Demand a Fair Election and a Halt to the Fraud

We the People believe that massive voter fraud has been perpetrated against the American public and that our election process has been corrupted and our voices SILENCED.

Judicial Watch reported in October that:
A comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveals that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million MORE REGISTERED VOTERS THAN ELIGIBLE VOTERS!

In other words the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. Texas had some registrations as high as 187%!!!

We DEMAND not only a recount, but ALSO verification of every vote received in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

We further DEMAND that if fraud is discovered an immediate investigation should be conducted.

Go to the White House website and sign the petition. There is no going back if we don’t #stopthesteal . The communists (whether you call them Democrats, “liberals,” never-Trumpers or whatever) will change our system to ensure they remain in power for as long as the USA exists.

Once they have secured one-party rule, your freedom is gone, forever. Look at what they’re getting away with right now, then tell me who’s going to stop them once their power is absolute. They’ve been hinting about what they will do if that day comes. If you’ve paid attention and have a functioning brain, it’s not that hard to figure it out. It wouldn’t have been that hard to figure out what the National Socialists would do to Germany once they seized power. All the clues were right there in their rhetoric. How do you say “it’s not that bad” or “it can’t happen here” in German?

Nevermind the way the deck was stacked by the MSM and Big Tech. The communists rigged the actual election everywhere, in every way–electronic; mail-in; voting in person. Trump won in a landslide–even after who-knows-how-many of his ballots were destroyed or intentionally misplaced (or counted as for Biden/Harris). He probably even flipped states like Virginia and Minnesota–but we’ll never know for sure if this isn’t investigated. If you let them get away with stealing this election, your vote will never count again.

Good people are fighting against this treason. Join us. The truth and the law are on our side, regardless of what domestic enemies are telling you.

 “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

― Samuel Adams

About Those “Glitches”…

Let’s not count chickens before they hatch, but it looks like The Election Narrative might be starting to crack–and right when the American republic is at the tipping point.

All assets deployed, indeed. Cux News finally revealed itself as the John Roberts/Ken Starr of cable news networks. It’s part of a sleeper cell that spent years building a reputation as “conservative”–specifically to sell us out at a critical moment.  “See? Even Fox admits that there’s no such thing as voter fraud and Joe Biden won the Presidency!” That’s part of the updated Narrative, now.

But millions of disenfranchised American voters are now awake and pissed off. If the coup is carried out to fulfillment, I’m not sure you can push that toothpaste back in the tube. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, the pebbles slide down the mountain, dislodging larger stones, which go tumbling down to strike big rocks… The avalanche of evidence gains size and speed every day…and that’s just what we normal folks can find on the working class corners of the World Wide Web not scrubbed by the Thought Police of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Imagine what somebody with NSA resources can find.

Among that growing evidence is more convenient “glitches” in Swamp-built voting machines.  Looks like these machines were installed in all the battleground states. Here’s a comment I pulled from one thread on one alternative news site:

Computers do what they are told. If a developer wrote code improperly, the program will fail as an invalid instruction will cause a cascading series of exceptions to be thrown where the computer has to throw up it’s hands and say “I am unable to do this.” Then it’s up to the developer to fix the issue. In the case of a hardware / electrical failure, all bets are off as to what will happen, usually corrupted or lost data. This is where the word ‘bug’ came from when a moth was fried on a circuit board which caused a chain reaction of mechanical hardware failures that resulted in data errors. I don’t think ‘glitch’ is the right word for what’s going on now. I think it’s tweaking/tampering with votes going on. The old Diebold machines were not using real numbers, but floats/doubles fractional numbers to store votes. This is so they can be skewed/tweaked/scaled in favor of one party or the other. Software systems can randomize hundreds of thousands of votes, spread them out across the entire county, let women vote with their maiden and married names, let dead people vote, assign ghost voters to households, allow underaged children to vote and on the surface it make it look entirely legit, that is until an investigation ensues and the records are cross checked with other records like the Census data, or IRS Data, or DMV Records, Social Security Records, and then the errors and irregularities start to show up en masse and as these stack up solely in favor of one candidate, then you know it was a carefully designed program designed to enable this type of fraud, not some ‘glitch’ or user error.

And waddya know–all these “glitches” favor Joe Biden. Sounds perfectly legit.

President Trump’s Statement on the Election

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process.  Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.

“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”

– President Donald J. Trump

The scale of this orchestrated effort to steal the election might seem incredible to some.

