All New Q Decode – Part 3

Gab is finally working again for me…if I wait until late at night to try using it. Based on the hate I’m receiving there and on MeWe, these posts must be over the target. For those who haven’t already read Part 1 and Part 2, this isn’t a typical effort at a Q-decode like you might be used to. I’ve gone back to the first drops and am limiting my focus mostly to the posts that seem to reference our current situation as I scan forward through the crumbs. My hope is that we will be better armed with information when I’m done with this series.

#537 – 2018-01-14 20:49:27 (UTC+1)
“…Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere…”

A lot of Americans knew this, but most did not. If somebody still doesn’t understand this after #GrandTheftElection, they might be beyond hope, cognitively speaking.

#690 – 2018-02-08 02:57:31 (UTC+1)

Reference to Hunter Biden? I’d be surprised if white hat spooks did NOT know the dirty details before the laptop surfaced.

#713 – 2018-02-10 11:30:58 (UTC+1)

Q has mentioned more than once that many posts contain double meanings. You just gotta wonder if this is a warning about the Wuhan Coronavirus two years in advance. If so, this suggests they knew it would be used as a tool to help steal the election and tank the economy.

#997 – 2018-04-04 02:45:50 (UTC+1)
“[Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT.

Obviously this isn’t May. However, it was recently discovered that the Vatican was involved in #GrandTheftElection. Some kind of raid seems to have taken place there, and scuttlebutt is circulating that the commie Pope was the target, now in custody. He didn’t get into that position without help, and exposure of his handlers might be coming in May and/or during the Storm.

#1045 – 2018-04-06 21:27:43 (UTC+1)
“We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.

Imagine that. This bears repeating. Specifics would include time windows.

#1644 – 2018-06-29 06:59:18 (UTC+1)
“It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made.
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask.
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.”

This could be referring to when the Storm hits, the days of darkness begin, and normies flounder without the svengalis of pop culture telling them what to think. Be ready for this within the next few days.

“Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.”

This is extremely pertinent advice for RIGHT NOW. Fear can be crippling. Whether  Q and the Storm are real or not God is still on the Throne. He is good, just, and is capable of pulling good results out of evil human behavior. He is greater than our fear. Our level of discomfort does not affect His sovereignty whatsoever. Whatever happens to me and my country, I will trust Him.

“Timing is everything.”

And this is probably why they’ve waited until the 11th hour, when all appears lost. “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.” I myself have been frustrated that they didn’t unleash the Storm before #GrandTheftElection. Or even better: before the summer riots; before COVID1984; before the 2018 midterms. But by this painstaking delay, traitors in high places have been exposed for all to see; the depth of the political cancer has been exposed for all to see; and every last peaceful recourse has been attempted only to fail under the weight of the ubiquitous corruption. Will people who formerly trusted “conservative” public servants now balk at serious Swamp-draining? True patriots can now water the Tree of Liberty with a clear conscience. The traitors have given us no other choice, and everybody knows it.

“Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).”

Some of this has been underway by drips and trickles. It may become a flash flood soon.

“How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?”

This can’t be emphasized enough. God said, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” (He also said, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,” but that’s a little past the topic of this decode.) How can a people acquire knowledge when a megalithic propaganda/deception apparatus keeps them ignorant, and provides a smokescreen for the evil permeating the institutions we trust and pay to look out for our interests? Well, you must painstakingly expose the evil and, at some point, jam the signal of the deceivers and provide a truthful report on the hidden reality.

“It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.

The traitors/God-haters have enjoyed solidarity and unity of purpose all along (even when they turn on each other, their agenda is pushed ever forward). Imagine how awesome it would be if good men could experience that kind of unity. If the Plan is successful, and good men rebuild with wisdom and integrity, we could find ourselves in a golden age of peace and prosperity that dwarfs America’s impressive gilded epochs of the past.

Hopefully I can get Part 4 written and published tonight. God be with you, fellow Americans and patriots. Remember: if the Plan fails, or was never real to begin with, God is still the Supreme Commander of the universe. We will have a much tougher fight ahead of us, but Jesus is still King of Kings, and ultimately, the good guys do win. One day, every person will bow down and admit that Jesus is Lord. You should do it now, of your own volition. I can’t do justice to how happy you’ll be that you did.

All New Q Decode – Part 2

Again, I’m skipping over a lot of fascinating stuff, and focusing mostly on predictions/warnings related to what is happening right now, and from approximately #GrandTheftElection up to #theStorm…or #theLawlessTerror if the Plan fails or was just a sham to begin with.

To save time, I’m gonna just copy the time signatures as-is:

#121 – 2017-11-06 22:52:24 (UTC+1)
“…What if US elections can be rigged?”

Gee, now I just wonder. I’m sure the valiant, impartial and totally trustworthy Press would report the facts, first of all. Big Tech would allow whistleblowers to spread the word, too. I guess the DOJ/FBI would step in and arrest the riggers. Failing that, the courts would hear evidence and strike down the fraudulent results–especially that wonderful conservative Supreme Court. Failing that, Congress would act to correct the fraud and preserve the integrity of our elections. And if those well-meaning-but-misguided libruls in Congress somehow accidentally and well-intentionally/misguidedly failed to do the right thing, then those good ol’ conservative Republicans would step in and champion the rule of law. Solid, morally-sound, patriotic and totally-not-Swampy-at-all Mike Pence would use his authority as President of the Senate to stop the buck and heroically correct all the completely coincidental and mistaken well-intentioned buffoonery that accidentally brought us to that head-shaking hilarious point. Yup. Because it’s not like the USA has been thoroughly corrupted and compromised, or anything. What’s important is that you wear your face diaper and don’t ask questions, citizen.

