Category Archives: Politics/Current Events

Supreme Court Is In Play?

The timing of Ginsburg’s reported death is quite…interesting.

Cui bono?

Not quite sure who will benefit from this significant timing. I certainly don’t see it helping the GOP.  The enthusiasm behind Trump is so high, I’m doubtful it could get much higher by getting a good replacement confirmed. But what are the odds of that, anyway? Any truly solid Constitutionalist judge has a virgin’s chance of staying unmolested at an Epstein-hosted Clinton Foundation fundraiser. The RINOs in the Senate (and possibly even Trump himself) would cower in the face of the Borking that is inevitable from the Democrat/Media machine.  It’s possible they might confirm another cuck like John “Sleeper Cell” Roberts or a compromised disappointment like Gorsuch, but that would diminish enthusiasm in Trump’s base, not amplify it.

Also, make no mistake: The Swamp Media will dig up something about whoever is nominated, real or fabricated, to torpedo them. Did he look at a swimsuit magazine in high school? RAPE!!!! He’s disqualified. Did he get upset about being falsely accused of rape? MISOGYNY!!!!! UNFIT TEMPERMENT!!!!! Disqualified. Did they refuse to kneel to the LGBT Gestapo at some time in some way? Disqualified. Did they buy gas at the same station as the third cousin of the next-door neighbor of the insurance agent of somebody accused of saying or doing or thinking  something considered anti-diversity? RACISM!!!!!!! Disqualified, And we all know, from experience, that the bovine fanatics of the Democrat voter base will pretend to believe the accusation (demanding that everyone else do the same) no matter how ludicrous it is.

Do the Pedocrats Democrats benefit from the noteworthy timing of this? Possibly. The contrived subnarrative about the ethics of putting a replacement justice on the SCOTUS (which is coming soon to an electronic device near you, as sure as the turning of the Earth) will be part of the same old “Trump is Hitler!” messaging. That might increase their chances of convincing illiterate sheeple that a Trump victory is illegitimate, thereby giving the appearance of legitimacy to the hard coup de tat they’re already speculating about.

But another kangaroo court, as with Kavanaugh, seems unlikely to radicalize any more rabid baby-killers than are already radicalized. What is another scare about overturning Roe Vs. Wade gonna do–lead to riots peaceful protests or something?

I suppose rioters might start using automatic weapons instead of pistols; machetes instead of skateboards; bombs instead of bricks and Molotov cocktails; rocket launchers instead of fireworks; flamethrowers instead of pepper spray. It might come to that anyway, after November 3rd. But I don’t know why they would want to initiate the bloodbath while there’s still a chance to steal the election, or delegitimize it sufficiently to stage a Bolshevik coup.

I’m almost willing to accept that the timing is a coincidence, because pulling the plug on this Marxist meat-puppet right now strikes me as a desperate gamble.


Once again, an update to our vocabulary is necessary, so you can understand what is being said on social media, in the mainstream media, and by the NPC drones who regurgitate the agitprop everywhere you turn.

DIVERSITY – Mandatory and absolute uniformity of thought and ideology. Perfect diversity occurs when everyone shares the exact same opinions, and any wrongthinkers are eliminated. Oh yeah: also when you cancel those who belong to the wrong demographics (see “inclusive”).

DIVISIVE – Backwards, bigoted concepts like equality of opportunity, colorblindness, and any other obstacle to our racial divide-and-conquer strategy. The height of divisive rhetoric, for instance, was when that racist hatemonger President Trump called for equal justice and protection under the law, regardless of race or ethnicity, while standing under the likeness of the man who freed the slaves (see “white supremacy”) at Mount Rushmore.

FACT CHECK – To check a statement or story for facts. And when facts are found, deny them.

INCLUSIVE – That which reduces or eliminates the number of white heterosexual males who are not disciples of Karl Marx (see “liberal“), and forbids those who survive from speaking.

MAGA – A racist code phrase used by deplorable Trump voters. Every nation on Earth has a right to look out for its own interests, except the evil United States of America. When irredeemable Republicans say they want to make America great again, it really means they want to bring back Democrat institutions like slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow.

MOSTLY PEACEFUL – The Condition that exists when a city is on fire and taxpayers are disarmed and fed to rabid terrorist mobs while police stand down; but the leftist politicians who engineered the terror are protected at taxpayer expense.

PEACEFUL – The serene and idyllic condition of war zones cities like Portland, Chicago, and New York in 2020. The nature and behavioral inclinations of Antifa/BLM members, and others who make death threats against those who have the wrong skin color and opinions; in some cases making good on those threats.

