Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Stop the Idiocy

If the stolen election is allowed to stand, it doesn’t matter who runs for office in 2022 or 2024. YOUR VOTE WILL NOT MATTER EVER AGAIN.

Starting a political party to replace the GOP was a great idea decades ago. But if the stolen election is allowed to stand, it would be just a waste of time, and would get anybody involved classified as domestic terrorists, hunted down and dealt with. Political parties don’t matter when your vote doesn’t matter…AND YOUR VOTE WILL NEVER MATTER AGAIN.

If the stolen election is allowed to stand, it won’t matter what evidence exists about the stolen election, about COVID1984, or anything else. We’ve already seen that the courts are just tools of the Cabal. They will rule the way their masters tell them to. If you try to inform people yourself, you will be silenced, and eventually arrested and dealt with.

Think logically.

The enemy has no honor, doesn’t care what the law says, and their oaths of office aren’t worth the breath they were given with. Nobody and nothing will hold them accountable. There will be no consequences for their actions. The people have no power anymore. The enemy and its Swamp Media can tell you black is white, with a straight face, and 40% of the population will believe them–or at least pretend to. This is not a constitutional republic anymore. It’s just another tinpot oligarchy, about to go speeding over the cliff into the dustbin of history.

Neither positive thinking, “elections,” court cases, nor calling me a paranoid tinfoil hat, will change any of that.

Even in this 11th hour, President Trump still has tools to #stopthesteal, to remove the traitors, and begin restoring what we’ve lost. Pray that he will. This ridiculous second impeachment with supposedly just seven days left for his administration might indicate that the traitors are afraid he’ll do just that.

In my lifetime, we’ve never had somebody “on our side” in a position to do right by us WHO DID NOT sell us out, stab us in the back, and/or surrender to the enemy. With all the stuff going on right now that seems nonsensical, it’s easy to feel the deja vu and assume we’ll be betrayed yet again–this time for all the marbles.

Maybe we will. I hope you made preparations just in case.

The soap box, the jury box, and the ballot box have all been stripped from us. All we have left is the cartridge box…unless our President takes decisive action before it’s too late.

Pacifists, normies, and cucks had all better pray Trump does it his way. It’s gonna get very, very messy, if not.

If it’s left up to a thousand guerrilla armies of armed and extremely pissed off Americans, blood is gonna flow like foreign handouts in a stimulus package. Collateral damage will be on a scale we’ve never seen in North America. Maybe on a scale not seen in world history–and there will be damn little remorse about it.

Trump caused these Americans to hope against hope there was still a possibility of fixing this mess with minimal bloodshed. You don’t want to see what happens when that rug is yanked out from under them. There will be so many bodies dangling from freeway overpasses, undocumented Democrats will be escaping back to Latin America, happy to be the bitch for a drug cartel again.

I’m not referring to beer-bellied Bubbas and Boomer Fudds who like to pose with firearms for photos to be posted on social media. I’m referring to men who have kept quiet most of their lives and suffered, while evils were sufferable. They didn’t attend protests or engage in boycotts or pay much attention to The Narrative. They’ve been too busy working. They know how to get around in the boonies. They know how to cause serious trouble for the people who hate them–and they’ve thought about how to do it–in theory, so far. They also believe firearms are tools–not props to pose with. And they will have nothing left to lose. They just wanted to be left alone, but the enemy wouldn’t even grant them that miniscule consideration.

The Deplorables who gathered in Washington, DC, packed up and peacefully left town when Trump told them to. Who do you assume they’re gonna listen to once Trump is out of the picture?

First, They Came For the “Right-Wing Extremists”…

As the Cold Civil War turns hot, it is absorbing the culture war, the information war, and every other struggle.

For years, I’ve told people to stop feeding the Beast (Big Tech, the Swamp Media, Woke Capital, etc.). But they decided it would be just too inconvenient to stop giving their money and information to the enemy. Too inconvenient not to depend on those who hate you for your platforms, advertising, revenue streams, news, etc.

There are plenty of other watchmen out there who have been passing the warning, too. But no matter how bad the purge got, “conservatives” (whatever that means) continued feeding the Beast–because it hadn’t eaten them, yet. In much the same way, they continued supporting controlled opposition like Paul RINO, Lindsay Gayscam and Mitch McCommie.

