Contact Us

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12 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Greetings. Error messages are received each time I try to subscribe to your blog, and each time I try to notify you via your contact link that I am having trouble subscribing, there is an error message for that, too. Perhaps this message will take …

    1. I apologize. Had no idea. I only recently activated the “subscribe” option so was unaware of that glitch. I also didn’t know the comment plugin was causing all those problems. Thanks for letting me know and please bear with me as I try to straighten this out.

    2. Okay…I finished upgrading a bunch of stuff, including the WordPress version we’ve been using. Tried a subscription as a trial, and received no error messages (I use the Brave browser, so I know that one’s not causing a problem). I apologize for the hassle, and thank-you for letting us know. Try again and it should work.

  2. Hi, I was looking for s story that appeared here in 2012 with the title “The Legend and Truth of Jerry Mad Dog Shriver “.

    If this is something you still have, would you mind sharing it with me?
    Thank You,

  3. Henry,
    I hope you can help me find a new or used copy of the narrative you put together on Jerry “Mad Dog’ Shriver. I am an old SF soldier who would like to read what information you have gleaned about this unique soldier who needs to be found and brought back home.
    LTC (R) Bill Schafer ODA 124 & ODA 125

  4. Hello, I was directed here by your friend Henry Brown, and hope this message finds you all well.
    Here’s my book;
    It’s dark fantasy modelled with Shakespeare, Tolkien and Howard in mind.

    Here’s the Summary; Three Kingly Lines – One Crown…

    After the death of the legitimate High-King in battle, his rightful successor is displaced and war and chaos reign freely over the land of Caledonia.

    A web of scandal, murder and intrigue weaves itself around each of his successors; each of their downfalls come from an unexpected quarter. Some are slain by their friends, some their wives sleeping killed, and still others go mad and seek their own undoing. Even as all yearn for the bloodied crown of the Caleds…

  5. Hello! Anti-woke indie author here who is wondering if you’d like to review any of my books. Currently have 3 volumes of an epic fantasy series (The Blackfire Chronicles) out and just published a collection of short stories called Fractum Ostium, in addition to a couple others. All are on Amazon of course. I don’t censor myself, and some of my short stories would likely get me doxxed and cancelled, which would inspire me even further. Cheers!

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