Category Archives: Sci-Fi

Scout’s Honor by Henry Vogel

A Review

David Rice is a “Terran Scout” who crash lands on a world colonized long ago, then left to develop on its own.  The Scout falls right into a feudal conflict as well as  some palace intrigue, and it’s off to the races.

The characters barely get a chance to breathe. because the  action is almost non-stop. The reader may want for breathing room, too, because every chapter I remember ends with a cliffhanger.

If this sounds like retro-pulp, well, it is. Specifically, it conforms to a genre called “sword & planet.”  However you felt about John Carter’s adventures on Mars, that’s probably how you’ll feel about Scout’s Honor. The manuscript could be taken back to the 1930s, each chapter used as an episode to be published in multiple issues of a pulp periodical, and nobody would be the wiser. You’ll find that the character development and the romance simulates what came off Edgar Rice Burroughs’ typewriter as well.

When Rice (coincidence? I think not) lands on this planet, a beautiful princess and her bodyguard are under attack.  He comes to their aid, and not too much later he pledges his life-long support to the princess. This guy must have been a recruiter’s wet dream. But he’s not doomed to rot away from jealousy as the princess dallies with and/or marries somebody else, because she falls in insta-love with him, too. Luckily for them both, nobody has much of a problem with foreigners of non-noble blood merging into the royal line, either.

This would be a good read for children and young adults who can handle long-form fiction. Adults looking for a few hours of escape should appreciate it, too.

Behold the Based Book Bargains Blast

As mentioned before, the latest novel in the Paradox Series was released in time for Father’s Day.

If you haven’t heard of the Paradox Series yet, it’s a time travel sports adventure that begins as a coming-of-age tale in the first novel and climaxes as a wild conspiracy thriller in Book Six (coming in a couple few months). Themes of manhood/masculinity, leadership, and truth vs. popular perception run through the entire course of the overarching plot.

I’m happy to report that all five books in the series so far have been category bestsellers. Five for five is batting really well. Even though I’d still like to stretch the envelope of success, I didn’t even imagine the series would do this well back when I decided to break up the Super Great American Mega-Novel.

More important to you is that right now, you’ve still got a little time to pick up the entire series (plus the entire Retreads Series) at 99 cents per full-length novel. This is not just  on Amazon, but all the online stores with E-Books for sale (linked throughout this post, along with the ‘Zon series pages).

My books, plus dozens more, are all heavily discounted at the Summer Based Book Sale. As always, there are more books by more authors than the previous sale.


Non-woke authors are providing alternatives to the ubiquitous Globohomo narratives that are disgusting you and targeting your children. We all want an escape in our entertainment. Consider buying it from people who don’t hate you.

Sadly for you, the sale ends Wednesday morning.

Books for Sons Without Dads

If you’re like me, you barely notice when Father’s Day comes around. A good wife will remind you, and maybe do something nice for you on that day, otherwise, we’d probably never know.

So many men today grew up without fathers—sometimes literally. For those of us who were fortunate enough to know ours, quite often we saw our fathers only sporadically as part of a custody arrangement. Even before our parents’ divorces, our fathers were physically absent often, and emotionally absent otherwise. They weren’t all that interested in us once we were no longer cute little toddlers—if they even were then.

Then we felt guilty if they ever made an effort to take an interest in us for a little while, because by then we knew they had a lot to do that was far more important than us.

Beyond that, some fathers were abusive, in one way or another.

There’s a whole generation of us out here now, trying to behave differently than our own fathers did, and giving our kids the advantages we never had. If you’re like me, even though all that is behind you and you’re doing the best you can with the cards you were dealt, you often reflect on your younger years and wonder if you might have made better decisions had you enjoyed the benefit of a dad who tried to prepare you for what life had in store.

Before I first began writing Paradox, I wanted to tell a fun men’s adventure tale that involved time travel. Then, while the idea germinated, I couldn’t help speculating on some “what if”s:

When I was a young man, what if I knew  what I know now? What if I had a role model to clue me in on life, so I didn’t have to learn everything the hard way? What could I have accomplished if even a few of my ignorant decisions were never made?

In Book One of the Paradox Series, our hero is just about to enter puberty, going through life like many of us did at that age, with no dad, assuming that our single mothers and the culture at large were guiding us competently on the path to manhood. And doomed to a series of failures, defeats, bewilderment and disillusionment over how nothing works the way we were told it would.

Our hero encounters a mysterious uncle who begins to turn his life onto a new path right away. Out of all the advantages this new role model provides, perhaps the most valuable is the wisdom of how to deal with other people in general, and females in particular.

Paradox follows the hero from his pre-teen years into his late 20s. There are four books in the series published so far. The fifth one releases on Father’s Day (Sunday 6/16/24). Of the reviews these books have received so far, the consensus is that they’re full of wisdom that boys and men need, but mostly, they’re fun.

Check ‘em out!

Book 1: Escaping Fate

Book 2: Rebooting Fate

Book 3: Defying Fate

Book 4: Provoking Fate

Book 5: Resisting Fate

Free Read: the Infamous Contest Winner

M O T H E R by Sarah Kirk Pierzchala

~   short story ~

Note from INFAMOUS🦀: 

I’m excited and honored to introduce the winner of the first INFAMOUS REVIEWER SHORT STORY CONTEST. You can now enjoy reading this NEW LEGEND for free and for a limited time, courtesy of the author. 