Well, the purge isn’t deniable anymore, now that it’s coming for the ostriches who assumed they would be eaten last. All the “principled conservatives” are stabbing America in the back, while regurgitating the Marxist talking points about “democracy” and “legitimacy.” Millions have been kicked off Twatter, FascistBorg and CommieTube in the last few days. But years on the enemy’s social networks wasn’t completely fruitless: the communists will hang on to their personal information, and use it when the purge spills out into the physical world. The armies of GloboHomo NPCs are already frothing about doing just that.

But what about the “conservative alternatives”? Cux News revealed its true colors on election night. Parler (as in: “Step into my parlor,” said the spider to the fly) is pretending that it’s an unpredictable and total shock that Amazon has yanked its hosting services out from under them. You know, because Jeff Bezos’ NPC worker drones haven’t been banning books they disagree with, or anything. “Conservative” companies that manage talk radio shows are threatening to fire anybody who challenges The Narrative regarding the election. They’re so confident that their Narrative holds up, they have to destroy anybody who presents evidence to dispute it. The banks, credit card companies, and online payment processing companies are all part of the cabal, too. Expect their purge to accelerate, as well. We were warned that one day we would be prevented from buying or selling unless we had the Mark. The Mark is a ways off from being implemented, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a trial run first.

There is a lot of evidence/eye witness testimony of massive aircraft and troop movements taking place as I write this. This could mean a couple of different possibilities:

  1. The Dark WInter/Night of the Long Knives. The purge is about to spill over into meatspace. Federal jackboots will be kicking in doors coast-to-coast to get rid of the “most dangerous” Americans who are right-of-communist. “Conservatives” will likely applaud this, once again assuming that as long as they cuck and accept the “new normal,” their chains will sit lightly upon them. NPCs will be soaking their panties in glee. But some “fascists” are doubtless going to take exception to this “democracy” in action, and respond in a language everyone will understand.
  2. The Storm. There are still “patriots in control”; and they not only release the Kraken, but start watering the Tree of Liberty. Arrests, military tribunals, the whole Q yard. Of course, “conservatives” will condemn this, because we’re supposed to bend over and adopt the new status quo, and never ever condone violence–unless we’re sending our young men overseas to fight for globalism.

If this conflict causes some cucks to see the error of their ways and stop backstabbing us (doubtful), okay. Maybe you can trust them to carry your water or firewood. Don’t ever trust them for anything more important. Their cowardice caused them to hypnotize themselves into believing that perpetual surrender is a virtue. That virtue is so important to them, they will sell out their country and backstab their neighbors to uphold it. Again. It’s part of their character, now.

They deserve what the leftist mobs want to do to them.

Days of Darkness

The enemy is going for broke.

  • They cancelled the rule of law.
  • They cancelled justice.
  • They cancelled representation
  • They cancelled free and fair elections.
  • They are cancelling a free press and freedom of speech.

The social media purge of dissidents has accelerated like a rocket since Wednesday. The communists are so confident that their Narrative is true, they have to silence anyone who challenges it. But they’re not just shutting down the accounts of Deplorables on Big Social Media–they’re stopping email service too. And for people who built their own platforms, Big Finance is refusing to process payments. That’s right: now you can’t buy or sell unless you believe what they want you to. Because hate. And violence. And racism. And  fascism. All the usual psychological projection from the left.

The purge is still ongoing–they haven’t got to everybody yet. Somebody shared a screenshot of a tweet from Michelle Malkin yesterday. My first thought was: “How could they have missed a big name like her for this long?” My second thought was: “Controlled opposition?”

But they’re coming for everybody, eventually. Then they’ll start eating themselves when they can’t pass each other’s woke purity tests (just like the Great Terror and Red Terror).

The Virtual Pulp site was never monetized. I quit Twatter and Fascistborg back circa 2013. But give them enough time and they’ll shut me down, too.

MeWe seems to still be functioning well, but I’ve only seen limited engagement there, anyway. There are some decent folks, but the right-of-center faction is made up mostly of neocons, moderates, Fudds and milquetoast Boomers who are already talking about Biden’s cabinet picks and what kind of carpet Harris will put in the White House. Definitely not my tribe.

