Category Archives: Speculative

Paradox Chapter 8: Stumbling Onto a Hit

The way people think and behave doesn’t make logical sense.

Even by this point in my life, I should have just accepted that fact, and expected it. Instead, it surprised, baffled, and frustrated me every time this principle was demonstrated.

Case in point: my father and Allyson. She hated me, and I think she hated him almost as bad. She made no secret of it. And though I didn’t disrespect my father; mouth off to him; lie about him behind his back; or steal from him; I never was much more than chopped liver, so far as he was concerned. But boy, did he make an effort with Allyson—even after breaking it off with Mom. He bent over backwards trying to win love from that evil bitch, when she wasn’t even a blood relation to him. I never did figure that out, and stopped trying.

Anyway, while he occasionally came to visit when I had a birthday, he never missed one of hers—and always brought her a present, as well.

Allyson no longer lived under the same roof as me, thankfully, but Mom arranged a birthday party for her at our house, and of course my father had made time to attend. Mom told me beforehand that he was bringing Abel along with him. Abel was my half-brother (different mother; same father), and a few years younger than me. I was expected to entertain him whenever these awkward reunions took place. Sometimes we got along okay; sometimes not. Whichever way it went, though, his company was sure to be more tolerable than Allyson’s.

When my father pulled up in front of the trailer, with Abel in the car, I figured Allyson would be along in about an hour or so later, and the party would start. I figured if I didn’t go for my run now, I wouldn’t get the chance later.

As I pulled some shorts and a sleeveless shirt on, I heard the knock on the door, then the voices of my parents exchanging barely-civil small talk as my father came inside. I slipped out the back, let Ace out of the kennel, and off we went.


I ran farther than normal—not because I felt like running farther that afternoon, but because I wanted to avoid the party for as long as possible. Ace and I ran past the park and into a semi-industrial area for a few miles, then took the scenic route back to the trailer park. About a quarter mile out, I slowed to a walk and stepped out our “cool-down lap” with Ace panting happily beside me.

I had walked every foot of the trailer park a thousand times by then, and didn’t really need to pay attention to find my way back. Uncle Si had been reminding me to be aware of my surroundings all the time, but I slacked off sometimes. On that particular day I wasn’t paying much attention. When our trailer became visible in the gap between two other trailers as we walked, Ace began barking. I snapped out of my daydream and clipped the leash on her choke collar before she could tear off to chase somebody’s cat or something. The first thing I noticed was our trailer rocking around a bit on its foundation. Ace was barking in the direction of our trailer. I didn’t see any cats or another dog.

I followed the line of her sight, and almost missed it. But there it was: some weird visual anomaly right by the trailer—as if invisible prisms or magnifying glasses were passing in front of the scene, warping the light in unnatural patterns. It looked a lot like the scenes in Predator (that Arnold Swarzenegger movie) when the alien hunter uses his high-tech camouflage.

The back door of the trailer swung open and two light-warping anomalies emerged, with a solid, visible object hanging between them. An arm flopped down from the object, and hair trailed from one end.

Hair the same color as Mom’s.

The object disappeared, like it had just been shoved through a window in an invisible wall.

My brain lagged behind the visual input from my eyes, and it hadn’t yet quite registered that the visible object had been my mother’s body. Then my father’s body was transported to the invisible window in similar manner. His body leaked a dark liquid on the ground along the way. Then I recognized Abel’s body, dangling in an upside-down U-shape as if draped limply over a sawhorse, bobbing along through thin air with nothing under him but another distortion of the scenery beyond.

Ace continued to bark. Barking dogs were nothing unusual in my trailer park, but for whatever reason, her barking finally drew attention. Several light distortions made sudden, jerking moves, interacting with each other, it seemed. One of the anomalies seemed to split, and a dark opening appeared within it—like the doorway to a tent. Out of that opening, something long and dark extended, pointing in my direction. I don’t remember the sound it made, but I saw a flash.

I had been pretty slow on the uptake since first coming on the scene, but my instincts came through for me right then. Before my mind processed the word “danger,” it had signaled my body to duck. I dove flat in the weeds. Ace had been slow on the uptake all her life; never very protective or faithful in other classic dog-like ways…so I don’t know exactly what caused her to jump out in front of me in that instant.

A split second later, my poor retarded German Shepherd lay spasming and bleeding profusely on the ground, having taken a bullet, or death ray, or something for me.

My brain was still playing catch-up, but stark terror set in almost instantly. Some nearly-invisible predators had murdered my family, and were now trying to murder me.

There was an ear-splitting roar off to my left. A big, fast, loud vehicle, shaped like a sledgehammer, shot off the street, launching airborne when it hit the curb, ripping the turf asunder with massive tires when it hit the ground in the trailer lot beside me. Snarling like some mechanical beast, it fish-tailed through the lot, flinging clods of turf in twin geysers behind it, before rocking down on its nose, coming to a stop right in front of me—shielding me from whatever it was that just killed my dog. My eyes couldn’t get any wider as the passenger door of that strange machine swung open. Inside the cockpit, I saw Uncle Si leaned over from the driver seat, having just flung the door open. His own eyes were wide behind his shades, and his face pale, as he screamed, “Get in! Now!”

