Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Elvis Reveals How the USA was Obamanated

Well, not really Elvis. You DO accept that the man is dead, right? (Long before Hussein crawled out from under his rock and appeared on the national scene.) But since we’ve featured two Elvis songs already this week, and “That’s Alright, Mama” was made famous by him…close enough.

The two paradigm charts featured in the video were too much work not to be displayed where people have time to read them…so we’ll do that. First, the actual left-right paradigm–almost guaranteed to be the opposite of what you were taught in school:


And then there’s the paradigm according to the Social Justice Whiners:



You will see these again, class.

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Divide & Conquer: Church Shooting Will Turn Evangelicals Against Patriots

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From the instant the first news flash went out that there had been a massacre in the Carolinas, some of us knew details without being told.

It was a no-brainer to call how the treasoncrats would react. Barack Hussein Obama’s predictable talking points emphasized one difference between what is left of our constitutional republic and the type of nation he is fundamentally transforming us into. (That one difference that is the toughest nut to crack for the globalists, and why they haven’t already reduced us completely into a third world police state.)

Also before hearing the details, many of us were willing to bet that the shooter was psychologically disturbed, in therapy, and on some sort of psychotropic drugs. This is a consistent pattern in these media circus shooting sprees. They all have remarkably similar vulnerabilities and…to put it cautiously, seem to be marching to the beat of the same drum.

Now I’m going to be a little less cautious.

The hysterical voices that hype stories like these (while suppressing others) are not worried in the least about guns in the hands of violent criminals, Mexican drug cartels rampaging inside our borders, or sociopaths like these high-profile shooters. It is law-abiding Americans who mind their own business that they so desperately want to disarm. That is the toughest nut to crack for the enemies of our freedom.

In the elections of 1994, anti-gun leftists in Congress suffered the worst political spanking since Reconstruction. The very next year saw the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a seeming epidemic of school shootings has punctuated media coverage of celebrity sexcapades and Oprah Winfrey’s diets ever since.

Despite the catastrophic “progress” made on every other front, the would-be serfs in America tend to be less gullible when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms. Efforts to disarm us have mostly been stymied. The Hussein Administration has been executing a flanking attack by going after ammunition, but that’s not working fast enough for them. And for all the hype about the shootings, some Americans insist on “clinging to their guns and religion.”

Guns and religion–that symbolizes an unofficial coalition between evangelical Christians and constitutionalists that has proven a foil to the designs of the globalists.

We’ve seen divide-and-conquer implemented effectively along racial lines since 2008. And with regards to the invasion on our southern border, a fissure was seen to form between churchgoers and patriots. How can that fracture be exploited and widened?

By shootings in churches instead of schools. Watch for droves of churchians jumping onto the anti-gun bandwagon soon.

And it was a white shooter with black victims, of course. So that motive for division isn’t over, by a long shot.

The Wussification of the American Male

There are too many trends on too many fronts, pushing toward the demise of this nation, for me or anyone to document thoroughly. I pay attention most to our financial and political suicide. I virtually ignore the foreign policy disasters engineered in Washington (arming and funding radical Islam; provoking Russia toward war after weakening our military more than anyone will admit and utterly neglecting–if not scuttling–any tenable defense of the home land; etc.).

But there are even more fundamental causes for why life as we know it is coming to an end. While our constitutional republic is dismantled before our eyes, basic human characteristics like our intellectual capacity, our moral compass, the nuclear family and the very gender laws of nature seem to be on the ropes.

One of the cancers eating away at us has focused on masculinity itself. First it confused us about what manhood even is; now it’s poised to eradicate it altogether. When young men and boys are being bombarded with the message that Bruce Jenner is the model of courage, only the depraved can deny our state of depravity.

Of course femininity has been nearly eradicated in this country as well–among females, anyway. But I don’t speak female, so that’s for a woman to address. A real woman, that is.

But while good men did nothing, these attacks were launched long before most victims were old enough to vote. They were launched through the culture–and pop culture specifically.

For decades, only one side showed up to fight in the war for our culture.  The efforts of guys like us at Virtual Pulp, the Puppies, and others might be too little/too late, but as for me…I’m going to at least put up a fight.