So thrilled was I in reading this short story that I even encouraged Sarah to further explore this world she introducing us to here. It really captures not only the essence of our contest but also our ideals of what constitutes ‘good storytelling’.

NEW LEGENDS in the making indeed! 

We are proud to present:


*Enjoy and leave a comment afterward!

INFAMOUS🦀 and Virtual Pulp

Bright stars had spun against the black of space beyond the cockpit window, while the walls of the tiny vessel about her wildly bucked and shuddered. Entering the planet’s atmosphere, she became aware of a bewildering kaleidoscope of dazzling colors which swiftly became an incoherent maelstrom. Then had followed impact and fire. And agony. After that, blackness. 
Eventually, tentative flashes of light pierced the darkness, then faded. 
Pierced, then faded. 
Then fleeting snatches of memory crept back, discrete images and impressions. These raked at Maya’s awareness, further shredding her already crippled sense of time and place.
She saw the sweeping white curves of a vast lecture auditorium, with screen after screen of data flashing at her. A mess hall, crowded with classmates sharing smiles and jokes as they hunched over their meal trays. 
She remembered the instructors teasing her when she vomited in the g-force simulator, then again in the genuine zero-g sessions.
She almost didn’t make the crew because of her sensitive guts.
Yet she’d persevered, worked harder than she thought possible, and was rewarded with this disaster.
Caught between past memories and her unknown present, Maya was terrified to move, dreading more pain, dreading what she'd find when she finally looked about herself. She was not certain she could even open her eyes; it felt like her lids were sealed shut. She was lying on her back, apparently in a partially enclosed space. From the left came an impression of openness; she felt a faint breeze. She resigned herself to remaining virtually motionless for the time being, listening to subtle noises, unable to even guess at their origins. 
She thought she heard chirps, rustlings and sharp clicks. Also soft scraping, as of a small, hard thing passing over rock. Or perhaps several small things. Strangely, Maya found these little noises soothing, even as reality hit her.
There was a massive systems failure on my craft. 
She had a soul-piercing moment of blended disbelief and gratitude at the fact she'd survived the crash. These feelings faded as the hard facts of her circumstances began to take shape. 
Am I still in the cockpit? Now she became more desperate to open her eyes, but found they were, in fact, weighed down by some mysterious substance. Traces of the spray cushion foam that had deployed on impact?
Maya tried moving her fingers and toes, but did not have much success. I can't be lying in the cockpit---there isn't room, she told herself, trying to remain emotionless about each piece of evidence that her remaining senses brought her. I'm flat on something hard, like rock. Am I in a cave?
She had no memory of crawling out of any wreckage. How much of the little explorer craft was left? What about the emergency beacon? What about the emergency supplies? 
With a great effort, she finally wrenched her eyelids open. Indistinct darkness met her view, further obscured by opaque gray strands. Fighting a mounting sense of claustrophobia, she wrenched the substance away from her face. She thought she heard rapid scrambling sounds around her as she did so.
Finally pulling herself to a sitting position, the sudden motion triggered a fierce throbbing in her head. Her vision blurred as she tried to examine the filmy substance, almost insubstantial, falling into smaller pieces between her fingers. It disappeared as she watched. More of it was wrapped about her hands and wrists. She plucked it away. By the faint orange light entering the alcove, she saw that her hands were red and wrinkled, as if healing from a burn.
She checked the rest of her body; most of her flight suit was burned away. Where she would have expected to see ravaged skin, she found only soft, normally healing wounds shrouded beneath wispy layers of the mystery fiber. 
Reaching behind herself, she was relieved to feel the integrated backpack still in place. She felt for the clips on either side and released the slim, cushiony pack. Opening it eagerly, she found the contents were all present and in good shape. Stomach growling, she grabbed the emergency rations and peeled off a section of the nutrient-dense film, cramming it into her mouth and feeling it puff up slightly.
Waiting for her hunger to wane, she cataloged the rest of the pack’s contents. These included a recording device, a knife, and some vials for collecting specimens. Also a small solar-powered lantern, a moisture-retrieving kit, some first aid supplies. Compass and astrolabe. An emergency beacon was not included, as it wouldn’t have fit. 
Maya scoured her chaotic impressions for any memory of climbing into this alcove, of interacting with her unseen medics. Nothing came to her. She did however, recall the series of briefings prior to this mission. It had been stated, again and again, that the planet was entirely devoid of intelligent life. Scans revealed abundant flora and fauna, but nothing that had formed even the most rudimentary of societies. 
Apparently, the remote scans were mistaken.
Maya looked around in the dim light and saw no sign of tools or vessels left behind by whomever had brought her here. The rasping-over-rock sounds had ceased and she was surrounded by a watchful silence. After tucking the knife in her belt, she shifted onto her hands and knees, then stiffly crept to the mouth of the alcove. She took the moisture kit with her.
At this tropical latitude, there wasn't much twilight in which to explore her surroundings. Still, she had the impression of emerging on a steep mountainside which loomed high above the ocean; she could hear the faint murmur of waves lapping peacefully far below her. She unfolded the rubbery basket of the kit and fitted it into the neck of the collection vessel. Then she propped the apparatus near the mouth of the alcove. Hopefully, next morning, there’d be enough condensation dripping from the roof that some would hit the basket and be guided into the vessel. 