UNIFY – To stir up hatred based on differences in skin color, biological sex, and national origin. Great unifying figures of our time include Al Sharpton, Jussie Smollett, Louis Farakkan, Ilhan Omar, and Barack Hussein Obama.

VIOLENCE – Asking questions, posting memes, doing research, or otherwise challenging The Narrative (see “terrorism“). The most dangerous, violent people of all are those meddling Qanon followers, who do all of the above.

WHITE SUPREMACY – A philosophy embraced by anyone who questions The Narrative, loves America, or refuses to kneel and apologize for being born with a certain appearance and heritage. The most heroic ways to combat white supremacy are burning black businesses, killing black cops, aborting black babies, and tearing down statues of Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.

Finally, Some Effective Ads From the GOP

They should run a whole series of 2020 ads like these. Click on the “play” symbol in the lower left corners to watch.

There’s a lot more powerful video footage available, but this is a start.

They really need to draw attention to Lori Lightfoot and other mayors/governors who refuse to protect taxpayers, but use taxpayer money to protect themselves.

Share these videos, and subscribe to the blog if you like what Virtual Pulp is doing.

Is This What The Storm Will Look Like?

To me, this sounds too good to be true, but the irony would be delicious.

…President Trump can arrest and imprison all state and federal judges who have granted “aid or comfort” to insurrectionists by, for example, releasing them without charge after they were arrested for participating in riots or assaulting law enforcement officers. This means all Soros-funded District Attorneys and anti-America judges who have supported the insurrection can now be arrested and removed from office in one fell swoop.

Remember that Democrat officials in Oregon, Washington, California, New York, Illinois and other states have overtly granted protections — and in some cases, actual funding — to BLM (Burn Loot Murder) terrorists. This means these officials are complicit in “rebellion” against the United States. Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment states that they cannot hold any public office, “civil or military.” Here’s the language: (emphasis added)

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Finally, Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment says, “…neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States.” This means that cities and states which are suffering extreme economic losses due to their support for rioting and insurrection — such as Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, etc.) — cannot make any claim to federal money to reimburse them for their losses.

Their losses have been incurred as a result of their support for acts of insurrection and rebellion against the United States, and thus the United States has no obligation to reimburse them for such losses.

I don’t know if the Trump Team has the moxy to do this. But if they do, this would fit in the scope of the Qmiracle we have been promised.

However, waiting until after the election for this (or whatever The Storm is going to be–if it happens at all) just sounds foolish. Yes, Trump would win in a landslide if the election were honest and fair. But the Democrat/Media Machine is all in on massive voter fraud to steal the election, and an escalation of the current insurrection into a bloody coup and a hot civil war if the theft is thwarted.

And the Swamp Media is a faction I just haven’t figured out how to deal with when I wargame this out in my imagination. The First Amendment protects their ability to continue lying to the normies (while dissidents are censored and even arrested for revealing the truth).

I suppose, in a state of national emergency, enemy propagandists could be legally given a dose of their own medicine. But I’m not comfortable with giving any human being (or group) total control over the flow of information–including President Rainbow Flag Bumpstock Ban.

Rittenhouse, Revisited

As more information becomes available about Kyle Rittenhouse’s memorable night, it turns out I may have been too critical.

  • Yes, we need to pick our battles. But when the Blackshirts come into your neighborhood, you may have no choice  but to fight there if you can’t get your family or indispensable property out of there beforehand.
  • What still bothers me most about this is that Kyle allowed himself to be isolated–even though there were militiamen on site who he initially deployed with. Later reports suggest his allies abandoned him while he was distracted providing first aid, and he didn’t notice their exfil. This was still a tactical sin, but Kyle is just a 17 year-old civilian. Somebody should have been looking out for him.
  • Surrendering to the police  is like throwing yourself on the mercy of a boa constrictor, but again, Kyle is 17 years old and was probably raised to put inordinate faith in the pensioned revenue-men-in-blue. Also, the police did the opposite of what they’ve done in other Burn Loot Murder riots–they funneled the auntie-faggots into an area where alert militia were ostensibly prepared to defend homes and businesses with force. Kyle may have believed that was proof the police (and therefore local government) were good guys, on the citizens’ side.