Chinese Hackers and the Inevibility of War

The latest cyber-attack by the Red Chinese is being compared to Pearl Harbor.

The Washington Post reported that this is part of an ongoing strategy by which Beijing is gaining unprecedented digital power over the American people by “building massive databases of Americans’ personal information by hacking government agencies and U.S. health-care companies, using a high-tech tactic to achieve an age-old goal of espionage: recruiting spies or gaining more information on an adversary.” Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer of the cybersecurity firm ThreatConnect, based in Northern Virginia, said, “They’re definitely going after quite a bit of personnel information. We suspect they’re using it to understand more about who to target.”

It’s a little like the trick-or-treating strategy employed by street bullies: Rather than do the hard work of going door-to-door collecting the loot, let someone else do it for you and then simply steal it from them. With U.S. government three-letter agencies conducting intrusive surveillance on the American people, the shortest path to that data is to hack those databases and steal it. And it appears this is exactly what China is doing. This is precisely what groups such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation have warned about as part of their opposition to the blanket surveillance conducted by these overreaching agencies.


In the late ’90s, intelligence sources reported that the Chinese High Command considered a war with the US inevitable within 30 years.  After the treason committed by the Clinton Administration, our strategic assets were compromised and Red China was handed technological parity to go along with its overwhelming numerical superiority. Meanwhile, the “American leadership” in Washington continues to weaken us in every way possible, except when it comes to a war with the American people that they consider inevitable.

It only makes sense that our foreign enemies would seek every possible advantage in preparing to destroy us. True, politicians are willing to hand our enemies pretty much anything they want, but the Chinese want some lower-level spies and sabateurs as well, just to have every possible base covered before they pull the trigger.

Will Some States Secede?

Ron Paul spoke about this on C-SPAN.

It’s unlikely many drones in our dumbed-down culture have any clue what secession even means. And they’re distrustful of anyone with a vocabulary of multisyllable words. “TV say them people bad. Them racist.”

Paul updated his thoughts on secession during an appearance on C-Span today, noting how “The founders believed in it, there’s no prohibition in the Constitution against secession,” adding that the union was voluntary and therefore secession was also voluntary under the tenth amendment.

“They want to put them on a list that they’re committing treason, put them in prison or throw them out of the country – what about the First Amendment,” asked Paul in response to calls by some on the left to have pro-secessionists deported.

Lemme get this straight:

We should let into this country billions who hate it, untold numbers of whom are terror cells  like the one that recently attempted an attack in Texas, and they should be given a free ride at taxpayer expense and vote in our elections while plotting our overthrow. And anyone who takes issue with this policy is racist. But when those taxpayers express the desire to peacefully break away from the renegade public servants who are criminally dragging us down to the abyss, well, that is “treasonous.”

Given their indifference to the acts of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, it’s surprising they would pretend to even know what treason is.

Paul thinks there will be a de facto secession. Maybe he gives us too much credit.


But You’re White! Don’t You Want to Preserve Our Heritage?

Sneak preview of my dystopian thriller/paramilitary TEOTWAWKI novel.