The vast sense of lonely emptiness was oppressive. She called softly into the dark, “Hello? Anyone out there?” It was irrational to try and communicate in her own language, but at the moment, all the First Contact protocols that had been drilled into her seemed pointless. 
With a sigh, she realized she’d have to pass through the oncoming night without answers. Exploration would wait for dawn.
* * *
The bright rays of the planet’s star beat on Maya relentlessly as she began surveying the terrain outside the cave. Despite beginning in the cool of early morning, the day had quickly grown very hot. The excitement of being the first human to step here and see these things with her own eyes had inexorably dried up in the blazing heat. The top of her head was burning, stinging sweat trickled into her bright green eyes.
Out of breath, she eventually paused and lowered herself to the smooth stone of the hillside beneath her. The surface everywhere had virtually no topsoil, and was a deep greenish brown, with a variegated, bumpy top layer, like river rocks set in concrete. The color reminded her of the mineral fuchsite, but this mountain seemed to have a different molecular structure. While it was pretty to look at, it was challenging to walk on, which made exploration tiring.
I need a hat, she thought. On a sudden impulse, she unzipped her flight suit and peeled it off. The burned remnants of her thin, silky under garments felt insubstantial, as a refreshing breeze off the ocean struck her sweaty body. She tugged off the shirt and tied it around her head, tucking the fly-away wisps of her wavy, red-gold hair under the band of white cloth. She unfastened the belt from the waistband of the flight suit and put it about her hips. She added the knife from the back pack. The pack she carried in her hands as she stood up and resumed her slow survey. 
Squinting up at the cloudless sky, she muttered glumly, “I’m going to get burned to a crisp and then get more damn freckles.” 
It was weird yet also somehow comforting to hear the sound of her own voice in that empty, alien space. Now she understood why hermits and shut-ins talked to themselves. Why wouldn’t they, if that was their only company?
She paused again and searched through the many inner pockets in the pack until she found a tube of sunscreen. After rubbing some on her face and arms, she then took out a specimen vial and a scalpel and scraped few flakes of rock from the ground. Nearby, there was a formation of low shrubbery. Its leaf-like tendrils were mostly bright lichen green or turquoise, with red-brown stalks. 
She made recording of the organism, and took a few tiny cuttings, which she then placed into a clear plastic sleeve. During this process, the leaves recoiled slightly at her touch, and she noticed her own hands were trembling slightly.
I could really use some lunch now, but I have to ration the nutrient film, she thought grimly. She didn’t like to think how long it had been since her last full meal. She felt a little ill as her empty stomach clenched. Thus far, the scanner on her recorder had not confirmed what was good to eat or what was poison in her environment. 
Maya tried not to think about how long it might be before a search party found her. She knew that by focusing on one moment at a time and diligently learning everything she could about her surroundings, she’d stave off anxiety, even while doing the job she’d trained so hard for. 
It was more than a job—being an exobiologist had been her dream from early childhood. She hadn’t been top in her classes, but sheer determination had made up for lack of intellect. One thing that had set her apart from her classmates was her unusually high empathy score. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost say you have a talent for reading organisms’ minds,” one instructor had commented. “Or they can read yours.”
Following this comment, they’d had a free-wheeling conversation about the possibility of sentience and self-reflection among lower-order organisms. Despite all the facts and knowledge available, there were still some interesting questions that science didn’t yet have answers for. Personally, Maya didn’t feel she could read creatures’ minds, it just felt like she was better at picking up very subtle clues than most others. 
After collecting a few more samples at this location, she resumed her slow climb up the mountain. She still had not determined if she was on an actual island or not; she needed to reach the top to get a better view of the terrain. She passed through a grove of a different sort of frond-like growth that was of a delicate light blue. Most were taller than herself and seemed quite sturdy as they grudgingly swayed about in the light wind; they were somewhat fleshy, almost like succulents.
As she forced her way through the heavier, lower branches, she abruptly heard a burst of ominous clicking. It was different than the scuttling noises she had heard in the cave. Then, movement flashed all around her, as what appeared to be a nest of frightened organisms exploded out in every direction. They were about the size of house cats, but didn’t appear to be mammalian; with their jointed exoskeletons, they more closely resembled huge pillbugs.
Isopods, she thought excitedly. Dropping her pack, she dived for the nearest creature as it trundled past her. She flipped it over, quickly making a mental inventory of its numerous squirming legs and mouth parts.
Like a lobster, she thought. I wonder—, 
Squatting, she held the creature tightly against the ground with one hand, while with the other, she reached for the knife at her belt. 
Quickly severing the head from the body, she watched as the limbs continued to twitch for a few seconds. A faint shellfish scent came from the liquid oozing from the stump. With only a few swallows of water in her canteen, it was clear that boiling the meat was out of the question. From her pack, she took out a magnifying glass. It was a bona-fide old-fashioned implement, requiring no power cells to operate. 
All she had to do was angle it toward the sun and direct the rays toward the isopod’s underbelly. It pinked up sooner than expected, and while it didn’t exactly smell like lobster or crab, her mouth still watered in anticipation.
The texture was unpleasantly gelatinous with a few fibers running through it; the flavor was bland, but not foul. In fact, at the moment, she was hungry enough that it was one of the best things she ever tasted. 
