can accurately predict which party a person votes for simply by observing their attitude toward America. (The problem with that is that the GOP is now about 95% Democrats/Marxists who speak with a forked tongue, pretending to love America while they sell her down the river.)


The Manosphere is becoming so vigilant that they sounded the warning about the latest Star Wars movie before it even hit the big screen. They even lampooned the title in the same way Hank or I probably would have (The Farce Awakens).

What the latest George Lucas flick demonstrates is that there is no genre or medium that has not been turned into a tool to push The Narrative. What the Manosphere’s criticisms indicate is that a growing subculture is finally waking up to this.

Know what else people are waking up to?

The soul of a nation is won or lost in the culture a generation or more before the struggle.


Today’s systematic and institutionalized discrimination against thorinawhite heterosexual men, for instance, took nobody by surprise who has been keeping track of pop culture for the last few decades. It is obligatory that heterosexual men are portrayed as inept buffoons in sit-coms; sensitive wimps in rom-coms; abusive cheaters in dramas; serial killers in suspense thrillers; neo-Nazis in political thrillers; and physically second-best in action-adventures. And frankly, you have to hand it to the pop culture svengalis because it takes talent to sell an aspect of The Narrative as oxymoronic as feminism (that women are superior to heterosexual men in every way, yet simultaneously oppressed victims of them).

In all forms of entertainment, people make themselves vulnerable to suggestion because they are prepared to suspend disbelief going in. Especially with TV and movies, mental programming is even more effective than a trained hypnotist would be.

Contrary to the pose struck by the pop culture svengalis and their legions of lemmings, they are not content merely to get their message out there. They must innundate everything, everywhere, with their Narrative. They must infiltrate and spread like cancer (some even call themselves “progressive”). On the feminism front they infiltrate male genres like science fiction and action-adventure; and male mediums like comic books.

The comic book industry exploded in the late 1930s/early 1940s. Its success rode on the back of superhero stories, and the overwhelming majority of the audience was pre-adolescent boys. The age of that audience has increased since WWII, but has remained largely male.

Superficially, a fan of the comic book heroes would assume that the world is a better place than ever right now, with so many characters being adapted to the bSpider-Man, Barack Obamaig and small screen. But they’re being adapted in more ways than format. Pop culture svengalis have been busy subverting the superhero genre into just another gynocentric soapbox. More and more long-time heroes are being retrofitted into the homosexual agenda. Just as in action movies, the female characters are written to be superior in prowess to their male counterparts, and sometimes famous male heroes are just suddenly re-written as females. And when political shots are taken, there is no surprise what direction they come from, either.

So for the next few blog posts I plan to have some fun examining some of the subversions adaptations in recent times. Virtual Pulp has previously blogged about Arrow. Three I have in mind right now are Gotham, The Flash and Daredevil.

Other than that, Happy New Year.


Two Lies That Contribute to Our National Suicide

We live in an age of deception. Several observers have their own opinion on what “the biggest lie” is, or at least “the biggest reason” the constitutional republic we inherited in America is sliding into oblivion.

Simply listing the lies believed in our culture would be an exhausting endeavor that would take perhaps a lifetime. But there are two lies that are widespread and have helped prevent the necessary course correction (for those who actually cherish their freedom and would prefer to keep it) to  avert disaster. Those lies are, in essence, the following:

  1. To win elections, the Republicans must move even further to the left.

  2. A third party is a disastrous proposition. Our only hope for peaceful repair of our republic, our economy, and the American Dream is the G.O.P.

The first lie prevents us from ever having a true choice in elections. It also discourages much of the Republican base from voting at all; and even when the lesser evil does manage to win, there is little change in anything but rhetoric.

The second lie perpetuates the good cop/bad cop political theater of our “two party system”and placates enough ovine individuals in the electorate to ensure our domestic enemies are never exposed, and their political lackeys will never be held accountable for their inevitable treachery.

Even a goose-stepping leftard gets something right every once in a while.
Even a goose-stepping leftard gets something right every once in a while.

