Evil and Corruption Are Everywhere, at Every Level

Everything for the last year has been about the election–the riots; the scamdemic; the endless screeching about “systemic racism”…and so are nearly all my posts these days. In all honesty, I will likely keep blogging about the election until after we’ve begun the next act of this current Brinksmanship Play.

The American Thinker had some savvy commentary (we say “deep state”; they say “dark state”; let’s call the whole thing off):

 As soon as Trump was elected president in 2016, the dark state realized that it had blundered. Its members had underestimated the degree of fraud it would need to defeat him. This time, they removed all possibility of failure, and even then, they needed vastly more fraud than even they had anticipated. Stuffing the ballot boxes was not enough; they had to call time out, for a few hours, so they could print yet more ballots. Indeed, they printed so many more that the sheer number of them made it obvious that they were cheating.

One might think they overplayed their hand, that they had used a sledgehammer to swat a mosquito. In doing so, they removed all reasonable doubt — the election was clearly rigged. But the dark state was so desperate that its operatives cared nothing for how it seems to the informed observer. Nothing. They just had to make absolutely sure that there would be no way that Donald Trump would be declared the winner.

The culprits were not merely the usual suspects — the Adam Schiffs and Eric Swalwells and their ilk. As profoundly and obviously corrupt as they are, they are weak. They could not have pulled this off without some heavyweight criminals in high places, including the courts, the premier law enforcement agencies, the intelligence bureaus, and the private sector communications companies.

Let’s not forget the backstabbing traitors and cowards who call themselves “Republicans.” We’re gonna need some sturdy gallows that are built for prolific use.

Worth reading the whole deal if you have time.

I know there are a lot of dudes out there loading magazines, getting your gear staged, and sharpening knives. You know a day is coming soon when the time for talking about how we got here is done. Then, only historians will find debating about the stolen election worthwhile. We’re not quite there, yet. But for all I know, we might be by the time you read this.

Proof of Election Fraud Even a Judge Can Understand

Not sure how long before CommieTube takes this video down. We should all archive it. (Not sure how I’ll share it, though. Something went haywire with my DTube account, and apparently now Bitchute has made a deal with the devil and the Thought Cops have targeted my new channel there.) So watch it quick, while you can.

This sounds like a pretty simple process. Some of the vote riggers have been destroying envelopes and ballots (a federal crime) to avoid this kind of scrutiny; but the fraud was so massive this time, there’s probably still more than enough evidence left .

The problem with this, of course, is that the evidence would have to be presented in a court to have any effect in the so-called “justice” system. But the highest court in the land is corrupt and effectively in on the steal. So far as I can tell, every inferior court is, too.

Cry havoc, or #stopthesteal.

What Is Relevant In the Great Reset/New Normal?

It’s not exactly what the Deep State traitors, their useful idiots, or your garden-variety “conservatives” think it will be.

If Grand Theft Election is allowed to stand, the following will NOT be relevant anymore:

  • Future elections.
  • Lockdowns and mask mandates.
  • Any governor’s order.
  • Beijing Biden’s cabinet picks.
  • Whether the Supreme Court is stacked or not.
  • The Supreme Court itself.
  • Congress.
  • Republican vs. Democrat platforms (like many items on this list, you could argue this is already the case).
  • Most political discourse.
  • Social Security/Medicare.
  • The minimum wage.
  • The stock market.
  • Government budgets.
  • Tax rates.
  • Badges, and those who wear them.
  • Laws, codes, and statutes.
  • The federal Constitution, and state Constitutions.
  • Gun regulations (going back to 1934; and earlier).
  • Accusations of racism, fascism, etc.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Ukraine.
  • North Korea.
  • Sports.
  • Entertainment.
  • The latest smartphone or other gadget.

That’s just a quick list of stuff we won’t need to worry about anymore. There is no law. There is no justice. There is no justification for taxes. There is no Bill of Rights. There is no protection of your liberty. There is no cavalry. There is almost nothing left to lose. That will become obvious very quickly to intelligent people. Hopefully quickly enough.

Here is what is about to become extremely relevant in the near future–possibly overnight:

  • Water.
  • Food.
  • Medical supplies and knowledge.
  • Ammunition.
  • Accuracy.
  • Firepower.
  • Cover and concealment.
  • The hasty ambush.
  • Fire and maneuver.
  • Small unit tactics.
  • Friends and neighbors you can trust.
  • Mental toughness.
  • Ruthlessness.
  • Mobility.