I scrambled to my feet, tripped over Ace’s body, and crashed inside the car in a tangled heap.

Uncle Si opened his own door and stepped outside, pulling some bulky, dark weapon with him. He aimed the weapon toward the trailer. I heard a unique bloop noise, and there was an explosion by Mom’s trailer. A large anomaly which had remained still up to that moment (thus harder to detect) lifted off the ground, transforming into something solid and visible. When it came back to earth with a tremendous smashing sound, it resembled something like a futuristic cargo van with fire and smoke billowing out of several jagged holes.

Before that vehicle hit the ground, I heard what sounded like a machinegun. Uncle Si was firing his weapon again—I could tell by the way it pushed against his shaking arms. Beyond him, I saw one of the smaller, mobile anomalies transform into the figure of a masked, helmeted man wearing a glittering poncho, brandishing some sort of weapon. The figure staggered backwards, then slumped to the side.

The machinegun sound stopped. Uncle Si glanced down at his weapon and yelled, “Son of a blood sucking whore!” He dove back behind the steering wheel, tossed the weapon in the back seat, pulled his door shut, and yanked the shifter into gear. An engine that must have been even more powerful than the one in his Corvette roared bloody murder, and I was pushed back against the seat with such crushing force that my breathing was labored.

I cried out, asking what was going on, but I couldn’t even hear my own words over the tremendous noise of that engine. It only stopped roaring like the end of the world when Uncle Si shifted gears. During one such lull in the din, he yelled, “Buckle up!”

He attached multiple webbing straps to a metal disk that rested over his chest. I was being pushed back against a similar device on the passenger seat. It was behind me, but needed to be in front of me. Straining against the G-force flattening me against the seat, I tried to strap myself in, too.

I was thrown left, then right, as the big, fast machine slung around corners. Uncle Si’s intense gaze shifted from the streets in front, to the rear view mirror, constantly. “Keep down!” he yelled, between shifts. Outside my window I saw sparks and chunks of metal blow out of a traffic light pole and heard the sound of ricochets.

When he hung a hard right that flung me against the safety webbing on my left, I looked out the passenger window. Behind us were several huge anomalies. One of them must have had malfunctioning camouflage, because part of the vehicle was visible. The sucker was really moving. It was black, with windows tinted so dark I couldn’t see inside. I don’t know how many fully camouflaged vehicles were chasing us, but I saw light warping around at least two other ones.

This was the wildest ride I’d ever been on in my life. And then Uncle Si got on the highway.

The big mechanized monster I sat in took off like a rocket. The feel of the incredible speed made more of an impression than the sight of the scenery blurring by. I was still terrified, but strangely also took some comfort in the notion that we were rapidly putting distance between ourselves and whatever was after us.

Uncle Si slammed the shifter into what must have been his highest gear, because he left it there (and I couldn’t imagine moving any faster without shooting into orbit). Then, incredibly, he began fiddling with the stereo.

How could anyone think about music in such circumstances? How could music possibly be heard over the godawful racket of this rolling Doomsday Machine?

Something did blast out of the speakers from behind and to the sides. Before I could really try to recognize what was playing, though, my stomach went queasy. My vision went haywire. Everything I could see seemed to melt into a multicolored collage of blinding lights. Something bizarre happened to my ears—like a force pushing against my eardrums while simultaneously sucking all the overwhelming noise into another room or something.

Then, with a jolt, the sound came back. The blinding lights faded and melted back into discernable shapes and colors. My stomach stabilized.

We were still roaring along at astounding speed…but we were somewhere else, in a different countryside. Wherever we were, it wasn’t anywhere near St. Louis—that was for certain. Not only that, but it was too late in the day. Judging by the sun, it was hours later than it had been just a couple minutes ago, before the…whatever it was…happened.

UPDATE:  This book is published! Click here to buy on Amazon.

Click here to buy anywhere else.

“According to the Constitution…”

…Is how you can identify a moot and irrelevant argument which will be ignored while the Globohomo Treason Machine goose-steps onward into Twilight’s Last Gleaming.

Federal storm troopers (who took an oath to uphold the Constitution–revealing the other half of what you need to know about their integrity) are in the business of violating your rights. They are not paid (from your taxes) to stop bad guys or protect good guys. They are paid to do what these lawless jackboots did.