“How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?”

Hmm. Well we know there were assassination attempts on JFK and Reagan. One was successful, shortly after Kennedy began taking back control of our country’s monetary system. The coup against Trump has been non-kinetic up to now, so far as we know.

“Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?”

Best to have at least an inner circle you can trust, in a Swamp full of treasonous snakes.

“What if it was bought and paid for?
How would this be possible?
Why are there no voting ID laws in place?”

Big mystery. It’s completely paranoid to suggest that anybody would ever even conceive exploiting that…you tinfoil hat Qtard!

“What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.”

EVERYTHING except voting. Just laughing like crazy, here. What a knee-slapper. What will those well-meaning-but-misguided libruls think of next? Hilarious!

“What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?”

Same argument against everything that makes any sense and safeguards the interests of Americans: “Raaaaaayciss!!!!”

“Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)
Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)
Why is open border important?
What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US?
What did BO encourage?
Was this illegal?
Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?”

Soros and others like him.

“Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?”

Only morally pure champions of democracy, acting out of benevolent non-partisan virtue, I’m sure. Didn’t 2020 prove this?

“Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?”

They must be white supremacists. Couldn’t possibly be about an accurate count.

“God save us.”

Amen. That is truly the bottom line and our only hope.

#122 – 2017-11-06 22:52:48 (UTC+1)
“What does money buy?
How do you prevent tampering?
Why are most forms of media left-wing?
Why is H-wood left-wing?
Why is the narrative so important?”

This question answers the previous two. You can’t know your enemy if your enemy controls what you know.

“Why do liberals defer to racism w/o proof?
No proof.
Who is HRC’s mentor?”

Robert Byrd–a KKK alumnus.

“What party was he affiliated with?
What party formed the KKK?
What party formed the Confederacy?
What party abolished slavery?
Why are D’s attempting to erase history?
Is the black pop truly free today or enslaved by the D party?
Refer back to black pop crumbs.
Why is this relevant?”

I only included this because it addresses theme from previous crumb.

#128 – 2017-11-10 05:07:15 (UTC+1)
“They never thought she would lose.”

Q brings this up repeatedly. Do you remember, from 2016, when Hillary complained that she should have been up by 50 points in the polls (or whatever number–the video might still be available out there somewhere)? What if she wasn’t chastising the voters in her NPC base, but venting her fury at the Deep State assets who were supposed to guarantee her victory by rigging that election? I’m sure her masters “had a chat” with election officials about what had better happen in 2018 and 2020 after that epic fail.

#135 – 2017-11-12 05:31:13 (UTC+1)
Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
#138 – 2017-11-12 05:32:49 (UTC+1)
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
The FED and the IRS
FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.
#136 – 2017-11-12 05:31:41 (UTC+1)
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
C�te d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
#137 – 2017-11-12 05:32:20 (UTC+1)
“Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
#136 – 2017-11-12 05:31:41 (UTC+1)
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
C�te d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran”

This is more relevant than most people would ever guess, to everything going on now and most of what’s happened for the last century. Pleasantly surprised to see Q grazes this issue.

#142 – 2017-11-12 18:16:24 (UTC+1)
“…What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?”…

Had to include that because of the connection to the Rothschild central banks.

#153 – 2017-11-15 03:25:09 (UTC+1)
“For the coming days ahead.
Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?”

This is one of many elephants in the room. This particular elephant gives me hope that our President is probably going to trigger the Storm at some point near or during the scheduled bogus inauguration of Creepy Beijing Joe and the Incorrigible Ho.

#157 – 2017-11-20 08:29:00 (UTC+1)
“…Who disseminates information?
What is the MSM?
Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?
Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?
Why is this relevant?
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?”

These questions can’t be asked enough. If 80 million voted to save our country despite the ubiquitous brainwashing, imagine how many would support MAGA if we had an honest and free Press.

#158 – 2017-11-20 08:29:21 (UTC+1)
“What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?”

I strongly suspect these are the “laws” referenced in the last post that must be nullified (by the Insurrection Act?) to break the enemy’s hypnotic hold on the sheeple.

#184 – 2017-11-22 04:07:58 (UTC+1)
“Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.
They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.

Obviously they don’t fear us. They just blatantly staged a putsch right up in our faces, and are, in effect, taunting us: “What are you gonna do about it, peasants?”

#249 – 2017-12-05 04:38:51 (UTC+1)
Hussein AIDS Video.
Hidden message?”

I’m quoting this one only because of the “RED_RED” tag. It reminds me of the archived drop that’s been making the rounds lately with the checklist or timetable with “RED 1,” “RED 2,” etc. If this is an acronym, it’s not one I remember from when I served. But then I was not in MI. I haven’t done nearly as much research as some, and I’m kind of rushing through the drops during my spare time, so this is just on-the-fly speculation: In 2019(?) there was a short, cryptic post that read simply, “Rig for red.” Others explained that is submariner jargon for rising to periscope depth, meaning (I assume) action is imminent or expected. What if it also ties into the RED checklist? Meaning, possibly, that when it was posted, some preliminary actions were put into motion that are culminating now, as (apparently) the checklist is ticking off. Just a thought. Hopefully I’ll get to those posts soon and will have a better idea.