There are mountains of evidence coming in. I don’t have the time to compile even a third of it here. But it’s easy enough to find outside of the Axis of Online Evil (Goolag, FascistBorg, Twatter, Better Reddit Than Credible, etc). I’ve archived some videos I might share later, once I upload them to DTube. But I have a lot of ducks to get in a row in the real world and strongly suspect that will prove to be more important for me and mine in coming weeks and months.

The war of words is pretty much over, frankly. Most people on both sides have made up their minds. You’ve seen the almost comedic gaslighting from every institution. You’ve seen the bovine idiocy of those who still believe social and mainstream media. Truth is repugnant to that side of the conflict, and is close to being outlawed forever. There’s no reasoning with the other side. The lines are drawn.

The time to fight with words, in the marketplace of ideas, was before it got this bad. I tried to do my part.

If I’m wrong, I’ll celebrate, then go back to writing books and blogging.

You need to decide what you will do, and who/what you will serve. Even if the theft of this election is utterly exposed and thwarted, some people (depending on where they live) are in for a very costly lesson on how this ideological struggle is not just academic.

Cry Havoc

I posted this comment elsewhere.  I’m reproducing it here because why not? I know there are patriots out there who feel completely isolated and alone. Take heart: you are not.

Fellow Americans, I hope you’re at least as pissed off as I am. Every damn part of the system is rigged against us–big business, finance, media, big tech, academia, entertainment, the very government we fund and give its legitimacy, and they won’t even allow us a free and fair election, even after they’ve brainwashed and hypnotized half of our weak, ovine neighbors, co-workers, and family members. I’m ready to go William T. Sherman on all these communists and their useful idiots. Or, failing that, at least go full Visigoth.

I don’t have too many illusions. I probably won’t make it through to the other side of the coming shitstorm. But I’d rather die quick from a bullet, or shrapnel, than slowly starve, die of thirst, be exposed to NBC contamination, or be tortured to death in captivity. And if my number comes up on a good day, I’ll take a lot of them with me. Better to die on your feet (in the prone, more likely, but the cliche sounds better, rhetorically) than live on your knees.

If Creepy Joe and the Ho take power in January, the ONLY advantage we have is that there are a lot of us former life takers and heart breakers on our side.

I don’t know why Team Trump didn’t hit them where they’re vulnerable before; but instead risked everything on an election rigged against him. He was in charge when the 2018 elections were stolen, but evidently did nothing about it. But he’d better fight like hell now. Unless he’s just another impostor like John “Sleeper cell” Roberts, he and his family are facing the guillotine if he backs down.

BTW: It looks like he’s not backing down. The cowards, cucks, and wolves in sheep’s clothing (sheep in wolves’ clothing?) are all bleating for him to knuckle under, but it appears he is standing firm.

Orange Man has a LOT of faults. Believe me: I see them, too. But he’s got something no other politician on “our side” has: balls. He’s got Big Brass Cojones and he is willing to fight for us. When’s the last time you’ve seen that? Have you EVER seen that?

I voted for this guy twice, but I’m not a Trump groupie with swishy fantasies about him being my “god emperor” and declaring martial law (yes, you’ll find such cyber-sycophants out there; I wish I was joking).

I voted for him because he was the best chance my country had.

I love my country and I love my freedom. If he will fight for those, then I’ll fight for him. I’ll fight with him. I’ll hold his flank, or his six.

What do you need us to do, Mr. President?

Down to the Wire

This is it, Americans. Do we get an extension of our grace period; a temporary reprieve? Or is it game over? Tomorrow we have a chance to affect what world we’re going to live in.

Granted: there are evil people and institutions who will try their damndest to make sure your vote is cancelled out. So who knows what the chances are to elect ourselves a stay of execution? About half the people living here hate America and, to one degree or another, want to see it ruined.  And they probably intend to make all hell break loose on Wednesday, no matter what.

If Team Trump wins, we have a much better chance that armed federal goons won’t be coming at us from one side while rioting mobs of useful idiot communists attack us from the other. For the next four years, anyway. If we lose the election, the choice will be die as free men or live as slaves. And for all the online trash-talking, it remains to be seen whether patriots will stand up or bend over.  We can’t work together to accomplish even the smallest objective for any length of time, and are anything but vigilant Look at how quickly “our side” went back to sleep when George W.  Bush was elected. “We have RINOs NeoCons conservatives in the House; Senate; and White House, now. There’s nothing left to worry about!”