It was determined some years ago that 0300 was the ideal time to raid a home.
That was when normal people enjoyed their deepest sleep. They would be slower to wake. When they did wake, they’d be disoriented for a few crucial moments.
The assault transports, which looked like unmarked SWAT vans, rolled up on the gate at 0245. The gate was simply a cable hanging across the driveway, suspended from trees on either side. Hanging from the cable was a metal sign which read: “NO TRESSPASSING.” An officer hopped down from the van, unhitched the cable and let it fall across the road, taking no small satisfaction that the sign would be run over by multiple vehicles momentarily. He jumped back into his seat and the small convoy rolled onto the rough snow-covered dirt drive.
The DomTer’s house was a ways up the mountain from the road, and isolated enough that it made surprise more difficult than normal. The sound of engines straining to pull heavy vehicles up the steep drive could potentially give warning to the perps. Helicopters would be faster to put boots on the ground, but were even louder than their assault transports. Helicopters were also of limited availability, and in high demand these days. In any event, somebody high up had decreed this operation go in on wheels.
The assault transports and the supporting armored vehicle and communications van arrived at the end of the drive at 0303. Doors flew open and a full platoon of federal agents burst out of the transport to deploy.
It was supposed to be an especially cold winter this year, and up here it already was. Thick white clouds hung overhead, threatening more snow any time now. Their black uniforms stood out in stark contrast to the white landscape.
All was quiet. No lights were on. Good–likely the perp was still asleep or only just stirring–if he heard the truck engines at all. Either way, there was nothing he could do now that wasn’t suicidal.
Satellite imagery of this property hadn’t been a terrific help, as the buildings were well-camouflaged. It took a few confused moments for the agents to locate the house–a dome-shaped structure back in the trees.
Funny though—no sign of the dogs. They’d been worried that shooting them would also tip off the perp prematurely, but that seemed to be a non-issue. Everything was working out in their favor today.
The breech team went forward, bristling with weapons, explosives, armor and night vision devices. The blocking team circled around to close off any escape routes in back. The other teams dispersed to search the barn, sheds, and the rest of the property. The breach team leader got confirmation via his radio headset that the blocking force was in place. His team stacked on the front door, primed and chomping at the bit. The ram was passed forward.
The two agents closest to the door swung the ram back, then forward with all their strength, at the door.
The door didn’t give way, but they never had a chance to wonder why, or batter at it a second time.
From a distance the explosions didn’t seem that impressive. There was no fireball, and though the blasts all occurred simultaneously, the report was loud but not ear-splitting.
Up where the breach team stood, however, it was hell on Earth for a split second that would forever alter their lives permanently…and end some of them.
Big bore armor-piercing rounds tore through them from the front, sheering the bone of one agent’s arm, passing between armored sections of another and punching through his torso. But the worst of it was underneath them.
The very ground they stood on erupted. White-hot shrapnel streaked upward all over the kill zone. It ripped through boot soles and feet, through legs, buttocks, and at angles through their bodies, blowing tunnels through vital organs allegedly protected by their state-of-the-art body armor.
Other blasts sounded around the property as agents evidently stepped on mines or tripped booby-traps.
The commander, sitting in the passenger seat of the communication van, surveyed the scene in wide-eyed horror. “Ambush!” he cried. “It’s an ambush!”


Jimmy and Bill stopped by the game warden’s office, went through the usual routine, then headed for their favorite diner with the eight-point white tail gutted and wrapped in a tarp in the back of Jimmy’s pickup.
At the diner, the two ravenous hunters ordered coffee and lunch.
Jimmy and Bill knew each other from high school, but hadn’t been especially close friends. After 9/11 Bill joined the Marines and Jimmy became a medic in the Army. After returning home they ran into each other at the V.A. Since agonizingly long waits were standard at veteran’s hospitals, they had plenty of time and nothing better to do than talk.
It turned out they had a lot in common. Both liked to hunt. Both were firearms enthusiasts. Both were disillusioned about the “war on terror.” Neither of them liked the way V.A. doctors were trying to classify them as PTSD. Nor did they like nurses and doctors asking them if they owned firearms. And both were pissed off about what was happening to their country.
A strong friendship developed after that, and many of their conversations centered around speculations on what kind of country America was going to be in a few more years, how the transformation might take place and what, if anything, they could do about it.
They hunted together; went to the range together; introduced girlfriends; invited each other over for Superbowl parties. Now and then one of them met others who shared a lot of their concerns over the state of the Union. Sometimes those others made it a habit to join them at the range and at bull sessions in the diner. Sometimes they brought wives and/or sons. A few times they asked Bill to talk about what he’d done and seen in the Sandbox. He obliged by explaining small unit tactics at length. A few quizzed Jimmy on combat medicine, and techniques he’d used in Ass-Crackistan. A lot of those folks bought weapons and gear, showing it off to the two veterans, or sometimes seeking advice and approval before buying. All of them bought ammunition with every available dollar, including Jimmy and Bill.
When the two friends entered the diner, they left their cellphones in the truck–even though both phones were rooted, and they had removed the hidden backup batteries which allowed third parties to remotely turn the microphones on.
As they discussed the hunt, the buck, and what Jimmy would do with the hide, the meat, and the antlers, a Toyota Tundra swung into the parking lot and pulled up right next to the GMC. They sat facing each other in the booth, but both noticed the new arrival through the window.
Arden Thatcher exited the Toyota’s cab and wandered up to lean over and look into the bed of the GMC, flipping up the tarp to snoop under it. He was a little below average height, thin and bowlegged, but compensated with cocky swagger for what he lacked in stature. With clod-kickers, a cowboy hat and a Rebel flag on his Levi jacket, he was the poster boy for Texas rednecks.
Arden had come upon Bill engaged in a conversation with some other folks at a survival expo, and jumped right in. He talked like a gun enthusiast, who hated the present administration. After that first meeting he bumped into one or the other of them by coincidence–like the way he just happened to show up at the diner just now.
Jimmy and Bill watched him turn from the GMC and saunter toward the diner’s front entrance.