It’s too little, too late, but those lies are finally being exposed for what they are to a significant portion of our dumbed-down population.

Even coincidence theorists like Rush Limbaugh and Establishment Judas Goats like National Review are beginning to admit that the Republican Party is in partnership with the Democrats in serving interests that are not the people of the USA, our inalienable rights, or our posterity.

Betrayed AGAIN.
Betrayed AGAIN.

To paraphrase the Who:

Say hello to the new Ryan; he’s the same as the old Boehner.


How many times are “we” going to fall for the same old lies? We elect these “conservative” (whatever that means) candidates to push back against our national suicide, and it invariably turns out they are just tag-teaming with the Democrats. Then armies of apologists come out of the woodwork armed with selective stats, straw man arguments and character assassinations aimed at anyone who truly represents the concerns of the grass roots, to hoodwink us into doing the same thing again, expecting a different result (the definition of insanity).

The normalcy-biased coincidence theorists would have you believe the historical pattern of betrayals is a result of nothing more than well-intentioned buffoonery, that just happens to always result in more power for the state, more damage to our economy, and more infringements on our rights.

More people seem to be waking up to the truth–at least some of the truth. It is too obvious anymore that the Democrats and “Republicans” are both advancing the same agenda, which serves the interests of UN-American elites rather than the law they swear to uphold or the people who foot the bill for their pampered, parasitic lifestyles.


Our would-be masters have counted on our overlapping ignorance and apathy to push us this far, but our ignorance is breaking down. The question is, now that well over 10% of the population is aware that the game is rigged and our government has been hijacked by domestic enemies, is any sort of corrective action going to be taken by the lawful rulers of this country (the people)?


Any way you shake it, options like apathy, complacency and leisure are coming to an end. You’re going to lose your property, your lifestyle and the future you hoped for no matter what. The only question is, will you lay it down voluntarily in sacrifice to something bigger than yourself (as the founders did); or will it be taken from you?

I know what Jefferson’s generation would have done. I know what my grandfather’s generation would have done, faced with the ugly reality of what is exposed before us. The question is, what are you going to do?


Trump’s Trojan Horse?

I can’t deny that Trump has some Big Brass Ones.  Calling for an end to Muslim immigration into the USA is something nobody else has the guts to do, in a culture where nearly everyone with a platform advocates wide-open borders. It’s hard to disagree with him when you examine the “religion of peace” and its practitioners honestly.

However, suppose by some alignment of miracles such a policy were seriously considered.

Assume Trump is legit, and really means what he’s saying. That doesn’t change the fact that 95% of the rich and powerful, and their government bureaucrat minions, refuse to see Muslims as anything but a minority class to be coddled and protected, while believing the REAL threat is posed by Christians, patriots, Constitutionalists, gun owners and veterans.

Assume that some such policy were actually instituted. Assume that our government began cracking down on Muslims. Deporting them, for starters. A move in the right direction, eh?

What you have then is a precedent. One that can be used to crack down on who the criminals in government really hate: Christians.

All it took was a few “deists” among the founding fathers to substitute the weasel word “religion” in the First Amendment in place of “Christian faith” or some equivalent. For generations nobody saw the danger in it and, in fact, it didn’t pose a problem. America was obviously a Christian nation and everyone knew that freedom of “religion” was a safeguard against any particular denomination getting state sanction to control all churches and individuals, like the Church of England had. Every American knew what “religion” meant in the Constitutional context until a couple generations ago.

But thanks to that weasel word (and the tolerant nature of most Christians) we now have Satanists and every other flavor of reprobate turning our culture upside down, rewriting our history, attacking those who protected them for two centuries, and attempting to seduce our children.

It’s a longshot at best that Trump’s proposal would ever be seriously considered by those to whom terrorism and immigration are but tools to help destroy the nation they hate. More likely, this and Trump’s faux pas about New Jerseyites celebrating 9/11 are just the early spasms in his staged self-destruction. But I’m not a psychic, so who knows?

If something miraculous took place and the ban on Muslim immigration happened, it would almost certainly backfire on those advocating it without thinking a few moves ahead.

