Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Vaginas Rule the Wasteland (But Enough About Hollywood)!

My gloomy predictions about the Mad Max reboot have been proven true. We’d all be better off if something like this fan video below was incorporated into a feature length movie:

Here’s the character we love and miss, in the milleu which has never been showcased as well, but in a story we haven’t already seen, which potentially fills the gap between the first and second movie, and doesn’t ruin the character, preach at us, or perpetuate the cultural programming we get from everywhere else.

So in other words, Hollywood would never allow such a film to be made. Same with Australia’s film industry these days, probably.

"Gee Goose: If only we had a strong womyn warrior to tell us what we should do..."
“Gee Goose: If only we had a strong womyn warrior to tell us what we should do…”

It’s not just the artistic tyranny of the SJWs permeating every nook and cranny of organized entertainment (except videogames so far, and a small outpost of science fiction authors). The authors, screenwriters, directors, etc. THEMSELVES, have been fully assimilated into the hive. All their pretensions of individuality are a pathetic joke: the same narrative is being pushed by ALL their hackneyed reboots, remakes, adaptations, rip-offs, knock-offs and “original” cultural-conditioning-disguised-as-entertainment.

But I’ve got a side-note that hit’s closer to home.

Even among self-described “red pill” males there is no solidarity. It’s nauseating how the feministas, SJWs, homophiles, cultural Marxists and other vermin routinely band together to push their agenda; but men on the opposite side are more concerned with hamstringing each other than cooperating on even something as small as a film criticism.

My article on the new Mad Max was posted on April 9. Yesterday, somebody on one of the big manosphere sites made the same warning. Initially glad to see somebody else getting the word out, I posted comments. Within a half hour my comments were gone and in their place was a comment by some other guy using the “Mad Maxi-Pad” joke I had made.

"You can run, but you can't hide! Sodomite marriage is coming to a wasteland near you!"
“You can run, but you can’t hide! Sodomite marriage is coming to a wasteland near you!”

This wasn’t the first time that ideas I’ve shared online have been “borrowed.” But why did my comments have to be censored?

Because I shared the link to my own, earlier Mad Max post.

Nobody at Virtual Pulp writes the “Five Ways to___________” or the “Why Serial Killers Shouldn’t Murder Pretty Girls” or “False Rape Accusation at __________ Campus” articles that is the primary focus at that site, but they obviously see us as competition.

And they can’t have that.

Ironic, because the article in question, reporting the same thing I did (over a month after I did), appealed to solidarity among red pill men, to vote with their dollars and boycott this flick.

Yeah, okay, you big team players, you. Since we’re all in this together and everything.

Most Feministas Don’t Consider Themselves Feminists

A whole lot of recent news is comment-worthy, but it’s hard finding time to comment.

One story I really found illustrative is the one about Joss Whedon coming under fire for Avengers 2 not being feminist enough. Nevermind that Scarlett Johenson’s amazon superninja character is portrayed in Marvel movies as somebody who could take on Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson (in his prime) and Chuck Lidell (in his prime) all at once and subdue them in half a second without wrinkling her tights. Not strong enough, say the feminazis.


You’re a sexist unless Black Widow is shown to be superior to Captain America, Iron Man and Thor (not just Hawkeye).

But here’s a quote from this article that made me groan/laugh:

“For years Whedon has been lauded as one of the few Hollywood screenwriters who creates strong female characters.”

Face-palm. One of the FEW????????

Has this writer been hiding under a rock?

For anyone with eyes and a brain, it’s obvious that females dominating males is obligatory in the Hollywood Bible. Physically in action movies. Intellectually in sitcoms. Morally in dramas.

Okay, there are some weak female characters in romantic comedies; but the males in that genre are even weaker (except when the male is homosexual).

But white knights and manginas accept that as the status quo. It’s only when the cultural svengalis get really outrageous that anyone in the mainstream (including “conservatives”) so much as raises an eyebrow. Until that outrageousness becomes the status quo.


The War Against Americans

Every week this country is consumed in a new distended orgy of polarized, mutual hatred, set against the backdrop of outrage mobs, race riots, shuttered businesses, scandals, Twitter-induced career ruination, gleeful smear parties, and partisan hackery.