Gab has been slow and intermittent since Friday. Maybe the servers are overloaded by the mass exodus from the communist social networks, but I’d be very surprised if they’re not under a sustained cyberattack of some kind. Uploading posts has been hit-or-miss (mostly miss) this weekend, and right now I can’t even get my notifications to load.

GloboHomo has controlled the flow of information so effectively for generations–that’s why they have an army of ignorant fanatics completely onboard with what they’re doing. But truth has always leaked out between the cracks. Now they are engaged in an all-out effort to eliminate any and all information that doesn’t support the Narrative. Their previous levels of censorship put the Soviets and East Germans to shame. But they’ve pulled out all the stops, now.

I’m living under the assumption that my Internet presence will be shut down, too. If not due to the iron fist of the GloboHomo Censorship Machine, then for another reason.

In my novel, False Flag (published back in 2015) the plot at one point involved an operation by white hats to break through the Swamp Media’s monopoly on the flow of information and broadcast some actual news. In a nutshell, they had to figure out how to hack into the Emergency Broadcast System to do this.

I still see the EBS as a way to break the trance and reveal the truth to the most people. Now I’m reading the same theory from other people around the Web. Not only that, but the FCC recently reminded broadcasters of their obligation to allow override access to the EBS. On top of that, Pelosi and her perverse band of traitors are evidently trying to block Trump from being able to use the EBS.

What all this points to (possibly) is that if/when the Trump Team launches the Storm, they will shut down the communist social networks and Goolag/CommieTube (or possibly the entire World Wide Web) and override the broadcast Swamp Media to communicate directly with Americans.

Q has mentioned periods of “darkness” on different occasions and, if Q is real, this might be what he meant. When asked if the grid would go down, though, he denied that it would. Of course, disinformation being necessary to  an intelligence operation, who knows what to believe?

I see a media blackout as an absolute necessity. Not only do traitors at all levels need to be arrested and dealt with; but the enemy’s mind control operation needs to be broken, and their Narrative nuked from orbit. (It’s the only way to be sure.)

Even if the grid doesn’t go down, this would still cause a major disruption. So much of our infrastructure depends on the Internet now, many “essential” businesses won’t be able to operate. It might affect food deliveries to the grocery stores. It might affect your ability to make POS or debit card purchases. Who knows? It wouldn’t hurt for you to be prepared for an actual shutdown. You probably still have plenty of toilet paper. You might want to get squared away on cash, food, water, gas, firewood, flashlights, batteries, candles, etc.

If you get prepared and it turns out you didn’t need to be…well, you’ve only lost some time and convenience, and maybe bought some stuff you don’t use very often. But if there is a week or 10 days of darkness, and you ride it out in relative comfort while the Swamp is being drained and our republic is getting successful chemotherapy, while honest reporters give you updates via the Emergency Broadcast System…how awesome would that be?

UPDATE: Don’t know for sure, but it looks like the purge might be reaching into MeWe. You might want to subscribe here.  Once the alternative networks are down, at least I’ll still be posting here for as long as I can.

What Stage of CW2 Are We In?

Since I’m talking exclusively to the based, red pill Patriot crowd, I have a historical quote for you. It came from Winston Churchill. Whatever you think of him, he did speak truth from time to time, and did it like a mac:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly;


you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

I had intended to turn this into a meme, with a “you are here” warning with arrow pointing to the appropriate text. But I’m experiencing software issues, and don’t have time now to deal with that right now. If somebody else wants to meme this idea, that would be cool.

Whether we’re at the sentence above, or the sentence below, could be out of our hands at this point. It depends on what (if any) heavy hitters answer the call on our side.

Even if Churchill’s final scenario is where we’re at, I won’t be changing allegiance. This paraphrase of something else he said sums up my outlook:

 We shall defend our republic, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight them online, we shall fight them in person, we shall fight them in the desert, in the forest, in the mountains and on the prairies, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills and the valleys, we shall fight them house to house, bullet for bullet, to the knife, and with our bare hands; we shall never surrender.

For the Lions; Not the Sheep

You may have noticed this is no longer an entertainment blog. Maybe it will return to that one day. I hope so.