Who Planned the Planned Parenthood Shooting?

The infanticide business founded by a Nazi eugenicist has endured more scrutiny in the last few months than it has in all its history. Not because of the slaughter of defenseless children, of course, but because they’ve been caught selling the body parts. To a nation of ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs, mass murder isn’t anything worth getting your panties in a wad over–at least if it’s a government-approved institution committing the murders. But they made a profit doing it, and that is simply unacceptable, comrade.

How do you rescue the reputation of a scumbag (or an organization of scumbags, in this case) whatever the cause of its low approval numbers?

In the past, the tried-and-true method has been to reinvent the scumbag as a victim.

There are not yet enough known details about the shooting presently being hyped on network news, or the gunman, for me to declare that this is a false flag. Nevertheless, here are some more interesting items to consider:

  • Colorado Springs is the headquarters of Focus on the Family–an influential ministry staunchly opposed to abortion, religiously non-violent, and with a reputation up until now that has proven very difficult to demonize.
  • Colorado Springs is also home to one of the clandestine mind control labs established by unaccountable state-run agencies.
  • Most, if not all, of the perps in these media circus shooting sprees have been on some sort of prescription psychotropic drugs.
  • The Narrative being pushed is NAMALT (Not All Muslims Are Like That)–there is no corrolation between Islam and terrorism (in fact, according to the Fraud-in-Chief, ISIS/ISIL is not Islamic); but it is domestic terrorists who pose the real threat–you know: Christians, Constitutionalists, veterans, the Tea Party…all those guilty of an atrocity worse than any terrorist act: thinking for themselves and questioning The Narrative.
  • Since 1994, the one issue that the ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs have shown a modicum of backbone and vigilance about has been in opposing new “gun control” measures.
  • With every new atrocity, a few more ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs become willing to accept new infringements on our rights.

It’s also very interesting (if not a bit smelly) that the gunman surrendered after killing one cop but no PP staff. I wonder who the dead cop is and what he knew. And I wonder what the perp is going to reveal to the world about his alleged ideology, assuming he’s allowed to live that long and speak for himself.


There is now some question as to whether the shooter targeted Planned Parenthood, or that the shooting occurred there. Some reports indicate that it took place at Chase Bank. But that would mean the left-wing (“mainstream”) media is purposefully distorting the facts to make them conform to The Narrative and we just KNOW THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!


Review: SJWs Always Lie/Taking Down the Thought Police

I’m pretty sure I’m echoing the sentiments of others by saying this, but I wish I’d had this handbook many years ago. Much of what SJWs Always Lie reveals, I had learned on my own the hard way. Plus, I’ve been following Vox Populi for a couple years now so this wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered most of the author’s revelations.

Still, even though I had learned some dos and dont’s on my own, I hadn’t learned all of them. Nor had I discovered exactly WHY one should follow the dos and don’ts I’d learned.

One nice bonus in this book is a chapter-long summary of the whole #Gamergate saga. I’d put bits and pieces together from reading blog posts related to it; but it was nice to digest the entire history of it in one sitting. I suspect other readers would equally appreciate Day’s summary of the Hugo Awards/Puppies conflict. What both incidents teach us is that, even though entrenched throughout pop culture (and everywhere else), the SJWs can be pushed back if a few good men can only summon the courage and motivation to take off the kid gloves and fight.

Despite what I’ve learned from this book and personal experience, Day has helped me understand that I need to become more fluent in the form of communication Aristotle called the rhetorical (not exactly what we currently label rhetoric). Why? Because Aristotle and Day are absolutely correct: there are certain people whose minds you will never change by giving them information. I’ve run into them a lot, and was usually baffled by how futile my communication had been (speaking dialectic to those who couldn’t understand it).

This book is chock-full of insights and practical advice on what to do when you encounter an SJW.

Vox Day lays out the 8 stages of an SJW attack. In Stage One, he lists three subcomponents:

  1. self-appointed public defense;
  2. virtual victimhood, and
  3. creative offense-taking.