Also surrounding the house were one-hundred-plus federal agents with a helicopter in support. Federal agents immediately took Doe into custody and placed him in loose-fitting flex cuffs into the back of one of the BearCat vehicles. Inside the vehicle, John was placed on the outer wall, and at his feet were loaded weapons. Doe later concluded that this had to be a setup, for if he were to try to free himself, he would likely be killed. Seemingly unbeknownst to the Feds, Doe’s 88-year-old mother (who suffers from dementia) was asleep in the house. The actual homeowner, Jane Doe, was also in the home. This is why Doe wanted to avoid confrontation and the stress of such an event by presenting himself peacefully. What looked to be a quick and peaceful resolution then took a strange turn to the worse.

Why did agents breach the house when Doe was already in custody? Counter to standard practice, the team chose to enter a window next to Doe’s basement door. That window is over three feet off the ground and thus difficult to breach and enter by a team that needs to move fast. There are many windows in the house that would have made a breach entry a lot easier. This window was different, not only in its height above ground and the resulting impact on the tactics used, but it is also right next to Doe’s bed. If Doe had not exited the house and moved to the front porch to peacefully present himself, the concussion grenade employed by the breaching team would have landed on him while he was sleeping. There’s no telling what would have happened in that instance, but John’s death is a possibility.

Federal agents obviously knew the home’s layout and they immediately entered Doe’s storage and security room and disconnected all security cameras while conducting a search. Though not included on the warrant, the federal agents searched John’s gun safes, a detached garage, and vehicles parked around the residence.

What provoked this Montana this raid? Doe’s former girlfriend from North Carolina filed a restraining order (a civil matter, not criminal) against Doe in that state claiming he was homicidal, suicidal, a threat to her, and had bomb-making materials with the intention to cause harm. She also claimed he had booby traps all over the home and the surrounding property. But none of this was true.

Sounds like a red flag case. Because Americans sat back guzzling beer and watching sports while these communists enacted thousands of tyrannical “laws” which supposedly grant them the authority to pull this shit, there is no longer a “legal” or peaceful recourse to these neo-Soviet usurpations.

They are going to ramp up on this, guaranteed. The media blackout will intensify, so that they can eliminate potential resistors piecemeal. Meanwhile, they will take a knee if the RevComs (Auntie-Faggots/Burn Loot Murder) resume rioting.

Theoretically, Americans who see government-sponsored terrorism being perpetrated on  their neighbors (easily identified by armored vehicles, helicopters, and hundreds of Federal blackshirts in combat gear armed with automatic weapons swarming around the property of a law-abiding citizen with the “wrong” political opinions [agreement with the founding principles of our country]), could move into flanking positions and light those traitors up.

And that’s what it will take if your children or grandchildren are to have ANY hope of being free. As long as you keep abiding by “laws” written by your enemies, while your enemies don’t have to abide by laws; then your defeat and destruction are certain.

UPDATE: Here is a possible scenario that may or may not resemble something that takes place in an American suburb not long from now.

The Tree of Liberty Thirsts

Well, honestly, it might have already died from dehydration.

Thomas Jefferson is often thought to have said we need a new revolution every generation. Here’s the actual quote that might have come from:

 “God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

But you know what? If our forbears had revolted every generation…or at least every four generations…we wouldn’t be losing our country as I write this. The enemy could not have infiltrated and neutralized every last check and balance; corrupted every single institution; rendered the separation of powers meaningless; thoroughly compromised every single organization meant to protect the people and our lives, liberty and property; nor sold us out to foreign interests. I can think of a few historical markers where rebellion would have steered us away from this cliff we are now toppling over. Can you?

An Operation More Massive Than D-Day

…is the countrywide coverup underway to erase evidence of #GrandTheftElection. Even politicians who (temporarily) decry the steal will probably prove to be just more Deep State tools in the end.

AC (Anonymous Conservative) is swallowing the red pill, slowly. I’m not an atheist, or a “conservative” (whatever that is supposed to mean); but he evidently agrees with me: There is no law. There is no justice. There is no Constitution. The emperor has no clothes.

How will it happen? Ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa county found shredded and in the dumpster days before the Senate audit is to begin. There are no rules, there is no system, there are no honest people involved who prefer freedom to tyranny. Those honest freedom-lovers were all picked up on when they were 14 or 15 or 16, by both, kids who went to school with them and the microphones listening in their houses from the telephone poles. It went in their files, and the intel operation which controls everything took note of it. Once it did, they were quietly guided to other positions in life where they would not affect these things. Now when we need honesty in government it is entirely gone, and ballots are getting shredded, and machines are getting their disk images rewritten to hide what happened, and people who stand up are being murdered, and everyone is lying about everything. There is no doubt how all of this will turn out because all of the important parts of the system here are entirely corrupted. This is why Q would have been dead on when he said “Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled.” He was saying the machinery was fully controlled by Cabal. It would not surprise me that is a term of art in intelligence for an organization that was fully compromised. And it makes it look like Q knew, because he was saying that back when everyone would have thought he was crazy.

After finding shredded ballots in the dumpster earlier today, a mysterious fire breaks out at a Maricopa county official’s farm.