As many of us suspected, the Supreme Court appears to have no interest in doing its job–including those worthless conservative justices appointed by Trump who were really gonna fix half a century of judicial activism. I have even less faith in the “Republicans” who have the ability to #stopthesteal. Look at Georgia–that’s likely what we can expect from them. They will do what they do best: sell us out.

That pretty much leaves it up to Trump. Will he pull the trigger on the Insurrection Act? There’s almost no other option left. I never thought I’d be here, but I believe that’s now the best chance to actually stop (or slow) the destruction of our country. Most of the people receiving a government paycheck should be removed, jailed, and some hung for treason. That goes for those in Big Tech, the mainstream media, woke corporations, academia, and most institutions.

If the President goes that route, will we still have a republic when the smoke clears? That’s a risk; and that’s why I’ve dreaded this moment for a long time. That’s why I’ve done what little I could to keep us from getting here, and tried to convince others to do the same.

Freedom has never been this close to extinction in any of our lifetimes. Not just for Americans–for people all around the world.

Of course the optics will be abysmal. (I’ve long wondered if the Executive Branch, using national emergency powers, would black out the enemy propaganda networks to break their hypnotic hold on the ovine masses. Scary, yes–but probably necessary).

The President has been called “dictator” and “literally Hitler” for four years, so really, what’s he got to lose? The lines are pretty much drawn and not many people are going to change sides. Hell–there are a lot of ignorant loudmouths wishing he does become a dictator. It’s a risk; and (for him) a temptation if he invokes the Insurrection Act. But honestly, I’d rather him pull the trigger than not, at this point.

If he doesn’t, our freedom is definitely gone. If he does, there’s at least a chance.

There’s a lot I don’t know. I don’t have a Top Secret clearance. If I did, I wouldn’t be blogging. So take my warning with however much salt you think is appropriate:

Time is almost up. Get yourself squared away.

We Ain’t Gonna Take It

I had this song in mind when I wrote the last post. Turns out, somebody with more time on their hands than me right now set it to image.

Honestly, I don’t see a resolution of the current mess without some level of violence. I’m not just referring to the rigged election, either. That’s just one (very serious) symptom. I mean the source of our national illness and all the other symptoms. The scale of violence could very well depend on our decisiveness, and willingness to do what needs to be done. Are we gonna try to appease, and do just enough to prolong the suffering, as in Vietnam? Or are we willing to be as remorseless (or more so) as the enemy, like in the South Pacific?

We’re Not Gonna Take It Any More

#StopTheSteal. It’s about time we reminded everyone of who has the legitimate authority in the United States of America: We the People.

The people rule.

The people are Caesar.

The law applies to everyone, or it applies to nobody.

It’s easy to get discouraged, when you listen to the sellouts, cowards, and professional traitors of Conservative, Inc., who we are constantly told we must follow. But you are not alone. There are a lot of patriots who are wide awake and understand what is at stake.

Remember: God would have spared Sodom if there were only 10 good men He could find there. There are a whole lot more than 10 good men in America–even in urban cesspools like Chicago and Los Angeles.

Grand Theft Election

It’s interesting how the leftards’ attitude about evidence flops from one extreme to the other.

We were supposed to believe Christine Blasey Ford’s vague and sketchy character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh, with no corroborating evidence, because vagina. And because Kavanaugh might do something dastardly on the Supreme Court like uphold the law as it is written. On the other hand, no matter how much evidence is presented about the attempt to steal the 2020 election, the very same people who demanded we accept Blasey Ford’s allegations will continue trying to bludgeon us into accepting epic, coordinated election fraud as legitimate.

We should probably meme that.

Here is a site that has compiled considerable documentary evidence of election fraud. Be patient–it takes a moment to load. It also takes more of an attention span than is required to swipe through your feed on Twatter or FascistBorg.

I previously posted an edited compilation of video evidence. Share that, too, since most people today (including college graduates) seem to be functionally illiterate. But it’s far from comprehensive…and still pretty long.

Meanwhile, Outside the Communist Hive Mind Bubble…

Ran across this thread :

“17 days before Trump gets sworn into office the biggest head will roll. Sound waves!”

Will trump do a second term?

“100% yes. One major news network will fold because of it.”

“The turning point will be deafening. Decisions have momentum. Everyone will be talking about this. Fearmongering will be worse than 9/11. Full media blitz 24/7. Social media companies will make threats. Don’t believe the hype. Share holders will dump and fast to spread FUD.”