More and more people see writing on the wall all the time. But I had come to believe “conservatives” (whatever that means) would be the very last ones to realize or admit it, due to their myopic optimism.

That so many of them are sounding alarm bells now is kind of chilling.

My soon-to-be-released third novel incorporates into the plot many of the cultural, political and economic trends competing to topple America. Every day I worry that if I don’t finish it fast enough, the toppling will take place before publication is final.

Speaking of that, I better quit piddling around here and get back to work. But here’s a video for ya:

This idiotic conclusion by Brooke Baldwin is just one part of a narrative we’re gonna hear over and over until “everybody just knows” that veterans are dangerous. Almost as bad as (gasp!) Constitutionalists or (hiss!) gun owners.

This meme hasn’t even caught on with most of the flock yet, but I’m already sick of it. Here’s a few points that NEED to be made at every opportunity, to anyone capable of rational thought:

  • The Constitution is the law of our land.
  • Politicians (and all public officials) swear to uphold the Constitution.
  • 99.999% of them spend their careers violating, ignoring, circumventing and perverting the Constitution.
  • They consider their enemies to be anyone who would uphold the Constitution.
  • Their now-weaponized institutions like the FBI, CIA, IRS and Department of Fatherland Homeland Security, according to policy, consider patriotic Americans, gun owners, and veterans, to be a greater terrorist threat than actual, proven terrorists.
  • “Actual, proven terrorists” includes Bill Ayers, the mentor to and ghost writer for the individual presently occupying the highest office in the land.
  • Almost nobody cares. And they won’t care until it’s too late to do anything about all this.
  • And it’s probably too late already.

Trashing Baltimore

Here we thought the Ebola Virus was gonna spread over the continent and usher in the zombie apocalypse. Looks like it’s a riot epidemic that’s the real threat.

This video below, for some reason, ends with several minutes of a still image. But up until then, it’s educational.

What we know so far is that Freddie Gray has a rap sheet, and was arrested on weapons charges. He went into a police van healthy but came out with severe spinal cord damage, and later died in police custody.

I sound like a broken record even to myself, but the cops who did this to an unarmed, handcuffed man, regardless of his previous crimes, need to hang for this. Unless a really convincing piece of evidence  is revealed showing that the injury was some sort of freak accident through no fault of the Baltimore Police, that is.

However, these dirtbags attacking innocent bystanders and baseball fans don’t give a flying rat’s ass about Freddie Gray or his family. These entitled vermin have been waiting for an excuse to unleash their sanctioned racism, and strike a blow against “Whitey.” This gave them the opportunity.

I watched some video of these #Blacklivesmatter “activists,” and whatever sympathy I might have had for them is fading fast. I am so done with “white guilt.” The press; the Attorney General; the fraud in the White House and half the world is frantically piling on to make excuses for these “demonstrators” in places like Ferguson and Baltimore, but they take one look at my skin color and call me “privileged.”

If you visit a big city, and you are the wrong demographic, you would be wise to make some sort of preparations to defend yourself against mob violence. Police brutality is everywhere. Abuse of authority is the rule, not the exception, and something like this could break out at any time and catch you unawares.

A New Addition to the Virtual Pulp Team

Virtual Pulp is happy to introduce our newest contributor, Don Strickland. Don is a science fiction author (his debut novel, Fringeman, is now linked on our Books page) and formerly the Blue Collar Intellectual.

Hello, my name is D. K. Strickland and I’ve been graciously invited to join Virtual Pulp, so let’s get acquainted.

I’m 54-years-old and currently reside in the Southwest. I’m an aspiring author and have one book in print titled “Fringeman”, available on Amazon, with more on the way. If you have a low opinion of overweening governments and elitist busybodies, you might like it.

While I’m waiting for my literary ship to come in, I have a day job in the mining industry. Despite my hardhat position in life I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Microbiology, plus graduate work in both Education and Technical Communication, as well as three teaching credentials. I’ve gone back to blue-collar work because it turns out the pay and benefits are better, and I get more time off.