Even though I think I can think of examples of all three, it would have been nice had the author provided them himself.

Little stuff like that is really the only flaws I can point to in this book. And of course, whether or not they are truly flaws is subjective.

A pleasant side-effect of this book’s release is the number of parodies and counter-parodies now enjoying  some exposure on Amazon.

Investigation or Another Coverup?

I heard some audio soundbites from the latest Benghazi investigation on the radio a couple days ago. A couple professional politicians kept yammering on about how the matter had been whitewashed“investigated” seven times already.

No matter how many times the media sprays perfume on Hillary, something still stinks. Even so, I expect nothing less than another sugar-coated makeover of the ugly truth. Remember, her husband the Teflon Traitor never had to answer for any of his high crimes and treason…except his perjury regarding a blowjob in the Oval Office–and that was just a smokescreen.

The inmates have control of the asylum, people. There is no justice; nor will there ever be, with these renegade public servants holding absolute power.

Messing With Texas

At  a truck stop not far inside the border after leaving Louisiana, I stepped out of the restroom and couldn’t help noticing a display of signs, T-shirts and bumper stickers. The first one I read said:

Alcohol, tobacco and firearms should be a convenience  store, not a government agency.

How delightfully un-PC, I thought, and took some time to chuckle at similar sentiments on display.

After driving deep through the heart of Texas, I came to a town with this sign to greet me on my way in:


God, country and free enterprise???? Where do these people think they live–the United States of America?

I haven’t checked recently, but I remember a couple elections ago that the Texas G.O.P. platform was unbelievably close to ideal…while the G.O.P. nationally played the Washington Generals to the Democrat’s Harlem Globetrotters. The Republican Party as a whole  was all about compromising away the rights of the people and our national sovereignty, selling us out at the first opportunity, all while pretending to be “conservative” (whatever that means). Republicans in the Lone Star State were actually republican

There’s no such thing as “the pendulum” that swings left and right. There’s only a ratcheting noose , gradually strangling our constitutional republic politically, financially, and culturally. So how is it that Texas has withstood the leftward ratchet for so long?

Mostly, it’s because they have clung to their heritage and refused to compromise away their culture.

Is it any wonder Texas is considered "hostile" by the Jade Helm 15 planners?
Is it any wonder Texas is considered “hostile” by the Jade Helm 15 planners?


Americans in general not only have much to appreciate, we’ve got many remarkable accomplishments in our history. Certainly there are some skeletons in our closet, but there’s also much to be proud of in our history. But children born here are taught to believe the opposite. If they’re taught any history at all. Ask the average person in the USA what started the American Revolution and they’re likely to tell you it was the Boston Tea Party (you know: a Sarah Palin rally) or Roe vs. Wade. And while the America haters who hijacked our culture can’t point to any nation where the quality of life has been better, they can still find things to criticise.

Of course, Texas today isn’t the texas of 20, 40, or 150 years ago. They’ve suffered an invasion of America-haters from both south of the border and from the high-population cesspools of the Northeast. Pinkos have infiltrated their local and state governments to a degree, but it’s nowhere near as bad as the nation as a whole.

But Texans (for the most part) embrace the highlights of their history and take pride in them. They still believe in their own exceptionalism.

Oblivious to the ridicule levelled at them by the rest of the world, You’ll still see Texans wearing cowboy hats, boots and gaudy belt buckles, brandishing firearms…and even riding horses. Because they’re still free to do it, and they’re not ashamed of their heritage.

I used to make fun of Texans because of how they dress and talk. But should they ever wake up and secede from this pathetic excuse for what was once a free country…the status of my citizenship might just change.


Debating the SJWs

“Know your enemy” is a wise axiom usually attributed to Sun Tzu, but probably goes back even farther, almost to the first human conflicts.

Vox Day’s new bestseler, SJWs Always Lie, is a long overdue resource for knowing our enemy. Whatever you may think of him based on his remarks about race, it’s often hard to deny the brutal validity of his insights. Even before the book came out, it was one of his off-the-cuff observations in an interview that helped me finally know the enemy.