If enough of us aren’t willing to draw the line, and defend it, then we’ll all be mopped up piecemeal. I don’t know at what point others will decide evils are no longer sufferable. We should never have let it get to this point. And now, with the demographic shift taking place, a civil war might become unwinnable within a few years. The majority of Millennials are programmed to believe socialism is the answer to our problems. The hordes of invaders (legal and illegal) multiplying here are mostly the same. I know–it makes no sense at all that they support the same kind of system they escaped from. What can I say? Most people are idiots (MPAI).

Should our ballots not give us a reprieve, then the entire world will be arrayed against us. We are the only faction on the planet that loves America enough to defend her…if we truly are willing to defend her. If we lose Tuesday (or win, but have the election stolen from us anyway), there is no cavalry coming.

If American patriots aren’t willing to use violence at a level that equals or surpasses the enemy’s violence, we can’t win a civil war.

We’ve been told for the last several cycles, “This is the most important election ever!” Of course, that was ridiculous when it was Bush/Dukakis; Bush/Clinton; Clinton/Dole; Bush/Gore; Bush/Kerry; Obama/McCain; and Obama/Romney.

It’s actually true this time.

If the worst happens; it really means our Creator has given us enough chances to be good stewards of our freedom, and we’re fresh out. We shouldn’t be trusting in human beings and their institutions anyway. Only God is trustworthy. Only He gets it right every time. When America is done, good people around the world will have no choice but to turn to God, anyway.

The USA is the lynchpin. I’ve documented right here on this blog how even people on “our side” don’t appreciate what we have, and are on the verge of losing. We’re drifting toward godless totalitarianism no matter how you shake it. The only question is: how fast will we get there?

I’ve learned some lessons since March:

  • You’re never as prepared as you think you are.
  • There’s no limit to the foolishness of human beings.
  • People will work in harmony to accomplish evil; rarely will they do so to accomplish good.
  • If we do get a reprieve from this election, I need to buy supplies whenever they’re cheap, and inventory my gear on the regular.

Presidential Debate Summary

Here’s an excerpt from any debate, past or future, that involves Biden and Trump.


Vice-President Biden, all the ridiculous allegations leveled against you have been thoroughly and completely debunked and discredited by totally dispassionate, impartial and non-partisan fact-checkers. Do you think President Trump is only distracting us with Russian disinformation to hide the absolutely proven fact that he hates Mexicans and wants to lock African-Americans in death camps?


Thank-you for that question. You know, those same non-partisan fact-checkers have found that the data on that laptop was hacked. Hacked! Unlike President Trump’s tax records, which were obtained through legal means. So they hacked us. Well, not us, but the agent of Vladymir Putin who impersonated my son and planted the laptop in that Nazi repair guys shop and…wait, what was that?

(taps earpiece)

Oh, sorry. I mean the Nazi repair shop guy hacked into my son’s laptop, forged those emails, and hired a body double to pose with a crack pipe and an underage girl so he would appear to be my son. Now what kind of monster would use the office of the President to…to ask about corruption involving a sitting Vice-President bribing a Ukrainian official to fire a prosecutor who can’t be bullied, blackmailed, or intimidated…


Joe! What about all the gaffes, Joe?  When you talk, it’s very, very bad in my opinion. I’m worried about your mental health, Joe.


C’mon, man. There’s nothing wrong with my menapausal health. That’s been completely discredited. It’s Russian disinformation! You’re the one who told people to drink bleach and listen to African witchdoctors…


Hey, Joe! Joe, the gaffes–all the gaffes. It’s not good, Joe.


Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, I’m afraid your interruptions are unpresidential.


Yeah! He’s not presidential!


My next question is addressed to you, Mr. Unpresidential. Even though all the experts agree that you’re literally Hitler, we ask you, in the name of all humanity, to overcome your own irredeemable racism and denounce your own white supremacy, and the white supremacist past of this horrible, deplorable country.


The only supremacy is my economy. I’ve created more jobs than any other administration in history.


Listen to this clown–he’s not presidential! He refuses to denounce it.


Denounce what, Joe? All the jobs? All the wonderful, wonderful jobs I created, like never ever before?


Why can’t you denounce America’s evil racist Nazi past?


You don’t want to hear about all my wonderful, wonderful jobs? How about all our fantastic men and women in uniform? You know we’ve got a great, great military. And they’re doing a fantastic, fantastic job, like never ever before.