Arden Thatcher didn’t leave his smartphone in the truck. Nor had he taken it apart and removed the hidden backup battery. He stepped inside the diner and swept his gaze over the patrons until he found Jimmy and Bill. Jimmy was dark-haired, with a big crooked nose. Bill was a redhead with Scotch-Irish features. Both still wore woodland cammies with matching baseball caps.
Arden smiled and nodded before heading their way.
Jimmy nodded back. That was a good sign. Maybe they were warming up to him. They still hadn’t invited him to go shooting with them or otherwise hang out with their local gang.
He felt sure he could earn their confidence in time.
“Hey Jimmy,” he said. “Howdy Bill. Mind if I pull up a chair?”
“Howdy Arden,” they mumbled, neither of them scooting over to make room on their booth seat.
Arden found an unoccupied chair at a nearby table and slid it over to sit perpendicular to the two veterans. “About due for a bad winter, I hear.”
Jimmy and Bill nodded, chewing their food.
“Who bagged the eight-pointer?” Arden asked.
Bill chinned toward Jimmy, who grinned. “We knew it would be winner-take-all,” Bill said. “That first shot would scatter all the game for 20 grid squares.”
“I hear the mating cry of the sore loser,” Jimmy remarked, smirking.
“Grid squares,” Arden repeated. “Does that mean you had a military topo map of the area?” He seemed to be a little proud that he knew about military grid, and had shown them he knew his stuff.
“Naw, USGS,” Bill said, blowing on a spoonful of soup. “Gotta use latitude, longitude and minutes. It’s just habit to think in military grid.”
“Oh,” Arden said.
Silence fell over the table for a moment. The waitress came over and asked Arden what he’d like. He ordered a cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie.
“Y’all hear this latest thing about the illegal aliens?” Arden asked.
Both men grumbled in the affirmative.
“More and more people are rejecting the mass media brainwashing,” Jimmy said, finishing off his enchilada. “The globalists have to bring in more illegals to cancel out their votes.”
“Ain’t enough that the sheeple get to vote five or six times every election,” Bill added.
“Elections are a total sham anymore,” Jimmy said. “And what choice do we get every time? Communist or Communist Lite.”
“Tastes great!” Bill blustered, drunkenly.
“Less filling!” Jimmy blustered back, pounding his fist on the table and adding a hiccup for effect.
Arden’s coffee arrived and he took a big gulp, oblivious to the once-famous beer commercial referenced. “It ain’t just about elections,” he said. “It’s genocide against white Europeans.”
Jimmy and Bill both raised their eyebrows, shared a glance and looked back to Arden.
“Genocide?” Jimmy asked.
“Sure,” Arden replied. “It don’t always take gas chambers—if that even happened. They’ll breed the white outa’ the world if they have to. The whole country’ll be one shade a brown or ‘nother, it keeps goin’ the way it is now.”
“What ‘they’ are you talking about?” Jimmy asked.
“You know,” Arden said. “The NWO. ZOG, or whatever you wanna call ’em.”
“NWO are lily-white Europeans themselves,” Bill said. “Why would they want to ‘breed out’ their own race?”
Arden shook his head. “Most of ’em are Jews. Don’t you know that? Besides, even the ones that are truly white protect their own blood lines. They just want the rest of us to lose our racial purity.”
Jimmy fidgeted, visibly uncomfortable. “What is ‘ZOG,’ anyway?”
“Zionist Occupational Government,” Arden explained. “Our government is controlled by the Israelis. Ain’t it obvious?”
Bill set his coffee cup down, leaned back in his seat, and wiped his face with a napkin, exchanging another glance with Jimmy. “Arden,” he said, “We got nothin’ against you. But it’s fairly plain there’s some matters we don’t see eye-to-eye on. If you’re lookin’ for like-minded people to hang out with, you should go on and look somewhere else.”
Arden looked crestfallen, his jaw slack. “What? What’s the matter?”
“Nothing’s the matter,” Jimmy said. We believe what we believe. You’ve got different opinions, and you’re welcome to them. We’d prefer not to argue with you or anybody who believes like you do. We just want to do our own thing.”
“What are you?” Arden demanded, blushing. “Jew lovers?”
Maybe Jimmy was a Jew. He sure did have a big nose. The dark hair might mean he had a Mex somewhere in his family tree. Arden had determined to let that slide. But if they were going to cop an attitude just because he was fed up with the Z.O.G…
“No offense, Arden,” Bill said, staring hard into Arden’s eyes. “But it’d be best for everybody all around if you just left us alone.”
The waitress arrived with the slice of pie. Jimmy smiled at her and said, “If you would, please, serve that to him at a different table.”