I like smokin’ lightnin’; heavy metal thunder…

I’ve been a dedicated rocker my whole life, leaning toward heavy metal. I’ve tried to outgrow this and listen to more appropriate music for my age, but I just can’t. I’m off on a symphonic metal kick right now.

I lean toward science fiction and fantasy for entertainment, but other genres as well. I find so-called literary fiction to be boring, pretentious, and pointless—on a good day.

I’m a lifelong Mopar guy, but appreciate all American Iron.

This photo fits so well, we just had to use it again.

Moderates describe me as Far Right. Leftists describe me as the Devil. I bear no group ill-will (except for that one that flies planes into buildings and saws the heads off of 5-year-old girls), but neither will I tolerate mindless hostility to any of the various groups of which I’m a member. Now, let’s have some fun.

More on #Sadpuppies, Hitler, and now #Gamergate

These Hitler subtitle clips just don’t get old. This one doesn’t require pausing to read them and, since it was evidently put together by Vox Day himself, it focuses specifically on Scalzi and Hayden.

“Don’t worry–we’ve still got the Nebulas.” ROFLMAO!

This is evil genius.

Another sign of how polarized our culture has become is that the anti-puppies are able to publish such blatant, outright lies on the subject, easily proven false with minimal effort in research—and the lemmings on the left swallow it whole and rabidly defend it in the face of the facts.

It Really Is That Simple

Politics in America are not hard to figure out at all, once you strip away all the rhetorical BS and the convolutions some of us encourage.

The more negative a person’s attitude toward the USA (we’re unexceptional, and/or racist, and/or imperialist, and/or exploitative, etc. etc. etc.), and the more they want to hurt it (destroying the middle class, crippling our industry, incurring unsustainable debt and selling off national resources as interest payments, giving money away as foreign aid, then borrowing it back from the same nations for more deficit spending, etc.) the more likely the person is to identify with the Democrats.

You can bank on this correlation better than 95% of the time. The more they rag on America, the more you can bet they vote Straight Jackass Ticket.

Nobody admits this out loud, but it’s been true for at least 40 years.

Conversely, the more a person appreciates the freedom we’ve all enjoyed here; the more they’ve studied history; the more they’ve read of our founding documents…the less likely they are to identify with Democrats.

I mentioned convolutions. Many would assume that the Republicans are on the other side–the loyal opposition to the socialists, communists and fascists who call themselves “liberal” and do everything possible to weaken us while strengthening our enemies.

Once upon a time there was some truth to that.

But the establishment Republicans are really just Democrats in drag. Many years ago the official Socialist Party of America imploded, because the leadership recognized that between the Democrats and Republicans, all their goals and agendas had been embraced by our alleged representatives.

The GOP was infiltrated and now the inmates are in full control of the asylum. Yes, I know the mainstream (leftist) media that gives Democrats a pass on everything are like rabid attack dogs toward anyone with an “R” after their name and state. That’s worth an essay of its own.

More importantly (because it is the rope we’ve been hanging ourselves on), people who love their country will support politicians who sell us out, who are little different from Democrats, simply because they have an “R” after their name and state.

The easiest example to point out is the Bushes. These big government left-wing globalists still garner devoted support from the voters they’ve betrayed, because of that “R.” It works out perfectly for our domestic enemies because the damage done by the Bushes (and the Boehners, McCains, Romneys, Doles, etc. ad infinitum) get blamed on “the right-wing.” The remedy is somebody like Clinton and Obama, but of course, who will give us “change” (more of the same but in lethal doses).

(Same principle in economics. Put a chokehold on the free market. When the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class shrinks, blame laizzes faire capitalism and strangle the free market a little more. Rinse and repeat.)

The “conservatives” in government today are mostly nothing but neocons. A neocon is a socialist who believes in lower taxes and a strong military.

People who hate America always have plenty of candidates to vote for. Those candidates will use their office to hurt our republic and help its enemies.

People who love America have plenty of candidates who want our votes and pay lip service to our ideals. Those candidates will also use their office to hurt our republic and help its enemies.