It’s also important to look at the positives here:

  • Kyle rid the world of a convicted pedophile; a wife-beater; and disarmed (literally) a burglar about to shoot him. Oh yeah–they’re all commie terrorists, too. Good riddance. It’s only three out of multitudes, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  • Kyle using a shooting sling is probably what saved his life.
  • This may or may not dissuade other Blackshirts from proceeding with their Burn Loot Murder rampage; but Kyle has set an example that could truly “unite the right.” He serves as an inspiration for patriots across what’s left of our country to get off their 4th points and accept/prepare for the armed conflict which appears to be inevitable. We can’t win if we don’t even show up to the fight. And barring some kind of Qmiracle before Thanksgiving, there’s going to be a fight that affects every last one of us. Our enemy won’t take “no” for an answer. Perhaps Kyle Rittenhouse has inspired the sleeping giant to wake up before it’s too late.
  • Patriots around the country are eager to contribute to Kyle’s legal defense, and reports indicate he’s already got some good lawyers on his team.

I need to emphasize that, though Kyle made some bad tactical decisions, he did nothing wrong, legally (Constitutionally). As in all blue states and some red ones, communist plants in the government subvert justice by refusing to prosecute criminals while persecuting good people who abide by the law. We saw it happen to the McCloskys and others who have defended themselves against the auntie-faggots and Burn Loot Murder.

The rule of law, long on life support, is now dead. Whether or not it can ever be restored, I can’t say. It depends on God’s timetable, and other factors (like what we are willing to do to get it back).

We’ve still got trial by jury, right?

Even with the law and good lawyers on Kyle’s side, the deck is stacked against him. What if the communists pulling the strings use artificial intelligence to load the jury pool with nothing but leftist NPCs? Then it won’t matter if the defense uses all their challenges, because every single person in the jury pool will be a rabid Marxist out for Kyle’s blood. We saw this happen to General Flynn. It’s probably happening all over the country in cases that are not as high-profile that we haven’t heard about.

Some more good news: the RevComs have successfully used terror in cities where unaccountable professional politicians (amenable authorities) either look the other way or actively collaborate with them, and citizens don’t make a serious effort to resist. They are highly organized for this level of urban conflict, using women and young useful idiots as shields; using technology that would be easy to neutralize and/or turn against them by determined opposition, knowing they won’t face jail time but their victims will. Everything is working in their favor right now.

The lapdog media will declare evil good and good evil no matter what, but Kyle’s Mogadishu Mile proves that, if Americans recognize reality and become willing to match the anti-Americans’ ruthless brutality, the enemy’s cake walk to absolute power will end quickly (leaving the military out of the equation, that is).

The RevComs have a shrewd plan, and they’ve been executing it effectively with virtually no opposition. But what happens if/when they run into organized opposition? What happens when snipers go to work on their command and control? What happens when we start targeting their bicycle and skateboard messengers? What happens when they either have to abandon their commo, or are besieged at their homes by pissed off citizens who tracked them through their commo? Turnabout is fair play.

To paraphrase an old military axiom: a great plan doesn’t survive first contact with the enemy.

No Break in the Pattern

Police stand down, letting communist mobs steal and destroy, until they attack somebody who defends himself. Then the police spring into action to arrest the one who survived the attack, no thanks to them. The “peaceful protestors” who want to defund the police demand that their would-be victim is arrested. The American goes to jail while the anti-American terrorists are either released back on the streets via the criminal justice revolving door, or are never apprehended to begin with.

I don’t know what this guy was doing out there, though there are some reports that he was tending to injured people earlier. People on the same side of those who chased him down when he was trying to leave the area.

Many commenters are remarking on the foolishness of chasing down an armed man and forcing him to defend himself.

These are not wise intellectual giants. There’s a reason they’re called useful idiots. They are two-legged animals, incapable of rational thought (or they wouldn’t vote and behave the way they do). They saw the guy running away, so instinctively assumed he was weak, and a prime target.

This incident, like many before, begs the question: why defend yourself from the rabid communists, then surrender to the system that is going to feed you to the leaders of the rabid communists?

If you’re going to engage in counter-revolutionary action, you might as well go in with backup, use disciplined fire in interlocking fields, and do your best to take every last one of them out. Your life is probably over at that point anyway, so don’t surrender to tools of the enemy just because they have badges. Better to die with your boots on, making a dent in the Beast, than to rot and die in some prison after suffering who-knows-how-many gang rapes, both literal and figurative.

If all these would-be victims lately truly are patriots, they are doing us absolutely no good behind bars. We’re being picked off piecemeal. And the enemy’s supply of useful idiots is virtually unlimited.