When her hunger abated and her strength returned, she resumed her steady ascent up the gentle slope. Above her, she could just glimpse what looked like some oblong spurs of a shiny red stone, but it was hard to tell from that angle what the structure actually was.
The frond grove fell behind as she toiled upward in the full sun. When she finally reached the summit, Maya stood breathless from both exertion and from the stunning view. This was an island after all, and was the only land as far as her eye could see. It rose perhaps eight hundred feet above an ocean which stretched endlessly to all horizons. Nearby, the reddish shapes she had spotted from below now revealed themselves as obelisk-type spurs of glistening, semi-transparent stone, that appeared like garnet or ruby. The average height was at least twenty-five feet and she estimated the formation covered almost half an acre.
Her heart thrummed with excitement as she wondered if these standing stones were natural formations or evidence of intelligent life. She stepped closer to explore. At the base of the stones clustered more vegetation, similar to the fronds she encountered further down the slope, but more shrub-like and of a brighter aqua hue. 
Faint noises emanated from the shrubbery and she advanced with caution to discover more of the large isopods swarming over the branches and chewing on the meaty leaves. 
Without warning, the ground lurched violently beneath her feet; frantically windmilling her arms didn’t save her balance, and she crashed to the ground, striking her hip forcefully against the bare ground. Her view of the sky and rock whirled and jittered as she tumbled, slid, then came to rest in another small grove of fronds.
I’m on an active volcano, she told herself as she sat up with a groan. “Maybe a shield or dome,” she added aloud. Examining herself, she was relieved to find nothing broken. However, her palms, elbows, knees and one flank were all scraped and bleeding from the harsh, pebbly surface of the mountainside.
Once again accessing the supplies in her pack, she doused the open cuts with disinfectant. As she debated whether they were serious enough to use the spray bandage, or if she should save that for later, more clicking sounds drifted to her ears. She looked up, eyes widening in surprise to see a swarm of isopods flowing out from the shadows of the frond grove. These were larger than the previous specimens, and dark bronze in color. 
They were also making for her in an undulating, menacing wave.
Forgetting her wounds, Maya drew her knife and jumped to a crouch, bracing against the first line of questing, quivering mouth parts and grasping claws. As fast as she peeled them off her bare ankles and tossed them aside, they returned. When they came back for a second assault, she changed strategy and flipped each onto its back. A few twisted and popped back upright, but most remained incapacitated, legs waving helplessly.
They uttered shrill, high-pitched calls that fiercely scraped her eardrums.
By now, her lower legs streamed with blood from numerous bites and claw marks. Acting quickly, she took her knife and despatched the isopods that lay on their backs, then waited for the others to approach. A handful did, and she stabbed and stomped at these until these were also taken care of.
She had mixed feelings about being so ruthless, but her survival came first.
“Sorry guys,” she said, wiping sweat from her eyes. “Nothing personal, but I don’t think I’d sleep well knowing you were in the neighborhood.”
She applied the last of the disinfectant and decided to not use up her bandages, instead allowing her scratches to bleed a bit and crust over on their own. Reseating herself near the scene of the battle, she wondered if she should cook at least one more and eat as much as possible while the food was available. Or maybe she could cut them up and let the meat dry out on the rocks. 
Turning her attention to the horizon, and the lowering sun, she stifled a regretful, frightened sob. This wasn’t how her first mission was supposed to go. Surely they have some idea of where my ship went down. Surely they’ll find me.
“The wreckage must be nearby,” she muttered. “How else did I get up here?” She decided to rest a bit longer before she’d resume her exploration of the island in a different direction. 
Suddenly, she stiffened in alarm as rasping, grating noises again emanated from the frond grove. Hand on her knife, she watched in wonder as several low shapes emerged from the shadows at the base of the dense vegetation.
Five small crustacean-type creatures advanced toward her, exoskeletons grating over the bare ground. They were almost as large as coyotes and vaguely resembled Earth’s Dungeness crabs. They were an exquisite shade of deep jade green, which faded to rose farther down their bodies. From their backs bristled jewel-like growths of deep, scintillating red, and some fuzzy blue lichen-type encrustations. To Maya’s eyes, the creatures were dazzlingly pretty.
She held her breath as they swarmed nearer, she sensed no hostility or fear. When they reached her, they gently prodded her bloodied shins and knees with their pincers, then the largest made a low gurgling noise and began drawing out threads of some nearly-invisible filmy substance from an organ beneath itself, similar to a spider’s spinnerets. 
Somehow, Maya knew exactly what they were planning to do. She held out her hands and adjusted her position as needed, watching in fascinated delight as the substance, presumably rich in healing proteins, was stretched over her slight abrasions and wounds. When one hand was seen to, she used it to pull her recording device from her belt and captured a few minutes of the encounter. 
“Look at you all, so smart and helpful,” she crooned. When the bandages were complete, she rose, taking care to not make sudden movements. The creatures did not seem concerned when she towered over them, but continued to cluster about her. “Thank you, sweeties.”
She took a few steps away and watched their reaction. Two followed her, but the others wandered off and approached the remains of the massacred isopods. They made angry hissing noises as they poked the corpses and then tore them into smaller bits. 