Other bloggers who used to contribute here are all busy with other priorities and it’s just me, now. I’ll be glad to take them back if circumstances change enough to make blogging worthwhile for them again. I’m still posting because cyberwarfare has reached a new level of intensity and Virtual Pulp is a platform the enemy does not control and has not yet shut down.

More important than all that: my messages now are for the lions, not the sheep. Convincing normies, fence-sitters, and sheeple of what is going on is no longer a justifiable  allocation of time. Whether you believe our side won or lost that battle, it is now over. At least, my part in it probably is.

Very few non-GloboHomo information outlets are left which haven’t already cucked on the election issue. Even sources I once thought were solid are now spewing idiocy about future “elections” and how Biden will handle Corona blah blah blah.

Not gonna happen here.

Listen up, patriots:

  • President Trump has NOT conceded.
  • Pompeo said there would be a peaceful transition to A 2ND TRUMP TERM.
  • Trump also said that transition would be peaceful, not that the transition would be to the Biden/Harris theftocracy.
  • Harris has retained her Senate seat.
  • With only 11 days left before Creepy Joe and the Ho are supposedly going to be inaugurated, the communists are cooking up another impeachment against Trump AND trying to invoke the 25th Amendment.
  • We are at war. The Commander in Chief, if pursuing victory, does not broadcast his plans, intentions, and strategy in the clear.
  • Until and unless the communist puppets are sworn in, President Trump still wields tremendous power against this country’s foreign and domestic enemies.
  • In the worst-case scenario, we have only God and each other for back-up. But on January 6, it was empirically proven that the people have more power than they’ve ever considered using before; and the traitors are terrified that we just might.

#stopthesteal #bidenlost #takeitback

Another Perspective on the “Capitol Siege”

I lost count of how many people on Gab and MeWe have admonished me, insisting that “It was Antifa who entered the Capitol and made us look bad. Patriots would never do that!”

(Patriots had better be prepared to do a lot more than that. Our freedom is under siege by an enemy without honor. Refusal to grow a pair just makes it that much easier for the enemy. So does condemnation of real patriots who have the guts to fight for what is right.)

The Gateway Pundit has published the account of four guys who were on the scene.

“These families moved to the interior barricades, it wasn’t aggressive, just peaceful. This is where the cops came in and used overwhelming force. We were on the line with the barricade and out come the metal batons and they started hitting Trump protesters as hard as they possibly could. They were hitting old men and old women, people who for some reason brought their families to the event. I couldn’t believe that there were young kids walking in this crowd, but the police were targeting the kids and hitting them with a baton across the head. It was vicious.” according to Charles.

“We could tell that the 200 riot police were being very careful to stay behind the barricades, so we thought that denying that to them would cause them to be less vicious. There were metal connectors that we grabbed and then threw back at them like javelins. That then caused the barricades to come loose and by then, people were so angry that they started beating up the cops for attacking the kids and grandmothers. There was one very obese cop in particular, he was shooting people on purpose in the eyes with pellet pepper packs that was causing horrible injuries. I saw one older woman bleeding profusely, it looked like her eye came out of the socket. We were coming for that asshole when we tore down the barricades, but later when they saw that it turned into a fair fight, they fled,” said Bill.

The pandemonium of the police running away from the crowd and being attacked by some, revealed that a larger force was ‘flanking’ them on one side, expecting to come in and trap the large group of angry protesters whipped up by police brutality. Just then, they were hit by repeated concussion grenades or ‘flash bangs’ of some type that stunned them all.

“It was coordinated on all sides, the cops were hitting us with six cans of tear gas at once, and multiple grenades. They were shooting at the same time. It felt like a shooting gallery, and they were the aggressors. They were shooting into the crowd several rows back really for no reason,” said Charles.