He’s a Nazi! He’s literally Hitler.


Mr. President, you’re dodging the question. Why can’t you just disavow America’s white supremacist crimes?


I’m not dodging. I’ve denounced and disavowed many, many times. Like no President ever before.


No you haven’t!


I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you to just denounce and disavow the evil racist Nazi scumbags who built this vile, deplorable, oppressive white supremacist country. A person in your role  could help this irredeemable Nazi country heal, by denouncing the white supremacist patriarchs from our racist past.


Like who? Who do you want me to denounce? Name somebody.


Abraham Lincoln!


Let’s say…Fredrick Douglas.


Abraham Lincoln…Fredrick Douglas…I would say stand down; but their statues are already down. But let me tell you, the jobs numbers are fantastic. And they’re going to get even better. They’re gonna take off like never, ever before.


Mr. Vice-President, this next scintillating hardball question is for you. Experts agree that Mr. Trump is a ruthless dictator. The most recent evidence of this is his refusal to violate the Bill of Rights, send federal agents to kick in doors in the middle of the night and confiscate people’s AR-13 quasi-automatic atomic machineguns. He also won’t enact martial law to lock up the right-wing white supremacists who are infiltrating the peaceful protests around the country. Credible news sources have proven that the protests are completely peaceful; but if they aren’t, it’s totally the fault of Republicans–and especially President Trump. When you reflect on the lack of leadership from the White House that causes all this misery and suffering, what flavor ice cream do you prefer to console yourself?


Hey, that’s not true. I banned bump stocks! Look at all the lives that were saved by my very, very historic bump stock ban.


Mr. President, please. It’s Vice-President Biden’s turn.


I once preferred vanilla; but now it’s chocolate. I didn’t used to like mixing the two. I didn’t want my children to grow up in a world where all that chocolate mixed in with the vanilla and created an ice cream jungle. So one day after my heroic confrontation with Corn Pop, I was sitting there at the pool while a little girl played with the hairs on my leg…


Joe! Hey Joe! What about orange sherbet, Joe? It’s a much, much better flavor.


Uh…oh yeah. Only racists look at these peaceful protests and find something wrong with them. When a dirty cop, who has been protected by the police union, puts his knee on the neck of one of my voters, it’s perfectly reasonable to loot a department store, burn down an Auto Zone, and beat people to death.  What they’re doing is no different than Paul Revere. If you have a problem with that, then you ain’t black! C’mon, man–they just need a record player, and a hi-fi sound system and…um, TV antennas. Because systemic racism. I mean, you know, get over your white privilege. These people are doing exactly what Franklin Roosevelt and the Rough Riders would have done when they attacked Bunker Hill right after the Italians bombed Pearl Harbor. Just like my sister said one time…

(taps earpiece)

Right, no…like my wife said one time in the great state of Boston…well, alright, I mean the great city of Arizona…


We need law and order, Joe. Law and order!


Huh? Oh yeah.  Not that the peaceful protests are riots, of course; but the riots are Republicans’ fault. The governors and mayors who make the police stand down so mobs can burn loot and murder…

(taps earpiece)

Er, peacefully of course. And the district attorneys who let the rioters right back out on the street when they do happen to get arrested? All Republicans! And what my opponent, Governor Reagan, doesn’t want you to know is, it’s all caused by COVID-19! 800 billion citizens died of COVID-19 just in the last week–on his watch!While my opponent was hiding in his bunker. And you know what? The Republicans created the virus in a lab! It’s designed specifically to target minorities, women, and the LGBT community. The Republicans released this virus, blamed it on my handlers in China…excuse me, I mean our humanitarian, democratic friends in China. And…and the virus is killing people! The Republicans are trying to blame my constituents for burning American cities down; but in reality, it’s Qanon Boogaloos looting the businesses, COVID-19 killing store owners, and climate change is setting the fires! The facts are: the Republicans started the KKK. Communist China isn’t a dictatorship. The real crime wasn’t me threatening to withhold a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine unless they let my son get away scot-free–it was Trump having the audacity to ask about it. Just like I was telling my good friend Nelson Mandela right before we were arrested for not moving to the back of the bus in South America…


Law and order, Joe. Why can’t you just say “law and order”? It’s like a magic mantra. I don’t know why you won’t just say it. It magically wins debates. It might also make somebody show up to your campaign rallies. My rallies are huge. Law and order, Joe.