He also documents how now a 4th bank has refused to process the transactions of Gab. Someone once warned us that the enemy would one day make it impossible for you to buy or sell if you didn’t submit to the Beast and his system.

First they came after the “racists;” but you didn’t say anything, because you’re not a racist. Then they came after the “xenophobes;” but you didn’t say anything, because “diversity is our strength.” Then they came after the “homophobes;” and you cheered them on, because those “homophobes” are hateful and got what they deserve. Then they came for the “deplorables;” but you didn’t say anything, because Trump uses insensitive rhetoric, and it’s really not that bad, and “but but but muh pendulum will swing back to the right.” Then they came for the “conservatives”… Hopefully, you get the idea.

The emperor is hoping that by the time you realize he has no clothes, you won’t have the ability to do anything about it and/or will be too terrified to speak the truth. We could be there in just a few months.

Q, “White Squall,” the Storm, and the Great Reset

From my limited exposure to the Qniverse, it was pretty obvious that somebody on the Q-Team liked the movie White Squall. That’s where the phrase “Where we go one, we go all” came from. (Actually, the film makers probably appropriated it from something in history. But whatever–most people wouldn’t know about it had it not been engraved on the bell shown in the movie.)

So what do the references to the film tell us? That the Q-member who made the references probably liked the theme of unity/solidarity; that he likely was a young man in the mid-1990s (like me) when the film was released, and watched it more than once; maybe that he has an affinity for the ocean and likes to sail.

But what if there is more to it than that? What if one of the anonymous posters who used the “Q” signature intended a deeper implication than just the “we’re all in this together” message by quoting the engraving on the ship’s bell?

At this point the entire Q phenomenon appears to have been a cruel psyop to get our hopes up, only to crush them once again. But there’s a lot of weird stuff going on right now that doesn’t add up if all is playing out as we are led to believe it is. And, of course, I would love to have reason to believe that there is a cavalry, “white hats” in control, and a plan that hasn’t already failed in spectacular fashion. That’s why I’ve long wondered if I should watch White Squall.

So I finally watched it. And maybe my observations are no more (or less) useful than the canon of ambiguous Q posts or quatrains of Nostredamus, but here are some, for whatever they are worth:

Perhaps the biggest takeaway is simply that when the storm hit, the ship didn’t survive. It was destroyed, and people died as it sank, despite mad scrambling efforts by some of the crew.

There was a tribunal afterwards with plenty of finger-pointing; but none of it brought the ship back. It might also be worth noting that the survivors were later deployed to fight in a pointless war that only made the world worse.

Assuming there is metaphorical value in the plot’s high concept, you have to determine whether the ship represents America, or the Cabal. If the Cabal, then “WWG1WGA” is a catchphrase meant for them; not for us. It means the movie is a cautionary tale for the Cabal if they don’t insulate themselves against the Storm. It makes it all convoluted. It doesn’t hold up under analysis.

If the ship is America, then this metaphor fits a theory I’ve encountered before. In that theory, the Illuminati infiltrated our republic right from its founding and have always intended to destroy it, then resurrect it in a “great reset” (or whatever they called it centuries ago) as a neopagan empire more powerful (and evil, probably) than before. The eagle we use for our national symbol, in such case, is actually a phoenix–meaning they’ve been telegraphing this contrived death-and-resurrection all along. Symbolism will be their downfall? Not so much, thus far.

There are other nuggets to glean from the movie. For most of it, the crew piloted the ship along a pleasant journey, enjoying life, liberty and pursuit of happiness on the way. They occasionally abused their liberty by indulging in drunkenness and fornication, but all pulled together despite differences in background and personality…with one exception: a dysfunctional kid from a rich, privileged, elite family, who got kicked off the ship, only to resurface after it sunk, and initially help his daddy try to pin all the blame on the ship’s captain.

I can think of a few meanings for all that; but if you want to go deeper, there are other potentially significant developments in the plot, too.

During the storm, the young man at the wheel disobeyed orders twice. The captain told him which way to turn the ship; but he turned the opposite way. Similarly, while our election was being stolen, there were many individuals we had trusted to represent us as the stewards of governmental power, who refused to use their granted authority to stop the steal. Instead, they conspired to assist in the steal–or at least allow it.

(Also, I’m not a sailor and know very little about sailing; but it seems to me that when they saw they were heading into a white squall, they should have taken down all the sails and relied on the engine to navigate into the wind. Who knows?)

At one point, a crewman makes friends with a playful dolphin. Then, the privileged ruling class kid with daddy issues shoots it with a spear gun, puncturing its lung. To put it out of its misery, the captain has to kill it with a mallet. This makes me think of how our government has betrayed our most loyal allies for the last century–like the Nationalist Chinese after WWII, and the Shah of Iran in the 1970s. And like what our “representatives” have done to American citizens who give them a whole lot of money, allow them to wield enormous power, and trusted them to look out for our interests.