I have my issues with the Gateway Pundit; but this article is worth reading in its entirety. Here’s my takeaways from this:

  • “Muh Thin Blue Line of Brave Men and Women in Blue” are NOT on your side. They are on the side of whoever pays their salaries and pensions. Which means that they are just another enemy asset. There are some exceptions–mostly county sheriffs–who ae elected and somewhat accountable to the citizens. But even they will be under tremendous pressure to betray us.
  • There were enemy agents provacateur in Washington. But this report is evidence that there is a significant faction in America who have had enough, and are at the boiling point. Thank God. The sheep have had their day. This is a time for wolves.
  • Don’t take women, children, and the elderly into harm’s way! This is not an action movie where a 110 pound badass womyn warrior can mop up a platoon of heavily armed 220 pound Spetznatz troopers with her bare hands. Reality sucks for a lot of people right now, but you’d better accept it quick.
  • If people want to take their country back from its hijackers, they might consider doing this at state capitols and city halls–only bring weapons at least as serious as what the cops have. And maybe don’t let the criminals reoccupy afterwards.

Do you understand yet the enemy’s intent? Do you understand yet that you can’t vote your way out of this? Do you understand that you can’t blame this on people who are willing to act; not just talk?

He Did Say It Would Be Wild

President Trump invited patriots to rally in DC. He gave a speech. They protested. They entered the Capitol and Congress evacuated. Then the President told everyone to go home.

It doesn’t make any sense, unless there’s something going on beneath the surface that we don’t completely understand. I share a theory I’ve heard in different corners of the Web, that I hope is true.

We know Antifa, BLM and other communists planned to infiltrate and cause trouble. They always do. And apparently they did. There’s a lot of contradictory stories out there  going back and forth about  what part they played in breaching the Capitol.

(Yesterday I said they “stormed” the building. But it looks like the police opened up the barricade and just let them in–which would imply that RevCom agents provacateur were in the spearhead and  this was all part of the plan for the Narrative you’re hearing from the MSM now.)

This was all used as an excuse for the curfew, so that the traitors in Congress could sneak back in later and continue selling us out, preventing the country from seeing any of the evidence that was going to be presented. Of course it was. We should have seen that coming. But it’s not like we have a free press to give us accurate information.

I’ve seen pictures of Buffalo Boi and the others posing with him at ANtifa/BLM rallies. Buffalo Boi was carrying a Q sign at one but that could very well have been LARPing, too. It still hasn’t been determined what side they’re really on. Same with the unarmed woman who was killed by police. I’ve heard she was a 16 year old girl; or a woman who spent 14 years in the Air Force. I’ve heard that she was Antifa; and that she’s a Trump supporter.

My reaction to this confusion is: so what?

At this point, does it really matter if manipulative traitors did yesterday what they’ve done in the past? Are you truly surprised that our domestic enemies would scheme to make patriots look like dangerous violent maniacs who need to be disarmed immediately? If anybody on our side was swayed by this to cuck out and join the flock, they were of no use to us anyway.

We know the enemy lies, and deceives. Oh, but THIS TIME we’re sure the Swamp Media must be on the up and up–so the only reasonable course of action is to surrender? Good riddance.

What if the RevComs weren’t involved at all, and violent, dangerous Deplorables were solely responsible for entering “the People’s House”? Good. It’s about damn time we recognized that our public servants are in open rebellion, and took action. What are we supposed to do at this point–vote? Complain to our “representative”? Trust in the courts, or “our brave men and women in law enforcement”? That lazy, ignorant, ovine attitude is how we got backed into this corner. And we are gonna have to get a lot more dangerous, and violent, if we hope to rescue anything good out of this shitshow.

I know there are exceptions (I’ve known some Vietnam vets), but I am really sick of Boomers. If they weren’t so self-important, and the Millennials weren’t so conformist, this COVID1984 bullshit would never have worked. Now they’re whining about optics and bleating that “we’re better than this!”

Better than what? Doing what is necessary, when every other safeguard has failed us?

They’re programmed to think Americans should always lose, maybe. Or maybe Boomers believe living in a 3rd World police state won’t be much worse than a retirement home. They’re the ones who made this shit inevitable, and now they’re begging us to bend over and just take it up the 4th point like they have decided to do.

There will be blood, no matter what, now. We can’t possibly win (or even survive) unless we’re willing to kill people and break things.

But yeah, I guess they believe winning is immoral.

Nobody on our side wanted this. Some of us did everything we could to sound the warning, and motivate people to change course before we got here. They didn’t listen, and now we’re here. Now we’re preparing ourselves to deal with the reality that was forced on us, while the sunshine patriots and fair weather soldiers are scrambling to find excuses to stick their heads back in the sand until they’re loaded into boxcars.