SUN TZU enters from stage left.


(whispering in TRUMP’s ear)

Most deplorable President–you must stop interrupting your enemy when he’s making a mistake.


Well, he’s not really an enemy. Just like Crooked Hillary, we all owe Sleepy Joe a debt of gratitude for his faithful service to our country.



Maybe you will listen, Most Esteemed Non-Partisan Moderator. By your questions, it  is clear you don’t know your enemy…


The hell, you say! Nobody knows the American people better than we members of the Press.

SUN TZU shrugs, turns, glances briefly at BIDEN, shakes his heat and exits stage left.


Mister President, when you took office, you swore an oath not only to uphold the poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty; but to honor the last wish of Darth Vader-Ginsberg. Completely reliable non-partisan fact-checkers have determined that she asked you not to fill her seat on the Supreme Court.  Do you understand how much good, decent people loathe you because of your unconstitutional insistence on filling that vacant seat, which violates the rule of law?


Yeah–and the replacement is a rapist! We should believe women! I unequivically endorse the #MeToo movement.


I nominated a woman, Joe. And she’s done a very, very great job.


This is a sham. How can you dare fulfill the duties of a President during an election year? This is unconscionable! I haven’t even had a chance to sniff her hair or fondle her children yet.


Joe! Your rallies are small, Joe. By the way, I also have more money than you, and a better-looking wife.


MR. Vice-President, totally discredited right-wing lunatics have spread the completely unsubstantiated rumor that you plan to stack the Supreme Court. Would you say their motivation is due to racism, , or sexism?


Well, sexism, because he nominated a woman. Like he thinks she needs some man to help her into a position on the bench. Like she couldn’t do it herself. And racism, because she’s guilty of cultural appropriation. She adopted two black African kids and raised them as her own. If that’s not the most insidious form of racism, I don’t know what is. You know, that swimming pool wasn’t the last place I saw Corn Pop. We were in the war together, later. Wound up in the same SEAL Team with each other. On this one mission, when we were surrounded  by 40 thousand samurais from Pinochet’s Imperial Guard…


Why don’t you answer the question, Joe?


It’s the Republicans who are stacking the court! Filling a vacant seat is packing the court! Appointing judges to the federal bench with no regard to skin color is packing the court!


Let me set the record straight…when public officials talk of increasing the size of the Supreme Court by adding 20 more hard-left socialist Democrats, that constitutes de-politicizing the court.


Just answer the question, Joe!


You’ll see once I’m elected. I don’t have to answer that question. It’s against the rule of law for voters to have an idea what a candidate intends to do once elected. It says so right on the Magna Carta–you can read it for yourself.

NANCY PELOSI enters from stage left and faces the audience.


You have to elect him, to find out what he intends to do.

RBG, the Supreme Court, Nth-Dimension Chess, and Females With Power

Trump supporters often claim their hero is merely playing multi-dimensional chess every time he says or does something foolish, cucks or caves because he’d rather make a bad deal than no deal at all. Now it appears he’s determined to replace the Wicked Witch with another female justice. A lot of us wait nervously to see if he drags his feet; if the Senate drags its feet; if Mitch McCUCKell and/or other RINO traitors do what they do best…and, of course, if the nominee turns out to be another Manchurian judge like Roberts (and, evidently, Gorsuch).

American Partisan opines on the question of whether foot-dragging is a wise or foolish tactic. I want to share some excerpts from the OP and the comment thread, because they are so savvy, it restores my faith in some of my countrymen.

…Apparently instead of picking who the best candidate is, we just replace a woman with a woman automatically. No matter, I guess, that the vast majority of women in politics take a quick left turn ideologically once they get to a position of new power. It’s no surprise that the two biggest obstacles in the Senate are Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, as per usual. Murkowski is in a tough campaign right now, so she will be looking to ride the fence and stonewall whomever she can in an attempt to gain voters from across whatever aisle she’s straddling this week. In this case she will be stonewalling her party on the SCOTUS nomination at the last minute of Trump’s term in office.