VD would say we’re in the midst of 4GW or “4th Generation War” right now (I think). I’ve been saying for a while that, in the USA at least, we are in a cold civil war. This could change any week now, but so far the weaponry being used are words and ideas, expressed through a variety of mediums.


In the interest of knowing the enemy I wanted to show a real-world example of what it’s like to meet an SJW head-on in the marketplace of ideas. There was a debate with an SJW from 2010 I thought would be very demonstrative of rhetorical vs. dialectic, but alas: the transcript appears to be misplaced. So instead, I’m posting a transcript of a much more recent debate from For the sake of length, I picked out the sub-threads from the primary antagonists (the attempted friendly fire by the Concern Trolls was not only inept, but incoherent). It may not be a perfect example of rhetorical vs. dialectic, but it’s a decent example of an attempt to disqualify the opposition.

We know from government documents and more than a few leaks that Bible-believing Christians are considered enemies of the state by the globalists, and have been called “domestic terrorists” along with constitutionalists, veterans and gun owners. But long before this became official, Christians were a favorite target of the SJWs because they have been (falsely) taught that they need to be milquetoast wimps who surrender at the first sign of opposition.

Someone posted a thread asking the question who the elect are (refer to Matthew 24/Mark 13; Luke 18:7, Romans 8:33, etc. For those interested).


Almost immediately, yapping ankle-biters stormed the post all guns blazing, with their Concern Troll support troops in tow. The topic was hijacked by those with an axe to grind against Christianity in general and the Bible in particular. I tried to keep the thread on topic for a while, but the others on the Christian side (including the Original Poster) disappeared and these kinds of comments persisted:

ANKLE-BITER #1: “Absolute truth” is such a seductive and dangerous idea….

ANKLE-BITER #2: this is such exclusivism .. the whole we are special and we are saved and those others are not… this is a real problem with our species, particularly when people get stuck in this type of ideological prejudice

Notice that right away they are rejecting absolute truth. This comes into play later.

ANKLE-BITER #2: moral superiority complex.. this is what all such notions indicate

VP: Are you addressing anyone in particular? And do you have anything substantive to contribute that could work toward answering the question of this thread? If not, but you and (ANKLE-BITER #1) would like to debate moral superiority and whether truth is relative or absolute, let’s start a topic and do that. I’ll be happy to participate if you’ll abandon the hijacking of this thread.

ANKLE-BITER #2: addressed in general to anyone who is possessed by this kind of paradigm of, we are better because we have embraced this belief elect, saved it is an illness which is the same root as every other prejudice and bigotry comes from How are we going to make positive progress as a species if we cannot evolve past the medieval brainwashing which has infected our species? this just keeps people divided and a house divided cannot stand

Keep in mind this is a person who allegedly doesn’t like the idea of “ideological prejudice” or “moral superiority,” yet considers himself the authority on what “positive progress as a species” is.

VP: You make a big show of being outraged by those with a “moral superiority complex” and you butt into a thread (that was NOT posted for discussion of whether Christianity is valid or not) in order to assert moral superiority over those trying to have a civil discussion among themselves, piling on the insults like “possessed,” “illness,” “medieval brainwashing which has infected our species.” I offered to debate both of you in a separate thread so this one could be unmolested. But of course you’re not interested in honest discourse–you only want to attack those you assume are morally inferior with your hypocritical invective. Then after working so hard to bring division into a conversation that doesn’t concern you, you use the “house divided” remark. Your hypocrisy is amusing, but again, doesn’t belong here.

ANKLE-BITER #2: hmm a bit offended when all i am doing is criticizing an idea, not anyone personally.. since it is this idea that threatens our present and our future only those who are attached to such an idea would be offended

VP: Why are you offended? I’m only pointing out hypocrisy and criticizing tactics, not anyone personally.

ANKLE-BITER #1: Take the hubris out of the question, Who Are The Elect, and you have a topic worth discussing. When people are telling you that they are part of the Elect, you know you’re in the company of fools.