No amount of ignorance or wishful thinking is gonna save you. The enemy is waging war against us, whether you have the courage to fight back or not.

They don’t tell you what they really mean by “the new normal” and the “Great Reset,” but they have admitted that’s all on their agenda. Believe what they tell you, or think for yourself. Your choice.

Maybe Trump will manage to #stopthesteal and give our republic some chemotherapy, or maybe he won’t. I pray he does. But either way, the comfortable life so many lived before this is over.

The Question Should Soon Be Answered

We should consider what will happen on Wednesday the 6th of January. I have my educated guesses, hopes, and fears, but no inside scoop.

My hope has been deferred for a long, long time.

Q followers are very optimistic; but others have been betrayed too many times to believe the good guys can prevail in a struggle this huge.

I can’t remember when it was or what crumbs, but Q warned us quite a while back that it was gonna get very, very bleak. He admonished us to keep the faith in spite of what went on. It HAS to get bad, he said, for normal Americans to understand what has happened to our country.

I hope that was a reference to what we’re going through now. If “the plan” we’re supposed to trust involves Biden/Harris being inaugurated on the 20th, I am officially off the reservation.

Evils are sufferable for now, but just barely.

I’ve been Qagnostic since I first learned about the Awakening back in 2017. I haven’t tried to debunk it; nor have I encouraged others to believe it. There are some ostensible Q-followers who push what I consider far-fetched theories; and there are Q-detractors who insult and condemn out of ignorance.

If #GrandTheftElection is allowed to stand, that means Q was either a hoax, or “the plan” failed.

During the time period from January 6-20, 2021, we will be treated to the greatest Q-proof of all; or the entire Q phenomenon will prove just one more instance of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.

Either way, it won’t change who I am or what I’m willing to tolerate (or not). It will have a profound effect on just how pissed off I will be–because everything is on the line and this Q-proof will probably be the difference between a limited insurrection and an unlimited civil war–with starvation and genocide added as seasoning to this historic turd-burger.

If you travel to DC for the “wild” Deplorable showdown, be ready. If you stay close to home, be ready.

Have We Just Stormed the Bastille?

Or perhaps this is akin to our Fort Sumter.

After our treasonous public servants denied the American people the last peaceful option to preserve the republic, patriots gathered in Washington, DC broke through police barricades and stormed the Capitol Building. Mike Penis Leech Pence and his fellow traitors in Congress ran like the privileged cowards they are from a sample of the people they betrayed one time too many.

Reports are coming in that shots were fired in the building, and wounded are being hauled out on stretchers. So far, it sounds like Capitol Police have fired on citizens.

Notice the disparity in police reaction? When communist mobs kill, steal, and destroy, police let them run wild and only intervene when someone defends themselves from the mob. Notice these protestors haven’t stolen anything, burned anything, or killed anyone. They are directing their outrage toward the very people who have wronged them–not local business owners or truckdrivers who took a wrong turn. But in THIS instance, police use deadly force.

As if we needed more proof that the rule of law is history, the communists have consolidated power, and the Constitution means absolutely nothing to our renegade public servants.

Our countrymen have put up with way too much. Maybe they’re finally fed up. That some of them have been shot hopefully has made it clear that this is not a game. The message from our enemy is: obey us or die.

Are you getting the message?

We can guess what the Narrative will be from the Swamp Media: “Violent white supremacists stage a coup to illegally make Orange Man dictator!” Well, according to them, he’s already not just a dictator, but literally Hitler. But since when has logic or consistency ever mattered to them?

I’m thinking nobody who matters at this stage gives a shit what names they are called–especially by the lying scumbags of the press, or just about anybody in government. They can call us racists or white supremacists or nazis or whatever. Who cares? Anybody who believes them are useless anyway. We are transitioning from the war of words to something else, and the lines are drawn. If anyone is going to cuck now because of namecalling, they were going to cuck about something sooner or later, anyway. May posterity forget that they were our countrymen.