…He has to replace the evil communist with another woman because then they can’t do what they did to Justice Kavanaugh: claim high school rapey-romps and such. It takes two thirds of their bullshit away. And I seem to recall that Barry went ahead and nominated a replacement after Scalia’s murder without batting an eye…

…The problem is, the repubes are past masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They never exploit the advantage, they shy away from fighting hard, and they lose, lose, lose. They’re so desperate to be loved, they’ll run from their platform to appeal to any unlikely voter, stab their own followers in the back, and abandon any principals they might have had to suck up to the press. Bush’s team called out the wrong people when they accused the French of being “Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys.” Cheering for the Repubes is like rooting for the Washington Generals against the Globetrotters. They’re this far {–} from being controlled opposition for the dummycrats. Trump is the only one they have who seems to be willing to wade in and fight toe-to-toe with the dummycrats on his own terms and not apologize for winning. He’s also the first one in a long time, maybe since Reagan, who didn’t apologize for being American.

Voting repube as like being a long-term spousal abuse victim. I always rationalize their abuse and come back the next election. “The repubes can’t help hurting me, but we’re going to stop this pattern of abuse. We’re going to talk it out. They’ll see the bruises and realize they went too far. They won’t hurt me again-This time, it’ll be different.” I held me nose when I voted McLame, but I straight-up refused to vote for B.S. Romney. For the last few years, I’ve been assuming after Trump, there won’t be another repube candidate worth voting for, if there even is another national election, which seems to be in doubt…

…The enemy will have their insurrection anyway. How much worse can they make it? …Let them delegitimize themselves as a movement, as elected officials wielding the power of government, and as law enforcement sworn to uphold the rule of law. As they continue to delegitimize themselves as institutions they lose their rightful power to govern and any moral expectation of obedience from those of us they are trying to destroy with their criminal lawfare. They polarize the population with each criminal act they initiate and try to defend on indefensible grounds. Those that are drawn to the enemy side in this polarization process were always enemy assets to begin with. Those that were salvageable should be gravitating to our side. There will be nothing left of consequence on the middle ground. Nominating a replacement that suits the Constitution and not the enemy agenda is the correct course. Lets use our legal authority wherever we hold it and let them resort to illegal acts and violence to try and subvert it. Take notes, be alert, and get ready…

”’Please dear God help our President make the correct decision that best influences the court for the next few decades. Let his selection to the bench help right the wrongs to our country, stop the onward progress of communism, correct the evil path our nation has been on to one of righteousness, and be a Godly person. In Jesus name I pray.”’

…“I guess, that the vast majority of women in politics take a quick left turn ideologically once they get to a position of new power. ”

Leftism operates on (this) principle:

1. Convert fake victimology into real privilege.

…Women are difficult to persuade by means of logic or reason. But they are easily persuadable by social pressure.
…The Left’s three principles (the victim-crisis narrative) fit into this female psychology like a key into a lock. If you disagree with the narrative you are against the victim. If you are against the victim you are ostracized. If you are ostracized it feels like death.

Given the above, what happens to a woman’s political views when she is transplanted into a 90% Democrat environment like DC? She swerves left as sure as night follows day. By limiting his field to women Trump is effectively gifting the Left a SCOTUS majority…

…Most women drive for social acceptance, and that is what turns most of them to left once they reach a new position of authority. They are usually not swayed by logic and reason. It is emotion and peer pressure that wins in their psyche…

…No doubt the ABR’s are at this moment drafting and revising their “insurrection plans” as I type this out.

Their insurrection will be from the top down and bottom up–with massive protests turning violent combined with every parliamentary dirty trick in the book, deep-state turn-coast blabbing away on CNN, threats of military intervention, more bullshit legal tricks from (ie: whistle blowers) as distractions, attacks on conservative pundits and politicians, allegations of criminal activity inside the Trump family, collusion with foreign entities and so on and so forth.

I predict that someone will actually attempt to dump a helicopter load of kitchen sinks upon the white house.

Supreme Court Is In Play?

The timing of Ginsburg’s reported death is quite…interesting.

Cui bono?

Not quite sure who will benefit from this significant timing. I certainly don’t see it helping the GOP.  The enthusiasm behind Trump is so high, I’m doubtful it could get much higher by getting a good replacement confirmed. But what are the odds of that, anyway? Any truly solid Constitutionalist judge has a virgin’s chance of staying unmolested at an Epstein-hosted Clinton Foundation fundraiser. The RINOs in the Senate (and possibly even Trump himself) would cower in the face of the Borking that is inevitable from the Democrat/Media machine.  It’s possible they might confirm another cuck like John “Sleeper Cell” Roberts or a compromised disappointment like Gorsuch, but that would diminish enthusiasm in Trump’s base, not amplify it.