“Were those guys bothering you, too?” she asked. “Well, I’m glad I could help. And thanks for the first-aid.”
As she continued her exploration of the island, the jeweled crabs abandoned the dead isopods and accompanied her. She was comforted by their wordless companionship, even if they didn’t seem capable of explaining what happened to her ship. 
The more time she spent in their company, the more a strange but reassuring sense of peace and protectiveness seemed to suffuse both herself and the greater atmosphere about her.
After several weeks, Maya fell into a simple rhythm of survival, even as she managed to extract what pleasure she could from her situation, appreciating the beauty of the setting. The condensation collector gathered just enough water to keep her on the edge of survival. She had supplemented with harvesting a little of the local growths, but the crabs flew into a wild frenzy of distress when she tried, so she only did it once. In any case, she did not like the rubbery texture or bitter flavor. However, she felt good about her ability to hold her own against the more aggressive variety of isopod. 
By now, she had conducted a thorough inventory of the place, and was disappointed to discover the entire island consisted of a single, broad shield volcano topped by the large crystalline growths. It had no true beaches, just steep cliffs.
One day she came upon a place where the green, rocky surface of the island was damaged by what looked like an impact crater. She guessed this was where her ship had stuck. Investigating more closely, she discovered there was, in fact, a sort of rough track up from this spot to the general direction of the alcove where the crabs had carried her. 
The craft must have slipped off the cliff edge and fallen in the sea after that, she thought as she stood on the rocky rim and looked down at the waves. There’s no way I can get down there and salvage anything.
To stave of despair, she decided to focus more intently on observing her surroundings and document everything she could. The strange beauty of the small island, and the fascinating life forms it supported, helped distract her. 
And if I am ever rescued, they’ll appreciate my professionalism in sticking as much as possible to my original mission, she consoled herself.
Other than the prospect of being marooned here for the rest of her life, the most frightening thing about her circumstances was the seismic activity.
She began avoiding the brinks of the cliffs, in case a tremor should strike and throw her in the sea. As yet, there had been no sign of magma bursting from the top of the mountain, but she guessed that was only a matter of time. 
Despite the danger there, she was drawn repeatedly to the summit, to explore the irregular, glittering spurs of ruby. The crabs always accompanied her when she visited there. She couldn’t help but notice that they seemed happiest when moving about the shadows at the base of the standing stones.
Maya cataloged every possible aspect of the site. While the idea that it might be a remnant of some primitive, intelligent race was thrilling, she was becoming more certain that the formation was, in fact, entirely natural. 
“Hold still,” said the medic, stretching Maya’s arm out as he prepared to insert the IV needle. 
“It’s not necessary—,” she protested lightly.
“Yes, it is,” he overruled her, punctuating his words with action. 
She hardly felt the jab, and certainly didn’t resent the care the rescue team was lavishing on her. She was both relieved and disoriented to be in the cabin of the craft, after so much time in the wild. The rescue team had appeared without warning that afternoon, and within moments of collecting her samples and records, she had found herself aboard. A small tremor occurred almost simultaneously, and they lifted off just before a second, more violent quake sent shudders through the island.
As the craft climbed higher, she tapped on the back of the captain’s seat. “Hey, can you circle a few times and record everything? Maybe we can catch an actual magma flow!”
“Sure thing!”
The craft banked widely to the left; Maya pressed close to the nearest porthole. They passed over the top of the mountain; there was still no sign of a vent or fissure at the top of the volcano. No steam. They circled again and climbed higher. 
The medic continued to fuss over her, but she brushed him away, gaze riveted on the majestic scene beneath them. 
The place had been her home for almost three months, and she was conflicted about finally leaving. 
“Looks like a tropical paradise,” commented the pilot. 
The many acres of greenish-red rock, the crystal structures at the top, and the waving turquoise fronds, were all deeply imprinted on her mind. She would never forget the experience. Maybe she’d return with others and continue to catalog everything about the mini ecosystem.
“Not exactly paradise,” she murmured. “But it kept me alive.” 
Her breath caught in her throat; from that altitude, Maya could clearly see how symmetrical the entire island was. She hadn’t noticed that when conducting her survey.
It was not a random rock formation, after all.
The pilot shouted, “Holy, heck—would you look at that!” 
Beneath them, the mountain was moving. It was heaving itself up many more tens of feet above the ocean, in an action that was not seismic but blatantly organic. Six massive legs, hundreds of yards long and across, burst upwards while frothing white waves churned, water sheeted off the creature’s limbs and strands of seaweed trailed into the sea.
The witnesses fell speechless with awe. Maya could hardly process the scale of the massive organism as it took a few strides forward, then resettled itself in a slightly more comfortable spot. 
“Okay, that explains why you ended up so far from the wreckage of your ship,” commented the pilot, voice shaking a little.
Maya thought of the friendly crystal crabs, and of their concern for the frond-like structures, of their gratitude to her for her decimation of the isopod population. She thought of all the dawns and sunsets she’d observed, of the new constellations she had charted from the back of the huge crab shell. She thought of her feeling of being protected.
“Thank you,” she whispered, pressing her hand against the porthole’s glass, watching the shape shrink in her view as the rescue craft banked again then shot up to rendezvous with the waiting mothership.