The ship seemed to take a long time to sink. It was sideways for quite a while, then capsized. But then, briefly, the ship lurched right-side-up, before capsizing again. Just like, during America’s century plus-long suicide march to oblivion, we had a brief period under Trump when it appeared to some that America could be saved before it was too late.

There are aspects of the Q movement that have always bothered me. People put inordinate amounts of faith in human beings like Trump and unseen “white hats” and some nebulous “plan,” for instance. One Q “decoder” I used to listen to actually  poo-pooed Bible prophecy because it doesn’t line up with what they thought the Q narrative was. Yes, there are plenty of pagans and atheists in the Q movement; but this individual was allegedly Christian. If you trust in something more than you trust in the Lord, or what He told us, chances are you are not His disciple. Just sayin’.

For months now, I’ve been wondering if the entire Q phenomenon is indicative not of “white hats” in the NSA (or whatever) orchestrating a plan to stop the Cabal; but of an internecine conflict within the Cabal. Maybe it’s an ancient good cop/bad cop strategy by the enemy that’s been sold to us thousands of times in a thousand ways.

There’s the Disney/pagan entertainment theme of “white” vs. “black” magic. “Good” wizards and warlocks against “bad” ones. (God says anyone practicing witchcraft serves evil.)

There’s the New Age/Star Wars theme of the “light” and “dark” side of the Force locked in combat, reminiscent of Marvel Comics’ benevolent “Eternity” vs. the malevolent “Nightmare.” And the Monitor vs. Antimonitor (DC? They all dabbled in the occult. God is not a “force.” He is the Creator of the universe, comprised of three distinct Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)

There’s Islam, within which Muslims have been killing each other for centuries because the Sunnis and Shiites disagree over who are the rightful heirs to Mohammed. (Whichever side wins–if either ever does–the goal of their god is the same: Islamicize the entire world, by the sword if necessary.)

The Second World War (despite all the “when the world is free” and “peace ever after” propaganda to convince free men to participate…and which most people still believe) was driven by a conflict between National Socialists and International Socialists over the path to a New Babel. Both sides were led by God-hating mass murderers; but the Cabal convinced our grandfathers to fight against the side with the lowest body count (because they rejected a Rothschild central bank?). The Nazis murdered 10 million; the Soviets murdered 70 million; and the Chi-Coms 120 million. American tax dollars (and blood) transformed the latter two into superpowers. Yay democracy.

And then, of course, we also have the facade of an ideological conflict between the “Democrats” and “Republicans.” It’s becoming increasingly clear to all that they both work for the same puppet masters, despite their rhetoric.

The enemy gets us to hate and fight the “bad cop” while supporting and cheering for the “good cop” who is every bit as evil; or worse. It’s worked every single time, so far. We’re still patting ourselves on the back for piling on the Lesser Evil in WWII, after all.

Maybe both sides of the Cabal are behind the “Great Reset” (even if they call it by different names). Perhaps Trump and “Q” are just the Luke Skywalker/Stalin/Gandalf/FDR/Glenda, Good Witch of the North faction of the Cabal. When the smoke clears and the phoenix/new USA rises from the ashes, will we be any better off than the Russians who believed all the lies and false promises of the Bolsheviks? We’re supposed to put all our faith in the military; and trust that they should be given absolute power. Honestly, there is no other way to #stopthesteal at this point.

First of all, absolute power in the hands of any human beings is terrifying–no matter how noble their intentions before they attain it. Secondly, the military is just as corrupt as any other government entity, if not more so. The brass I served under had no loyalty to America or the Constitution; and the few mavericks in the officer ranks who might have been loyal were purged during the Obama Regime.

Even if the military overtly takes over (or already has), we are not out of the frying pan. In fact, we are probably in the fire. Alt-retards who hate the Bill of Rights and are gay for a “god-emperor” to rule over them will mostly believe Utopia has arrived–as long as their racial hang-ups are patronized. There were plenty of gestapos and commissars who loved their jobs, followed orders, and remained party loyalists until the very end. It won’t be any different this time.

The Albatross is sunk. The Albatross II will not be sailing us to the Promised Land.


All Assets Deployed

First of all, NewsMarx  is no better than Cux News. They are just controlled opposition, like the “Republican” wing of the Uniparty. During one of their alleged “news” programs, they were accommodating enough to provide their suckers viewers with a live action demonstration of censorship and their commitment to The Narrative (ironically, while ostensibly covering Big Tech censorship). When Mike Lindell brought up the theft of the 2020 election, this activated their Truth Suppression Protocol and the interviewers interrupted Lindell to purport that because criminal bureaucrats certified the blatantly stolen election, that means citizens are not allowed to question the results in the “free press.” Lindell tried again, and the obedient little Thought Cop interrupted again, talking over Lindell to drown out what he was saying so nobody could hear about the evidence. It’s a pretty good example, in microcosm, of what’s going on writ large. Finally, the triggered snowflake stormed off the set (probably looking for a safe space), leaving his partner to take over censorship duties.