#252 – 2017-12-05 05:01:17 (UTC+1)
“Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.
Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).
Think AIDS.
Future topic…”

Well, not only is COVID1984 being used to control the population, it accomplished a lot of Deep State objectives, including supposedly justifying mail-in ballots.

#381 – 2017-12-20 00:00:02 (UTC+1)
“We won’t telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.

In case you didn’t believe me the first few times. Nobody with clout on either side will openly explain what they are really up to right now. In fact, much of what Trump is saying/doing is meant to flush out the black hats. What is the real reason to have 25,000 National Guard troops in DC? To prevent another 80 or so men/women/children/senior citizens with MAGA hats and Trump banners from walking into the Capitol (the “People’s House”) again, obediently staying between the velvet ropes?

#525 – 2018-01-14 04:48:01 (UTC+1)
Targeted Kills.
Power Out.
Flight re-routes.
Flight returns.
Public awakening.
Message spreading wide & far.
Goodbye @Jack.

So here in January of 2018 we get another post that might refer to what’s about to happen right now. No idea about the “7/10” unless it’s more disinformation. In the first few hours of the Storm I imagine there must be some targeted kills, to thwart enemy action and reduce collateral damage. The power going out starting then would make sense, also, as would re-routing and cancelling flights. There’s going to be chaos, especially with the grid and/or Internet down. That would be the start of a widespread public awakening. I imagine not only Jacked-Up Whore-sy, but also Mark Cuckerberg and the other Thought Gestapos would be taken down under the fog of war.

That’s all for now. I hope to get the next decode up soon.

All-New Q Decode – Part 1

I’ve mentioned before I’m Qagnostic. As such, I haven’t followed Q religiously like some. At best, I followed some other bloggers who attempted decodes over the years–because not only was I unsure of Q’s legitimacy, but it’s a lot like studying the quatrains of Nostredamus–some of it seems vague, unintelligible, or even nonsensical. Also, I don’t have the patience to study pictures of watches for hours trying to discern some meaning out of the placement of the hands. I’d also much rather study purported intelligence drops than obsess over the timing of the President’s tweets. Most Q followers I’ve encountered online seem to have the exact inverse priorities as I do.

However, recent events have given me deja vu–jogging memories of Q predictions I think I remember reading or hearing about here and there. So I’m doing something I’ve never done before: Going straight to the source and attempting to find all the Q drops, from the very beginning, that warned us about what we’re living through right now.

For this series, and for the sake of argument, I’m going to assume Q is real. And, as fascinating as most of the drops are. I’m going to ignore almost all of them that, to me, don’t seem immediately relevant. That means I’m looking for predictions that apparently fit developments from early 2020 to early 2021.

I hope I get all the way through it before January 20…but there’s a LOT, so I might not. Because of the time constraint, I’m going through quickly and will probably commit some sloppy writing. Also, other Q decoders may have made the same exact observations in the past. But even if so, it might be worth review anyway.

Here goes:

 #11 10/30/17

“Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important?”

MI=Military Intelligence. (Forgive the oxymoron. Just playing–couldn’t resist.) Allusion to Insurrection Act back in 2017?

#14 11/1/17

SCIF mentioned. (SCI[F]) Was this not the acronym for the facility where the Trump Team watched the election steal unfold in real time?

“What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?”

  1. The Insurrection Act?
  2.  State of war/emergency; military tribunals.

“Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn’t the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?”

The answer to most of these questions can be found in the year 2020. As for the Marines, my understanding is that they can be deployed for operations in CONUS without violating Posse Comitatus.

“Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?”

Suggests white hats in military asked Trump to run for office to take down the Cabal via a Constitutional process.

“Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?”

They also thwarted enough of the 2016 election rigging to secure victory.

#16 11/1/17

“POTUS has “zero risk of impeachment (fact).”

Well, this was proven to be false, twice. But let me throw a few points out there:

  • An intelligence team is made up of human beings.
  • Human beings are not infallible.
  • Q states several times that disinformation is necessary.
  • Because a team has more than one person on it, there are bound to be disagreements–especially when it comes to what may or may not happen in the future. Just look at all the arguments and speculation about what’s happening right now, and will happen in the next few days.
  • Impeachment technically occurred , but when most people say “impeached,” they mean removed from office before the term expires.

#17 11/1/17

“Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines. How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?”

  1. Again, the USMC (being a land force that is not the Army) can be used domestically without violating Posse Comitatus.
  2.  Military tribunals?

“Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks.”

Censor throughout major platforms…sound familiar, anybody?

#22 11/1/17

“Who controls the NG?”

That depends on whether the given mission is at a state or federal level. The No Goes deployed to DC right now are on a federal mission, which should put them under authority of the Executive Branch, and therefore President Trump. That’s ostensibly a good thing, since so many Governors are obviously compromised not only by the Deep State, but by Red China.

“…Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?”

Why not? If we are in a state of war or national emergency (which we are, whether anybody acknowledges it or not), then of course they would work in coordination–just as they did on the Solomon Islands once upon a time.

“Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?”

Yup. But just considering the Chinese connection alone, the conditions have been met (foreign interference in an election; cyber attack; biological warfare attack [Wu Flu]).

“What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?”

I’m guessing George Washington, when he suppressed the Whiskey Rebellion. Shame on me for not knowing for definite, but I won’t take the time to research it right now.

“Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.”

Well there’s already been civil unrest. As for war, more later…

#25 11/1/17

“Proof to begin 11.3.”

Could this be a reference to Election Day 2020 (11/3)? Much of what they predicted has been coming to pass since 11/3.

#26 11/1/17

“Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.”

Well, yes. Every check and balance short of the military has been compromised, hijacked, or neutralized. We’ve seen every last member of Congress and the courts betray us, and their oaths, along every painstaking step of this coup de tat. Some of them posed as defenders of the rule of law, but intentionally were ineffective. In other words: they were in on this treason, too. Arrest and try them all. Let’s clean the slate.

Election Day is the first marker. “Markers” will become more clear later, I believe.

And yes–these posts from back in 2017, if they mean what they seem to, are certainly the most yuuuuuge intelligence revelation in American history.

#34 11/2/17

“…On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.”

Ignoring the part about the Podesta arrest…this sounds like something similar to what could happen on or after January 20. Of course, plans and timetables have to be adjusted as the situation changes. And the situation will definitely change when you have an enemy actively working against you over the four years since you hinted about the plan.

“Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.”

With dual purpose: The FBI and Antifa/BLM are working together to stage more riots, in state capitals, and blame the unrest on the Deplorables. In fact, if you remember from this summer, the Swamp Media first insisted that there were no riots. Then told you they were “mostly peaceful.” Then told you that it was really “white supremacists” and “boogaloos” committing all the violence. So this narrative has been test-run already. DO NOT get involved in this shitshow.

“On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full.”

Millions, right now, are praying that this is true.

“However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.”

Did he call it, or what? This is our current reality in a nutshell. The US population has not been this polarized since the (first) Civil War. And I’m not so sure the animosity ran as deep then as it does now.

“We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.”

OK, so Q spelled out directly what I hypothesized in my SHTF novel. Maybe I should have waited a couple years for Q to come along, and THEN wrote the book.

“Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).”

Sounds great. Do it. BTW, this reads very similar to how Trump speaks, only more literate. Is his speech writer on the Q Team? Nevermind–he doesn’t seem to have a speech writer.

#35 11/2/17

“POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment.”

I believe Monkeywerx or somebody recently deduced that Air Force One (with a false identifier) hopped the pond. Then Trump appeared in Alamo, Texas a couple days later.

“It is time to take back our country and make America great again. …return power to the people.”

Amen. Do it.

“…Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.”

How can you read this crumb from 2017 and NOT believe they’re talking about our situation right now?

#59 11/2/17

“Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others. Hence, why we are dedicating ‘critical’ time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released. Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?
Why is this relevant?”

Well, because it’s true; and has never been more obvious…to anyone with a functioning brain and not too lazy to confirm facts for themselves.

“We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS’ Twitter etc.  and/or mass censoring).”

Not that mass censorship could EVER happen in our “democracy.” After all, Twatter CEO Jacked-Up Whoresy just farted platitudes about the sanctity of free speech when Uganda gave him a dose of his own medicine. And Goolag and FagBorg are also paragons of free speech and diversity of ideology. Just ask ’em–they’ll tell ya.

#64 11/3/17

“Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless – I must go for good at this point.”

If the grid goes down, Q will have to cease dropping crumbs completely. Frankly, it looks to me like he’s already stopped. Or maybe “lights go out” is a metaphor for “World Wide Web is disrupted.” Either way, the “lights” haven’t gone out yet; though it would make perfect sense if they do in the near future. I hope you made preparations. 

#72 11/5/17

“Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary.”

Praying Medic has pointed out how the first posts about Hillary being arrested were meant to create a diversion from an actual operation in Saudi Arabia to take down corrupt members of the Cabal in the royal family there.

#88 11/5/17

“Ten days.

So, possibly the “lights out” scenario mentioned previously will last ten days. Maybe it’s a social media/MSM, or Internet blackout.

“Scare tactics (MSM).”

Exactly what they’ve been using for the whole COVID1984/plandemic/scamdemic.

“D’s falling.
R’s walk-away/removed.”

When the Storm finally hits, traitors from both parties will be removed from power during the blackout? Scumbag turncoats like John “Sleeper Cell” Roberts and Mitch McCommie removed so they can’t betray us anymore? Works for me.

“SA –> US –> Asia –> EU”

This is a timeline. SA (Saudi Arabia) has apparently been cleaned up already. We are next. Then Asia, then the EU. Sounds great. Traitors in the US government from the Tricky Dick to the Obamanible Hussein Administrations have incrementally turned Red China into a superpower; then sold our country out to them. And they are finally on the verge of the invasion of Free China (Taiwan) they’ve fantasized about since the Truman Administration. I doubt if I need to mention the evil and corruption of the European Union. There is scuttlebutt already of some European governments collapsing. Hmm.

“Disinformation is real.
Distractions are necessary.”