There’s evidently not much we the people can do about the tragic political theater pushing us over the cliff, because there are too many enablers among us. But despite all the convolution, the principle stated above is a reliable rule of thumb: America hate=Democrat sympathies. Put it to the test for yourself.

Marvel Comics’ Insanity

Maybe you’ve heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results.

But enough about American voters. I’m talking about the comic book industry.

I was a comic aficionado before it was cool. Had quite a collection and spent money on comics regularly. But as the writing became increasingly stupid and the left-wing, feminist, homophile prejudices became more blatant, my interest dwindled until I quit buying them.

Evidently, I’m not the only one. The industry has really hit the skids in the last few decades. Were it not for movie adaptations, comics would be a strictly counterculture pastime for basement-dwelling neckbeards.

Much like the Democrat Party (and their RINO enablers), comic book companies’ “solution” to an economic debacle is to amplify the very same policies that caused the devastation.

So DC decides the original (Golden Age/Earth 2/whatever) Green Lantern should be a homosexual. Marvel decides Thor should be a woman. And surely there’s even more of this crap going on with other characters, but I lack the stomach to get up-to-date on the cesspool comics industry.

Either the creatively bankrupt propagandists at Marvel read our original post about Thor’s sex change, or they’ve heard other people raising the same issues. And just as you’d expect of a self-righteous fanatic, their response was to ignore reason and simply double-down on their own lunacy. You can feel their mangina pride slithering from the dialog in this panel:


Explanation #2 from our original post is worth quoting again:

Nobody at Marvel is educated enough to realize that the pantheons of mythology are brimming with goddesses they could build another super-character out of.

Marxists (cultural and otherwise) have always preferred hijacking the success of hard-working men, rather than coming up with their own ideas, putting in their own sweat, and building their own track record. This pathology, for feminists, is not even limited to reality–it extends even into the comic universe.

Moderates are Good For Nothing But the Other Side

When Vox Day is on target, the man is SuperSniper. Two of his recent blog posts beautifully express some truth that needs to be swallowed quickly (if it’s not too late already).

When Vox used a Dick Winters quote to illustrate this point, the former paratroopers at Virtual Pulp were pleased with the Band of Brothers reference. (The terms being used here are “killers” and “non-killers,” which correspond to “radicals” and “moderates,” respectively, in the culture war and politics.)

In war, physical or metaphorical, there are very few who are capable of instinctively waging it “without restraint and without regard to their personal safety”. And one important difference between actual war and cultural war is that in the case of the latter, many of the nonkillers spend a fair amount of their time sniping at the killers on their own side rather than at the other side.

Imagine how effective Easy Company would have been if instead of being expected to follow the killers’ example, its nonkillers dedicated themselves to explaining at length that instead of flanking the German gun position on D-Day and killing the German gunners, they should all prove themselves to be better than the Germans by being nice to them. And then, when the killers ignored them and began the flank attack, instead of laying down covering fire, the nonkillers started shooting at the killers. Does anyone seriously think this would be a successful way to wage war?

Why, then, does anyone imagine that the same tactical approach will succeed in cultural war? If the moderates will not at the very least provide covering fire for the extremists, they are useless. And to the extent that they open their cowardly mouths to criticize, correct, and concern-troll the only people on their side who are taking action, they are worse than useless.

Having wasted plenty of time in debates in recent years, this makes me wince with its accuracy. It would be better if moderates simply dropped their pretenses and wore the uniform of the enemy. The leftists, SJWs, feminists and homophiles advance so many logically flawed and provably false arguments, a reasonably informed person could effectively expose them single-handedly, perhaps taking back the respective portion in the marketplace of ideas being contested. This rarely happens, because more often than not, lilly-livered concern trolls (as Vox calls them) butt into the conversation and begin laying a smokescreen for the other side to hide behind.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThey will take issue with the syntax/semantics used if you’re not careful to use Newspeak/politically correct terms. They will accuse you of mudslinging if you don’t sugar-coat your rebuttals. They’ll say you’re heavy-handed if you don’t let the other guy off the hook when they lie or change the subject. Of course they will rarely take note of the other side’s lies, distortions, obfuscations and hypocrisy. By the time they’re done, they will have clouded the matter in question sufficiently to cover the retreat of the opponent. Or even join forces with them and attempt to bury you under a deluge of rhetoric.