Cry havoc.

Tell the Truth; Go to Jail

Violent mobs burn, loot, and murder with impunity. Even  on the rare occasions that they’re arrested, traitors in the court system release them right back on the street.  But they’ll find any excuse to lock up law abiding citizens who share the wrong opinions or make arguments that can’t be credibly “debunked.” Or defend themselves against the violent mobs. This documentarian had to be silenced, one way or the other. To the powers-that-be, she’s a much more serious threat than communist revolutionaries burning our cities down.

Just so you know where the priorities of the “justice” system lie.

If you expose the work of the shadow government, they’ll find an excuse to take you down.  This woman’s viral video was over the target. It’s as simple as that.

Conspiracies can’t survive sunlight. They must keep normal people in the dark. Their deception and programming has been incredibly successful at keeping sheeple ignorant of what’s actually going on.

Millennial Millie was blasting too much sunlight, and naming names. It will be depressing to watch how many bovine idiots justify Facebook/Youtube’s  suppression of this “dangerous information” with whatever narrative is spoon-fed them.

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Who Has the Advantage in Civil War II?

This is definitely worth a watch. When we look at the breakdown of the opposing sides, it’s surprising how much can be construed to be an advantage the American side has over the anti-American side. The points about infrastructure are definitely worth noting.

Of course, I take issue with some of the statements and assumptions.
The Armed Forces actively recruit patriotic Americans? Yeah, back in the 1940s. Maybe on up to the Vietnam fiasco. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a recruiting commercial appeal to patriotism in my life. It’s all college money, job training, and multi-million-dollar fighter jets. They appeal to mercenaries and that’s what they get. You do tend to get more country boys and traditional males in the combat arms, which might or might not benefit the American side. But the remark about recruiting, stated as fact, is just a wishful-thinking assumption and casts suspicion on all the other data on the military the “red team” guy put in his report. And I can testify that the officer corps is a pozzed cesspool of opportunistic and amoral uniformed politicians. And the politics all push left. General Flynn (if he is for real) is one of the last of the Mohicans.

The most ridiculous part was the proposition that the Swamp Media would be forced to give advantage to the Americans. There is such a demonstration of ignorance on this point that to pick it apart would probably just be a waste of time.

Keep in mind that this is just strategic-level number-crunching. The numbers looked really good for Poland and France against Germany in 1939-40, too. But there is some encouraging data.

I heartily agree with one of the last points made: Whatever advantage the Americans have will only make a difference if they commit to fight. You can be the strongest, fastest, toughest stud on the block; the smartest tactician; and the most accurate marksman; but if you’re not willing to deal out pain and death on the enemy, then none of that matters. How many Americans understand that war is inevitable? How many understand that there will be no peaceful reconciliation with the other side? Do you understand that? I guarantee the anti-American side knows the deal. Their leadership have known for a long time. The last obstacles between them and their Red Utopia are being torn down right now, by power-lusting communist governors and mayors. The last incentives for their useful idiot shock troops to stay on the leash have evaporated during the lockdowns.

I pray for the Commander-in-Chief, and so should you. But I don’t put my faith in President Bumpstock Ban, and neither should you. He’s ignorant of the Constitution, and has surrounded himself with traitors.

The rule of law only worked when there were good men determined to enforce it. There are no such men left in public service. Only two types of people exist in government anymore: traitors and inept cowards. There’s only one group left that has a vested interest in freedom and the rule of law. You and I are in that group. It’s down to us.

The very reason for the 2nd Amendment is upon us. It has never been about duck hunting, the National Guard, or “legitimate sporting purposes.” Too many Americans have looked at our right to bear arms the same way a yuppy feels about his civilian Hummer. He’ll wash it, wax it, put expensive gaudy rims on it and show it off around his paved, gated suburb, become angry if somebody tries to steal it, but would never dream of taking it off road and getting it dirty. But under all the shiny sheet metal and expensive luxury doo-dads, there’s a reason that vehicle is built the way it is.

It’s almost time to take that Hummer into the bush. Will you?

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On General Flynn and the Storm

From what little I’ve read/heard from General Flynn, it’s astounding he survived the Obama purges, and no surprise why the Swamp wants him indefinitely gagged.

Gotta Love Optimists. This dude sounds like a Qanon-follower, but he’s worth listening to.

Could Q be right about the Great Awakening, and me wrong about Civil War II? I pray so. I won’t mind being proven wrong nearly as much as seeing my country destroyed. Meanwhile, my powder is dry.