Under what type of government does the following happen?

  • Foreign and domestic assets work together to override the will of the people and steal an election.
  • Instead of investigating the massive evidence of fraud, law enforcement harasses and intimidates whistleblowers. (Kind of like how they allowed rioting savages to burn, loot, and murder all over the country with impunity, but only those who defended themselves from the rioters got punished. Oh yeah: and sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door pull-down in a NASCAR garage while the rioters were burning down the cities.)
  • Judges refuse to hear the evidence regarding the stolen election, (while dutifully legislating from the bench to advance the LGBT agenda).
  • Bureaucrats destroy evidence (breaking state and federal law) of the massive election fraud, but are not charged, much less prosecuted.
  • State level bureaucrats threaten attorneys with disbarment who file suits against the criminal conspirators who helped steal the election.
  • “News” organizations suppress the biggest news story of our country’s history. Instead, they dedicate all their energy to lying about what  happened.
  • Citizens who attempt to exercise “freedom of speech” and “freedom of the press” to pursue the story are gagged, deplatformed, and threatened officially and unofficially.

Does this sound remotely like what happens in a free country under the rule of law?

While looking for the link to the NewsMarx “interview” of Lindell, I found Lindell’s Absolute Proof video. Lindell is not a good speaker (he makes pillows, and is good at that) or interviewer, but this is worth a watch. He compiles a lot of evidence, via expert witness interviews. From 1:36:00 on, he shows some stuff you might not have seen already.

One important point to remember is that the election rigging via voting machines is in addition to all the physical cheating. Every asset was deployed. Had “patriots in control” (who knew in advance all this was going to happen) shut down any one aspect of the steal, it could not have succeeded. One notable takeaway is that the vote-switching in Anterim County was small-scale compared to other counties, where the coverup has successfully prevented audits.

Also of note: When Lindell released his video, Slime Magazine published an article admitting there was a conspiracy to steal the election…but don’t worry, because it was done to save “democracy.” Makes perfect sense, right? Orange Man was anti-democracy because he wanted a free and fair election. They are pro-democracy because they rig our elections for our own good.

As per usual, the article is full of lies, half-truths, and distortions. It’s all designed to distract and justify the Swamp getting caught in their previous big lie that the election was not stolen.

So It’s the Hard Way, Then

It appears that Donald Trump was the Denny Green of populist Presidents. It was first and goal with the game on the line and  just a few seconds to spare…and he had the quarterback take a knee to run out the clock and end regulation.

So much of what has happened recently doesn’t add up. I’m going by just what I see and know, because it’s nearly impossible to get accurate information. Nobody with power or influence in this diseased world can be trusted. So the lack of accurate information will only get worse as we go.

It should be obvious from all my blogging that I’ve never been a Trump groupie with fantasies about him becoming my “god emperor.” My loyalty to Trump was contingent upon his loyalty to America. I would support him so long as he fought for America.

Lucy: the GOP Establishment. Charlie Brown: Republican voters.

For those whose faith was in Trump, hopefully you’ve learned your lesson about placing your faith in a human being. Regretfully, many will not learn the lesson. They’ll eventually get what they deserve, probably–in this life or the next.

Yes, I understand that Trump surrounded himself with treacherous individuals who worked against him at every turn. Not a valid excuse. He had tools at his disposal to stop the impending death blow to our country. He didn’t use them.

Our constitutional republic has now been revealed to be a myth, along with rule of law, representation, and justice. Our freedom is next on the agenda. Ironically, America now actually has been reduced to just an idea. The idea may live on in some of us for a while. Who knows? My faith wasn’t in America, because America is run by people. My faith is in God. I wanted Him to save America–restore its potential; put it back under the stewardship of people who follow Him. Looks like that was not meant to be–at least not without a bloodbath like we haven’t seen in 80 years to decide what sort of people will govern here.

It appears that President Bumpstock Ban either lost his nerve, was compromised, or was really an agent of GloboHomo all along. He has done to the USA what he did to the USFL. He has handed over the levers of power to a Cabal hell-bent on hunting down and destroying every last one of his supporters. And why the hell did he invite us to Washington, only to give a lame speech and tell his supporters to go home? What was accomplished–aside from scaring some traitors in Congress while simultaneously giving them a “riot” or “insurrection” narrative to run with? All the strange behavior, the Q narrative, plus last minute appointments/replacements, maneuvers, orders, and other wierdness since November 3rd appear to be just part of a smokescreen–stringing us along so that we would be even more devastated for daring to hope that the good guys might finally fight for us. Or that there are any good guys. The cruelty needed to do that is beyond reprehensible. The joke is on We the People. Only truly evil scum are laughing.

It appears it’s down to us, now. The fate of America rests on our shoulders. A lot of us already believed this before 2016. Now we’re four years older and it’s time to restore our mindset to what it was then.