Detour into Graphic Novels Part 3

If you haven’t been following my sad saga about trying to make graphic novels, you can catch up by reading about how the old comic book bug was first rekindled, then my frustrating experience with one artist.

Not being a masochist, I cut my losses, paid the latter for wasting my time, and regrouped.

Back to the drawing board. Pun intended.

I found another artist with a page rate I could swing; and he seemed to understand English pretty well. He was a Manga artist, but said he could draw American-style comics. Since I wanted a more classic, simplistic style anyway (remember: I thought it would be cool if it was a similar style to Milton Caniff or Alex Raymond), I thought it could work out.

I decided to have him try Page 1, and do it in black & white to see if the style was a good fit before thinking about color.

The same kind of issues haunted me as with the previous artist. I literally had to give him the same directions 5 times before he would follow them. Going through that for every panel on a 90-page graphic novel is something I just don’t have the patience for.

After 14 days. he had this, which is much closer to what I wanted:

The artist’s Manga background helped him come closer to the simple, elegant style I thought would fit the sci-fi adventure.

Some stuff I just had to let go. Two of the characters are supposed to be older; but after telling him this over and over and over and him ignoring it, I figure he’s probably never gonna do it for whatever reason.

I wasn’t going to give up; but I was done with Fiverr and maybe even trying to hire artists.

One reason I had been ready to sink thousand$$ into this project was because time is such a precious commodity and drawing is extremely time consuming. Learning how to draw, then drawing, takes even more time. But that appeared to be the only way this was gonna happen, now.

“I have to draw it myself,” sez I.

Read the whole thing  on Substack.

Bridgehouse by J. Sebastian King – a Review

Reviewed by

Books like Bridgehouse by J. Sebastian King demonstrate that the indie scene can offer fiction literature that is as competent, as skillfully elaborated, and as professionally written as the best of them. 

This is a very ambitious project; it is vast, and complex, and it doesn’t hold back!

This is also not the type of story where everything gets spoon-fed to the reader. If you want a straightforward narrative, this might not be a good pick. If you want your mind to be stimulated and even challenged at times, pick up a copy today!



Based on how the book is structured, I had my doubts that J.S. King would be able to pull it off, and this seemed (at first) like a house of cards about to crumble under its own weight. And here is why:


Three separate storylines run parallel in this book, with three main characters each, for a whopping 700+ pages:

  • Captain Catherine A. Russo (classic sci-fi)
  • Lady Qona Itarte (space opera)
  • Pon er Lugal (sword and sorcery)


What I found annoying at first was how we keep getting thrown from one story to the next every few chapters, and with no apparent connections among all storylines. Obviously we know that these characters and locations must be all connected somehow but for quite a while we feel like we are reading three separate books, with the author dictating which one to read and when.

It’s only ¾ into the book that we start seeing clear links and connections, but the way it happens is so subtle that when it finally hits us we can’t help but be left in awe of what we are going to find out!



King is very pragmatic in his approach to fiction writing and in some aspects he reminds me a lot of another author we have covered before, James Krake. These two are both very analytical writers who really stress all major and minor details of story writing. I was honestly waiting for King to slip at some point by trying to cover so much ground , but the guy doesn’t miss a thing; everything is accounted for, and no stones are left unturned. This can be particularly challenging given the scale of this vision–again showing that level of professionalism I mentioned earlier.


All main and supporting characters are well developed, they are all memorable and they feel ‘tangible’ to us because so much detail is revealed about them over the course of this story. 

The description of places, cities, buildings, mountains, rivers, and oceans is top notch, thanks to a prosaic style that comes off as seasoned and competent. Hard to believe this is King’s first publication!



Only a few things I personally had minor issues with that are worth mentioning:


  1. Some of the language used in the ‘sword and sorcery’ story, with some F bombs and S bombs that at times felt out of place, especially on the lips of a character like Lilia (imagine LOTR’s Galadriel throwing S bombs if she got upset!)


  1. The military experience displayed by Qona Itarte in the ‘space opera’ story felt forced. Here is a woman with apparently 0 military experience; she is surrounded, outnumbered and yet always able to counter every move of the invaders on the battlefield.


  1. The English language used to create the native speech of some foreign tribes like the Nabadeans was hard to read at times, thus making some passages a chore to get through.


But again, these are just personal minor issues and pale in comparison to the awesome moments this sci-fi epic offers. They certainly don’t detract from the compelling aspects that make this a must-read work of fiction.


What strikes me most about Bridgehouse is how professional it all comes across. It puts to shame not only a lot of indies but most tradpub as well. I look forward to book 2, but the real question is: is it going to be another 700+ pages with 3 books into 1? Just kidding of course! If King can capitalize on what he’s done here, I am convinced this could be one of the most epic fiction works of our times!


Detour into Graphic Novels Part 2

Last time I gave you the intro and the first misadventure.  Here’s what happened next:


After waiting months to hear back from the publisher, I finally accepted that whatever happened, that deal was dead.

But the old dream was revived and the juices were flowing. I decided to try getting the sci-fi graphic novel produced myself.

(Looking back, if I had to do it over again, I would, but still: I did not understand what frustration would overtake me in the next step of the journey.)

If I could find an artist I could afford, I’d foot the bill myself, run it as a series on Arktoons, then get it bound in paperback and release it that way. Maybe I should finally try crowdfunding, sez I. The story’s based, seasoned with some red pills, but it’s set in a world that is not a metaphorical stand-in for the geopolitics of 2022 Earth, so IndieGoGo or whoever might not cancel it mid-campaign. And there was a new gunfighter in town, I heard, called FundMyComic which specializes in comic book crowdfunding, and respects the First Amendment.

I’m really glad now that I waited on that crowdfunding idea, rather than put backers in the position of waiting years (at least two-and-counting, now) for me to deliver a finished project.

Thank God my financial situation has improved significantly since the period I went through from 2005 to 2017. But I still don’t have money to burn, now or two years ago. This project requires a big sacrifice in precious resources that are needed for other aspects of life. I had to get the best bang-for-the-buck I could scrounge, and even then I would have to do a lot of scraping just to afford the artwork. I’m not a known creator in comics, so it’s not like I could just start a Patreon account and expect backers to appear and start contributing to an artwork fund. I’ve got 11K followers on Amazon, but you’d never know it from the number of reviews my books get. And how many of them read or care about sequential art?

I already had a Fiverr account; so I began searching…I decided to submit Page 3 this time, because it would give me a chance to see how the artist would do with some of the vehicles and other tech.