Many miles away in a secure commo room, Jason Macmillan, along with the comm tech on monitoring duty, sat listening to the conversation via the microphone in Arden Thatcher’s cellphone.
McMillan’s power and fortunes had increased significantly over the last 20 years. Too bad his health hadn’t prospered proportionately. He had most of the ailments common to men in their middle age now, including a degree of obesity, high blood pressure, and erectile dysfunction. What hair hadn’t fallen out all turned gray. But people respected him more than ever. He had the power to step on just about anybody from 95% of the population, should he need to. And even if he retired today, he’d be set to live comfortably for the rest of his life. Not that he wanted to retire. Ever.
Macmillan tore off his headset and swore. “More candy-asses,” he declared, shot to his feet, and marched to the door. He turned back to tell the comm tech, “They wouldn’t even let him eat a slice of pie at their table. When he gets far enough away, tell that stupid redneck the assignment is terminated.”
“Should he report to his handler for a new assignment?” the comm tech asked.
“No. Let him cool his heels for a while. Tell him we’ll be in touch if another assignment comes along.”
“Yes sir,” the comm tech said, and Macmillan shut the door.
Macmillan cussed under his breath as he made his way to his own office-away-from-home. They had wasted months working their informant into the confidence of that DomTer cell, and Thatcher blew it over the course of a few minutes.
Every potential target city had its challenges. Around Amarillo it was infiltrating the organized groups. Not the racially motivated gangs–those were easy, and conventional departments already had informants planted. But the groups that posed a real threat were proving tough nuts to crack.
The problem this time was, Thatcher had a long enough leash to improvise. But he wasn’t smart enough to improvise. He didn’t know the marks as well as he should have. Plus he actually believed in all that Jewish conspiracy business; so he assumed others would, too.
Macmillan didn’t care whether there was a Jewish conspiracy or not. It didn’t change the parameters of his job. But it occurred to him how he might be able to turn Thatcher’s belief in it from a liability into an asset. He would work on it with the handler before they attempted to give Thatcher another assignment.


Chapter 2

House of the Rising Sun/Land of the Impending Wrath

We warned you that Virtual Pulp is more free-wheeling than before.

We pose the following questions:

Are Democrats really “liberal?” Or are they socialists?

Are establishment Republicans (RINOs, NeoCons) fundamentally different from the Democrats?

How intelligent is the average Obamunist?

Was the 2012 election legitimate?

Where is our nation going?

Remember The Animals’ cover of “House of the Rising Sun?”

If you’ve never entertained any of those questions…you might after watching this video.