There are a lot of sleepers, moles, and turncoats out there building up straw men right now; and I’m not suggesting anyone should bank on the word of some anons on /pol/; but this is interesting in how it lines up with some other information leaking out. Could just be LARPing or scuttlebutt.

Speaking of scuttlebutt, did you hear about this one?

300% of Voters Believe There Was No Election Fraud

Here’s some clips I put together just out of what I was able to find and  archive after work. Some guns are smokier than others. But if you hear some leftist tool regurgitating the Legitimate Election & Biden Won Narrative…and you’re in a mood to beat your head against a brick wall, you’ll be tempted to engage them. When they tell you there’s “no evidence,” you can show them this if you don’t have a better compilation at your fingertips.

Of course, when a communist claims there is no evidence, and you show them evidence, they’ll simply deny the evidence. Or move the goalposts from “no evidence of fraud” to “no evidence of widespread fraud.” Then when you show them that, they’ll move the goalposts to “you can’t prove that there’s evidence of enough fraud to have changed the election.”

Kind of an idiotic argument, actually. Election fraud is a crime which can (and should) put you in jail. Why would you commit the crime and risk imprisonment if it won’t change the outcome to your liking? You wouldn’t. But then, we’re dealing with people who allegedly believe there are dozens of genders; that carbon dioxide is dangerous, but that you should re-breathe it all day by wearing a mask incapable of blocking a virus with a 99.998% survival rate; they can reduce crime by passing laws which only punish non-criminals; we can borrow and spend our nation out of debt; and that Epstein killed himself.

Don’t Let the Enemy Tell You What to Think

The Jig Is Up: As of last time I looked, Kamala Harris still hasn’t resigned her Senate seat to move into the White House. That doesn’t signify she’s as confident as all the trash-talking about her “victory. ” It’s a sign she knows the jig is up, so she intends to remain in the Senate, where she can continue inflicting damage on our country after January.

The Fix Was In: Joe Biden–perhaps an even less inspiring candidate than Bob Dole– spent the Presidential campaign hiding in his basement. He knew the fix was in, and that the Swamp would manufacture enough ballots to push him over the line no matter how anemic was the turnout of his base. (Judging by the turnout at his rallies–even the ones where Obama stumped in his place–it was pretty pathetic.

Trump’s record-breaking turnout (despite who-knows-how-many of his ballots being thrown away or destroyed) was so overwhelming that the Swamp had to ramp up their cheating to blatant, in-your-face levels. Now they’re doing the same with the network propaganda. They’re going to spin every story that they choose to report on so that it looks like all is lost.

Maybe you’ve heard the one about how Sidney Powell was “fabricating conspiracy theories,” so Trump’s legal team had to fire her. Even “conservative” news outlets (including Cux News) are in on the steal. Notice them trying to get us to accept the lie while simultaneously softening the blow with narratives about our “great” election chances in 2022 and 2024; or how the Senate will hold off disaster for us. “The election is lost, but don’t get upset–there’s a silver lining. And you can trust us–just look at how conservative and positive-thinking we are!”

Emily Murphy, administrator of the GSA, fulfilled her duty and didn’t initiate the “transition” between administrations. She received death threats against her family for doing her job right. Trump took the pressure off by instructing her to begin the preliminary administrative tasks. The Swamp Media pounced immediately on this as proof that Trump is conceding, or will concede.

“Have you no decency at all? So we cheated–so what? The decent thing to do is to let us get away with it so we can unite and heal as a country–and people will have confidence in our rigged elections once again!”

Folks, the gaslighting and demoralization efforts are epic and ubiquitous. Don’t fall for them. The scumbags have been caught red-handed and are desperate to make us and our President knuckle under for any ludicrous, weak excuse. All they have on their side is deceptive dishonesty and a bunch of crooked partisans in government and the legal system, who are risking jail time and worse by what they are doing.

A team is only undefeated until its first loss. Just because the Swamp has never been beaten doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t be. Honestly, nobody has even TRIED to beat the Swamp before Trump.

They’re used to winning just by showing up, because the McCains, Romneys, Ryans and Boehners on “our” side never use the tools at their disposal to put up a fight. Worse than that, the Swamp has us programmed to believe they’re invincible because it’s always gone their way in our lifetimes. They’ve won every battle up until now. The enemy is arrogant and got careless. Trump is not knuckling under and neither should we.

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