Disclaimer: there’s a lot that I don’t know. I’ll be delighted to eat my words if, days or weeks or months after the Big Game has been lost, white hats show up and manage to resume regulation play with some Hail Mary master plan that miraculously results in ex post facto victory.

It Does Sound Like the Deep State

You’ve probably noticed that all kinds of scuttlebutt is flying in all directions right now. Of course the Democrat/Media Machine is vomiting out the usual bald-faced lies, agitprop, and psychological projection. But there’s also plenty of craziness coming from people allegedly on our side. Some of it sounds preposterous; and some of it is preposterous. If you’re like me, you’ve been click-baited into looking at some, only to realize you’ve been duped into wasting precious moments of your time.

Several people online were recently spreading links to a video by some “intelligence insiders” that “you really need to watch.” So I did. The guys in the video made some eyebrow-raising statements. I was intrigued enough to go back to their Youtube channel (that should have been my first clue) and watch their next one. They hadn’t pushed the UFO and reincarnation crap in the first video, but began adding pinches in the second. Kind of like how TV shows used to wait until they had you hooked before pouring in the LGBTQ brainwashing in the second season. There are attention whores, and there are paid CIA/Swamp disinformation warriors, pretending to share our values. I’m sure you’ve encountered both.

There’s a rumor I came across via a Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) podcast that sounds credible and plausible: One of the false flags planned by the Deep State is scheduled for the 20th or later, and involves an assassination of Creepy Joe Biden after he is installed, then pinned on Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists.

Why would they not want to try this? It fits their short-term goals perfectly.

  • Hidin’ Biden’s usefulness to the Deep State has expired.
  • His removal will prevent further embarrassment by him.
  • Creepy Joe becomes a martyr, and further revelations about his high crimes and treason will be considered beyond the pale.
  • It places Harris in the limelight, who is somewhat less embarrassing.
  • It justifies an all-out war on the Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists.

Thwarting this particular false flag could be one reason Washington, DC, is being locked down by the National Guard.

There’s a lot of other stuff going on. Adams spends most of his podcast on the subject of a possible war with Red China. I agree this is a very real possibility (war, that is, if not an invasion by the PLA from Canada and Mexico). The Chi-Com high command has considered war with the USA inevitable for at least 30 years. Thanks to traitors at the highest levels of our government, they have the capability of inflicting catastrophic damage on our country, too. Those same traitors have ensured our vulnerability to any flavor and combination  of Chi-Com attacks.

However, I disagree with Adams (or his sources, I guess) about the war going forward if the coup is fulfilled on the 20th. If Beijing Biden is sworn in, they have won without firing a shot. All our national resources and assets, as well as your life, liberty, and property will be handed over to the most murderous regime in recorded history.

Do you understand how perilous our situation is? Sad to say, very few people actually do. It’s way past time to turn off the Idiot Box, kick your addiction to the enemy’s (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.) psyop/gaslighting frenzy, and start a serious dialogue with your Creator.

A Survey of Normieville

On January 20-21, something historic will take place. It will mark either:

  1. Our republic collapsing due to rot from within (as Abraham Lincoln warned) and becoming a 3rd world Marxist police state. The Lawless Terror begins in earnest. Patriots and anybody else to the right of Chairman Xi will be hunted down and dealt with the way the Red Chinese deal with dissidents. Boomer Fudds and other “conservatives” will still be talking about how we can “take back Congress” in 2022, as they are herded into boxcars.
  2. The beginning of some degree of restoration of freedom with rule of law, once the Storm is triggered. Traitors are removed from positions of power and finally held accountable. Depending on how thorough this effort is, it could prove to be the most epic come-from-behind victory in American history.
  3. The de facto declaration of our second civil war (or revolution; or counter-revolution–no need to bicker over semantics until it’s over). This could happen in conjunction with either of the first two possibilities.
  4. A preliminary step toward some level of conflict with Red China (worth at least a blog post of its own). This would only happen in conjunction with the second scenario, or a Patriot victory following the third.

So there’s going to be a violent struggle of some kind. In such struggles, the attitude/allegiance of the people (meaning mostly civilian non-combatants) usually affects the outcome. For this very reason, I lurk in blog comment sections, and skim the feeds of what social media I am subscribed to.  Some of what I find is nauseating; some is ignorant; some is laughable (if this was a laughing matter); but once in a while, some is encouraging.

This post is to share some observations from out in the real world–in no particular order, and not arranged to sell any particular narrative.

Had to visit an urban cesspool recently for a VA visit. Mask zombies everywhere. Including outdoors, walking alone, and driving alone. Businesses like auto parts stores (which in rural areas and small towns are not all this way) are ruled by bovine mask nazis enforcing zero-tolerance policies against non-conformity.

At the VA, I ate at the canteen, in between appointments. About six civilian employees came in for lunch and sat nearby, so that I heard snippets of conversation (sorry–my hearing has been unsat since well before separation):

“…need to get a gun, while they’re still being sold…”

“…plenty of ammo, and I’m gonna get a four-wheeler, too.”

