(I’m using the classic definitions of the terms state, nation, and country…state=government; nation=people; country=land.)
Many will argue that the constitutional republic in North America has already been fundamentally transformed out of existence; any and all rights and freedoms once protected are also gone. They might point to the case of the McCloskeys as Exhibit Z.

You’ve probably seen the pictures of the wealthy couple brandishing firearms at their home to ward off the mob of “protesters” (who broke down the gate of their neighborhood and surged toward the McCloskey house, threatening to murder them and take their property). But this is just one example in a pattern that’s playing out all over our country:
- Rabid criminals threaten or commit violence against peaceful, law-abiding citizens.
- Police do not (or are ordered not to) protect the citizens.
- The citizens defend themselves.
- The Swamp Media and Marxists holding public office paint the citizens as oppressors and the violent rioters as victims.
- Police now spring into action, to finish the job the criminals started. The law-abiding citizens are persecuted while the violent scum are enabled.
Let me spell this out just in case any public-educated NPCs stumble across this post:
- The mob that destroyed other people’s property, threatened murder, theft, and more damage, broke the law.
- The couple who bore arms did absolutely nothing wrong. They were well within their Constitutionally-protected rights to defend their lives and their property.
- The public servants who disarmed the McCloskeys afterwards broke the law and violated their oaths of office by trampling on the rights of the McCloskeys.
The first and most important duty of a public servant is to uphold the Constitution. Our Constitution was drafted as a blueprint of a government whose purpose is to protect the rights of individuals– rights endowed by our Creator.

Because of politicians’ evil; our neighbors’ ignorance and apathy; and the cowardice of those who are supposed to represent us, everything has been turned upside-down and bass-ackwards.
If the authorities don’t enforce the law (or do so selectively), then there is no law. If they themselves can defy the law at will, then we are not ruled by law, but by criminals. If they can blatantly defy the Bill of Rights, then the Constitution is irrelevant and the only rights we have are those we ourselves can protect. If criminals are abetted by politicians, but the innocent are persecuted, then there is no justice.
Is that not the situation inside the Blue States (and some Red ones) in 2020? Explain why it’s not.

This is not another one of those posts trying to hype the McCloskeys as heroes. Their actions were not exemplary. They fell into a trap sprung by the communists and the Swamp Media. The optics fall perfectly into The Narrative (“armed homeowners are a menace to peaceful protesters”). I don’t want to kick them while they’re down. It’s difficult to know exactly what to do in some situations when seconds count–especially when you’re uninformed or misinformed about what is really happening and what it means. If they’re not utterly ruined by the Soros-funded kangaroo court pending, then maybe they’ll wake up and have a better idea what to do in the future. Hopefully more than just the McCloskeys will learn from this.
By what McCloskey himself said to Tucker Carlson, there was adequate warning that the rioters were coming his way. I’m not going to Monday-morning-quarterback everything they could have done differently; but they could have prepared much better for the threat.

If the Soros-owned prosecutor (together with a Swamp judge and a tampered jury) give McCloskey the Roger Stone treatment…then he might as well have opened fire into the mob and given the communist shock troops something to think about for the next time.
The lawlessness has not hit critical mass yet. It’s only getting worse until Election Day, and might continue getting worse after that. You could very well be faced with a similar choice in the near future.
The communist hijackers of the USA don’t care who is in the right; who is protected under the law and who’s breaking the law; they don’t care about their own obligations or duty to the citizens who pay their salaries. They care about winning, at any cost. They care about control. They care about consolidating power and making it permanent. They will destroy anybody and anything they need to in the pursuit of that power and control…and they’ve got a rabid army of useful idiots willing to do their dirty work.

What they will care about is pain, and little else. They don’t respect rights, or laws, or morality; but they respect force. You may have to use force sooner than later. Whether they replace the police with their own storm troopers or not; if you resist the communists but submit to the authorities, the authorities will turn you over to the communists anyway. Some cops sympathize with law-abiding citizens, but their pensions and job evaluations will trump sympathy every time. Cops will do as they’re told. Cops already do. And if they’re replaced by BLM/Antifa death squads, there won’t even be sympathy as they destroy everything you hold dear.
I understand that the McCloskeys spent 30+ years fixing up their house and didn’t want to lose all the time, sweat, and money they invested, to a savage horde of murderous scum. We all have something like that, that anchors us into normalcy bias and persuades us to suffer, while evils are sufferable. I don’t want to believe this any more than you do, but some of us are probably going to lose everything anyway. The only aspect in doubt is whether the survivors will be free men or serfs.

Everything hangs in the balance right now. You’ve been warned, for decades, that this was coming. If you’re like most people, you scoffed at the warnings or, at best, ignored them. The warnings are intensifying. You have even less time now, and it is much more difficult to get ready now than it was when the “paranoid kooks” first began warning you. There will be less time and more difficulty tomorrow than today.
We are at this precipice now because our fathers and grandfathers shrunk in the face of evil back when it would have been easy to correct the course away from this reality. Consider that when you think about your children.