Here is a person who openly rejects absolute truth, yet has unilaterally decreed, for everyone, what topics are worthy of discussion. Also note how easily he resorts to name-calling: anyone who disagrees with his position is a fool. And it is never explained how the “hubris” is to be removed from the question. According to him, the question itself is the manifestation of hubris. So take the hubris out and what question remains? This is the fingerprint of an SJW–statements calculated to put you on the defensive, but that don’t stand up to even rudimentary logical analysis. He continues:

…It isn’t hard to figure out who might qualify. In Matthew 7:12 and again at 22:37-40, Jesus makes it clear. He reduced the ten commandments to two: Love God, love others. This same simple code is expounded in every one of the major religions, and to this day no more than a handful of people have even come close to living up to the standard.

According to this comment, Islam (for instance) is a religion of love. His New Age indoctrination is showing here: all religions are equal.

Interesting that he uses biblical references in an attempt to qualify his argument, isn’t it? Maybe it reminds you of somebody who did something similar after Jesus had fasted 40 days in the wilderness (read about it in Matthew 4:6).

But wait! Ankle Biter #1’s not done:

If there is a God who judges people, it won’t be over which denomination or even which religion we belong to. It’ll be over how we live up to the simplest of moral codes: Love God. Love each other.

VP: Those were 2 of my favorite passages you referenced. Does your use of them indicate you accept the source as dependable and we can therefore use the 66 books of the Bible to determine what is true in this matter? Or are you simply using the typical anti-Christian tactic of cherry-picking select verses in an attempt to invalidate the text you lifted them from?

BTW the same person you quoted claimed to be the ONLY way to the Father (John 14:6). My guess is you don’t like or use those kinds of excerpts. (But, giving you the benefit of the doubt,) since you apparently accept Bible quotes as valid evidence in this matter, feel free to also provide chapter and verse on Jesus questioning whether there is “a God who judges people,” and where Jesus tells us that said judgement will not be based on what a person believes.

ANKLE-BITER #1: So, VP, let me guess: you’re a Christian? As far as I’m concerned you are totally welcome here, not that I have anything to say about it. But this is an open forum, specifically created for free and open exchange of ideas. If you want to have your own Christian threads, that’s fine, but other folks are going to make comments. You should be glad they’re taking the time to read what you write. Yeah, (ANKLE-BITER #2) was a little shrill. Deal with it. Of course, if what you want is Christian conversation without the annoyance of having people disagree with some things you may say, there are tons of Christian forums out there. Have at it. Peace.

Hard to miss the pose he’s trying to strike, here: the smug, benevolent intellectual who welcomes diversity of opinion. He welcomes it so much that he dog-piles on with his bedfellows to shout down others with differing opinions trying to have a polite discussion among themselves.

You can already start to see some uncertainty leaking through the condescending contempt. He’s a little off-balance because one Christian had the audacity to stay on the thread rather than retreat at the first sign of conflict. He’s still fairly confident–just a bit disappointed that one of his intended victims didn’t roll over and play dead.

Also note his crafty tactic of painting this as a problem with anyone who might “disagree with some things you may say” rather than a deliberate hijacking. Desperately trying to skew the other side into the role of intolerant villain when Ankle-Biter #1 was politely offered to debate these points of contention in a thread specifically for that purpose.

VP: (ANKLE-BITER #1) said: ”… Yeah, (ANKLE-BITER #2) was a little shrill. Deal with it.”

Thanks–I am dealing with it.

Your plattitudes about polite public discourse sound noble and all, but if you truly wanted that you would have accepted my offer. No, you wanted to sabotage this discussion.

I don’t follow Islam. In fact I have a lot of problems with it. However, I don’t barge into a discussion between a Sunni and Shiite about who should have succeeded Mohammed and continually interrupt them to spout off on how their religion sucks. And if I did, I’d be shouted down by a thousand sheeple, demonized at every turn, and possibly blamed for the next Benghazi. But it’s A-OK to do it to Christians, because we’re so intolerant, right?