“I figure I can defend my place for a couple days, before I have to bug out.”

In a 90% non-white area, I saw a pick-up truck driving by with a big Confederate flag streaming behind it. Whatever you may think about somebody who brands himself that way, you have to admit this takes big brass cojones. Over the summer, people and homes around America were attacked just for flying the flag of this country. It’s safer to fly the flag of Mexico, Somalia, or Belarus, than it is to fly the Stars-and-Stripes. And it’s been open season on people with MAGA hats for years. Either the dude in the pickup truck is stupid, or he’s to the point where he has not much left to lose and is trying to pick a fight. How many men are at that point right now? How well are they armed and equipped; and what is their tactical acumen?

Co-workers and other acquaintances have volunteered to me something along the lines of: “I used to be left of center; but this shit has pushed me over to the extreme right. Is it too late to get a gun?”

An eye-witness to one of the recent troop movements happening all over the country reported that all the unit identification had been blacked out on the vehicles.

Common sentiments expressed by normies out in Flyover Country:

“They don’t need no 25,000 National Guard troops in Washington for an inauguration!”

“What’s going to happen on the 20th?”

“I just want all this to be over.”

Few US citizens can even imagine how bad it might get within a few months; but not all normies are oblivious to the massive evil threatening us (even when they can’t accurately identify it), or the momentous fate hanging in the balance right now.

Stop the Idiocy

If the stolen election is allowed to stand, it doesn’t matter who runs for office in 2022 or 2024. YOUR VOTE WILL NOT MATTER EVER AGAIN.

Starting a political party to replace the GOP was a great idea decades ago. But if the stolen election is allowed to stand, it would be just a waste of time, and would get anybody involved classified as domestic terrorists, hunted down and dealt with. Political parties don’t matter when your vote doesn’t matter…AND YOUR VOTE WILL NEVER MATTER AGAIN.

If the stolen election is allowed to stand, it won’t matter what evidence exists about the stolen election, about COVID1984, or anything else. We’ve already seen that the courts are just tools of the Cabal. They will rule the way their masters tell them to. If you try to inform people yourself, you will be silenced, and eventually arrested and dealt with.

Think logically.

The enemy has no honor, doesn’t care what the law says, and their oaths of office aren’t worth the breath they were given with. Nobody and nothing will hold them accountable. There will be no consequences for their actions. The people have no power anymore. The enemy and its Swamp Media can tell you black is white, with a straight face, and 40% of the population will believe them–or at least pretend to. This is not a constitutional republic anymore. It’s just another tinpot oligarchy, about to go speeding over the cliff into the dustbin of history.

Neither positive thinking, “elections,” court cases, nor calling me a paranoid tinfoil hat, will change any of that.

Even in this 11th hour, President Trump still has tools to #stopthesteal, to remove the traitors, and begin restoring what we’ve lost. Pray that he will. This ridiculous second impeachment with supposedly just seven days left for his administration might indicate that the traitors are afraid he’ll do just that.

In my lifetime, we’ve never had somebody “on our side” in a position to do right by us WHO DID NOT sell us out, stab us in the back, and/or surrender to the enemy. With all the stuff going on right now that seems nonsensical, it’s easy to feel the deja vu and assume we’ll be betrayed yet again–this time for all the marbles.

Maybe we will. I hope you made preparations just in case.

The soap box, the jury box, and the ballot box have all been stripped from us. All we have left is the cartridge box…unless our President takes decisive action before it’s too late.

Pacifists, normies, and cucks had all better pray Trump does it his way. It’s gonna get very, very messy, if not.

If it’s left up to a thousand guerrilla armies of armed and extremely pissed off Americans, blood is gonna flow like foreign handouts in a stimulus package. Collateral damage will be on a scale we’ve never seen in North America. Maybe on a scale not seen in world history–and there will be damn little remorse about it.

Trump caused these Americans to hope against hope there was still a possibility of fixing this mess with minimal bloodshed. You don’t want to see what happens when that rug is yanked out from under them. There will be so many bodies dangling from freeway overpasses, undocumented Democrats will be escaping back to Latin America, happy to be the bitch for a drug cartel again.

I’m not referring to beer-bellied Bubbas and Boomer Fudds who like to pose with firearms for photos to be posted on social media. I’m referring to men who have kept quiet most of their lives and suffered, while evils were sufferable. They didn’t attend protests or engage in boycotts or pay much attention to The Narrative. They’ve been too busy working. They know how to get around in the boonies. They know how to cause serious trouble for the people who hate them–and they’ve thought about how to do it–in theory, so far. They also believe firearms are tools–not props to pose with. And they will have nothing left to lose. They just wanted to be left alone, but the enemy wouldn’t even grant them that miniscule consideration.

The Deplorables who gathered in Washington, DC, packed up and peacefully left town when Trump told them to. Who do you assume they’re gonna listen to once Trump is out of the picture?