In case you missed that point before. Not a smart idea to let the enemy know in advance what your plans are; even if you’d like to build morale for your allies. BTW, getting details right but the schedule wrong could also be a form of disinformation. Might Pompeo’s tweets and the President’s lame, irrelevant speeches of late be such distractions mentioned?

#97 11/6/17

“Disinformation exists and is necessary.
10 days.

Would the references to a “Biden Administration” qualify as disinformation? I guess we’ll see.

This also reminds me of listening to Trump speeches, in a way. Most people who run for public office contradict themselves, but boy does the MSM suddenly notice that phenomenon when Trump does it. 


Earlier Q said “no war.” Here he says, “war.” The context of both drops seems to be the Storm and its aftermath. So either new information has changed their mind; two or more members of the team who post have opposing beliefs about the future; or one prediction was disinformation (my money’s on “no war.”)

Good v. Evil.
Roadmap of big picture is here.
Review post happenings.
Crumbs not only for /pol/.
The silent ones.
Others monitoring (friends and enemies).

The enemy tracks Q posts also, so the Q Team can’t spell everything out for us. In fact, they have to put stuff in there that confuses the enemy (and us); and cause them (and us) to draw the wrong conclusions on occasion.

#111 11/6/17

“Is the US political / election system corrupt?”

Duh. Ya think?

“Who owns poll machines?

It’s a tangled web involving Dominion, Smartmatic, Venezuela, Germany, China, and the Vatican, but Soros was involved too.

Operators are active.
We are at war.”

Some Q posters claim, “Nothing can stop what’s coming.” Others understand that there’s no such thing as a sure thing. Some, as here, encourage us to pray.

Some Q posters show evidence of Christian convictions, and quote or paraphrase from the Bible. I want to specify, up front, that I’m not putting Q posts on a level with the Bible. God is omniscient. Humans are not. God doesn’t make mistakes. People do. So don’t misunderstand what I’m about to say:

I suspect at least one member of the Q Team has studied Bible prophecy, and has tried to organize/present their intelligence dumps according to a similar strategy as that used in writing the prophetic books. The dump has been structured so that the main narrative is broken up and spread throughout the bandwidth. There is much repetition and thematic rhyme, as well as overlapping perspective of coverage. It isn’t presented in a linear, chronological progression taken in whole–though fragments of it are seemingly chronological. It is rife with code, metaphor, and symbolism. Much is intentionally cryptic. There might be multiple fulfillments in store. A lot of it won’t make sense until after it has come to pass.

That’s my take, for what it’s worth.

There’s at least one member of the team whose posts suggest a more “New Age” or at least Churchian worldview. Or maybe it’s all one guy who is skitzophrenic, or has multiple personalities, or is confused in his theology.

#112 11/6/17

“Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.”

That softball game shooting by the deranged Democrat (forgive the redundancy) comes to mind.

“More false flags imminent.
Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage.”

Somebody on the Q Team recognized this four years before the sham that’s been perpetrated on us. There are countless people even now who STILL haven’t figured this out.

It’s late and I’ve probably made plenty of mistakes. I’ll leave it here for now and try to get Part 2 done tomorrow.

A Survey of Normieville

On January 20-21, something historic will take place. It will mark either:

  1. Our republic collapsing due to rot from within (as Abraham Lincoln warned) and becoming a 3rd world Marxist police state. The Lawless Terror begins in earnest. Patriots and anybody else to the right of Chairman Xi will be hunted down and dealt with the way the Red Chinese deal with dissidents. Boomer Fudds and other “conservatives” will still be talking about how we can “take back Congress” in 2022, as they are herded into boxcars.
  2. The beginning of some degree of restoration of freedom with rule of law, once the Storm is triggered. Traitors are removed from positions of power and finally held accountable. Depending on how thorough this effort is, it could prove to be the most epic come-from-behind victory in American history.
  3. The de facto declaration of our second civil war (or revolution; or counter-revolution–no need to bicker over semantics until it’s over). This could happen in conjunction with either of the first two possibilities.
  4. A preliminary step toward some level of conflict with Red China (worth at least a blog post of its own). This would only happen in conjunction with the second scenario, or a Patriot victory following the third.

So there’s going to be a violent struggle of some kind. In such struggles, the attitude/allegiance of the people (meaning mostly civilian non-combatants) usually affects the outcome. For this very reason, I lurk in blog comment sections, and skim the feeds of what social media I am subscribed to.  Some of what I find is nauseating; some is ignorant; some is laughable (if this was a laughing matter); but once in a while, some is encouraging.

This post is to share some observations from out in the real world–in no particular order, and not arranged to sell any particular narrative.

Had to visit an urban cesspool recently for a VA visit. Mask zombies everywhere. Including outdoors, walking alone, and driving alone. Businesses like auto parts stores (which in rural areas and small towns are not all this way) are ruled by bovine mask nazis enforcing zero-tolerance policies against non-conformity.

At the VA, I ate at the canteen, in between appointments. About six civilian employees came in for lunch and sat nearby, so that I heard snippets of conversation (sorry–my hearing has been unsat since well before separation):

“…need to get a gun, while they’re still being sold…”

“…plenty of ammo, and I’m gonna get a four-wheeler, too.”

“I figure I can defend my place for a couple days, before I have to bug out.”