A Right-Winger’s Adventures in Welfareland

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
George Orwell, Animal Farm

In 1992, I ended a promising Navy career in order to be with my wife, who had refused to move to my next duty station. After a few blissful months of loving togetherness, she blindsided me with a divorce and I found myself marooned in one of the last places I wanted to be: the San Francisco Bay Area—the Land of Flakes, Fruits, and Nuts. Yes, they are just as crazy as they seem on TV. There’s a reason Nancy Pelosi keeps getting reelected.

As a newly created single father in a land where a $16 an hour job paid $7 an hour and a $45,000 house cost $175,000, I had to pull a rabbit out of my hat, and fast. Out of options, I swallowed my pride, asked my family for help and moved back to my home state where I enrolled at the main campus of the state university. Between my GI Bill and some educational grants, my son and I were able to make it, though it was a mighty struggle.

After a few months, something bizarre happened. My family insisted that I apply for welfare. Now, this was wildly out of character because in my family we had always considered nothing to be skeezier, slimier, more contemptible, and just plain parasitic than someone who went on welfare. I refused on principle, but they used Kryptonite on me: my son. My pride, it seems, was causing my child to suffer unnecessarily. I protested that it would be futile anyway because there was no way an able-bodied white male was going to be allowed on the dole in order to attend college. “Nonsense,” they said. “Single mothers go to college on welfare all the time. They can’t turn you down. It would be discrimination.”

Yeah, right.


So, I began my experience in the previously unknown Tenth Circle of Dante’s Hell—the welfare office. I really stood out, there. The only other white person was a morbidly obese woman accompanied by a small army of mulatto children. Being that we were in the Southwest, everyone that worked there wanted to speak to me in Spanish. When I requested to be addressed in English, there was much eye-rolling and exasperated sighing. Eventually, the paperwork was done and we sat in the waiting room, an incongruous blue-eyed blond-haired pair in a hostile sea of brown eyes and black hair.

After an eternity, my name was called by my assigned caseworker, a stunningly attractive Latina with a penchant for skintight western-style clothes. We exchanged a few pleasantries as I settled in my chair, then she got down to business. “You’re not eligible.”

“Could you at least read my paperwork first?” I suggested.

“Doesn’t matter. You’re not eligible.”

There was no swaying her so I returned to the waiting room to explain to my son that we would continue to struggle. As we were talking, the caseworker stepped out of her office and saw us. After a brief hesitation, she walked over and asked, “Is this your son?” I admitted that he was and she engaged him in a brief conversation. When she was done, she said, “Come back to my office.” I did and, wham-bam, within a few minutes I—the welfare state’s greatest enemy—was a burden on society. I was allotted a generous amount of food stamps. She apologized that it wasn’t more.

welfarequeenA strange thing happened. At first, I followed my usual food budget and leftover food stamps started piling up. Already corrupted into thinking like a welfare bum, I began to worry that they might be tracked and that I would lose some of my allotment if it didn’t seem like I needed them. So, I bought meat. A lot of meat. We had steak three times a week on average. Up until then we had been eating only a pound of hamburger per week. The food stamps were still piling up so I started buying name brands instead of store brands and bringing home a lot of treats.

Meanwhile, an even stranger thing happened. The checks started coming. Checks for benefits that I hadn’t applied for. I called my caseworker to report the mistake and she told me, “It doesn’t matter. You’re entitled.” So, I deposited the checks. Eventually, a check arrived that was an energy assistance subsidy for heating and cooling costs. This was certainly a mistake because all my utilities were paid by my landlord. So, I called my caseworker again and was told, “It doesn’t matter. You’re entitled.” She then told me to stop bothering her and I did.

Now, I wasn’t getting the full welfare ride that some people get. Nonetheless, it was a cozy existence. I’ve never lived more comfortably with less stress in my life. All I had to do was go to school and do my single-dad thing. This continued until I remarried and my new wife’s income bumped me into ineligibility.welfare

The experience taught me a few things. First, white men aren’t supposed to get public assistance, they’re supposed to pay for other people’s public assistance. Second, welfare corrupts quickly and stifles initiative and self-responsibility just as fast as right-wing “racists” say. Third, the welfare system is as bloated, insane and arbitrary as it seems. Fourth, if you’re getting the full ride and still live in squalor, that’s on you. In fact, I recently read a report revealing that a job had to pay at least $50,000 a year just to break even with the full ride. In other words, if you can’t live a comfortable life on the full ride, you’re an incompetent idiot.