Because you are a bigger threat than those with whom they allegedly disagree. You’re gonna scare them away, you big meanie, when you state your case so effectively while not letting the other side get away with lying, double standards, cognitive dissonance, and ignorance of the subjects they claim to be experts on. As Vox puts it in the other post:

So, they suddenly become “strategists” and experts in coming up with ways to prevent anyone from actually doing anything. It’s freaking hilarious to see a few of them “strategizing” together because they inevitably produce a consensus that is not only less effective than literally everything they’ve been criticizing, but is usually unrelated to the original objective. “We should be better than them” is their battle cry. They love to show that they are “better” than the other side by preemptively surrendering and refusing to fight back. Which, of course, is why they reliably lose.

Remember, moderates got us into Vietnam, and ensured we stayed there for quite a while without accomplishing anything of lasting consequence. Anything good for the American or Vietnamese people, anyway. Moderates decided that we shouldn’t finish off Saddam Hussein in Gulf War One because our air power brought smoke on an Iraqi convoy. Egad! We killed people and broke things! That’s not how you’re supposed to fight a war! We must be better than they are. Send everyone home so we can do this again in 12 years.

This attitude pervaded when, after other countries had been fielding professional athletes in the Olympics for some time (the Soviet Bloc nations for their entire history), the USA finally fielded professionals as well. It was just wrong that we would send our best athletes to compete against their best athletes. If Americans don’t have two arms and a leg tied behind our backs, we’re cheating!

You see this in politics all the time. Democrats use every dirty trick possible to ram their agenda down our throats. When it becomes obvious to even the ostriches that Democrats are driving the country over a cliff, Republicans get elected into the majority on promises of curtailing the damage. Those tricks and loopholes the Democrats used, given legitimacy by the news media (because Democrats did it, after all), will not be utilized by the backstabbing frauds of the Establishment G.O.P., who will cave to the other side on every significant bill. Why? Because it’s more important that they prove they’re “better” than the other guys than actually trying to avert the train wreck. At least that’s the reason according to their apologists.

In reality, they share the agenda of those they allegedly oppose. Watch them get a serious challenge from someone in their own party who is NOT a backstabbing fraud, and you’ll see them fight like hell, using every weapon in their arsenal.

John BoehnerThe poster boy of the moderates right now is the pantywaist Judas goat RINO John Boehner, who had all the tools at his disposal needed to stop executive amnesty, but surrendered without a fight, of course. He and his ilk have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory so many times, it shouldn’t take above-average intelligence to see their true colors. They are not opposed to Obamunism. Never have been. Their job is to hoodwink the gullible, and sell us out. That is their true job, and they do their true job quite well.

Whichever side you think moderates really want to help, in effect they are just another asset at the disposal of the opposing force.


Guide to Social Justice Newspeak

This is long overdue, and might turn out to be only Part 1.

You may have noticed that language is evolving, and words used by certain people don’t have the same meaning they do in the dictionary. Similar to individual rights vis-a-vis government regulation, what was perfectly acceptable yesterday might be forbidden today. So bookmark this post and keep it handy for reference.


AFFIRMATIVE ACTION – A policy to encourage compliance with the Civil Rights Act, which says employment decisions shall not be made based on race or sex. Wait…um, nevermind…

AFRICA – A utopian paradise where slavery and prejudice don’t exist and never have.  You can be sure any evidence to the contrary is the fault of a greedy, oppressive American.

AMERICA – A dark, sinister entity that invented racism, slavery, greed grimlibertyand poverty. It is still such an oppressive blight on the planet that millions from around the world take whatever action necessary, legal or illegal, to get within its borders and join their voices to those already shouting down its villainy. The final solution to the American problem is to transform this reprehensible nation into something more like the utopias all those millions of immigrants are so desperate to escape from.

“CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE” – Effective safe words to use when a fascist (see definition below) is oppressing you with inappropriate facts.