Also, make no mistake: The Swamp Media will dig up something about whoever is nominated, real or fabricated, to torpedo them. Did he look at a swimsuit magazine in high school? RAPE!!!! He’s disqualified. Did he get upset about being falsely accused of rape? MISOGYNY!!!!! UNFIT TEMPERMENT!!!!! Disqualified. Did they refuse to kneel to the LGBT Gestapo at some time in some way? Disqualified. Did they buy gas at the same station as the third cousin of the next-door neighbor of the insurance agent of somebody accused of saying or doing or thinking  something considered anti-diversity? RACISM!!!!!!! Disqualified, And we all know, from experience, that the bovine fanatics of the Democrat voter base will pretend to believe the accusation (demanding that everyone else do the same) no matter how ludicrous it is.

Do the Pedocrats Democrats benefit from the noteworthy timing of this? Possibly. The contrived subnarrative about the ethics of putting a replacement justice on the SCOTUS (which is coming soon to an electronic device near you, as sure as the turning of the Earth) will be part of the same old “Trump is Hitler!” messaging. That might increase their chances of convincing illiterate sheeple that a Trump victory is illegitimate, thereby giving the appearance of legitimacy to the hard coup de tat they’re already speculating about.

But another kangaroo court, as with Kavanaugh, seems unlikely to radicalize any more rabid baby-killers than are already radicalized. What is another scare about overturning Roe Vs. Wade gonna do–lead to riots peaceful protests or something?

I suppose rioters might start using automatic weapons instead of pistols; machetes instead of skateboards; bombs instead of bricks and Molotov cocktails; rocket launchers instead of fireworks; flamethrowers instead of pepper spray. It might come to that anyway, after November 3rd. But I don’t know why they would want to initiate the bloodbath while there’s still a chance to steal the election, or delegitimize it sufficiently to stage a Bolshevik coup.

I’m almost willing to accept that the timing is a coincidence, because pulling the plug on this Marxist meat-puppet right now strikes me as a desperate gamble.


Once again, an update to our vocabulary is necessary, so you can understand what is being said on social media, in the mainstream media, and by the NPC drones who regurgitate the agitprop everywhere you turn.

DIVERSITY – Mandatory and absolute uniformity of thought and ideology. Perfect diversity occurs when everyone shares the exact same opinions, and any wrongthinkers are eliminated. Oh yeah: also when you cancel those who belong to the wrong demographics (see “inclusive”).

DIVISIVE – Backwards, bigoted concepts like equality of opportunity, colorblindness, and any other obstacle to our racial divide-and-conquer strategy. The height of divisive rhetoric, for instance, was when that racist hatemonger President Trump called for equal justice and protection under the law, regardless of race or ethnicity, while standing under the likeness of the man who freed the slaves (see “white supremacy”) at Mount Rushmore.

FACT CHECK – To check a statement or story for facts. And when facts are found, deny them.

INCLUSIVE – That which reduces or eliminates the number of white heterosexual males who are not disciples of Karl Marx (see “liberal“), and forbids those who survive from speaking.

MAGA – A racist code phrase used by deplorable Trump voters. Every nation on Earth has a right to look out for its own interests, except the evil United States of America. When irredeemable Republicans say they want to make America great again, it really means they want to bring back Democrat institutions like slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow.

MOSTLY PEACEFUL – The Condition that exists when a city is on fire and taxpayers are disarmed and fed to rabid terrorist mobs while police stand down; but the leftist politicians who engineered the terror are protected at taxpayer expense.

PEACEFUL – The serene and idyllic condition of war zones cities like Portland, Chicago, and New York in 2020. The nature and behavioral inclinations of Antifa/BLM members, and others who make death threats against those who have the wrong skin color and opinions; in some cases making good on those threats.

UNIFY – To stir up hatred based on differences in skin color, biological sex, and national origin. Great unifying figures of our time include Al Sharpton, Jussie Smollett, Louis Farakkan, Ilhan Omar, and Barack Hussein Obama.

VIOLENCE – Asking questions, posting memes, doing research, or otherwise challenging The Narrative (see “terrorism“). The most dangerous, violent people of all are those meddling Qanon followers, who do all of the above.

WHITE SUPREMACY – A philosophy embraced by anyone who questions The Narrative, loves America, or refuses to kneel and apologize for being born with a certain appearance and heritage. The most heroic ways to combat white supremacy are burning black businesses, killing black cops, aborting black babies, and tearing down statues of Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.

Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World