Category Archives: Satire

House of the Rising Sun/Land of the Impending Wrath

We warned you that Virtual Pulp is more free-wheeling than before.

We pose the following questions:

Are Democrats really “liberal?” Or are they socialists?

Are establishment Republicans (RINOs, NeoCons) fundamentally different from the Democrats?

How intelligent is the average Obamunist?

Was the 2012 election legitimate?

Where is our nation going?

Remember The Animals’ cover of “House of the Rising Sun?”

If you’ve never entertained any of those questions…you might after watching this video.

Guide to Social Justice Newspeak

This is long overdue, and might turn out to be only Part 1.

You may have noticed that language is evolving, and words used by certain people don’t have the same meaning they do in the dictionary. Similar to individual rights vis-a-vis government regulation, what was perfectly acceptable yesterday might be forbidden today. So bookmark this post and keep it handy for reference.


AFFIRMATIVE ACTION – A policy to encourage compliance with the Civil Rights Act, which says employment decisions shall not be made based on race or sex. Wait…um, nevermind…

AFRICA – A utopian paradise where slavery and prejudice don’t exist and never have.  You can be sure any evidence to the contrary is the fault of a greedy, oppressive American.

AMERICA – A dark, sinister entity that invented racism, slavery, greed grimlibertyand poverty. It is still such an oppressive blight on the planet that millions from around the world take whatever action necessary, legal or illegal, to get within its borders and join their voices to those already shouting down its villainy. The final solution to the American problem is to transform this reprehensible nation into something more like the utopias all those millions of immigrants are so desperate to escape from.

“CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE” – Effective safe words to use when a fascist (see definition below) is oppressing you with inappropriate facts.

COMMUNISM – A trigger word (referring to an imaginary boogeyman invented by right-wingers) used by the enemies of progress, who try to make others believe that a system of government proposed by Karl Marx has been instituted in other nations, and failed miserably despite being subsidized via foreign aid and other handouts from U.S. taxpayers for half a century.

CONSERVATIVE – Anyone to the right of Rachel Maddow.

CONSPIRACY – A doublethinkparanoid fantasy fabricated out of whole cloth by the vast right-wing conspiracy, used to justify their hateful, reactionary opinions.  We enlightened leaders should meet privately and decide what to do with dangerous individuals who entertain such notions. IT DOESN’T EXIST, understand? Exceptions include The JFK assassination, Tailhook, and the Patriarchy.

FACTS – clusters of data which are only relevant if/when they support an SJW position. They are invalid when they fail to support a current SJW argument, even when previously cited to support another SJW argument.

starwarsracismFASCIST – Someone who not only destroys an SJW argument (see “racist”), but does so via rigid, inappropriate use of facts.

HATE – Worldviews and ideologies that are a hindrance to progress. The worst is one particular  religion which teaches “love your neighbor as you love yourself,” and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

HATE CRIME – A crime which makes a victim out of someone from a Recognized Victim Class. A murder of a homosexual, for instance, is hateful; whereas other murders are not.

HATE SPEECH – Something written or spoken with terminology which is not current; like saying “illegal alien” instead of “undocumented worker” or “socialist” instead of “liberal.”

HOMOPHOBE – Anyone who doesn’t automatically add the clause: “not that there’s anything wrong with that” after a reference to homosexual behavior.

HOMOSEXUAL – An outdated term (which should probably be classified as a trigger) for those who use the body parts they were born with in ways they were never meant to be used. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

LEFT-WING – A trigger word used by fascist hatemongers for an ideology that doesn’t exist. (We know it doesn’t exist because the term is never used on TV.) It doesn’t even exist in Marxist countries, where genocidal tyrants are merely “Stalinist.”

trueleftrightLIBERAL – An enlightened person or policy which recognizes that individual rights  should be infringed upon; that government should dictate how the proletariat spends their money and uses their “property” (an outdated concept); and that all this should be enforced with Executive Orders, unwarranted searches, drone strikes and indefinite detention without trial or charges.

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE – A prestigious award, all the more prestigious in recent times now that it’s awarded for such achievements as leading terrorist organizations and being born a certain skin color.

PATRIARCHY – A conspiracy by men to oppress women (by forcing them to pay for their own birth control, for instance) which arosieriveterccounts for every female failure, and male success, in history. Its height of power was in the Dark Ages of the 1950s when most children had both a dad and mom; men opened doors for women; and females were safe walking alone at night nearly anywhere in America.

PRIVILEGE – Something enjoyed exclusively by those who disagree with SJWs.

PROGRESSIVE – (See “liberal”) A person or policy which marches forward to hope and change by gradual increments. Kind of like how you boil a frog, comrade.leftistargumentcycle

RACISM – A state of mind which often goes undetected until the one guilty of it effectively dismantles an SJW argument.

RIGHT-WING – A broad-brush umbrella term, under which fits all the dastardly villains who have ever lived. Including guys like Stalin and Mao (if they truly are dastardly villains; if not, then they are still left-wing…er, progressive).


SEXISM – The narrow-minded insistence that there are differences between males and females.

SOCIALISM – A brilliant, equitable form of government which results in utopia. Not that anybody here believes in it, of course. We are “liberals,” not “socialists.”

SOCIAL JUSTICE – An enlightened mindset which helps one understand that every rape accusation by a womyn is true; that a fair, equal society can best be accomplished by institutionalized discrimination against white male heterosexuals (see “Affirmative Action”); and that any criticism of someone in a Recognized Victim Class is motivated by bigotry.