In a 90% non-white area, I saw a pick-up truck driving by with a big Confederate flag streaming behind it. Whatever you may think about somebody who brands himself that way, you have to admit this takes big brass cojones. Over the summer, people and homes around America were attacked just for flying the flag of this country. It’s safer to fly the flag of Mexico, Somalia, or Belarus, than it is to fly the Stars-and-Stripes. And it’s been open season on people with MAGA hats for years. Either the dude in the pickup truck is stupid, or he’s to the point where he has not much left to lose and is trying to pick a fight. How many men are at that point right now? How well are they armed and equipped; and what is their tactical acumen?

Co-workers and other acquaintances have volunteered to me something along the lines of: “I used to be left of center; but this shit has pushed me over to the extreme right. Is it too late to get a gun?”

An eye-witness to one of the recent troop movements happening all over the country reported that all the unit identification had been blacked out on the vehicles.

Common sentiments expressed by normies out in Flyover Country:

“They don’t need no 25,000 National Guard troops in Washington for an inauguration!”

“What’s going to happen on the 20th?”

“I just want all this to be over.”

Few US citizens can even imagine how bad it might get within a few months; but not all normies are oblivious to the massive evil threatening us (even when they can’t accurately identify it), or the momentous fate hanging in the balance right now.

Stop the Idiocy

If the stolen election is allowed to stand, it doesn’t matter who runs for office in 2022 or 2024. YOUR VOTE WILL NOT MATTER EVER AGAIN.

Starting a political party to replace the GOP was a great idea decades ago. But if the stolen election is allowed to stand, it would be just a waste of time, and would get anybody involved classified as domestic terrorists, hunted down and dealt with. Political parties don’t matter when your vote doesn’t matter…AND YOUR VOTE WILL NEVER MATTER AGAIN.

If the stolen election is allowed to stand, it won’t matter what evidence exists about the stolen election, about COVID1984, or anything else. We’ve already seen that the courts are just tools of the Cabal. They will rule the way their masters tell them to. If you try to inform people yourself, you will be silenced, and eventually arrested and dealt with.

Think logically.

The enemy has no honor, doesn’t care what the law says, and their oaths of office aren’t worth the breath they were given with. Nobody and nothing will hold them accountable. There will be no consequences for their actions. The people have no power anymore. The enemy and its Swamp Media can tell you black is white, with a straight face, and 40% of the population will believe them–or at least pretend to. This is not a constitutional republic anymore. It’s just another tinpot oligarchy, about to go speeding over the cliff into the dustbin of history.

Neither positive thinking, “elections,” court cases, nor calling me a paranoid tinfoil hat, will change any of that.

Even in this 11th hour, President Trump still has tools to #stopthesteal, to remove the traitors, and begin restoring what we’ve lost. Pray that he will. This ridiculous second impeachment with supposedly just seven days left for his administration might indicate that the traitors are afraid he’ll do just that.

In my lifetime, we’ve never had somebody “on our side” in a position to do right by us WHO DID NOT sell us out, stab us in the back, and/or surrender to the enemy. With all the stuff going on right now that seems nonsensical, it’s easy to feel the deja vu and assume we’ll be betrayed yet again–this time for all the marbles.

Maybe we will. I hope you made preparations just in case.

The soap box, the jury box, and the ballot box have all been stripped from us. All we have left is the cartridge box…unless our President takes decisive action before it’s too late.

Pacifists, normies, and cucks had all better pray Trump does it his way. It’s gonna get very, very messy, if not.

If it’s left up to a thousand guerrilla armies of armed and extremely pissed off Americans, blood is gonna flow like foreign handouts in a stimulus package. Collateral damage will be on a scale we’ve never seen in North America. Maybe on a scale not seen in world history–and there will be damn little remorse about it.

Trump caused these Americans to hope against hope there was still a possibility of fixing this mess with minimal bloodshed. You don’t want to see what happens when that rug is yanked out from under them. There will be so many bodies dangling from freeway overpasses, undocumented Democrats will be escaping back to Latin America, happy to be the bitch for a drug cartel again.

I’m not referring to beer-bellied Bubbas and Boomer Fudds who like to pose with firearms for photos to be posted on social media. I’m referring to men who have kept quiet most of their lives and suffered, while evils were sufferable. They didn’t attend protests or engage in boycotts or pay much attention to The Narrative. They’ve been too busy working. They know how to get around in the boonies. They know how to cause serious trouble for the people who hate them–and they’ve thought about how to do it–in theory, so far. They also believe firearms are tools–not props to pose with. And they will have nothing left to lose. They just wanted to be left alone, but the enemy wouldn’t even grant them that miniscule consideration.

The Deplorables who gathered in Washington, DC, packed up and peacefully left town when Trump told them to. Who do you assume they’re gonna listen to once Trump is out of the picture?

First, They Came For the “Right-Wing Extremists”…

As the Cold Civil War turns hot, it is absorbing the culture war, the information war, and every other struggle.

For years, I’ve told people to stop feeding the Beast (Big Tech, the Swamp Media, Woke Capital, etc.). But they decided it would be just too inconvenient to stop giving their money and information to the enemy. Too inconvenient not to depend on those who hate you for your platforms, advertising, revenue streams, news, etc.