Just for the record, I’ve long since paid back all my benefits with the confiscatory taxes that I pay.

The World Through Pinko-Tinted Glasses

Nothing is more fun than trying to find logic in a neo-Marxist’s rhetoric, right? I never heard of Wordsmouthwick Court before, but the blogger had some astute summaries of assumptions made by the typical leftard (read that: “liberal” if you don’t care what words mean). Here are some I found worthy of comment:

Humans in the past were on average more stupid and ignorant than at any point later.

Yup. Talk to any leftard and you’ll find out that the present day (whether you talk to them today or 40 years from now) is the pinnacle of human intellect and everything there is to understand about science, for instance, is known (by the people who publish scholastic textbooks, at least). The higher literacy and academic savvy in generations past proves they were dummies compared to us—just look at how much tax revenue gets flushed down the bureaucratic toilet spent on education now, versus those dark days. That is proof that we are smarter.

Education can solve all social issues.

And by “education” they mean state-controlled compulsory indoctrination/socialization that requires more money than the astronomical amount paid the year before…and every year since they began turning America into the academic laughingstock of the world.

Carbon Dioxide being released in to the atmosphere is always very bad and very serious.

Right. Because plants need it. And plants are bad for the environment. Photosynthesis contributes to global warming. The science is settled.

All religions are or have been equally violent.

If you ever pay attention during debates, aitheists/Darwinists will attack Biblical Christianity by attributing to it the track record of other religions. And sooner or later, the following assertion will surface:

Christianity was made up as a tool to control people with.

Which, if true, and given their fetish for controlling people, should make it their favorite institution.

Men and women are easily interchangeable.

Except in entertainment, where women are obviously superior…and yet victims at the same time.

If a corporation is big, it is doing something evil.

Unless Democrats voted to bail it out with money extorted from the proletariat (taxpayers), and said corporation shovels contributions back into Democrat coffers.

Government is very much less corruptible/evil than business is, if at all.

Because all the nice people go into politics, while all the mean people go into business. Earning money=bad. Confiscating/wasting other people’s money=good.

Terrorism is caused by the US and UK bullying and policing other countries.

Well, to be more accurate, all the problems in world history have been caused by the USA.

All music and art have equal value.

But some is more equal than others. Just ask the anti-puppies (during the B Phase of their self-contradicting tirades).


When an Obamunist Tells Lies in the Forest…

…But the alternative media isn’t there to blow the whistle…was it, in fact, a lie?

According to Sherman’s sources, in 2013, Williams refused to broadcast the news about a Justice Department memo justifying drone strikes against American citizens. Later that same year, Williams wouldn’t air a report that said the Obama Administration had known since 2010 that ObamaCare would cost millions of Americans the very same insurance policies President Obama repeatedly promised they could keep.

It never ceases to befuddle me how NeoCons and others seem to assume things like:

  • The only time Red China has ever shown brutality toward its own citizens was at Tienamin Square.
  • The only crime ever committed by Bill Clinton was perjury about the blowjob he got from a White House intern.
  • The only time the mainstream media has lied, distorted, covered-up or otherwise perpetrated a fraud on the American people was when Brian Williams lied about his experiences.

…Myers couldn’t get Williams to air a segment about how the White House knew as far back as 2010 that some people would lose their insurance policies under Obama­care. Frustrated, Myers posted the article on NBC’s website, where it immediately went viral. Williams relented and ran it the next night. “He didn’t want to put stories on the air that would be divisive,” a senior NBC journalist told me.

Divisive? Hmm. As opposed to how NBC and their fellow travelers handled the Trayvon Martin and Ferguson stories? ‘Cause, you know, editing the 911 tapes and their other race-baiting tactics weren’t designed to be divisive at all.