TRIGGER WORD – A clue that you’re dealing with an enemy to progress. Examples include words like “the Constitution,” “free market,” “liberty,” “founding fathers,” “individual rights,” “personal responsibility” and “republic.”

TRUTH – A trigger word which refers to invalid data (see “facts”) used to oppose progress. It can sometimes be invoked (with caution) by SJWs in its older definition: information which advances the progressive agenda.

Thoughts That Will Never Occur to a Woman

Elvis once warned us:

Hard-headed woman/soft-hearted man

Been the cause a trouble ever since the world began.

Any man who’s had any significant interaction with women has suffered intense frustration at one time or another. And probably on a regular basis. But despite what the feminists claim, the way the male and female brains process data  is radically different.

I put together an impromptu list to help demystify the female of the species and hopefully save you some aggravation.

Men tend to assume that thoughts in this list will occur to women.

As a rule, they do not. Especially the feministas.

(A feminista, as I’m using the term, is a woman who doesn’t necessarily consider herself a feminist, but she’s been thoroughly conditioned by feminist dogma nonetheless.)

You may find this list descriptive of some males today, too. With all the gender chaos in our culture, I wouldn’t doubt it.

Any woman who DOES have thoughts like these is probably a keeper.

  • I’m heading east-southeast. I need to head south-southeast. I can always look at the map to be sure.
  • Maybe I should understand how something works before I offer advice on how to fix it.
  • To be honest, he does work harder than I do…
  • Uh-oh, I’m contradicting what I just said five minutes ago.
  • I never heard of this thing/person/ideology until just now, so maybe I’m not the world’s leading expert on it.
  • Our one-year anniversary is coming up, and I have no desire to change my husband/boyfriend.
  • The human race survived for thousands of years without cell phones and social networks. So can I for a few hours.
  • Hmm…if it’s wrong when they do it, it’s probably wrong when I do it, too.
  • Oh, I get it! He’s operating in accordance with what I told him that I want, in that conversation we had. I should give him credit for that.
  • Maybe I should carry my argument to its logical conclusion.
  • Wait a minute…I’m judging him by what I felt at the time; not by what he actually said/did.
  • Lashing out with this remark might score some points in this argument, but it’s not true, therefore I just won’t say it.
  • When I honestly add up all the qualities of my imagined perfect man, I come up with a skitzophrenic transgender Jeckle/Hyde. Maybe I should reevaluate.

Neocon/RINO Campaign Slogans For 2014 and Beyond

After what happened in 2012 it’s unlikely that elections in America will ever again be decided by living US citizens who cast one vote apiece… But just in case I ever get commissioned by the GOP to handle their public image, I came up with a list of some catchy campaign slogans for electable candidates like the Bushes, Boehners, Bob Doles, John McCains and Mitt Romneys who are drafted from the abyss establishment as the antithesis to the Democrat thesis in the ongoing Hegelian political theater in America.

Vote RINO! Because we won’t destroy the country quite as fast as the Democrats.

Vote RINO! When it comes to your rights and freedom, you need someone willing to compromise.

RINOS: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for generations.

NeoCons: Whining about new usurpations; defending them once they become status quo.

Vote RINO! Because a sheep in wolves’ clothing is preferable to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Vote RINO! If you absolutely insist on voting for a non-Democrat, the mass media conglomerates prefer it be for one of us.

NeoCons: Everything in moderation–especially principles and truth.

NeoCons: Yeah, sure: Life; liberty; blah, blah, blah. Don’t get all carried away.

RINOS: Banking on your post-election memory disorder.

NeoCons: We play games with the symptoms, because attacking the root illness is the inexcusable behavior of crackpots.

RINOS: Why insist on a representative, when you can settle for a politician?

Vote NeoCon! Because everything tastes better watered-down.

Vote RINO! When in doubt, sell out.

Vote NeoCon! You need someone in Washington who will cower in the face of evil!

NeoCons: Victory is not an option!

Vote RINO: Appeasement is the new fortitude!

RINOs: Double-crossing you can bank on!

RINOs: A full ten years behind the Democrats’ Marxist schedule!

RINOS: The lesser evil.

“Talks tough!” “Less evil!” “Talks tough!” “Less evil!” (Imagine two factions shouting this back and forth in a bar…or at the polls.)

Vote NeoCon: This turn, we’ll play the good cop.

RINOs: Listen to our rhetoric. Don’t study our voting record.

They Live

Far from being outdated, They Live is now more relevant than ever.

While I probably would have cast someone other than this professional wrestler as the hero, John Carpenter must have thought he could entice action adventure fans into watching this science fiction satire with “Rowdy Roddy” in the lead role. That would also explain the obligatory (and marathon-length) fight scene that occurs after the scene above.

Hmm. Those are profit-driven decisions, John.

In the tradition of the cheesiest action movies of all time, here’s one of the most memorable lines from They Live:

The whole plight-of-a-blue-collar-working-class-Joe-trying-to-find-a-job schtick in the first act would be much more believable in 2013 than it was during the economic boom of the 1980s, but on the plus side it was accompanied by a nice bluesy soundtrack.

There are two kinds of people who like this movie: Those who see it as harmless exploitative schlock; and those who consider it a brilliant metaphor for the reality we live in, right up there with The Matrix. (The second group could be broken down, however, according to political affiliation.)

Whichever group you might belong to, if you haven’t seen it yet, you should.