There are plenty of other watchmen out there who have been passing the warning, too. But no matter how bad the purge got, “conservatives” (whatever that means) continued feeding the Beast–because it hadn’t eaten them, yet. In much the same way, they continued supporting controlled opposition like Paul RINO, Lindsay Gayscam and Mitch McCommie.

Well, the purge isn’t deniable anymore, now that it’s coming for the ostriches who assumed they would be eaten last. All the “principled conservatives” are stabbing America in the back, while regurgitating the Marxist talking points about “democracy” and “legitimacy.” Millions have been kicked off Twatter, FascistBorg and CommieTube in the last few days. But years on the enemy’s social networks wasn’t completely fruitless: the communists will hang on to their personal information, and use it when the purge spills out into the physical world. The armies of GloboHomo NPCs are already frothing about doing just that.

But what about the “conservative alternatives”? Cux News revealed its true colors on election night. Parler (as in: “Step into my parlor,” said the spider to the fly) is pretending that it’s an unpredictable and total shock that Amazon has yanked its hosting services out from under them. You know, because Jeff Bezos’ NPC worker drones haven’t been banning books they disagree with, or anything. “Conservative” companies that manage talk radio shows are threatening to fire anybody who challenges The Narrative regarding the election. They’re so confident that their Narrative holds up, they have to destroy anybody who presents evidence to dispute it. The banks, credit card companies, and online payment processing companies are all part of the cabal, too. Expect their purge to accelerate, as well. We were warned that one day we would be prevented from buying or selling unless we had the Mark. The Mark is a ways off from being implemented, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a trial run first.

There is a lot of evidence/eye witness testimony of massive aircraft and troop movements taking place as I write this. This could mean a couple of different possibilities:

  1. The Dark WInter/Night of the Long Knives. The purge is about to spill over into meatspace. Federal jackboots will be kicking in doors coast-to-coast to get rid of the “most dangerous” Americans who are right-of-communist. “Conservatives” will likely applaud this, once again assuming that as long as they cuck and accept the “new normal,” their chains will sit lightly upon them. NPCs will be soaking their panties in glee. But some “fascists” are doubtless going to take exception to this “democracy” in action, and respond in a language everyone will understand.
  2. The Storm. There are still “patriots in control”; and they not only release the Kraken, but start watering the Tree of Liberty. Arrests, military tribunals, the whole Q yard. Of course, “conservatives” will condemn this, because we’re supposed to bend over and adopt the new status quo, and never ever condone violence–unless we’re sending our young men overseas to fight for globalism.

If this conflict causes some cucks to see the error of their ways and stop backstabbing us (doubtful), okay. Maybe you can trust them to carry your water or firewood. Don’t ever trust them for anything more important. Their cowardice caused them to hypnotize themselves into believing that perpetual surrender is a virtue. That virtue is so important to them, they will sell out their country and backstab their neighbors to uphold it. Again. It’s part of their character, now.

They deserve what the leftist mobs want to do to them.

Days of Darkness

The enemy is going for broke.

  • They cancelled the rule of law.
  • They cancelled justice.
  • They cancelled representation
  • They cancelled free and fair elections.
  • They are cancelling a free press and freedom of speech.

The social media purge of dissidents has accelerated like a rocket since Wednesday. The communists are so confident that their Narrative is true, they have to silence anyone who challenges it. But they’re not just shutting down the accounts of Deplorables on Big Social Media–they’re stopping email service too. And for people who built their own platforms, Big Finance is refusing to process payments. That’s right: now you can’t buy or sell unless you believe what they want you to. Because hate. And violence. And racism. And  fascism. All the usual psychological projection from the left.

The purge is still ongoing–they haven’t got to everybody yet. Somebody shared a screenshot of a tweet from Michelle Malkin yesterday. My first thought was: “How could they have missed a big name like her for this long?” My second thought was: “Controlled opposition?”

But they’re coming for everybody, eventually. Then they’ll start eating themselves when they can’t pass each other’s woke purity tests (just like the Great Terror and Red Terror).

The Virtual Pulp site was never monetized. I quit Twatter and Fascistborg back circa 2013. But give them enough time and they’ll shut me down, too.

MeWe seems to still be functioning well, but I’ve only seen limited engagement there, anyway. There are some decent folks, but the right-of-center faction is made up mostly of neocons, moderates, Fudds and milquetoast Boomers who are already talking about Biden’s cabinet picks and what kind of carpet Harris will put in the White House. Definitely not my tribe.

Gab has been slow and intermittent since Friday. Maybe the servers are overloaded by the mass exodus from the communist social networks, but I’d be very surprised if they’re not under a sustained cyberattack of some kind. Uploading posts has been hit-or-miss (mostly miss) this weekend, and right now I can’t even get my notifications to load.

GloboHomo has controlled the flow of information so effectively for generations–that’s why they have an army of ignorant fanatics completely onboard with what they’re doing. But truth has always leaked out between the cracks. Now they are engaged in an all-out effort to eliminate any and all information that doesn’t support the Narrative. Their previous levels of censorship put the Soviets and East Germans to shame. But they’ve pulled out all the stops, now.

I’m living under the assumption that my Internet presence will be shut down, too. If not due to the iron fist of the GloboHomo Censorship Machine, then for another reason.