With Congress adjourned, this might be an ideal moment for the President to take some decisive Executive action. People who have read me before may be shocked that I would be thinking this way. But in reality, there is no law, no justice, and no representation. Against our forlorn hope, there is no longer an option that doesn’t involve some level of violence. The other side has proven they refuse to follow any sort of rules. We’d be fools to play by rules that they won’t. We’d be fools to refuse the fight they have forced on us.

Besides, Trump has legal tools at his disposal to #stopthesteal and start performing chemotherapy on our cancer-wracked country.

Give me liberty or cry havoc.

The Rubber is About to Meet the Road

We have arrived at the moment of truth, fellow Americans. I won’t predict what will happen, or when, but I do believe that we will know a lot more by sundown tomorrow than we know right now. We might just have information to act on, too.

Like me, you’ve probably heard all kinds of scuttlebutt and theories, and don’t know what to believe. (Praying Medic has one that I haven’t seen thrown around on Gab or MeWe.) I do expect even more RINOs to sell us out than already have, including VP Pence. Traitors gonna trait.

The big wild card is Trump himself.

I once watched Frank Shamrock in an MMA bout pace himself and play defense until the very last round. After getting his ass kicked for most of the fight, he finally let his hands go–but it was too late to knock out his opponent, or even win the fight. I hope that’s not what Trump is doing.

It could be worse than that–I’ve watched good fighters go into a bout and never go on the offensive. They lost–sometimes to opponents they had outclassed.

From where I sit, President Trump has waited too long to unleash the Storm…if he’s going to unleash it at all. Of course, I must remember that where he sits, he knows a lot more about the situation than I do.

I’m also very frustrated by his tendency to make threats instead of just bringing smoke. Maybe for all his bluster he will never throw hands, and just take a dive on January 20 when he can’t get our domestic enemies to make a deal.

But we do have reason to hope.

Back when the President debated Hillary,  a question came up regarding foreign policy–specifically, on using military strikes against foreign enemies. Trump mentioned the idiocy of the Obama administration warning the enemy in advance before striking.

Trump may have never served, but he’s not completely incompetent as Commander-in-Chief. He understands the basic concept of using surprise against an enemy. If he does have something planned, he’s not going to advertise it and blow OPSEC all to hell. As much as his supporters are dying to know, and worried there may be no plan at all, he absolutely can not tip his hand yet. All the (so far) empty threats could just be misdirection or psyops.

Compare D-Day to the Bay of Pigs. In one operation, the enemy was kept in the dark. In the other, the enemy knew every pertinent detail well before the “go.”

Also keep in mind that Trump (and whatever loyal Americans there are within our national security/defense infrastructure) have had about four years to plan and prepare a strategy. Our President may be a rich boomer from New York, but he’s a political outsider and was likely horrified into the mother of all crusader vows when he realized the depth of corruption and evil in the Swamp. We can only imagine what goes on, based on what we can see on the tip of the iceberg. He has intimate knowledge of it. If he has even a shred of decency (and evidence suggests he does), he will want to do what he can to clean it up.

Unlike the Professional Losers (GOP Establishment), Trump has still not conceded. Romney, McCain, Dole, etc., would have surrendered as soon as Cux News called Arizona for Beijing Biden. Hell, “Tricky Dick” Nixon had Kennedy by the short hairs, but still opted for noble defeat.  I don’t believe Trump was naive enough to hang his hopes on the treacherous RINOs in the Senate, or the pathetic cowards in the Supreme Court. Sure: he would have liked for them to do the right thing, just like you and I would.

Why would he come this far if all he’s willing to do is throw himself on the mercy of lying, cheating, thieving murderers?

So I believe there is a plan; and I can’t see the President waiting much longer to put it into action.

Of course, no plan is foolproof. We need to pray like our lives depend on it, because they do. Pray for our President; for loyal Americans in our government and other key roles; for the Q Team (if it actually exists); for the patriots who show up in Washington DC to demonstrate, and for the soul of our country.

Pray that the evil of the enemy is exposed to the entire world, and thwarted. Pray that the enemy gets tangled in their own snares, and turn on each other. That’s exactly the kind of stuff that happens when God intervenes. And our republic is so FUBARed right now, nothing short of God’s intervention could ever fix it. However, most of the time, God uses human beings and/or “natural” phenomena to carry out His interventions.

Here’s hoping we have reason to celebrate tomorrow night.