The artist who I contracted with repeatedly asked for time extensions, and I allowed them. After waiting 9 days, he finally submitted a rough sketch that he had obviously just thrown together in a matter of minutes. Here I was thinking 9 days should be enough time to draw and color 6 spectacular panels. What I initially got was no better than what I could doodle myself.


Read the whole article on Substack.

One Detour from the Great American Novel

I’ve mentioned before some of the reasons I took so long to finish the rough draft for Paradox. One interruption was what appeared to be an opportunity to write graphic novels:


For those who don’t know, I’m a novelist. I’ve had ideas for some comics & graphic novels for a long time—including many superhero stories which take place in a “world” I built as a boy and has evolved as I sporadically brainstormed about it in subsequent years.

My first creative efforts were pictures of superheroes, and later my own comics, panels drawn on whatever scrap paper I could find, plotting and character development handled on-the-fly, and assembled slapdash with staples, Elmer’s Glue, or whatever binding method I could improvise. My writing experience began as a necessary adjunct of those efforts.

My drawing was pretty good for somebody who was self-taught and seat-of-the-pants. I can honestly say I was a better freehand artist than anyone I ever met, until I went to college. I wasn’t in the same league as any comic artist from the Bronze Age on, but had I developed better habits and techniques, maybe I could have gotten there. I’ll probably elaborate in the future.

In my late teens, I drifted away from “kid stuff” (comic books) and began aspiring to more “serious” creative efforts (text-based fiction). I gradually quit drawing and began concentrating on writing–which, at the time, was a bigger challenge.

My shift to prose solidified over the years and the old sequential art ambitions collected layers of dust on the back shelf. Even so, the seeds of that superhero saga germinated in my mind and never completely faded away.

The old dream languished, increasingly resembling a pipe dream as the years stacked up and life took me further and further away from ever having the time to make a serious effort at that partially-developed idea on the shelf.

And then…

One day on Gab, a publisher who I’d never met or heard of (he was from Europe) DM’d me out of the blue. He said he liked my prose and asked if I’d ever considered writing a graphic novel before.

Little did he know the depth of my appreciation for the medium and my abandoned dream. The dream had never completely died, though my drawing ability had.

This would have been flattering, but at first I didn’t think the dude was serious; or I must have misunderstood him or something. But no: after exchanging messages for a while, it became clear he wanted me to write a graphic novel for him. He had published a couple (illustrated) based children’s books; which I checked out. Amazon banned one of them, which is a badge of honor in my view. I did buy and read one that survived.

Anyway, I dusted off another idea I’d been nursing for years (a sci-fi aviation adventure in another galaxy) and pounded out a rough draft. I had some experience writing screenplays, and comic scripts aren’t too terribly different.

The experience effectively gave me a jump-start. I got the bug to chase that old dream.


Read the whole article on Substack.
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Claudia Christian’s Dark Legacies – a Review

I’ve never seen a project quite like this. It’s written by an actress and has a sequential art section and artist’s sketches interrupting a prose narrative. The main characters (even in the prose section) are based on people involved–who are credited as such. Sounds like this would be a fun collaboration.

Back in the ’90s I had friends who were fans of Babylon 5, which is where I think Claudia Christian made a name for herself. So an actor in a sci-fi TV series is now the co-writer of a sci-fi fiction publication–with the main character based on her. That character is Adjudicator Steele.

The Prose Section:

And Hell Followed Him is a western set on a Mars colony. Instead of a shady Indian Agent selling rifles to the Apache, there is a shady outlaw who has been selling people to the mutants. For dinner.

Agent Steele teams up with tough-as-nails Marshall Jake Reeves to rescue a kidnapped teenager before she, too, is eaten by the mutants. There seems to be more going on around Devil’s Ridge than meets the eye, and there’s definitely more to Steele’s mission than what we are told, for now. She hides her true agenda from the Marshall, and from the reader, but if this is just the first installment in a series, I’m sure all will eventually be revealed.

The plotting seems fine, so far. Avid western readers should feel right at home in this opening act. The text could have used some proofreading/editing, though. My guess is Chris MCauley wrote it, based on Christian’s ideas, but there was no other pair of eyes on it before it went to press.

The Sequential Art Section:

Steele is the star of this story as well. Here she investigates a string of murders on a Jupiter “mining platform.” Damage to the victims, plus footage of the murders, suggest the murderer has superhuman strength and wears a “morphic” suit of armor which is more advanced than the most state-of-the-art military combat armor.

It’s a simple mystery, easily solved, but also sets up a longer story arc involving Steele and her homicidal sister, who murdered their parents and now commands a space fleet and works out dirty deals with at least one planetary government.

I’m a little confused about the setting here. What is the mining platform, exactly? I think most of this story takes place indoors–in ships, maybe a biodome or airtight buildings, but some of it is outdoors where it rains. I wouldn’t think the climate on Jupiter would be very human-friendly, yet humans are evidently fine there with just a rain poncho and no oxygen mask or rebreathing system.

Nevertheless, the artwork is very nice. Penciller Staz Johnson seems very comfortable with comic panel work, and his cover art is even more impressive.

My Take:

I watched a few episodes of Babylon 5 back in the day, but never really got into it. I saw it as sort of The Love Boat in Space. But this series looks to be more like Trek Classic: more adventure, with some mystery (and western!) mixed in. It has the potential to be fun. I would like to see what happens in the prose story next, but would like it even more if they transform it into comic form, as well.