ANKLE-BITER #1: My, but you simply radiate love for your fellowman, Friend! To answer your question, ” Does your use of them indicate you accept the source as dependable and we can therefore use the 66 books of the Bible to determine what is true in this matter?” the answer is no, because there is no logic in that. What I believe is that the Bible is inspired by the Divine, and that Jesus was probably the most actualized human being who ever lived. Believing the Bible to be literally, word-for-word true or factual (in English no less), will greatly hamper the ability to see much of its greatness.

Translation: “DISQUALIFY! Christians are supposed to run away when I use these tired old talking points! Obviously, you lack love!”

Again, he arrogantly decides for everyone what is logical to discuss–hoping nobody would notice  that he disqualified the logic he himself used in his previous comment.

No doubt he hoped to generate guilt with his snark about love and inspire an apology–which 99% of Churchians would have given him.

VP: (ANKLE-BITER #1) said: ”My, but you simply radiate love for your fellowman, Friend!”

Ah, I see I’ve encountered an expert on what love is. Perhaps you’d care to provide an absolute definition of love.

ANKLE-BITER #1: Guess I’ll let the Elect have the thread. Virtual Pulp, I’m not trashing your religion. The way I see it, you’re doing a better job of that than I could. You’re welcome to it.

Desperate parting shot, there: claim victory while running away. In the face of mounting butthurt, he is looking for a way out…but still couldn’t resist another inept attempt at psyching out a Christian (because so many of us assume that love is telling people what they want to hear and never ruffling feathers). And after his relativistic BS earlier, he has been hoisted on his own petard by assuming there is a universal standard of love and he knows what it is.

BTW: Neither the Original Poster, nor anyone else, ever claimed to be the Elect. Again, the purpose of the conversation was to answer the question of who the Elect are. That purpose was hijacked before it ever got off the ground.

Notice he brought up the Bible as an alleged buttress for his argument (assuming the opposition didn’t know the source material as well as he thinks he does) but is not willing to accept it as a standard. He abandons that approach so fast, it’s almost like it burned him.

VP: Nice try, but that statement falls of its own weight, and fails to salvage your disastrous attacks.

ANKLE-BITER #1: My only problem with this thread is that it doesn’t belong under News. It belongs over in the spirituality section.

See that? NOW the only problem is that the thread is wrongly categorized. Funny how he never once even mentioned that before in all his comments. Translation: “Retreat!!!!!!!!! Quick–move the goalposts!”

But once I’ve left the conversation, he’ll get reinforcements and start all over again.

ANKLE-BITER #2: well, nobody is any more special than anyone else including Jesus who was no more divine than anyone else so this idea is an issue it is this kind of thinking , the saved, the elect, the blessed, which is really just a divisive us and them idea that is propagated by pretty much every religion

It’s worth noting that the two ankle-biters in this tag-team operate on opposite assumptions: one that all religions are equally valid; one that all religions are equally bad. And yet they work together to silence any Christian conversation. ANKLE-BITER #2 continues:

…setting a dividing line between sheep and goats, wheat and chaff, etc etc… that keeps us in the dark ages and feeds petty prejudice and bigotry this is the fact and if it was a muslim thread making the same claims on the board I would be saying the same thing there as well so don’t feel singled out … i call this kind of thinking out wherever I run across it, but I don’t go out looking for it.

This is a lie easily proven by looking through his comment history. And followed up by another lie: that he doesn’t “go out looking for it.” Also easily debunked by his comment history. But I let that go and addressed his faux-definitive statements about Jesus:

VP: And how did you come to this conclusion, (ANKLE-BITER #2)?

ANKLE-BITER #2: …….Direct revelation

Finally, faced with how he can’t defend his argument by what he purports to believe, he hides behind snark.

This is one example of how SJWs debate.

For the impending regime, these kind of people are the useful idiots. Most of them will be killed off once their usefulness is expired, but plenty of them will be your commisars, your political officers, your imbedded snitches, and some will be manning guard towers. You should study how they think (and don’t think) now, before they are issued uniforms, armbands and weapons.