COMMUNISM – A trigger word (referring to an imaginary boogeyman invented by right-wingers) used by the enemies of progress, who try to make others believe that a system of government proposed by Karl Marx has been instituted in other nations, and failed miserably despite being subsidized via foreign aid and other handouts from U.S. taxpayers for half a century.

CONSERVATIVE – Anyone to the right of Rachel Maddow.

CONSPIRACY – A doublethinkparanoid fantasy fabricated out of whole cloth by the vast right-wing conspiracy, used to justify their hateful, reactionary opinions.  We enlightened leaders should meet privately and decide what to do with dangerous individuals who entertain such notions. IT DOESN’T EXIST, understand? Exceptions include The JFK assassination, Tailhook, and the Patriarchy.

FACTS – clusters of data which are only relevant if/when they support an SJW position. They are invalid when they fail to support a current SJW argument, even when previously cited to support another SJW argument.

starwarsracismFASCIST – Someone who not only destroys an SJW argument (see “racist”), but does so via rigid, inappropriate use of facts.

HATE – Worldviews and ideologies that are a hindrance to progress. The worst is one particular  religion which teaches “love your neighbor as you love yourself,” and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

HATE CRIME – A crime which makes a victim out of someone from a Recognized Victim Class. A murder of a homosexual, for instance, is hateful; whereas other murders are not.

HATE SPEECH – Something written or spoken with terminology which is not current; like saying “illegal alien” instead of “undocumented worker” or “socialist” instead of “liberal.”

HOMOPHOBE – Anyone who doesn’t automatically add the clause: “not that there’s anything wrong with that” after a reference to homosexual behavior.

HOMOSEXUAL – An outdated term (which should probably be classified as a trigger) for those who use the body parts they were born with in ways they were never meant to be used. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

LEFT-WING – A trigger word used by fascist hatemongers for an ideology that doesn’t exist. (We know it doesn’t exist because the term is never used on TV.) It doesn’t even exist in Marxist countries, where genocidal tyrants are merely “Stalinist.”

trueleftrightLIBERAL – An enlightened person or policy which recognizes that individual rights  should be infringed upon; that government should dictate how the proletariat spends their money and uses their “property” (an outdated concept); and that all this should be enforced with Executive Orders, unwarranted searches, drone strikes and indefinite detention without trial or charges.

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE – A prestigious award, all the more prestigious in recent times now that it’s awarded for such achievements as leading terrorist organizations and being born a certain skin color.

PATRIARCHY – A conspiracy by men to oppress women (by forcing them to pay for their own birth control, for instance) which arosieriveterccounts for every female failure, and male success, in history. Its height of power was in the Dark Ages of the 1950s when most children had both a dad and mom; men opened doors for women; and females were safe walking alone at night nearly anywhere in America.

PRIVILEGE – Something enjoyed exclusively by those who disagree with SJWs.

PROGRESSIVE – (See “liberal”) A person or policy which marches forward to hope and change by gradual increments. Kind of like how you boil a frog, comrade.leftistargumentcycle

RACISM – A state of mind which often goes undetected until the one guilty of it effectively dismantles an SJW argument.

RIGHT-WING – A broad-brush umbrella term, under which fits all the dastardly villains who have ever lived. Including guys like Stalin and Mao (if they truly are dastardly villains; if not, then they are still left-wing…er, progressive).


SEXISM – The narrow-minded insistence that there are differences between males and females.

SOCIALISM – A brilliant, equitable form of government which results in utopia. Not that anybody here believes in it, of course. We are “liberals,” not “socialists.”

SOCIAL JUSTICE – An enlightened mindset which helps one understand that every rape accusation by a womyn is true; that a fair, equal society can best be accomplished by institutionalized discrimination against white male heterosexuals (see “Affirmative Action”); and that any criticism of someone in a Recognized Victim Class is motivated by bigotry.

TRIGGER WORD – A clue that you’re dealing with an enemy to progress. Examples include words like “the Constitution,” “free market,” “liberty,” “founding fathers,” “individual rights,” “personal responsibility” and “republic.”

TRUTH – A trigger word which refers to invalid data (see “facts”) used to oppose progress. It can sometimes be invoked (with caution) by SJWs in its older definition: information which advances the progressive agenda.