War for the Planet of the Apes

As a fan of the 1968 Planet of the Apes movie, and even the first sequel, I’ve watched the revamping of the franchise with interest.  Between career drama, family tragedy, and other distractions in my personal life, I missed this film’s release in 2017 and was not even aware of its existence until a few days ago.

Of course I had to watch it.

What it’s About:

After the events depicted in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Caesar has led his fellow smart apes into the woods and established a secret colony there. At the beginning of this film, the  evil humans (who apparently have nothing better to do) find the colony and intend to commit genocide against them.

Caesar needs to move the entire colony away quickly to a new settlement where they won’t be found, but breaks off from them to undertake his own revenge mission. To avoid spoilers, suffice it to say that from there, the plot builds toward a climactic battle at the end.

Who Directed this Thing?

Upon looking up director Matt Reeves on InfoGalactic, I was shocked to discover he is Generation X. For reasons that might occur to you while reading the rest of this review, I would have guessed Boomer–specifically a draft-dodging “campus activist” Boomer who probably still has a North Vietnamese flag tacked to his wall. I can only speculate about this: Maybe Reeves is a Boomer wannabe. Perhaps, like me, he grew up immersed in Boomer culture and, unlike me, adopted all of it as his own. (Full disclosure: I still love a lot of Boomer music and some of the American cars manufactured during their rising adult years are still my favorites. In fact, some of my best friends are Boomers.)

Cringe Factor:

The older I get, the more of a problem I have with cruelty to animals. The newest Ape movies have been hard to watch because there is so much of it. And, just like so many pinko directors before him, Reeves uses our empathy for the ape characters in an attempt to make us buy in to his themes and worldview.

On several occasions I felt like apologizing to my dog on behalf of all human beings. He sat watching me, waiting for me to turn off the TV and play with him–much less upset about human cruelty than I was.

Technical Ineptitude:

The screenwriter and director know absolutely nothing about the military, other than what they’ve seen in other movies and TV shows. Which is to say: damn little.

And that’s fine–as long as they steer clear of projects that depict military units and personnel. When film makers make their predictably half-assed effort, it grates on me

Hey, Spielberg is a leftist Boomer who (along with George Lucas) probably has a North Vietnamese flag tacked to his wall. But at least he hired an advisor for Saving Private Ryan so he didn’t vomit his ignorance all over the screen for the entire movie. There were moments when he obviously vetoed the experts’ advice, for the sake of dramatic tension and such. Because Hollywood Boomer. Can’t get your expectations too high with that crowd.  And this movie reminded me that Boomer director Francis Ford Coppola actually did a commendable job depicting soldiers at war (for a draft-dodging Boomer, anyway).

Dismissing exceptions like Spielberg and Coppola, when it comes to draft-dodging Boomers who make movies about war, there are two camps: those who believe the US armed Forces is comprised solely of the Marine Corps, and those who believe every swinging Richard in the military is Special Forces. Reeves was obviously discipled by the latter camp.

The evil humans are led by Woody Harrelson playing his own version of Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse, Now! Dude shaves his head and listens to Jimmi Hendrix while planning an idiotic defensive battle against other evil humans  who believe his methods are unsound and are coming to terminate his command, with extreme prejudice. At least there was no monologue about watching a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor.

The “Special Forces” officers and men under his command demonstrate the tactical acumen of a young boy playing with plastic army men. (Maybe the real deal is like that these days. I know the standards have been plummeting across the board as good soldiers have been chased out to open slots for freaks, perverts, womyn and diversity hires.)

However, the movie’s human soldiers do have magic ghost-ninja powers that allow them to repeatedly and easily sneak up and get the drop on the apes, who apparently lost their animal survival instincts, hearing, sense of smell, and developed one whale of a myopia in their vision. At least for the parts of the story that require such handicaps. In fact, these seasoned, professional SF A-Team operators can even have hysterical conversations about 30 yards from an ape listening post and not be discovered.

There’s a lot more I could complain about on this subject, but that would make this a loooooong post.

Theme, Etc:

Much like a Stanley Kubrick film, the big question the screenwriter/director wants you to ask is, “Who actually demonstrates humanity in this story?” Hint: it ain’t the humans.

I give the filmmakers props for driving this theme home with a couple shots of soldiers showing themselves to be more feral than the apes with the motivational mass command and hoowah-ing that grunts are conditioned to perform (but Special Forces soldiers do not, unless their ranks are filled with guys from the Ranger Battalions).  They sounded more like apes than the apes, and this is the closest the movie ever gets to verisimilitude from a military perspective.

Humans are barbaric savages who would rather lose a battle and be wiped out than to miss an opportunity to murder some escaping, unarmed apes. Like the gorilla traitors they employ as “donkeys,” humans are fanatical killers who will follow idiotic orders blindly without question, but are incapable of empathy, gratitude, fair play, or any sort of decency. Except for Nova, who is a young girl in this movie.

Caesar, Luca, Rocket and the other apes are the only characters (besides Nova)  who have any humanity.

This movie really comes off like yet another symbolic summary of Vietnam, as told by a communist propaganda minister–like Little Big Man, Soldier Blue, Return of the Jedi, and Avatar.

Everything you’ll see here has been done before many times. There is no part of this movie that suffers from any modicum of originality.

The acting is fine and the musical score is competent. All the elements of filmmaking come together to sadden, depress, disturb and/or infuriate you over the mistreatment of the apes. And that is pretty much all this film is good for.