In my novel, False Flag (published back in 2015) the plot at one point involved an operation by white hats to break through the Swamp Media’s monopoly on the flow of information and broadcast some actual news. In a nutshell, they had to figure out how to hack into the Emergency Broadcast System to do this.

I still see the EBS as a way to break the trance and reveal the truth to the most people. Now I’m reading the same theory from other people around the Web. Not only that, but the FCC recently reminded broadcasters of their obligation to allow override access to the EBS. On top of that, Pelosi and her perverse band of traitors are evidently trying to block Trump from being able to use the EBS.

What all this points to (possibly) is that if/when the Trump Team launches the Storm, they will shut down the communist social networks and Goolag/CommieTube (or possibly the entire World Wide Web) and override the broadcast Swamp Media to communicate directly with Americans.

Q has mentioned periods of “darkness” on different occasions and, if Q is real, this might be what he meant. When asked if the grid would go down, though, he denied that it would. Of course, disinformation being necessary to  an intelligence operation, who knows what to believe?

I see a media blackout as an absolute necessity. Not only do traitors at all levels need to be arrested and dealt with; but the enemy’s mind control operation needs to be broken, and their Narrative nuked from orbit. (It’s the only way to be sure.)

Even if the grid doesn’t go down, this would still cause a major disruption. So much of our infrastructure depends on the Internet now, many “essential” businesses won’t be able to operate. It might affect food deliveries to the grocery stores. It might affect your ability to make POS or debit card purchases. Who knows? It wouldn’t hurt for you to be prepared for an actual shutdown. You probably still have plenty of toilet paper. You might want to get squared away on cash, food, water, gas, firewood, flashlights, batteries, candles, etc.

If you get prepared and it turns out you didn’t need to be…well, you’ve only lost some time and convenience, and maybe bought some stuff you don’t use very often. But if there is a week or 10 days of darkness, and you ride it out in relative comfort while the Swamp is being drained and our republic is getting successful chemotherapy, while honest reporters give you updates via the Emergency Broadcast System…how awesome would that be?

UPDATE: Don’t know for sure, but it looks like the purge might be reaching into MeWe. You might want to subscribe here.  Once the alternative networks are down, at least I’ll still be posting here for as long as I can.

What Stage of CW2 Are We In?

Since I’m talking exclusively to the based, red pill Patriot crowd, I have a historical quote for you. It came from Winston Churchill. Whatever you think of him, he did speak truth from time to time, and did it like a mac:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly;


you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

I had intended to turn this into a meme, with a “you are here” warning with arrow pointing to the appropriate text. But I’m experiencing software issues, and don’t have time now to deal with that right now. If somebody else wants to meme this idea, that would be cool.

Whether we’re at the sentence above, or the sentence below, could be out of our hands at this point. It depends on what (if any) heavy hitters answer the call on our side.

Even if Churchill’s final scenario is where we’re at, I won’t be changing allegiance. This paraphrase of something else he said sums up my outlook:

 We shall defend our republic, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight them online, we shall fight them in person, we shall fight them in the desert, in the forest, in the mountains and on the prairies, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills and the valleys, we shall fight them house to house, bullet for bullet, to the knife, and with our bare hands; we shall never surrender.

For the Lions; Not the Sheep

You may have noticed this is no longer an entertainment blog. Maybe it will return to that one day. I hope so.

Other bloggers who used to contribute here are all busy with other priorities and it’s just me, now. I’ll be glad to take them back if circumstances change enough to make blogging worthwhile for them again. I’m still posting because cyberwarfare has reached a new level of intensity and Virtual Pulp is a platform the enemy does not control and has not yet shut down.

More important than all that: my messages now are for the lions, not the sheep. Convincing normies, fence-sitters, and sheeple of what is going on is no longer a justifiable  allocation of time. Whether you believe our side won or lost that battle, it is now over. At least, my part in it probably is.

Very few non-GloboHomo information outlets are left which haven’t already cucked on the election issue. Even sources I once thought were solid are now spewing idiocy about future “elections” and how Biden will handle Corona blah blah blah.

Not gonna happen here.

Listen up, patriots:

  • President Trump has NOT conceded.
  • Pompeo said there would be a peaceful transition to A 2ND TRUMP TERM.
  • Trump also said that transition would be peaceful, not that the transition would be to the Biden/Harris theftocracy.
  • Harris has retained her Senate seat.
  • With only 11 days left before Creepy Joe and the Ho are supposedly going to be inaugurated, the communists are cooking up another impeachment against Trump AND trying to invoke the 25th Amendment.
  • We are at war. The Commander in Chief, if pursuing victory, does not broadcast his plans, intentions, and strategy in the clear.
  • Until and unless the communist puppets are sworn in, President Trump still wields tremendous power against this country’s foreign and domestic enemies.
  • In the worst-case scenario, we have only God and each other for back-up. But on January 6, it was empirically proven that the people have more power than they’ve ever considered using before; and the traitors are terrified that we just might.

#stopthesteal #bidenlost #takeitback

Wikileaks Dump

Let’s all read and distribute the information while we can.

We need to archive all we can (starting with the most important), because the Thought Police are coming for everybody outside the GloboHomo Establishment.

Not everything Wikileaks dumped is a smoking gun, or even relevant right now. BUt if we win our country back, some of it might prove important to secure justice later; or for posterity.

Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World